School of Computer Science
The University of Birmingham
In collaboration with
The University of Sussex:
Informatics Department
and Centre for Research in Cognitive Science
This file is
Thanks to Tim Bateson (Houghton Kepier Sports College, Tyne and Wear)
all the tools required to run the examples below are
in Linux (or in VirtualBox on Windows or Apple OSX, etc.)
described in
Enquiries to
(Free open source software, thanks to the Universities
of Sussex and Birmingham.)
In part this web site was inspired by my interactions with CAS,
the Computing at School
group, run by its members, with support from BCS (The British Computer Society)
and others.
Link to this web site:
Why do or teach Thinky programming? (below)
Tips on how to teach thinky programming:
Video tutorials on some of this material:
This web site is mainly concerned with 'Thinky' programming, described briefly in the "Kinds Of Programming For Learners" file and illustrated with several examples below, though that is not to deny the importance of other kinds. Thinky programming is emphasised below because it seems to be largely ignored in programming education in schools, and only a subset of university courses in computer science include it, e.g. in degrees, or courses, in Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Computational Cognitive Science.
However thinky programming is very important for a range of other disciplines, including psychology, linguistics, neuroscience, biology (animal behaviour), linguistics, education and philosophy.
Below is a rough division of types of programming that learners can be asked to do. No suggestion is made here that some are better or worse than others. They all have their practical uses, and all can have some role in education, though not all will be equally useful for all learners. For example, some types may be too intellectually challenging for a minority of learners whose rate of learning is slower and who find mathematical thinking very difficult. Some types may be too intellectually challenging even for the majority of learners. But that does not mean they should not be taught if they can be of very great benefit to a minority.
Managing those differences among learners has always been a challenge for educators -- and some cope with the challenge better than others. How to do that is not the topic of this web site, which deals with a range of material some of which is relatively simple, while others will be accessible only to high fliers.
Why educate?INTRODUCTORY CONTENTS LISTAfter reading all the recent (2011-12) online and broadcast discussions lamenting the demise of programming education in UK schools you might think the only reason to learn about programming is that the nation needs more coders to make things work and to build our digital economy. E.g. Who Will Build the UK's Future Digital Economy? ...?who ?...WHO ?But is that the only or even the main reason for educating our children (who will later educate our grandchildren....)?What about educating them to ask, and find answers to, questions like: How does that work?
Or more specific questions: How could an ant find its way back to the nest? Does a magpie understand what it is doing when it adds another twig to its part-built nest?
What is understanding what you are doing, and how far could a nest-builder get without understanding? (Compare spiders building webs, bees making honeycombs and termites building cathedrals.)
Could a goldfish long for its mother -- and if not why not?
Shouldn't young learners ask questions about themselves: Why couldn't I understand language when I was born and what changed in me to enable me to talk, understand, read and write English, French, Urdu, Afrikaans, or whatever?
Could a young robot learn any of those?Or questions about what biological evolution did: What had to change in genomes of our ancestors to transform animals that could not do science, or mathematics, into animals that could? What goes on in a child who starts to learn that all the things she has been playing with, bumping into, eating, wearing, walking on are in a space, and a lot of features of that space were characterised economically by an ancient Greek (or virtual Greek?) called Euclid? What is it about how our minds (or brains) work that enables us to discover or to understand a proof that the three angles of a triangle must add up to a straight line?
Could a suitably programmed machine, looking at the evidence available to Newton, have come up with Newton's laws of motion?
How is that ability related to the ability to look at someone about to climb a ladder and recognise that the ladder is at a dangerous angle?What sort of animal or machine can understand, or compose a poem?
Or compose a tune and evaluate it? (Look up "David Cope".)
Or paint a creative new picture? (Look up "Harold Cohen" and his drawing/painting program AARON.)
Or design a new kind of house? Or invent a game? Or teach others how to do something they can't yet do? Or discover that there are infinitely many prime numbers?
Or experience visual ambiguities and illusions?
Could a machine flip between two interpretations of this picture?What else would be needed to enable it to experience the fact that its experience has changed?
Experiments on "change blindness" show that humans don't always detect changes in their experiences who have never learnt to design experiencing machines don't realise that mechanisms providing the ability to experience things may not provide the abilty to experience changes in experience: that requires additional mechanisms. Why?
What needs to be in a machine or animal to allow it to have preferences, or goals, or conflicting goals, or the intention of carrying out a plan?
What mechanisms are required in order to be able to interpret the actions of others as arising out of preferences, goals, or plans?
Could a machine do that? Could a robot have a "theory of mind" that enables it to work out when other machines will have false beliefs?
(This is an area where science and game technology potentially overlap.)One way to appreciate both the content of such questions and possible ways of finding deep explanatory answers is to give young learners experience of designing, implementing, testing, debugging, analysing, extending, explaining, comparing, justifying working systems that do something humans or some other animals can do.
Initially, simple forms of such competences can be explicitly programmed. Later projects can investigate learning mechanisms? Should a learner use logical reasoning, or associative neural nets, or production rules, or all of these, or something else?
I am not opposed to teaching five to ten year old children the fun, the challenges, and the discipline involved in making "bumpy" programs work. But if we can inspire a subset of them to go on and explore techniques of "thinky" programming, then, perhaps, when they grow up, we shall have profound new advances in fields that study very complex natural information processing systems, but are currently studied and taught by people how have never built or debugged or explained a working information processing system in their lives: e.g. most psychologists, neuroscientists, educationalists, psychiatrists, linguists, social scientists, economists, biologists, philosophers, and politicians, among others.
We have missed major opportunities in the last few decades. Are we going to continue to miss educational opportunities by focusing only on the economic justifications for teaching computing? Is making money the only really important thing to live and learn for?
As for the economic applications of advances in AI (Artificial Intelligence) those won't be achieved if the vast majority of people who have to be employed on AI projects have never previously encountered AI programming and know nothing about its history (apart from the shallow science fiction that tells you nothing about how to build a wicked or benevolent machine).
See alsoWhy teaching beginners requires powerful systems Relating Programming to Biology, Cognitive Science, Philosophy The AI Topics website of AAAI AI in the News Proposals for AS/A-level courses in AI/Cognitive Science
This directory contains a small subset of examples of teaching materials based on the Pop-11 programming language which is the core language of The Poplog System. Pop-11 is the latest version of the language POP-2, originally developed in Edinburgh for research in Artificial Intelligence (AI) around 1972, and used in the Freddy II Robot among other things.Pop-11 was developed at Sussex University, from about 1976, to support teaching in AI, Cognitive Science, and general programming at all levels, from absolute beginners to PhD students, as well as being used for research and development. It was used for its own development (a substantive challenge, summarised in part (here), and also for several commercial products, including Clementine, now part of IBM's business software systems.
If you want to skip the introductory blurb and look at examples, jump to the contents list.
This web site has two aims
- To provide examples of programming tasks and techniques that are connected with the use of computing to explore models and explanations of the cognitive competences of humans and other animals.
This has a different flavour from most attempts to get young learners interested in programming, though there are overlaps with general programming and software engineering. The high level aims, however, are quite different: we are not here concerned with making something useful or entertaining, but with increasing understanding.
- To help teachers and learners get a rapid overview of the some of the teaching resources provided in Pop-11, in Poplog, supporting both general programming techniques, in various styles -- numeric, symbolic, graphical, procedural, rule-based, object-oriented (in several senses of that over-used label), event-driven, logic-based, grammar-based -- and using an "agent toolkit", where appropriate.
A very similar set of examples could easily have been provided in Lisp -- by a Lisp expert.
- To illustrate a philosophy of learning and teaching that, instead of emphasising teaching of facts and skills focuses more on ways in which learning is related to doing, and on the web of interconnections between different things learnt: e.g. learning to analyse, explain, test, debug, criticise, extend and compare the things one has done, instead of merely doing them better and better or doing more and more of them. This is closely related to the work of Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert, as well as ideas inspired by Jean Piaget.
A summary of Minsky's essays for the OLPC project (One Laptop Per Child) is here.The examples in the list below (still under development) are expanded versions of what was previously in the 'Teaching' section in the 'Free Poplog' overview.
They range from very elementary examples through increasingly sophisticated examples (including use of an agent toolkit included with Poplog).
The examples focus on tasks that have a rich 'external semantics' for the learner, i.e. the programs are about something the learner could think about and reason about independently of doing any programming about it.
This need for 'external semantics' was the original motivation for teaching using the programming language LOGO (around 1967) to drive a real or simulated 'turtle with a pen' to move about, drawing pictures. But there are many other domains that can interest beginners, some inherently involving static or moving shapes and pictures, others not. For example, some may be based on giving the computer the ability to solve familiar puzzles, simple board-games or pencil and paper games, or to analyse or generate, simple sentences made of familiar words, understood or produced by a simple 'chatbot', or simulation of a familiar object such as a coin-operated drink dispenser, modified to give it some intelligence to help users.
Creative teachers will be able to design domains and tasks that programming language designers would not have thought of, and a good teaching environment should support such teachers.
The sample will be extended from time to time. Suggestions for topics to be included are welcome.
The educational philosophy underlying this material is concerned not only with 'skills' (which dominate much thinking and discussion of computing education) but also with expanding knowledge and understanding, by clarifying concepts, theories, and problems relating to understanding and modelling complex systems in our environment, including the information processing capabilities of humans and other animals.
Skills have their place, and are important, but providing them is not the top-level goal. Rather they are subsidiary to the main goals, as memorising multiplication tables is subsidiary to understanding numbers.
For more on this see these two sections below:
Further information about Poplog and Pop-11 is available below, after the examples.
All the examples (and a lot more) can be run using the Poplog system. Installing it on linux is very simple. Installation on Windows is possible if you first install VirtualBox and then install a poplog inside a virtual linux as described here:
A simple tutorial introduction to linux/unix can be found here:
This document and the documents and software referred to in it (all open source and free) are subject to the (very liberal) Poplog copyright notice.
More information about what Poplog is and what it provides can be found here: has shown that really able students can follow links in the Teach and Help files and, by reading and trying things out, teach themselves a great deal about programming, software engineering, computer science and AI. Different learners will prefer different routes through the concepts, techniques, and tasks that are available. Often such students become a powerful teaching resource, with benefits both to themselves and to other students and the teachers.
NOTE: the language Pop-11 is often called "pop11" because that is how it is invoked.
JUMP TO CONTENTS LISTAn example very elementary introductory "teach file" on the river-crossing problem is TEACH RIVER (originally the brain-child of Max Clowes in the late 1970s). This has been used to teach absolute beginners, including quite young children elementary programming (as long as they can read and type) though they first have to solve a non-programming puzzle themselves. This is based on a well-known puzzle: How can a man get a fox, a chicken and a bag of grain from the left bank of a river to the right bank without the fox eating the chicken or the chicken eating the grain, given that the boat can hold only two things (including the man), and only the man can row it across the river, and only the presence of the man can prevent unwanted consumption. Make sure that you have worked out a solution to the problem (e.g. using pencil and paper) before doing the exercises in the teach file. Students can read the TEACH RIVER file into the poplog editor Ved, then "mark and run" the code portions to see what happens. (Or they can read the file in another editor or browser and paste the code into the pop11 command prompt, after starting pop11 in a console window.) For example, after the river library has been compiled, using the command lib river the 'start();' command produces an initial state of the world, and displays it. In that command the 'doit' brackets are needed to tell pop11 to run the start procedure even though no extra arguments are needed for start to run. start(); prints out: ** Here is the state of the river-world: ** [chicken fox grain man ---\ \_ _/ _________________ /---] Various commands are available, provided by the library, including putin( thing ) takeout( thing ) getin() getout() crossriver() where thing can be fox, chicken or grain. after 'putin(grain);' the student sees putin(grain); ** Here is the state of the river-world: ** [chicken fox man ---\ \_ grain _/ _________________ /---] The state of the world can also be shown by printing out the current Pop-11 database, which is used to hold information about the current state of the world, and is changed by actions performed: ;;; the 'pretty print' arrow ==> prints complex lists in a tidy way database ==> ** [[grain isat boat] [boat isat left] [chicken isat left] [fox isat left] [man isat left]] Note that the database is just a list of lists containing words. The computer does not understand the words in those lists, but the programs in the library are made to manipulate them as if it did. The tempting fatal mistake can be demonstrated -- try getting into the boat after putting in the grain: getin(); ** Here is the state of the river-world: ** [chicken fox ---\ \_ man grain _/ _________________ /---] ;;; MISHAP - DISASTER ;;; INVOLVING: fox has eaten chicken TOO BAD ;;; FILE : river ;;; DOING : river_mishap eat checkeat getin runproc ** Here is the state of the river-world: ** [fox ---\ \_ man grain _/ _________________ /---] The disaster is confirmed by the absence of the chicken from the database: database ==> ** [[man isat boat] [grain isat boat] [boat isat left] [fox isat left]] and of course the 'picture' printed out, showing no chicken: ** [fox ---\ \_ man grain _/ _________________ /---] JUMP TO CONTENTS LIST Putting repeated sequences into re-usable subroutines After a full solution to the river problem has been constructed and run as a sequence of commands, 'TEACH RIVER' invites learners to combine the operations so as to build a specification for a process to solve the whole problem, namely getting everything to the right bank. That code sequence can be bundled into a named procedure. They are then asked to look at recurring patterns in the solution, and to rewrite the code so as to make it clearer, more compact and more modular. An example would be the recurring sequence getin(); crossriver(); getout(); That pattern could be used to define a procedure called cross(), thereby shortening the program to solve the problem. A new pattern may then become obvious after that, in sequences like: putin(fox); cross(); takeout(fox); and putin(chicken); cross(); takeout(chicken); inviting the type of abstraction that requires use of a procedure with an input parameter: define move (thing); putin(thing); cross(); takeout(thing); enddefine; Those two procedure definitions will dramatically reduce the length of the complete program required to go through all the steps of a solution to the puzzle. Learning to see patterns in code that invite types of abstraction supporting increased modularity and reusability is an important kind of intellectual development. It can, of course, also be done with graphical programming, but there is a limit to the generality achievable that way.
JUMP TO CONTENTS LISTOf course, the above example is very limited: there are only a few objects, a small number of actions, and little scope for ongoing interaction. That is because it was intended originally merely as a small exercise to introduce some fundamental programming constructs. However the principle that it illustrates is that a teacher can define a micro-world making use of concepts that intended learners already understand, where every possible state of the world is represented by the state of the Pop-11 database and events and actions in the world can be represented by procedures that add and remove database items. In some case such a world is also representable graphically, as shown in the river example, and the use of two forms of representation of what the program does, with principled relations between them can be an important feature of the learning process.
JUMP TO CONTENTS LISTThis also demonstrates an advantage of textual over graphical learning interfaces: textual results produced by several textual commands can easily be preserved and compared, so that similarities and differences can be studied. Graphical interactions, with pictures of recognizable objects moving around on a screen, can be much more engaging, but since graphical displays constantly replace their contents, the task of thinking about and comparing the results of the last ten graphical commands (except in simple cases where the commands produce cumulative results) requires an extraordinarily good visual memory, or tools to replicate the interface on demand and repeatedly run the commands in slow motion in parallel so that two or more processes can be compared as they run. (A partial solution for the case of turtle graphics is the Pop-11 polypanel interface shown here,) which allows parameters for a "polyspiral" command to be altered graphically and the program re-run at varying speeds, to help make it clear how the parameters chosen affect the construction of the picture.) Using textual input and output, both teachers developing teaching programs and documentation, and students making use of the materials, can copy commands and change parameters or lists of words in the code examples and then instantly re-run the code, with both the commands and the output saved in one or more text files or editor buffers, making it possible, and in simple cases easy, to look back at and compare different episodes (as in the "riverworld" example above. For teachers, this makes development of teaching files littered with tested code examples relatively quick and easy (at least compared with authoring systems that require the teacher's input to be compiled into some teaching engine which has to be restarted and then run). The interleaving of instructions with code that is editable and runnable by students, as illustrated above, can facilitate rapid exploratory learning -- by both teachers and learners -- making teachers learners! In particular, after testing their examples, teachers can select portions of the examples to remove, presenting students with gaps in code fragments, so that students can try various ways of filling in the gaps, and run the commands to see what happens (put the fox, chicken or grain in the boat, get into the boat, cross the river, get out, take out what is in the boat, etc.). Gifted teachers will learn which "size" gaps are suited to learners of different sorts.
The pop-11 database package provides a collection of mechanisms for searching the database using patterns and the Pop-11 matcher to select items. Things can be added to the database or remove, in a way that depends on the results of searches. The database also provides simple pattern-based mechanisms for iterating over the database. E.g. after the start() command introduced above, and explained in TEACH RIVER, this instruction vars x; ;;; or 'lvars x;' inside a procedure definition. foreach [?x isat left] do [The ^x is on the left bank] => endforeach; could print out ** [The boat is on the left bank] ** [The chicken is on the left bank] ** [The fox is on the left bank] ** [The grain is on the left bank] ** [The man is on the left bank] After some of the actions listed above have been performed, e.g. putin(chicken); cross(); takeout(chicken); the same foreach command would print out different information. (What should it print out?) It is also possible to iterate over combinations of database items. So, instead of a "foreach" loop with a single pattern (as above) a "forevery" loop can be used with a list of patterns to be matched consistently with database items in different ways: vars thing1, thing2, place; forevery [ [?thing1 isat ?place] [?thing2 isat ?place] ] do if thing1 /= thing2 then [The ^thing1 and the ^thing2 are both at ^place] => endif endforevery; could print out something like this: ** [The boat and the chicken are both at left] ** [The boat and the fox are both at left] ** [The boat and the grain are both at left] ** [The boat and the man are both at left] ** [The chicken and the boat are both at left] ** [The chicken and the fox are both at left] ** [The chicken and the grain are both at left] .... and so on up to .... ** [The man and the grain are both at left] After the commands putin(chicken); getin(); crossriver(); getout(); takeout(chicken); The above 'forevery' loop would print out ** [The chicken and the man are both at right] ** [The chicken and the boat are both at right] ** [The man and the chicken are both at right] ** [The man and the boat are both at right] ** [The boat and the chicken are both at right] ** [The boat and the man are both at right] ** [The fox and the grain are both at left] ** [The grain and the fox are both at left] Students could learn the need for the test in the "if" expression before the print command, by first trying it without that test. They could then think about how to prevent the duplication in information presented because, for example, the first and third pieces of output give the same information (because of the semantics of the example), and therefore should not both be printed (along with other duplications): ** [The chicken and the man are both at right] ..... ** [The man and the chicken are both at right] NOTE: When the above code fragments are included inside procedures, the use of vars should be replaced with lvars (to make the variables local) and all pattern expressions (lists containing "?" or "??") using those variables should use the pattern prefix "!" to make the pattern variables access the local variables. For more details concerning this see TEACH VARS_AND_LVARS
Pop-11 has a great deal of support for programming using lists, which can contain words, numbers, strings, lists, and other entities. Lists provide a very general mechanism for storing and manipulating information, and Pop-11 provides some powerful tools for using them, such as a list pattern matcher, and tools built using it. List processing mechanisms have been found very useful in Artificial Intelligence, in implementing systems that process natural language, make plans, solve problems, reason logically, discover analogies, interpret images, and many more. For that reason we start here with examples of list processing, then show how lists can be used in some "toy" AI systems. Pop11 can also do more conventional things, including arithmetical computations, and 2-D graphics (e.g. Logo turtle graphics, demonstrated below). Lists also play a central role in other languages designed for AI and more generally for symbolic computation, e.g. Lisp, Scheme and Prolog. Introductory examples Here is a collection of little examples which illustrate some of the basics of list processing in POP-11. If you have access to a Poplog system, you can try the following Pop-11 commands and see what happens, then edit the commands and redo them, to see how the results change: vars list; [1 2 3 4 5] -> list; ;;; we use "=>" to print out a Pop-11 value (preceded by two asterisks) list => ** [1 2 3 4 5] The first line declared a variable called LIST, vars list; The next line assigned a list of numbers to it, [1 2 3 4 5] -> list; then the third line used the print-arrow to print out the value of the variable LIST: list => Now try assigning a different list of numbers: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14] -> list; list => ** [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14] Using a loop inside list-brackets to create a list of numbers Typing long lists of numbers can be tedious. We can use a program to generate a list of numbers by putting a loop instruction inside a special version of the list brackets [% ... %] like this: vars num; [% for num from 1 to 25 do num endfor %] -> list; list => ;;; that prints out the following: ** [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25] Lists can contain other other things, not only numbers. Lists do not have to contain numbers: Pop-11 list contents are not restricted to any type (as would be the case in some programming languages). For example, this is how to create a list of words, entities indicated by "quote" marks: [% "the", "cat", "ate", "the", "mouse" %] -> list; Pop-11 allows that to be abbreviated as follows: [the cat ate the mouse] -> list; That can be printed, as before: list => ** [the cat ate the mouse] We can reverse the list using the procedure rev, and print out the result: rev(list) => ** [mouse the ate cat the] NB: the original list is unchanged. The procedure rev produces a new copy of the original, with the items in a different order. Work out its length length(list) => ** 5 and the length of the reversed list: length(rev(list)) => ** 5 Sort the contents into alphabetical order sort(list) => ** [ate cat mouse the the] Create a palindrome by concatenating the original list with its reversed version using '<>' to do the concatenating: list <> rev(list) => ** [the cat ate the mouse mouse the ate cat the] and compute the length of that length( list <> rev(list) ) => ** 10 and sort it sort( list <> rev(list) ) => ** [ate ate cat cat mouse mouse the the the the] Notice that sorting the list in this way does not remove duplicate entries. Later we'll see how to 'prune' a list, to remove the duplicates. Notice that sort can also be given a list of numbers to sort: sort( [99 3 4 5 88 6 5 4 22 3 4] ) => ** [3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 22 88 99] including mixed integers and decimal numbers sort( [99 3.4 4 2.568 88.888 6 5 4.235 0.22 1.3 4.0] ) => ** [0.22 1.3 2.568 3.4 4 4.0 4.235 5 6 88.888 99]
Previous examples showed how to construct, combine, reverse, sort and transform a list. Sometimes it is useful to be able to check what is in a list. One way to do that is to use the Pop-11 procedure (or function) member, which takes an item and a list, and returns true or false: member("cat", [the angry cat chased the dog]) => ** <true> member("dog", [the angry cat chased the dog]) => ** <true> member("cow", [the angry cat chased the dog]) => ** <false> What should this produce: true or false? member("the", [the angry cat chased the dog]) => In fact member does not care how many times an item occurs in the list, as long as it occurs. Sometimes mere membership is not what you are interested in. Suppose you want to know whether the word "cat" occurs before or after the word "dog": you can then use the pop11 matcher with a pattern that matches only lists containing those two words with "cat" occurring before "dog". [the angry cat chased the dog] matches [== cat == dog == ] => ** <true> [the angry dog chased the cat] matches [== cat == dog == ] => ** <false> [the angry dog chased the cat and mouse ] matches [== dog == cat == ] => ** <true> The element "==" will match any number of items, 0, 1 or more, no matter what they are. If we want to know if there are exactly two words between "cat" and "doc" we can use the symbol "=" to match exactly one item: [the angry cat chased the dog] matches [== cat = = dog == ] => ** <true> [the angry cat chased only one dog] matches [== cat = = dog == ] => ** <false> Will this one produce true or false? [the angry cat chased only one dog] matches [== cat = = = dog == ] => Using the matcher to remember what was found in a list Sometimes you want to know not only whether something occurs in a certain location but what occurs there. The pattern matcher can do that if you put variables in a pattern, as follows. Let's declare some variables for items and for lists. vars item1, item2, list1, list2, list3; (Actually, the names could be anything: Pop-11 doesn't care. So I could have used vars x1, y, boat1, boat2, boxes; But it usually leads to clearer programs if you give variables names reflecting their use.) So we can ask the matcher whether exactly two items occurred between "cat" and "dog" and, if so, what they were: vars item1, item2; [the angry cat chased the dog] matches [== cat ?item1 ?item2 dog == ] => ** <true> Note the use of the "?" symbol in ?item1 ?item2 to indicate that we are using item1 and item2 as variables to be given values, not as words to be found in the original list, like "cat" and "dog". Because the match result was <true> we can ask what the items were: item1 => ** chased item2 => ** the [Pop-11 prints out words without the quotes "".] Or we can ask for both together item1, item2 => ** chased the If we don't know how many items occurred in a region of a list, we can ask the Pop-11 matcher to make a list of the items, using a "segment variable" indicated by using the double query before a variable name, as in "??list1" below: For example, if we want to know what words occurred before "cat" we can use this vars list1; [the angry cat chased the dog] matches [??list1 cat == dog == ] => ** <true> And because the result is true, it's worth looking at the new value of list1: list1 => ** [the angry] We can check several different segments of a list, using different segment variables, e.g. vars list1, list2, list3; [the angry cat chased the hungry dog] matches [??list1 cat ??list2 dog ??list3] => ** <true> and we can find the contents of the three lists: list1, list2, list3 => ** [the angry] [chased the hungry] [] The third list is empty, because there was nothing after "dog". We can use the found list segments to create a new list, by using ^^list1 to insert the contents of list1 into a new list, e.g.: [^^list1] => ** [the angry] We can do that for list1, list2, and list3 to build a new list containing all of them as list segments: [^^list1 mouse ^^list2 elephant ^^list3] => ** [the angry mouse chased the hungry elephant] Because list3 is empty, nothing is inserted where it occurs. How could you use list1 and list2 to create a list containing this? [the angry eagle chased the hungry snake] There are many more examples of how to use the list matcher in Poplog teach files including 'TEACH MATCHES', and examples using the Pop-11 database, for example the River World demo below.
JUMP TO CONTENTS LIST JUMP TO CONTENTS LISTA chatbot is a program that is capable of holding a conversation with a user, which may use text or spoken language. Many Chatbots are very boring because they are very limited in what they can respond to and what they can say in response. A chatbot usually does not understand anything that the user types in or that the chatbot types in response. However, it is possible to have a chatbot that understands a little about a small subset of the world and can talk about that. However, most chatbots depend on the programmer anticipating the sorts of things that could be typed in and preparing suitable responses. In some cases the response could be based on some of the words actually typed in, giving the illusion that the chatbot understood what it read in. An example chatbot that can use patterns to work out how to respond is the Pop-11 Eliza, which anyone can interact with on the internet: An example of an architecture for a chatbot: When designing a complex program that puts a number of capabilities together it is useful to think of the program as having an "architecture". For example, when a chatbot is running there are typically at least three things interacting, o a User (the human using the program) o an Interface (a part of the system to read in what the user types and print out the machine's answers). o an Inference Engine (a part of the system that works out what answer should be given in response to what the user last typed in.) We can represent the architecture diagrammatically: *------* --- > --- *---------* --- > --- *----------------* | USER | |INTERFACE| |INFERENCE ENGINE| *------* --- < --- *---------* --- < --- *----------------* The interface is a sub-program which prints out a greeting, then repeatedly reads in a sentence and prints out a sentence, until the user types "bye". Then it prints out a farewell message and stops. In order to decide what to print out it consults the inference engine. We shall give a very simple example of how to design an inference engine -- one that really knows nothing and doesn't really do any inference, but merely pretends to. The chatbot inference engine (version 1) We first define a very stupid and simple inference engine for testing the interface designed below: define inference_engine(sentence) -> response; ;;; takes in a list of words and responds by producing a list, ;;; assigned to the output variable 'response' [Very sorry: I cannot answer this ^sentence] -> response enddefine; Notice that this does not directly print out its response. It returns it as a result, to be communicated to whatever invoked this procedure. We can test it with some silly examples: inference_engine([Hi]) => ** [Very sorry : I cannot answer this [Hi]] inference_engine([Will you be my friend?]) => ** [Very sorry : I cannot answer this [Will you be my friend ?]] Later we can make this more intelligent. (You could vary this initial response for your first tests.) The chatbot interface (version 1) The interface could be defined thus, using the Pop-11 procedure readline, to read in a list of words typed by the user. It invokes the procedure inference_engine defined provisionally above, to be defined better later on. We use 'lvars' for local variables -- accessible only within the procedure in which they are declared. define interface(); ;;; This procedure does not take any input when it starts. ;;; it repeatedly reads in something typed by the user, ;;; gets a response from inference_engine, then prints out ;;; the response. ;;; It checks whether the user wants to stop, and if so prints ;;; a final message and stops. ;;; we need two variables, to be used repeatedly. lvars sentence, reply; repeat forever [Please type something and end by pressing the RETURN key] => readline() -> sentence; [This is what you typed in:] => sentence => ;;; get the reply from the inference engine inference_engine(sentence) -> reply; ;;; and print it out [This is my reply] => reply => ;;; we can test whether to stop now if sentence = [bye] then ;;; terminate the loop quitloop(); endif; endrepeat; ;;; quitloop sends the program here: [This consultation is free. See you later I hope.] => [Bye for now] => enddefine; Testing interface version 1 and inference engine version 1 ;;; Start the interface interface(); Here is what a test interaction might look like. The lines that start with the prompt simple '?' contain what the user typed in. Everything else was printed out by the program. ** [Please type something and end by pressing the RETURN key] ? Hello. I need some help. ** [This is what you typed in :] ** [Hello . I need some help .] ** [This is my reply] ** [Very sorry : I cannot answer this [Hello . I need some help .]] ** [Please type something and end by pressing the RETURN key] ? You are very long winded ** [This is what you typed in :] ** [You are very long winded] ** [This is my reply] ** [Very sorry : I cannot answer this [You are very long winded]] ** [Please type something and end by pressing the RETURN key] ? bye ** [This is what you typed in :] ** [bye] ** [This is my reply] ** [Very sorry : I cannot answer this [bye]] ** [This consultation is free . See you later I hope .] ** [Bye for now] ;;; For now, let's ignore the fact that spaces are inserted before the colon and ;;; the period. We can improve the inference engine by making use of the Pop-11 matcher. The chatbot inference engine (version 2) This version of the inference engine is a little more flexible than version 1, but it is still very stupid and simple. It makes use of a multi-branch conditional instruction which has a collection of tests (using if or elseif, and responses based on the tests, indicated by then. The end of the conditional is indicated by endif. define inference_engine(input) -> result; ;;; takes in a list of words and responds by producing a list, ;;; assigned to the output variable 'response' ;;; we need some variables for use by the pattern matcher lvars x, y; ;;; notice that the patterns are now all preceded by "!". This is to ;;; make them work with the local variables defined using "lvars" in this ;;; procedure. if input matches [i hate == ] then [perhaps you hate yourself] -> result; elseif input matches ! [are you ??x ] then [do i seem ^^x] -> result; elseif input matches ! [i ??x you] then [perhaps in your fantasy we ^^x each other] -> result; elseif input matches ! [??x is ??y] then [what if ^^x were not ^^y ? ] -> result; elseif input matches [bye] then [I have enjoyed our meeting ] -> result; else ;;; input not recognized -- this is the default response. [please go on] -> result; endif; enddefine; Since we have used the same name for the inference engine as before, when this definition is compiled it will override the previous definition. It does not matter that we have altered the input and output variables to be 'input' and 'result' instead of 'sentence' and 'response' as before. We can give this some tests inference_engine([the sky is blue]) => ** [what if the sky were not blue ?] inference_engine([i like talking to you]) => ** [perhaps in your fantasy we like talking to each other] Ideally, all the options should be tested. We can now do that by running the old interface program. interface(); That produces this interaction (where lines starting '?' were typed in by the user): ** [Please type something and end by pressing the RETURN key] ? are you my friend ** [This is what you typed in :] ** [are you my friend] ** [This is my reply] ** [do i seem my friend] ** [Please type something and end by pressing the RETURN key] ? i hate obscure answers ** [This is what you typed in :] ** [i hate obscure answers] ** [This is my reply] ** [perhaps you hate yourself] ** [Please type something and end by pressing the RETURN key] ? i really really like talking to you ** [This is what you typed in :] ** [i really really like talking to you] ** [This is my reply] ** [perhaps in your fantasy we really really like talking to each other] ** [Please type something and end by pressing the RETURN key] ? bye ** [This is what you typed in :] ** [bye] ** [This is my reply] ** [I have enjoyed our meeting] ** [This consultation is free . See you later I hope .] ** [Bye for now] What would happen if the user typed in I like fred but he does not like you or I gobbledygook gobbledygook gobbledygook you or today is not as hot as tuesdays usually are Streamlining and extending the chatbot It should be clear that this interaction has too much clutter, though the clutter is useful for making sure that all the mechanisms are working. You can now produce a new version of the interface procedure that does not print out so much repetitive stuff, and you can extend the inference_engine procedure so that it copes in an interesting way with a much wider variety of inputs. You may get some ideas by playing with the online eliza or running the version that is included with poplog like this. Type, to pop11 uses eliza that compiles the eliza program, and then prints out a command to run it: Please type eliza(); You can then run it and see what happens. It will print out some instructions and then you can interact with it. It prints out all its answers in upper case, e.g. Good day what is your problem? ? I am talking to the pop11 eliza program I think STUDYING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE WOULD OPEN YOUR MIND. ? can i open your mind WHY DO SOME PEOPLE TALK ONLY ABOUT THEMSELVES? ? your mind is your mind WHAT IF MY MIND WERE NOT REALLY MY MIND ? bye BYE FOR NOW. etc.
JUMP TO CONTENTS LISTIt's not a long way from those examples to introducing some of the students to the mathematics of combinations and permutations (and also to logic programming). Instead of information being printed out, as above, it could be added to the database representing the state of the world. That makes it possible to write programs that do their own reasoning i.e. they propagate consequences of changes initiated by a user -- and in more ambitious projects the programs could learn when such propagation should be controlled, and how to do it as illustrated in the SUPER database package.
JUMP TO CONTENTS LISTMany programming tasks can be devised that depend on such an interface, including the task of producing a chatbot with a memory. An example mini-project based on this idea that, for some reason, many students have found interesting, is to develop a 'Conversational Drinks Machine', whose state consists of ingredients for various drinks plus a collection of coins available as change, and which allows questions about prices and supplies to be asked, requests for drinks to be given and change requested if the customer does not have the exact the exact sum required. This can be implemented with or without a flexible natural language interface, and with or without a memory for previous conversations and transactions. Variants could include making the vendor polite or rude! Which will be more fun for the learner? A more powerful set of mechanisms is provided in the POPRULEBASE extension to Pop-11, which is part of the SimAgent toolkit An introductory teach file on rule-based programming TEACH RULEBASE includes a 'toy medical rule-based system' which is like Eliza with a memory. In principle that example could be made very much more sophisticated including keeping information provided by patients to use in selecting future responses. For more sophisticated games involving multiple agents with different characteristics, it is sometimes useful to use the Pop-11 Objectclass package providing object oriented programming with methods and inheritance, as illustrated briefly here, or the SUPER database package that facilitates more sophisticated reasoning and problem solving in the style of Prolog (another language included with Poplog -- though SUPER uses only Pop-11 and the matcher, not the standard Prolog syntax). An example complete AI program, written in Pop11, that plays Othello, and could be modified or extended to do other things is provided here. The 'Readme' file lists some example uses of this program in teaching -- e.g. modifying the program in different ways, in order to learn about different AI techniques. Other game playing programs illustrating student projects will be added later.
After an introduction to programming using the built in library for manipulating the 'river world', as illustrated above, students can think about how to design their own interactive world-manipulation program. At that point they have to start thinking about how to represent information in the machine so as to satisfy various criteria: o it should support searching for relevant items o it should enable inferences to be made in order to answer questions, or make plans or make predictions o it should (in this case) be relatively easy for programs to change the information stored, in order to record facts about how the world has changed. o it should be easy to store information about previous states, if questions need to be answered about the past, or if learning has to be based on what happened in the past. o if certain powerful tools are available and they are going to be used, then the form of representation should conform to the formats needed for those tools (e.g. FOREACH and FOREVERY above). Other requirements would be included, such as efficiency and compactness, though for beginners those are secondary to learning about the more directly functional aspects of representation. An example approach to introducing such an exercise is TEACH RIVER2 That might in some cases be usefully followed by TEACH RIVERCHAT The use of a neural net to represent information is illustrated below.
JUMP TO CONTENTS LISTStudents can learn about the need to produce complete systems in which different competences are combined. An example package, called "GBLOCKS" which is a simplified version of Terry Winograd's famous SHRDLU system, was implemented in Pop-11 for teaching purposes. It can be used simply for demonstrating the behaviour of the system, or as a package that students can extend, e.g. by extending the grammar, enriching the world, to include more objects and more actions, or allowing a wider variety of conversational interactions. A video of the GBLOCKS package is available here. The "world" of the program consists of a simulated robot with a hand above a table on which there are six blocks, three large and three small, coloured red, blue and green. A few snapshots of the system running follow:Typing 'help' produces instructions and sample sentences to type
Typing "is the small red block on a blue one" produces a parse tree shown in two formats as a list structure (list of list of lists...), namely in a textual form and a graphical form.
That is followed by a semantic representation of the QUERY. The answer is derived from the information in the database, and printed out: "Yes it is"
Typing "put the big green block on the little red one" also produces a parse tree shown both textually and graphically.
After deriving the parse tree the program produces a semantic representation of the state of the world to be produced if the command is obeyed. It then formulates a plan to achieve that state, and executes the plan, showing in the display when blocks are grasped, lifted and put down. Teaching and learning can go in several different directions after this package has been demonstrated. Some of them involved modifying or extending the program, while other directions involve looking at some of the history of AI, investigating ways in which human understanding differs from the program's understanding, porting the program to a physical robot and many more. (NB: Contemporary natural language understanding systems are based on far more complex programming techniques than this demo. But that does not detract from its educational value as an introduction to some of the problems.)
JUMP TO CONTENTS LISTThe uses of foreach and forevery illustrated above can lead to the idea of a program that records descriptions of different objects or different situations in different databases, then uses various ways of examining each database to produce more abstract descriptions of the objects or situations. It is then possible to compare two such descriptions (a) to see what they have in common, (b) to see how they differ, and (c) to find one or more ways of transforming one of the situations so as to be more like the other. As shown by T.G. Evans in the 1960s, this sort of technique can be the basis of analogical reasoning used in some intelligence tests. Pop-11 has a library (created by Jonathan Cunningham) and a set of teach files that introduce these ideas using a mixture of pictures and symbolic descriptions. See for example TEACH EVANS. For more on the analogy problem and Evans' work see Margaret Boden's 1978 book Artificial Intelligence and Natural Man, which not only expounds many of the early achievements of AI, but also discusses their relevance for psychology and philosophy. Evans' work is also discussed in other AI textbooks, and in this tutorial by Jocelyn Paine. The "forevery" construct is very powerful since it allows items to be compared two at a time, three at a time, four at a time, etc. Exploring these techniques can quickly expose students to one of the recurring problems in designing, or modelling, intelligent systems, namely how to control combinatorial explosions. That can also introduce students to the need for a still more powerful formalism, such as LIB SUPER, mentioned above, or a logic programming language such as Prolog. Peter Hancox has produced some excellent teaching materials on Prolog here: An example run of the Pop-11 demo version of Evans' analogy program is here. A teacher who wished to illustrate the principles with simpler examples, could copy the file and replace the picture drawing procedures to use simpler pictures. (The library was written in 1983, using an older version of Pop-11, which is still accepted by the compiler in a special compatibility mode.)
JUMP TO CONTENTS LISTAfter becoming familiar with the 'riverworld' domain, learners can be invited to switch to a different task. For example, they can play with the Pop-11 Eliza chatbot and then try to define their own simple chatbot based on pattern matching as explained above, and in TEACH RESPOND. This introduces lists, patterns, conditionals, loops and thinking about designing an architecture to handle ongoing interaction. Some students have to be weaned off the Eliza task because it is always possible to go on adding more and more rules to a chatbot, and many find that enjoyable. But after a while no more real learning happens. They can then switch to the more demanding task of trying to combine the chatbot techniques with the riverworld commands to provide a natural language interface to the riverworld, so that the command that previously had to be typed in, namely: putin(chicken); is replaced with requests like: please put the chicken in the boat The use of the Pop-11 database to represent the state of the world allows questions to be added to the interaction: is the man in the boat? where is the fox? The questions could be parsed, transformed into a logical database query, and the answer derived from the database contents, and finally presented in a suitable natural language sentence instead of ** [fox isat left] Furthermore, if the program records the history of events, this question what happened to the chicken? could cause the program to list all the events in which the chicken's location was changed. Keeping track of such events (in an "episodic" memory) is a requirement for intelligence in future machines. They also need to be able to answer questions about what did not happen, why it did not happen, what could have happened, what the consequences would have been if it had happened, and so on. Providing such competences, at least in simple forms, would not be beyond the abilities of a bright teenager, especially if supported by tools for handling multiple databases, corresponding to multiple possible versions of reality, for which AI techniques are available.
After playing with and observing limitations of chatbot style pattern-based interfaces, students will probably be ready to meet the more principled grammar based approach to language, introduced in TEACH GRAMMAR. This uses a library program that allows a grammar and lexicon provided by the user to be used either to create a parser for analysing sentences in accordance with the grammar or else to generate random sentences that accord with the grammar. As the teach file shows, the grammatical notation used for programming linguistic information into the computer is interestingly different from the notation used for specifying actions to be performed. That difference can be a subject for philosophical discussion, or discussion about how minds of language users work. An exercise that students can try, suggested in the teach file, is generating railway station announcements. Other possibilities include opening sentences for a romantic novel, or rudely expressed complaints about service in a restaurant! (Stroppy chatbots are very popular with some learners.) Typically, a student who has used the formalism to specify a grammar and lexicon will get some surprises when the random generator is used. For example, the specification for railway station announcements might generate things like platform 5 will depart from the 4.20 train to London express luggage must not leave slow passengers unattended That sort of surprise can lead to deep reflection on how to add more categories to the grammar and the lexicon so as to control more tightly what is generated. Alas, for some students, this may be the first time they encounter concepts like 'verb', 'adjective', 'prepositional phrase' because of misguided educational policies in the last few decades. But it is never too late to learn such things, and what could be better than learning by using the concepts to design something that works?
The original notion of Haiku is quite complex, as explained here. A special subset, all of this form All [1] in the [2] I [3] [4] [5] in the [6] [7] the [8] has [9] can be expressed using the Pop-11 grammar library. We can think of this as having three parts, part1, part2, and part3, each of which has its own special form. An example of that form would be All drizzly in the autumn I sit all day in the kennel Hooray the moon has come. Try creating a few of your own examples of exactly the form given. At least one teacher encouraged her students to write haikus to express what they think about programming: A possible sequel to that could be asking the students to design programs that generate haikus, possibly using something like the Pop-11 grammar library. In order to make a program generate such three line haikus we specify a grammar to generate toy-haikus with that structure as follows, inserting the word "newline" after part1 and after part2, to produce more readable output. vars haiku_gram = [ ;;; A "sentence" is a haiku, where ;;; a haiku has three parts separated by newlines [haiku [part1 ^newline part2 ^newline part3]] ;;; We now define the permitted forms for each part ;;; part2 will use different verbs (after the word "I") ;;; from the verbs in part3. The two sorts of verbs, and ;;; the adjectives and two sorts of nouns are listed in ;;; the lexicon, below. [ part1 [start_word adj in np]] [ part2 [I verb1 adj noun in np]] ;;; part3 has two forms, one with a singular noun phrase ;;; followed by "has" and the other with a plural noun ;;; phrase followed by "have" [ part3 [exclaim sing_np has verb2] [exclaim plural_np have verb2]] ;;; different types of noun phrases, singular and plural ;;; use different kinds of nouns and different kinds of ;;; determiners [np [sing_np] [plural_np]] ;;; a singular noun phrase (sing_np) is a singular determiner ;;; followed by a singular noun [sing_np [sing_det sing_noun]] ;;; likewise for a plural noun phrase (plural_np) [plural_np [plural_det plural_noun]] ;;; Nouns can be singular or plural, defined in the ;;; lexicon below [noun [sing_noun] [plural_noun]] ]; ;;; This might be an example lexicon, for use with the above grammar vars haiku_lex = [ ;;; adjectives (you could easily add more) [adj abrupt acrid bitter black crazy dark deep ghostly greenish plangent poetic rancid rapt smelly starry tinkling vicious welling white zany ] ;;; Words to start part 1 (Experiment with others) [start_word Ages All Many Often So How Days Now] ;;; Singular and plural determiners [sing_det the some one every each my her your our their this] [plural_det the some all most many my your our his their these those two three four] ;;; Singular and plural nouns. Add more [sing_noun acorn age anchor angel boat bridge bird canopy cosmos dawn death dew foal grass hatching laughter leaf life moon night ocean power soul spring sunset tiger winter] [plural_noun ancestors autumns births clouds dancers devils echoes evenings galaxies ghosts jokes lawns ladles parties paths poets raindrops rivers storms tangles torments trees verses vessels waves watchers winters ] ;;; Some present tense verbs suitable for plural subjects [verb1 abandon burn compose dangle detach engage enlarge expect fetch fleece frame grasp graze greet hug mourn praise press sing sip slice smell spy stretch stroke taste tear touch twist urge wait warn watch wear wipe ] ;;; these are past tense adjectival verb forms [verb2 aged arisen bloomed blinked broken burst chimed cracked crazed drowned drooped dropped eaten ended eeked faded fallen failed floundered frozen gone gripped groomed gushed held left loomed lost missed murdered notched oiled oozed raided receded rode sang skipped smouldered swung switched thawed unzipped ] ;;; words for an exclamation [exclaim Aha Alas Aye Bang Forever Ha Hey Ho Joy Nay No Ouch Oh See So Ugh Yea Yes] ]; ;;; To generate some Haikus we first have to compile two Pop-11 libraries: uses grammar uses generate_category ;;; set the maximum recursion level for the generator 20 -> maxlevel; ;;; Use the library procedure generate_category, asking it to ;;; generate a haiku, using the grammar and lexicon defined above. ;;; The output will be list of words, which we can print out in a tidy ;;; format, using the "pretty print" arrow "==>" generate_category("haiku", haiku_gram, haiku_lex) ==> ;;; that produces this: ** [All bitter in four poets I fetch ghostly leaf in your rivers No all paths have frozen] ;;; Generate three more haikus, using the above grammar and lexicon repeat 3 times generate_category("haiku", haiku_gram, haiku_lex) ==> endrepeat; ;;; that produces ** [Often crazy in one spring I stroke greenish galaxies in your bridge Hey my soul has burst] ** [Ages rancid in all paths I twist vicious ocean in their hatching Alas our grass has oozed] ** [How vicious in their trees I fetch black cosmos in one life Ugh the leaf has drooped] Careful choices for the lexicon can lead to strangely evocative combinations even though they are generated at random, by a computer that does not understand what it is doing!
JUMP TO CONTENTS LISTWe can use the "setup" procedure, which is part of the Grammar library, to create a parser for haikus: We give setup the grammar and the lexicon, which it analyses, and creates parsing functions. setup(haiku_gram, haiku_lex); That defines functions for all the grammatical categories, e.g. haiku => ** <procedure haiku > part1 => ** <procedure part1 > sing_np => ** <procedure sing_np > We can ask the haiku procedure to analyse the first haiku produced above, though we have to ensure that the newline words are inserted: haiku([All bitter in four poets ^newline I fetch ghostly leaf in your rivers ^newline No all paths have frozen]) ==> That shows this structure in the Haiku: ** [haiku [part1 [start_word All] [adj bitter] in [np [plural_np [plural_det four] [plural_noun poets]]]] [part2 I [verb1 fetch] [adj ghostly] [noun [sing_noun leaf]] in [np [plural_np [plural_det your] [plural_noun rivers]]]] [part3 [exclaim No] [plural_np [plural_det all] [plural_noun paths]] have [verb2 frozen]]] We can also display this in a graphical format using the Poplog editor Ved, by means of the library program showtree. ;;; Compile the showtree library uses showtree ;;; Give showtree the parse tree showtree([haiku [part1 [start_word All] [adj bitter] in [np [plural_np [plural_det four] [plural_noun poets]]]] [part2 I [verb1 fetch] [adj ghostly] [noun [sing_noun leaf]] in [np [plural_np [plural_det your] [plural_noun rivers]]]] [part3 [exclaim No] [plural_np [plural_det all] [plural_noun paths]] have [verb2 frozen]]]); That produces a pictorial display looking like this:The file TEACH STORYGRAMMAR suggests a collection of exercises of varying difficulty that could be given to students involving changing the grammar and lexicon to produce new kinds of haiku. An experimental package that might be used or developed differently by different teachers is TEACH GRAMMAREXAMPLES (still untested), which shows how, with the same set of words in the lexicon, two different grammars can produce unconstrained or constrained sets of "acceptable" sentences and sentence substructures, by "compiling" semantic distinctions into syntactic and lexical distinctions (a technique suggested by Gerald Gazdar when we were teaching together many years ago at Sussex University.) This could be the basis of a number of student projects involving programming at the level of grammatical rules rather than at the level of the underlying programming language. Some incomplete experiments designing a language for asking questions about, making statements about and giving commands to a robot that manipulates objects on a table, using a slightly modified version of the grammar package to speed up parsing are described here. An advanced student project could redesign the language in a more principled way and perhaps interface it to a robot.
JUMP TO CONTENTS LISTThe interaction with the Pop-11 database representation of the state of the world (e.g. whether the individuals are on the left or right side of the river or on the boat) gives semantic content to the verbal interchanges, even though strictly speaking the computer does not know anything about real rivers, boats, foxes, etc. That is a topic students can be invited to discuss, leading on to questions about whether machines can ever really understand what we say to them, whether cameras and motors will make a difference and whether human brains are usefully thought of as extremely sophisticated computers. (A paper proposing a syllabus developing these ideas for linking philosophy with programming is here (PDF).) A revised version was published in 2009 in the American Philosophical Association's Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers. There is more on links with philosophy below in the section on Cognitive Science, Biology and Philosophy.
JUMP TO CONTENTS LISTSome of the ideas behind the programming examples and tools presented here are part of a philosophy of computing education which is not primarily aimed at producing skilled programmers, but rather at broadening the minds of a wide range of learners, researchers and teachers who need to understand various parts of the natural world as involving information-processing systems of various kinds, many of them extremely complex, especially some of the products of biological evolution, e.g. human and animal minds. Some of these ideas regarding education are spelled out in this presentation: What does AI have to do with Biology? Talk for first year Introduction to AI students, 9th Nov 2010 School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham and in this paper Teaching AI and Philosophy at School? Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers, American Philosophical Association, 09, 1, pp. 42--48, Many more connections are presented in the PDF talks here, including for example the connection between the mind/brain relation and the relation between a running virtual machine and the hardware on which it runs, explained in this tutorial: Supervenience and Causation in Virtual Machinery and this discussion on the role of emotions in intelligence: Do machines, natural or artificial, really need emotions? See also the section on links with philosophy above.
We now show how the pattern matcher can be used to define a procedure to prune a list -- i.e. remove repeated elements, such as we saw was needed after sorting a list above:
Previously we looked at sorting a list: Declare a variable and assign to it in one instruction: vars list = [the cat ate the mouse]; Create a palindrome from the list, and sort it: sort( list <> rev(list) ) => ** [ate ate cat cat mouse mouse the the the the] Sorting does not remove duplicates. The duplicates could be removed by using a procedure prune defined as follows, using the pattern matcher: define prune( list ) -> pruned; ;;; given a list of words remove all repetitions, using ;;; the pop-11 pattern matcher ;;; we need four variables to record stuff to the left of ;;; a repeated word, the repeated word, stuff between the two ;;; occurrences, and stuff following the second occurrence. lvars lefts, item, middle, rights; ;;; Use '??' to match any number of words, '?' to match only one: ;;; use two occurrences of '?item' to check for a repeated word: while list matches ![ ??lefts ?item ??middle ?item ??rights] do ;;; Rebuild the list without the second occurrence of item: ;;; when building lists use ^^ to splice in a list of words, ;;; and use ^ to insert one word [ ^^lefts ^item ^^middle ^^rights] -> list; endwhile; ;;; At this stage the 'while loop' has ended, because the list no longer matches ;;; the pattern detecting repetition. So no more repetitions were found. ;;; We can therefore set the value of list to be the value of the output ;;; variable pruned used in the procedure header: list -> pruned; enddefine; Now test it: prune( [ cat dog ] ) => ** [cat dog] prune( [ cat cat dog ] ) => ** [cat dog] prune( [ cat dog dog ] ) => ** [cat dog] prune( [ cat cat mouse apple dog ] ) => ** [cat mouse apple dog] prune( [ berry cat cat mouse apple dog dog ] ) => ** [berry cat mouse apple dog] prune( [ berry cat cat mouse apple dog dog elephant flea] ) => ** [berry cat mouse apple dog elephant flea] Try sorting before pruning: prune( sort ( [ berry cat cat mouse apple dog dog elephant flea] ) ) => ** [apple berry cat dog elephant flea mouse] The notation used in the Pop-11 matcher is summarised in this help file: HELP MATCHES QUESTION: In the definition of prune we discarded the second of the repeated items. What difference would it make if we discarded the first one instead? Try it and repeat the above tests. Does sorting the list before pruning affect the efficiency of the process? Why? Using the matcher may not be the most efficient way to prune a list, but it is much easier to get right first time than more efficient algorithms involving, for example, searching down the list for duplicates and altering list links to remove them. Clarity and ease of design can sometimes be more important than run-time speed (especially now that computers are so fast!). How to read Pop-11 assignment and print instructions It is important to note that something like [the cat ate the mouse] -> list; is really made of two separate instructions. The first is [the cat ate the mouse] which means, "create the list [the cat ate the mouse] and put it on the stack". The stack is a part of the computer's memory reserved by Pop-11 for communication between different procedures. All arguments for a procedure (i.e. inputs for the procedure) are put on the stack, where the procedure will find them, and if the procedure produces a result it will leave it on the stack. The second instruction is -> list; and this means, assign the last thing put on the stack to be the value of the variable called "list". The following print instruction also has two separate parts: list => The first part "list" just means put the value of the variable "list" on the stack. The second part "=>" means, run the print-arrow procedure. This prints out whatever is on the stack. For more information on the use of the 'stack' in Pop-11 as in many programmable calculators see the TEACH STACK file.
The procedure length, when applied to a list, counts the number of items in the list, and returns a number as its result. length( [ 1 5 9 16 ] ) => ** 4 Note the difference between the square brackets, which make a list, and the round brackets, which function as "doit" brackets. I.e. they tell Pop-11 to DO (or RUN or EXECUTE or OBEY) the procedure length. (In that example, I typed extra spaces around the brackets, for clarity, but they could be omitted: length([1 5 9 16]) => ** 4 But you can't omit the spaces between the numbers: length([15916]) => ** 1 You can tell Pop-11 to run the procedure without anything between the doit brackets, but you will get a 'STACK EMPTY' error message. Try it length() => ;;; MISHAP - STE: STACK EMPTY (missing argument? missing result?) ;;; DOING : length ...... (The error message may have some additional information, e.g. the file name, and the context if the error occurs while another procedure is running. I have left out everything irrelevant.) If length is applied to a list containing a word it returns the number of items in the list: length([aspirin]) => ** 1 If it is applied to the word iself what does it return? length("aspirin") => ** 7 Length in Pop-11 is a polymorphic procedure: it can be given different types of entity and it works out what to do to compute the length. E.g. in addition to lists and words it can handle strings: length( 'This is a string with spaces' ) => ** 28 That is the number of characters in the string. It can also handle pop-11 vectors, which are partly like lists but represented more compactly in the computer: length( {This is a vector containing words and 1 or 2 numbers} ) => ** 11 Count them! NOTE ON PROCEDURE CALLS AND THE POP-11 STACK: The procedure length requires an object to be given to it as its "input" (sometimes called its "actual parameter" or its "argument"). If an argument is given between the doit brackets, as in length([ 9 8 7]) => ** 3 Then the input (the list [9 8 7] in this case) is put on the stack, and that is where the procedure finds it. If it does not find it, the STACK EMPTY mishap message results. For more on the the role of the 'stack' in Pop-11 see TEACH STACK Length of an empty list Note that the length of the empty list is 0 length( [] ) => ** 0 That extra white space makes no difference to Pop-11 These all give the same result: length( [ a b c d e f g ] ) => ** 7 length( [ a b c d e f g ] ) => ** 7 even line breaks and tabs are treated like spaces length( [ a b c d e f g ] ) => ** 7 For more introductory material on using lists see the TEACH LISTS file. There are more tutorial examples using the matcher in TEACH MATCHES A more complete summary of matcher facilities is in HELP MATCHES
Pop-11 does not merely include words, lists, numbers, strings, arrays, etc. as objects to which functions can be applied: functions can also be applied to functions. For example, the function maplist takes a list and a function (that takes one input and produces one output), and creates a new list by applying the function to each member of the original. Given a list of numbers vars numlist = [4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16]; We can create a list of square roots by applying the function sqrt to each element of the list: maplist(numlist, sqrt) => ** [2.0 2.23607 2.44949 2.64575 2.82843 3.0 3.16228 3.31662 3.4641 3.60555 3.74166 3.87298 4.0] Note that we started with a list of integers (whole numbers) and got back a list of 'real' numbers, expressed as decimal numbers (floating point decimal numbers). If we create a list of words, numbers and strings (where Pop-11 strings are indicated using single quotes): vars multilist = [one 1 'one' two 2 'two' three 3 'three' four 4 'four']; we can apply maplist to that list, and a 'recogniser' function, e.g. isword, isnumber, or isstring, to produce a list of true or false values (called booleans). maplist(multilist, isword) => ** [<true> <false> <false> <true> <false> <false> <true> <false> <false> <true> <false> <false>] maplist(multilist, isnumber) => ** [<false> <true> <false> <false> <true> <false> <false> <true> <false> <false> <true> <false>] maplist(multilist, isstring) => ** [<false> <false> <true> <false> <false> <true> <false> <false> <true> <false> <false> <true>] Check that that produces the right pattern of true and false values.
JUMP TO CONTENTS LISTBasics The print arrow "=>" says to POP11, roughly, "print out your results so far" Try: 1 + 3 + 5 => The result is printed out preceded by two asterisks (usually in another window if the commands are given in the Poplog editor Ved): ** 9 Try some more: 5 - 5 => ** 0 99 + 88 - 77 => ** 110 The print arrow makes it possible to use POP-11 as a desk-calculator. Multiplication Multiplication uses the "*" symbol. Try the following: 3 * 5 => ** 15 333 * 99 => ** 32967 22.5 * 6 => ** 135.0 A few simple loops Declare a variable x, and use it to print out the first 20 squares: vars x; for x from 1 to 20 do x*x endfor => ** 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 121 144 169 196 225 256 289 324 361 400 (By putting the '=>' after the loop end we get all the results in one line.) Now print out all the square roots of numbers 1 to 10: vars x; for x from 1 to 10 do sqrt(x) endfor => ** 1.0 1.41421 1.73205 2.0 2.23607 2.44949 2.64575 2.82843 3.0 3.16228 Or create a tutorial display, using lists, each printed on a separate line: vars x; for x from 1 to 10 do ['The square root of ' ^x ' is ' ^(sqrt(x))] => endfor; ** [The square root of 1 is 1.0] ** [The square root of 2 is 1.41421] ** [The square root of 3 is 1.73205] ** [The square root of 4 is 2.0] ** [The square root of 5 is 2.23607] ** [The square root of 6 is 2.44949] ** [The square root of 7 is 2.64575] ** [The square root of 8 is 2.82843] ** [The square root of 9 is 3.0] ** [The square root of 10 is 3.16228] Writing a simple stand alone tutorial package on square roots This shows how some of the above ideas can assembled in a tiny tutorial program that repeatedly asks the user to provide the square root of a randomly chosen perfect square up to 100. ;;; Declare some variables to be used below. vars number, square, root, answer; repeat ;;; create a perfect square by starting from a number ;;; between 1 and 10 random(10) -> number; number * number -> square; ;;; Use that number to generate a question to ask the user ['Please type in the square root of:' ^square] => ;;; Readline reads a list of items typed by the user, followed ;;; by the RETURN/ENTER key readline() -> answer; ;;; There may be an empty list if answer == [] then [I guess you have had enough. Bye for now] => quitloop(); else ;;; if the list is not empty get the first item hd(answer) -> root; ;;; now check whether it is the correct answer if root = number then ['Excellent: that\'s right!']=> else ;;; wrong answer so print out some tutorial information. [Sorry no: ^root is the square root of ^(root*root)]=> endif; endif; endrepeat; Here is an example of the above program running: ** [Please type in the square root of: 36] ? 5 ** [Sorry no : 5 is the square root of 25] ** [Please type in the square root of: 9] ? 22 ** [Sorry no : 22 is the square root of 484] ** [Please type in the square root of: 64] ? 8 ** [Excellent: that's right!] ** [Please type in the square root of: 100] ? 10 ** [Excellent: that's right!] ** [Please type in the square root of: 36] ? 7 ** [Sorry no : 7 is the square root of 49] ** [Please type in the square root of: 1] ? ** [I guess you have had enough . Bye for now] Note there's at least one bug in the program. It cannot cope with all possible responses from the user. What needs to be changed? Hint: Pop-11 contains a predicate 'isinteger' which can be used to test whether something is an integer. What should happen if the user types in a negative number? What should happen if the user types in more than one number? Hint: Pop-11 contains a function called 'length', which can be applied to lists. Can you change the program to ask about the square of a number instead of the square root of a number? By using a 'memory' composed of lists, the program could be extended to remember items the user got wrong and ask about them again more frequently than items the user got right. How should such a memory be structured, extended and used? A more ambitious project would be to design a program that learns things about numbers and then teaches what it has learnt? What would be a suitable starting state for such a program? What does a child start with when beginning to learn about numbers? For some suggestions see this teach file. Fractions (rational numbers) Rational numbers are generated if you ever divide an integer by an integer. The notation for rationals has to be got used to: 3/4 => ** 3_/4 Pop-11 can reduce fractions to their simplest terms: 5/10 => ** 1_/2 3/12 => ** 1_/4 99/12 => ** 33_/4 The 'TEACH ARITH' file, introduces the above information and a lot more. JUMP TO CONTENTS LIST Other mathematical operations Pop-11 includes the main mathematical functions provided by other programming languages, including trigonometric functions, etc. It even knows about complex numbers though the syntax used to print them out or type them in may be unfamiliar. E.g. this is how it prints the square root of -1 sqrt(-1) => ** 0.0_+:1.0 (i.e. 0.0 + 1.0i in a more familiar notation) sqrt(-23) => ** 0.0_+:4.79583 (i.e. 0.0 + 4.79583i in a more familiar notation) And it has some constants built in: pi => ** 3.141593 A random number generator for positive integers: repeat 20 times random(100) endrepeat => ** 37 83 79 79 32 16 69 90 38 3 33 53 9 66 21 58 74 60 80 26 which also works with floating point numbers repeat 8 times random(10.0) endrepeat => ** 6.7742 5.03026 8.07819 7.51446 7.90437 9.95057 9.66306 3.23868 JUMP TO CONTENTS LIST Defining new arithmetical procedures We now show how these arithmetical operations can be used in defining some procedures to help you sort out requirements for furnishing and heating a room. -- Defining a procedure- PERIMETER ------------------------------------ Suppose you know the length and the breadth of a rectangular room and you want to know its perimeter. You can add up the lengths of all the walls, thus (using the arrow '->' to indicate a variable that will hold the output value for the procedure): define perim(long, wide) -> total; long + wide + long + wide -> total enddefine; Compile it and test it with a range of examples: perim(3,4) => ** 14 perim(10,20) => ** 60 perim(10,10) => ** 40 -- Carpeting the room ------------------------------------------------- In order to carpet the room you'll need to know the area of the floor. This procedure will tell you: define floor(long, wide) -> area; long * wide -> area enddefine; Type that in then test it floor(10,10) => ** 100 floor(8,6) => ** 48 -- Wallpaper required ------------------------------------------------- If you also know the height of the room you can work out the area of wall-paper required to cover the walls. Imagine the walls all straightened out into one long wall. Then the new wall would be as long as the original perimeter of the room and to find its area you'd only have to multiply the perimeter by the height. So you can define the wallarea procedure to do that: define wallarea(long, wide, high) -> total; perim(long, wide) * high -> total enddefine; It can be compiled and tested: wallarea(10,10,10) => ** 400 wallarea(10,20,8) => ** 480 -- The volume of a room ----------------------------------------------- If you need to buy an extractor fan, or heating system, you'll need to know the volume of the room. So define volume(long, wide, high) -> vol; long * wide * high -> vol enddefine; Then test it: volume(10,10,10) => ** 1000 volume(8,12, 8) => ** 768
JUMP TO CONTENTS LISTGraphical tools are also available in Pop-11 for learning that requires, or at least benefits from, using graphics, as illustrated in this unusual introduction to turtle geometry, including, for example, a version of the "polyspiral" program which takes four numbers as input, and is capable of generating pictures like this (and many others):To view actual size, use your browser's 'view image' option. That introduction illustrates a subset of Pop-11 with graphical facilities providing the functionality of the LOGO Turtle, but with additional features available, including a little package for making silly faces out of circles and rectangles, with results shown here, and explained in this tutorial introduction to making pictures of faces, (and other things). The 'Graphplot' extension to the program provides facilities for drawing graphs of various kinds of mathematical function in a flexible manner. Like everything else, that package is implemented in Pop-11 and can therefore be copied and modified or extended by Pop-11 programmers (including teachers) or easily invoked as a library in Pop-11 programs. More complex graphical capabilities of Pop-11 illustrated here, make use of the Pop-11 RCLIB package, a powerful and extendable object-oriented graphical toolkit that is implemented in Pop-11 and therefore tailorable by Pop-11 users, and easily integrated within a variety of other kinds of Pop-11 programs. (Note, however, that the phrase "Object Oriented" has several different interpretations and the ambiguity mostly goes unnoticed by people who have learnt only one interpretation. More details here. For example, the RCLIB package is also used to provide a graphical interface for the SimAgent toolkit, as shown in some of the videos here. The combination has been used in various programs written in student projects and also used for research based on simulated interacting animals or other agents, e.g. in this online paper (The Role of Signaling Action Tendencies in Conflict Resolution, in Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation vol. 7, no. 1) The RCLIB package was used to produce an animated proof of Pythagoras' theorem here:
JUMP TO CONTENTS LISTStandard list processing exercises include searching for items in lists, or lists of lists. Exercises are provided in teach files. E.g. If you don't know whether some item occurs in a list or not, there is a predicate (a procedure that returns true or false) built in to Pop-11 for testing whether something is a member of a list. the procedure is called "member". It takes two inputs, an item and a list, and returns the result true if the item is in the list, false otherwise. member(3, [1 2 3 4 5]) => ** 〈true〉 Compare the behaviour with this one-element list: member(3, [ 12345 ])=> ** 〈false〉 Nothing is a member of the empty list: member(3, []) => ** 〈false〉 member("fox", [the fox ate the grain]) => ** 〈true〉 member("chicken", [the fox ate the grain]) => ** 〈false〉 Note that the special Pop-11 entities we refer to as 'true' and 'false' (called Booleans by programmers) are printed out by pop11 with angle brackets as in ** 〈false〉 ** 〈true〉 to indicate that they are those entities, not the words "true" and "false".
JUMP TO CONTENTS LISTWhat if you want to know whether a word that satisfies a condition occurs in a list, and you don't know in advance which words are in the list. Then you cannot use the member procedure, since it has to be told precisely what to search for. For example we might be given a list of numbers and wish to know whether a number between 15 and 25 occurs in the list, and if so return the first one found. vars list1, list2; [ 3 9 88 6 22 77 33 7 16 ] -> list1; [ 33 9 88 60 77 33 15 26 ] -> list2; You can define a procedure that searches for a number satisfying the condition: define between_15_and_25( list ) -> found; ;;; if there is a number between 15 and 25 return it as ;;; 'found', otherwise return false, to indicate failure. lvars item; for item in list do if 15 < item and item < 25 then item -> found; return(); endif; endfor; ;;; failed, so result should be false false -> found; enddefine; Test it with these two lists: vars list1, list2; [ 3 9 88 6 22 77 33 7 16 ] -> list1; [ 33 9 88 60 77 33 15 26 ] -> list2; between_15_and_25( list1 ) => prints out: ** 22 between_15_and_25( list2 ) => prints out: ** 〈false〉 A recursive version could look like this: define between_15_and_25( list ) -> found; if null( list ) then ;;; got to end of list without finding anything, ;;; so false -> found elseif 15 < hd( list ) and hd( list ) < 25 then hd( list ) -> found; else ;;; the recursive step -- search the tail of the list between_15_and_25( tl( list ) ) -> found; endif; enddefine; Test this as before: between_15_and_25( list1 ) => prints out: ** 22 between_15_and_25( list2 ) => ** 〈false〉 But now, because the procedure was defined recursively we can ask it to trace itself when it runs: trace between_15_and_25 ; and now the intermediate steps are shown: between_15_and_25( list1 ) => > between_15_and_25 [3 9 88 6 22 77 33 7 16] !> between_15_and_25 [9 88 6 22 77 33 7 16] !!> between_15_and_25 [88 6 22 77 33 7 16] !!!> between_15_and_25 [6 22 77 33 7 16] !!!!> between_15_and_25 [22 77 33 7 16] !!!!< between_15_and_25 22 !!!< between_15_and_25 22 !!< between_15_and_25 22 !< between_15_and_25 22 < between_15_and_25 22 ** 22 If applied to a list that does not contain a target the tracing looks like this, showing how it gets to the end of the list then returns false, which is passed all the way back up the recursive calling chain: between_15_and_25( list2 ) => > between_15_and_25 [33 9 88 60 77 33 15 26] !> between_15_and_25 [9 88 60 77 33 15 26] !!> between_15_and_25 [88 60 77 33 15 26] !!!> between_15_and_25 [60 77 33 15 26] !!!!> between_15_and_25 [77 33 15 26] !!!!!> between_15_and_25 [33 15 26] !!!!!!> between_15_and_25 [15 26] !!!!!!!> between_15_and_25 [26] !!!!!!!!> between_15_and_25 [] !!!!!!!!< between_15_and_25 〈false〉 !!!!!!!< between_15_and_25 〈false〉 !!!!!!< between_15_and_25 〈false〉 !!!!!< between_15_and_25 〈false〉 !!!!< between_15_and_25 〈false〉 !!!< between_15_and_25 〈false〉 !!< between_15_and_25 〈false〉 !< between_15_and_25 〈false〉 < between_15_and_25 〈false〉 ** 〈false〉 Since the procedure between_15_and_25 is just a special case of a procedure that searches down a list for something that passes a test, we can see that it cries out to be generalised to a procedure that takes a list and a test predicate, (a procedure that returns true or false). Here is an example of a "test procedure" (a predicate): define iseven( item ) -> result; ;;; test whether item is even by seeing whether its remainder ;;; on division by 2 is 0 ( ( item mod 2 ) == 0 ) -> result ;;; now result is true or false (the result of the '==' test), ;;; those parentheses are not needed -- they have been ;;; included for clarity. enddefine; iseven(3) => ** 〈false〉 iseven(30568) => ** 〈true〉 A procedure called 'isodd' can be defined similarly to test if a number is odd. (How?) Then the search procedure which takes a list and a test could be based on either the looping or recursive version of procedure between_15_and_25 defined above, e.g. the recursive version might be: define find_first( list, test ) -> found; ;;; list can contain anything. test is a predicate, a ;;; procedure that takes one input and returns true or false. ;;; See if something in the list satisfies the test predicate if null( list ) then ;;; got to end of list without finding anything, ;;; so false -> found elseif test( hd (list) ) then hd( list ) -> found; else ;;; the recursive step -- search the tail of the list find_first( tl( list ), test ) -> found; endif; enddefine; So we can now test that, using the predicate iseven ("is even"), and other predicates provided in pop11, (most of which start with 'is') e.g. isnumber, isword, isstring: find_first( [3 9 35 22 16 99 4], iseven ) => ** 22 find_first( [3 9 35 23 17 99 5], iseven ) => ** 〈false〉 find_first( [3 9 35 cat dog 17 mouse], isword ) => ** cat find_first( [3 9 35 cat dog 17 mouse], isnumber ) => ** 3 Try defining the looping equivalent. Create some more test procedures, including isodd and is_between_35_and_45. You could also consider how to modify find_first to find_all, namely a procedure that takes a list and a predicate and returns a list containing all the items in the given list that satisfy the predicate, and the empty list if there are none. Incidentally, this kind of example shows why it is unfortunate to have a programming language that uses the number 0 to represent false. Why? There are far more examples and exercises in available teach files, e.g. TEACH SETS TEACH SETS2 TEACH RECURSION Note for experienced programmers: closures (lexical closures and partial application) can be used to increase generality of use of procedures as explained (briefly) in HELP PARTAPPLY (partially apply) HELP CLOSURES Thinky Programming Using Python A nice example of searching for a solution to a murder mystery, using python is available here (Murder at the Metropolitan Club). It demonstrates iterative constraint propagation.
JUMP TO CONTENTS LISTSome learners (and teachers) may be interested in ways of modelling learning and other processes using forms of representation inspired by neural nets, illustrated in a simple package produced by Riccardo Poli for that purpose, as illustrated here (use your browser's 'view image' option to enlarge this):The train_net function (whose definition, in Pop-11, should be simple enough for students to understand) is given some training data for a boolean function, in the form of a list of lists of input and output values. It designs a suitable simple neural net architecture, trains it, and then displays a graphical tool for interacting with the net after training. As with all Pop-11 libraries, learners can copy and modify this one to explore more options. The Pop-11 code for this is here. This is one of the cases where Pop-11 gives an elementary introduction that could be followed up by introducing students to a more sophisticated and specialised neural network toolkit.
JUMP TO CONTENTS LIST His web site starts: I have just installed some software on my PC. It gives me Lisp, Prolog, ML, and a language that ought to be better known but isn't, Pop-11. It has an editor from which I can compile and run programs in any of these languages. And in this editor, I can read HELP files and TEACH files. Note that: TEACH files. For teaching Poplog, but also AI. How many compilers have built-in AI tutorials? This one does. Poplog. I like Poplog because I used to teach AI with it. One of my students wrote a poetry generator in Poplog Prolog. The first poem it ever produced went, and I'm not making this up: Oh poetry, Thy power is beauty.
JUMP TO CONTENTS LISTStudents should explicitly be encouraged (or led) to do things that produce error messages (called 'MISHAP' messages in Pop-11, after we noticed that the word 'error' upset some beginners!). In a well designed teaching environment, the error messages have rich semantic content that helps with debugging, as shown above. Learning to test for things going wrong, identifying the nature of the problems and fixing them is an important aspect of cognitive development. I was once told by a beginner student that the thing she enjoyed most about programming was debugging her code when it did not work. I suspect that is because she found it a challenge that was surmountable by adopting a systematic and determined investigative style. Alas students who have been badly educated merely get depressed when their programs don't work. For such students, one of the main tasks of a computing teacher may be to find ways to build up confidence until the student can drive his/her own learning. (This was one of the things I learnt from Max Clowes in the 1970s.
JUMP TO CONTENTS LISTIn addition to the files mentioned above, there are many more 'TEACH' files, such as the 'TEACH ARITH' file, which introduces arithmetic operations, and encourages learning by doing, exploring, testing, and revising or extending programs. Examples of the use of a few of the procedures introduced there were given above and more can be seen here. A more subtle and challenging TEACH file, TEACHNUMS, encourages learners to investigate how numbers could be added to a programming language that does not already support them, using lists to represent numbers (in a 'unary' notation). That example illustrates how a teach file can start easy, or even trivial, and lead to deep and difficult challenges, in this case about the nature of negative numbers and what operations on them could mean. (That could be a possible link to philosophy of mathematics.) Some of the teach files provide introductions to the core concepts of other Programming languages, but using Pop-11's syntax, e.g. TEACH SUPER_EXAMPLE, which introduces Pop-11's 'Superdatabase' library, giving an introduction to the main features of Prolog programming, but in the Pop-11 syntax that a student may already have learnt, using the Pop-11 matcher introduced above. (Poplog also includes a full implementation of Prolog in its own syntax.) Another example is TEACH RULEBASE which introduces rule-based programming through an extension to Pop-11. Using the same editor, students can also learn how to write proposals for projects (or mini projects) and also draft reports. The programming examples in the 'teach' files can be run from within the poplog editor (Ved or XVed), by marking the lines and giving a 'doit' command (e.g. CTRL-D). The learner can then modify the commands (in the teach files, which are write-protected) using the editor and run them again, or copy them and create new combinations and run them. The output of such commands, including error messages will go into an editor buffer where they are displayed, so that it is easy to look back at previous outputs and error messages -- something that is not so easy to provide with a purely graphical mode of interaction. Users are not forced to use the Poplog editor. Instead they can edit programs in another preferred text editor and copy the code into a Pop-11 command window to be run. Or the whole file can be written and then compiled by Pop-11 (without restarting Pop-11, because it uses an incremental compiler, available at run time).
JUMP TO CONTENTS LISTBesides the turtle that is part of pop-11's 2-D graphics package, there is another (much older) simulated turtle, developed in the 1970s that can draw into a 2-D array, by leaving a trail of characters (asterisks by default) as it moves. This can then be printed out or displayed on a screen to examine the results. More importantly, the contents of the array can also be examined by a computer program. So the computer, like the user, can find out the results of performing various drawing operations. The following packages are provided: o The TEACH TURTLE file illustrates ways of drawing into the array and displaying the results o TEACH SEEPICS introduces techniques for perceiving structures at different levels of abstraction in such pictures, and o TEACH PICDEM illustrates ways of learning concepts by abstracting from the details of perceived examples. These are not intended to teach up to date sophisticated vision, learning and recognition techniques, but to introduce young learners to the problems and to some ways of thinking about them that can be explored in a friendly AI programming language with helpful libraries.
JUMP TO CONTENTS LISTAlthough it seems to be an axiom of many people concerned with ways of teaching programming that textual programming is too dull and too difficult for young beginners, it is arguable that that merely reflects the ill-considered kinds of programming examples that teachers of programming and computer science have tended to use in the past. In other words, what may be thought of as boring text-based programming tools can, when used by creative teachers, provide extremely versatile playthings that can be combined, extended, decomposed, re-organised, reinvented, and used as inspiration for deep and enjoyable learning about a variety of computing and non-computing topics. Obvious examples would be writing programs to generate simple stories, or simple haikus, as illustrated in TEACH STORYGRAMMAR. Many of the topics relate to the nature of human thinking, learning, perceiving and communicating. This contrasts with the emphasis on moving around, colliding, avoiding, shooting, killing, dressing-up, etc., in some other programming environments for learners.
JUMP TO CONTENTS LISTAlthough complex graphical programming interfaces are more fashionable for young learners, and are clearly able to engage them and foster both learning and collaboration, it is arguable that the learning achieved is not so deep because of the limited forms of expression provided by such programming interfaces -- e.g. the difficulty of expressing some abstractions, such as use of recursive calls. That may not matter in the earliest stages of learning to program. In any case, there are deep and enjoyable things that can be done without graphical tools, or in addition to using the graphical programming tools. Learning to use textual specifications for structures and processes is in itself an important part of education for thinking and communicating about complex phenomena, including finding appropriate levels of abstraction for solving problems, and for describing how something complex works. (Many experienced programmers cannot do that well.) Some important forms of abstraction are well suited to graphical formalisms (e.g. trees, graphs and maps). Others are more closely related to textual formalisms, including logical expressions and computer programs. Pop-11 supports a variety of styles, including the 'logic programming' style illustrated here and not well supported by most programming languages, and also the styles used for a variety of artificial intelligence techniques, in addition to most of the conventional programming styles. It is much less cluttered and more intuitive than some of the recent languages that introduce 'object oriented' styles of programming from the start, such as Java. Mathematical instruction regarding algorithms has gone on for centuries without that extra clutter: e.g. the simple and elegant algorithms for computing highest common factors and least common multiple of two numbers, described (among other things) here. Aspects of Pop-11 overlap with Common Lisp, with Scheme and with Prolog, all of which allow simple uncluttered expression of simple algorithms.
JUMP TO CONTENTS LISTTeachers using the teaching resources described here are not forced to use the existing teach files. They can produce their own and install them in program, documentation, and teaching libraries where they will automatically be found by users giving search commands (as many teachers have done in the past), or copy and modify the files provided, to suit the needs of their pupils or to fit better with local educational objectives -- or even the needs of individual students. The use of an incremental compiler makes it easy to test every new example, or every modified example very quickly, especially if using the integrated text editor. Modified versions of the existing teach files could be used for younger learners as long as they can read and type -- a very simple typing tutorial is included, invoked by typing just 'ttt' to Pop-11. Before keyboards were in every school it gave many first-year university students their first introduction to typing, by providing strings to copy, which are then checked by the program. It was also used by some pre-school children, brought in by members of academic staff! Poplog (especially Pop-11) comes with a collection of library programs with associated documentation that can be used as building blocks in student projects, or can be used as the basis for learning a set of techniques. Creative teachers can produce new 'teach' files, and, if necessary, corresponding new program libraries, that can be linked into search lists for different groups of learners. A set of teach files and corresponding code files can be grouped within a directory, and a command provided to add the files in that directory to documentation and program library 'search lists'. Different 'search lists' for documentation and code libraries can be given to different groups of students. The same 'grouping' mechanism for code and documentation can be used for students collaborating on a common project. Those local code and documentation files can be stored separately from the main poplog installation, and as they are all plain text files can easily be given to other schools or made available on the web for others to use -- unlike some programming environments that store user creations in special formats that can only be interpreted by running the package. The educational philosophy behind all this is explained in this PDF paper 'Teaching AI and Philosophy at School?' and in the paper referenced below.
The core language, Pop-11, is in some ways like Python (though it has built in support for more programming paradigms), in some ways like Lisp (though with a more conventional syntax), in some ways like Scheme (because it handles function names like Scheme rather than Common Lisp), and also like 'Forth' because it supportsstack manipulation, and partly like Prolog because it allows list processing to be done with a pattern matcher, and provides mechanisms for storing and manipulating information in a structured database, instead of dealing only with values of variables. E.g. see the TEACH DATABASE file for some examples. Because the tutorial database mechanism is relatively unstructured -- every stored item merely has to be a list of some kind, students can easily explore different ways of structuring information for different problems -- instead of always having to use (or fight) the structure provided (e.g. [object attribute value] -- provided in some systems). At a later stage, some students may start using the Poprulebase package, which introduces a more powerful framework for using structured databases in connection with condition-action rules, e.g. as often used in "expert systems". The TEACH EXPERTS tutorial gives a partial overview, with pointers to more things to try. Students can be led in a different direction by introducing them to the 'Superdatabase' (SUPER), which introduces logic programming in a style close to Prolog.
In an interview reported here, Peter Denning was asked:How has the switch to C++ and Java brought new problems?To which he replied:
Students get consumed with trying to master the mechanics of programs. They are so busy trying to make programs work, they get sidetracked from understanding the underlying concepts of their programs. Their perception is that "Computer Science 1" is really "Programming" and not concepts of computing. The complexity of these languages has become a monster that we don't know how to cope with. One of the consequences is a high dropout rate from our first courses - about 30 to 50 percent. Another is that plagiarism and copying of programs is a major industry as students "do anything" to pass those courses.As the preceding comments illustrate, Pop-11 can be used to introduce, with relatively little counter-intuitive clutter, a variety of common programming paradigms, including use of looping constructs, recursion, standard arithmetic (and some unusual extensions, such as ratios, complex numbers, and arbitrarily large integers (bignums) -- more details here), arrays, strings, list processing facilities, pattern matching (with pattern restrictions) to simplify construction and analysis of list structures (partly like Prolog), rule-based programming, neural nets, Object-Oriented programming techniques with multiple inheritance, (using facilities similar to CLOS; though, the phrase "Object Oriented" means different things to different people, as explained here).
Pop-11 also has a "lightweight process" mechanism that supports learning about co-routines or threads, and is used in a tutorial introduction to operating systems. (Using the facilities in RCLIB that tutorial could now be given a graphical interface.)
Like Scheme and functional languages, Pop-11 allows a "functional style" of programming, to be used, using higher order functions and closures, which can make some complex tasks very much simpler. (The Wikipedia entry gives more information about functional programming.) However, pop-11 does not have strong syntactic typing: it uses semantic types and run-time type checking.
The importance of teaching students to think about the architecture of a complete program is not always emphasised, alongside designing ontologies, forms of representation to be used and algorithms for the various sub-systems. Even the beginner's introduction to a very simple chatbot presented above can introduce ideas about architecture, e.g.*------* --- > --- *---------* --- > --- *----------------* | USER | |INTERFACE| |INFERENCE ENGINE| *------* --- < --- *---------* --- < --- *----------------*In a more complex development, such as the one suggested above above to extend the riverworld scenario, the architecture may be further elaborated, e.g. by decomposing the "Inference Engine" into a Database and a Reasoner.Diagrams representing architectures are likely to be far more important in the long run than flow charts, which cannot cope well with most kinds of structured programming (using call and return, with recursion), and do not cope at all with the design and use of different forms of representation (e.g. trees, graphs, pattern-based databases).
Whether any of the existing formalisms for specifying architectures is up to the task is another matter.
Learning about a variety of AI programming techniques
There are many Pop11 'teach' files developed at Sussex University, Birmingham University and elsewhere, introducing concepts and techniques, with exercises ranging from simple program completion to development of whole systems, some of them making use of packages provided by tutors to hide details for beginners: e.g. some basic programming and AI teach files here and here, including the previously mentioned tutorial on building a simple chatbot based on pattern matching which can be followed by the introduction to grammars, parsing. sentence generation (also mentioned above), and TEACH STORYGRAMMAR, which introduces generation of stories and haikusAlthough Pop-11 is specially well suited for AI/Cognitive Modelling there are tutorials on many standard programming techniques, some mentioned above, including use of recursion for list-processing and both simple, and more complex exercises treating lists as sets (with answers available).
There are many more 'Teach files' available here, all if them using plain text both for exposition and for programming code, so that they are all easily editable by teachers if desired, e.g. to make them more suitable to the intended learners, either by including easier or more difficult exercises, adding (or removing) hints or changing contents of the examples to suit a particular culture or environment.If the editing is done using the Poplog editor Ved, then all the examples can be tested inline, and sample outputs generated in the editor to include in the teach files as was done in most of the files listed below. The more advanced and specialised teaching materials introduce many topics relevant to general programming and also AI/Cognitive Science, and Linguistics, including:
- neural nets, thanks to Riccardo Poli, who also provided
- an introduction to the use of genetic algorithms for evolutionary computation (also by Riccardo Poli);
- rule based techniques as in expert systems, and
- the use of the SimAgent "Agent Toolkit" with several introductory tutorials.
- The Popvision tutorials by David Young at Sussex University introduce a variety of image interpretation techniques as well as tools for generating and manipulating images.
- A linear algebra package, developed by David Young, based on Lapack and BLAS is described here, here, and here.
This links in Fortran libraries invoked by Pop-11, and provides many of the facilities of packages like matlab, though using the syntax of Pop-11. This is included in the Popvision package.(To be extended).
Other sources of information about using Pop-11 for teaching
A book, Computers and Thought, by Mike Sharples and others, originally published by MIT Press, though now out of print, provides an introduction to Cognitive Science/AI using Pop-11. The text is online here.JUMP TO CONTENTS LISTA Pop-11 programming primer for people with previous programming experience, here.
Poplog also includes some tutorial exercises and online documentation on Prolog, Lisp, and Standard ML, though not as much as for Pop-11.
A web site with HTML versions of poplog documentation.
(Partly out of date, but mostly OK.)
It is very strongly recommended that the teaching of programming be combined with practice in clearly specifying goals, requirements to be satisfied, and outlines of designs, prior to writing code, documenting code as it is written, and writing clear and analytical high level overviews of completed programs, including explaining their limitations, faults, and possible future developments, and where relevant comparing the design chosen with alternative designs.JUMP TO CONTENTS LISTDeveloping these capabilities helps to produce people who have learnt to think about, analyse, and explain what they are doing, unlike all the programmers who can merely write code.
See for example
- Teach Proposals
- Teach Reports
- Teach Progstyle
On programming style, including documentation.
This article Beginners need powerful systems explains the benefits of using a non-"toy" language for teaching beginners, to support variable rates of progression, to allow individual learners to go on developing and diversifying their expertise over an extended period, and to allow creative teachers to provide additional libraries and support tools. (A great deal of teaching using Poplog has been "team-teaching" where tutors build on one another's program library and documentation resources.)JUMP TO CONTENTS LIST
The provision of continuous learning trajectories from absolute beginner to advanced researcher within the same framework was a major design objective, enabling teachers and their beginner and non-beginner students to use the same system. A subroutine or package produced by an older student could then easily be invoked and used (or copied and modified) by a less advanced student.JUMP TO CONTENTS LISTOf course, emphasising assessment more than learning can rule such collaboration out.
One of the advanced projects using Pop-11 was development of Poplog itself: because the developers were constantly using all its features for their own development work they found most bugs before they could reach users. This has made it an unusually robust package. Bugs reported in the years since 1999 are listed here. Many are concerned with installation procedures and libraries rather than the core system.
For more information on Poplog and its history see
A history of developments in e-learning using Pop-11 and Poplog, starting at Sussex University in 1976 can be found here.
The built in text editor Ved (or its multi-window version XVed), provides a general purpose interface between the user, the user's programming input, the output from the compilers, the teach files, other documentation files, and the program libraries. Users can write things into the Editor buffer and can read what is in the editor buffer. Similarly the compiler can read what is in the buffer (and obey instructions) and can write things in the buffer. So the editor's text buffer acts as a two-way communication channel between user and programs run, and has done for nearly three decades, just as many graphical interfaces now do.It also provides simple actions to invoke documentation or tutorial files. For example, the Pop-11 command
uses XXXcan get the editor (via the Pop-11 compiler) to make sure that the XXX library has been compiled in the current session, so that its facilities can be used, including the HELP and TEACH files provided by the package. In many cases that will also automatically load other packages and extend both program and documentation search lists for items accessible using Ved's hypertext facilities.The command
showlib XXXasks the editor to read in and display the code of the XXX library file (that may contain cross-references to other documentation and code files). The commandhelp XXXwill invoke documentation on XXX for people who already have some experience with XXX, whereas the commandteach XXXasks the editor to read in a tutorial on XXX for beginners, usually giving examples to play with, by editing and recompiling bits of text in the documentation window. (There is no need to copy the text to another window.) Moreover placing the text cursor to the left of an identifier in a program (e.g. next to the name of a system procedure or library procedure) and typing ESC+h will invoke a documentation file with information about the identifier.These mechanisms can be used also by teachers to produce their own teaching materials for learners -- which is how all the teaching documentation was developed originally. On a shared server this makes it particularly easy for teachers to cooperate in building up cumulative layers of teaching materials. The integrated editor also allows students to produce documentation in which the examples are tested -- reducing the frequency of documentation bugs.
Since the same mechanisms can be used for code and documentation of many different levels of sophistication, the same system allows students at all levels (including both absolute beginners and very young children, as well as experienced programmers new to AI) to learn about many aspects of both general programming and Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, by designing, implementing, testing, extending, analysing working programs, or program fragments. At an advanced stage they can use the same interface to develop projects, as several final year students, MSc students and PhD students have done.
Using the Poplog editor is not mandatory
There are several advantages in using the Poplog editor, Ved/XVed, but people who would rather use an editor with which they are familiar, then copy and paste text between their editor and the pop-11 command line can do so. There is also an Emacs interface to Poplog that provides most of the advantages of the integrated editor (though it requires far more memory!).For more information on the editor and how to use it see this overview.
Editor, documentation and libraries
The environment has many of the interactive features of interpreted languages, though the Poplog languages are all incrementally compiled to machine code for efficiency. The 'TEACH' files, and other documentation files, are accessible through its integrated visual editor (Ved/XVed), which 'knows about' the compilers, the program libraries and the documentation libraries, and is extendable since it is implemented in Pop-11. E.g. a tutorial file can have a hypertext link to other documentation or to program libraries. Programming examples can be run from inside the editor, then modified and run again, without restarting the editor or Poplog.For Emacs users there is a conversion package that extends Emacs to support integration with the Pop-11 compiler. Another option, for people who do not wish to use a new editor is to type commands into the Pop-11 (or Prolog, or Lisp, or ML) prompt in a shell command line, while editing and reading documentation quite separate editor. This will add some inconvenience and slow down development a little. (To a 'normal' edit/compile/test loop.)There are many libraries extending the core system to support various kinds of programming tasks. For example the SimAgent toolkit supports exploration of architectures for more or less intelligent agents. The library and documentation system make use of search lists, allowing packages and teaching materials developed by different teachers, students and researchers to be combined flexibly, strongly encouraging team teaching.
There is also a collection of libraries and tutorials related to computer vision, i.e. image analysis and interpretation, in David Young's "Popvision" Library including neural net, array manipulation, and linear algebra utilities.
Some of the Poplog/Pop11 graphical facilities are illustrated here, and there are movies showing some student AI projects, based on the the SimAgent toolkit.
Poplog/Pop-11 as a commercial product (1983-1998)
For many years Poplog was an expensive commercial product, first sold commercially by Sussex University for use on VAX+VMS (for UK£3,000, and much less for academics) in 1982, and then continually developed, ported to other platforms, and commercially supported up to 1998, first by Systems Designers (from 1983) and later by a spin-off, Integral Solutions Ltd (founded in 1989).At one stage the commercial price was UK£1,500 (+VAT) for workstations, though the educational price was always much lower. Poplog was a solid, reliable, commercial product, used mainly, though not entirely, for AI and Software Engineering research, development and teaching. By about 1992 sales had exceeded $5,000,000.
The most famous product implemented in Poplog (mainly Pop-11) was the Clementine Data Mining system, developed by ISL, as a result of which they were bought by SPSS, so that Clementine (later renamed as "PASW modeller"), could be integrated with their other data-mining tools (after re-writing in Java and C++, with some loss of functionality). widely used (More on Clementine)
Another product based on Poplog was a software validation toolkit produced by Praxis.
Additional Information about Poplog and Pop-11
Poplog runs on PC+Linux and a number of Unix systems, and can also
work on Windows.
Information about downloading and installing Poplog can be found here.
Information about how poplog works, including how the Poplog Virtual Machine supports several different languages (including Pop-11, Common Lisp, Prolog, Standard ML, and others) can be found in:
POPLOG's two-level virtual machine support for interactive languages,
Robert Smith and Aaron Sloman and John Gibson,
in Research Directions in Cognitive Science Volume 5: Artificial Intelligence,
Eds. D. Sleeman and N. Bernsen, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp. 203--231, 1992,
Further information is available on Wikipedia and other sites:
I suspect a good team project that could be developed in stages
across a few teams would be a more portable version of
this machine code emulator
which runs on Windows only. As far as I can tell from the Web site
Pop-11 with its RCLIB package would make this feasible and fun. For
some videos of past student projects see
Since version 15.6, Poplog has had a modular package structure, allowing teaching or application packages to be added and easily linked into the library and documentation system. The current package structure is described, and its contents listed, here.
This file maintained by:
Aaron Sloman
Installed: 22 Jan 2010
Last Updated: 24 Jan 2010; 27 Jan 2010; 31 Jan 2010
4 Feb 2010; 7 Feb 2010; 27 Feb 2010; 22 Mar 2010; 14 Apr 2010; 6 May 2010;
23 May 2010; ... 7 Nov 2010; 3 Dec 2010; 10 Jan 2011; 22 Jun 2011; 28
Jun 2011; 8 Sep 2011; 28 Oct 2011; 14 Jan 2012; 30 Apr 2012; 23 Jul
2012; 10 Jul 2015 (re-formatted).