Examples of what can be done
with the Pop-11 RC_GRAPHIC package
for 2-D graphical interfaces (Part of
The RC_GRAPHIC (Relative Coordinates Graphic) Library in Pop-11, provides an introduction to interactive 2-D graphics using mechanisms that distinguish a "virtual" picture plane with an origin and coordinate system from the screen picture plane. The graphic commands draw on the virtual picture plane, and another mechanism maps the drawing onto the screen. That mechanism can be used to shift the origin, alter the x scale and y scale, and even to rotate the axes.
So the very same instructions to draw a picture can produce different versions of the picture (rotated, stretched, reflected, etc.) simply by altering the "projection" from the virtual picture plane to the physical display .
This file presents a few simple examples of the use of some the RC_GRAPHIC facilities, with images showing the results of using them. This package is also embedded in the much more powerful RCLIB package which is used in the SimAgent toolkit. Further information can be found in these files:
Links to further documentation are available below.
;;; Command to load the RCLIB library, which includes RC_GRAPHIC uses rclib ;;; Define a procedure to be used later, to print a string at the ;;; 'current location' of the 'drawing turtle' define printhere(string); ;;; print the string at the specified location rc_print_at(rc_xposition, rc_yposition, string); enddefine; ;;; specify a size of window to be created 350 -> rc_window_xsize ; 350 -> rc_window_ysize ; ;;; Create the empty rc_graphic window (shown below after drawing in it) rc_start(); ;;; Go to the middle of the picture and face right (east) rc_jumpto(0,0); 0 -> rc_heading; ;;; print the letter 'a' (this comes out immediately on the window) printhere('a'); ;;; Draw a line to right and print 'b' rc_draw(150); printhere('b'); ;;; Turn 90 (counterclockwise), then draw a line and print 'c'. rc_turn(90); rc_draw(150); printhere('c'); ;;; After the above this is what the display looks like (using my preferred Openbox ;;; graphical style on a Linux machine. (I use neither Gnome nor KDE).;;; We want to record the current location (c) so that a line can ;;; be drawn to this point later. So we save the coordinates in two ;;; Pop-11 variables, 'xloc' and 'yloc' created as follows: vars xloc,yloc; ;;; record the current location in those two variables (rc_xposition, rc_yposition) -> (xloc, yloc); ;;; Twice more, turn 90 and draw a line, printing 'd' after the first line. rc_turn(90); rc_draw(150); printhere('d') rc_turn(90); rc_draw(150); ;;; This is what the display now looks like
;;; turtle now back at location a. We want to draw to c. ;;; this will do it, without using Pop-11's sqrt (square root) ;;; function to compute the distance to be drawn. rc_drawto(xloc, yloc); ;;; And this is the picture produced, with the drawing ;;; turtle now at location (c)
;;; We can define a procedure, called 'rc_spiral' to draw a spiral, starting at ;;; location x, y, facing initially in direction heading ;;; with an initial drawing length of 0, then repeatedly increase the length ;;; by amount incr, change the heading by turnincr degrees, ;;; and continue until the number of lines drawn is sides define rc_spiral(x, y, heading, incr, turnincr, sides); ;;; Move the 'turtle' to the start location rc_jumpto(x, y); ;;; Make it point in the specified initial direction ;;; (0 means to the right, 90 means vertically upwards, etc.) heading -> rc_heading; ;;; start a variable to hold the current length of line to draw lvars draw_len = 0; ;;; start a loop, containing instructions to be followed 'sides' times. repeat sides times ;;; increment the line length by amount incr draw_len + incr -> draw_len; rc_draw(draw_len); ;;; alter the heading by angle turnincr rc_heading + turnincr -> rc_heading; endrepeat enddefine; ;;; remove the old window, and create a new bigger window ;;; size 550x550 rc_kill_window_object(rc_window_object_of(rc_window)); 550 -> rc_window_xsize ; 550 -> rc_window_ysize ; rc_start(); ;;; Test the rc_spiral procedure ;;; Make it spiral round to the left, by turning 6 degrees after ;;; each line drawn rc_spiral(0, 0, 0, 0.1, 6, 1000); ;;; producing this result
;;; Make it spiral round to the right, by turning -6 degrees after ;;; each line drawn, after clearing the display rc_start(); rc_spiral(0, 0, 0, 0.1, -6, 1000);
;;; Now do both on the same display rc_start(); rc_spiral(0, 0, 0, 0.1, 6, 1000); rc_spiral(0, 0, 0, 0.1, -6, 1000); ;;; producing this
To view actual size, use your browser's 'view image' option (e.g. right click on image, and select 'view image', in Firefox).
Very different examples: making silly faces A tutorial package for making silly faces out of circles and rectangles, is available, with results shown here.
Examples using the RC_POLYDEMO library The Pop-11 rc_polydemo library is part of the RCLIB package. When run it interacts with the user, giving explanations of what it can do (draw "polyspirals"), and what the user has to provide, namely four numbers: initial length, length increment, angle to turn, total number of lines and also offers advice and prompts. If requested, it will provide example sets of numbers to try out. When given four numbers it uses them to produce a picture then prints out out a (randomly selected!) comment. Here are some examples of relatively simple interactions with rc_polydemo: Initial length: 400, Increment: -2, Angle: 90, Total lines: 225, produces this figure (growing in from the outside):To view actual size, use your browser's 'view image' option. (Similarly with images below).
Question for learners: What would happen if you made the turn angle 120 degrees? What would happen if you made it 60 degrees? What other angles would produce recognizable shapes? Can you explain what happens when you try 135 degrees? Initial length: 500, Increment: -1, Angle: 90.05, Total lines: 500, produces this figure (also growing in from the outside):
Questions for learners: Why do the corners form those lines curving towards the centre? What would happen if you made the angle to turn slightly bigger or slightly smaller? Initial length: 450, Increment: -2, Angle: 91, Total lines: 450, produces this figure (growing in from the outside, then growing out "backwards" after the length becomes negative, so as to produce two superimposed patterns [really needs a video]):
Initial length: 500, Increment: -1, Angle: 89, Total lines: 1000, produces this figure (also growing in from the outside, then growing out again "backwards"):
Questions for learners: Why is this last picture more densely packed than the previous one? Why does it spiral in (and out) more tightly than the previous one? Initial length: 500, Increment: -1, Angle: 90.05, Total lines: 1000, produces this figure (also growing in from the outside, then growing out again "backwards"):
Questions for learners: How do you make the picture spiral back to the same length as it started with? Which turn angles cause the lines to spiral inwards in parallel, as in the first picture above?
Using 135 degrees as a turn angle The previous examples all used a turn angle of 90 degrees or a little more or less. What happens if we use 135 degrees as a turn angle to try, and to vary. See if you can work out what's going on in the following three pictures:What other turn angles will produce a star shape like the above picture, possibly with more or fewer corners? How do the numbers need to be altered to produce the next two variants.
The four parameters used for the last three pictures were, in order: Initial length turn number of length increment angle lines 600 -3 135 200 600 -3 135.2 200 600 -3 135.2 400 Use the differences in the numbers to explain the differences in the pictures, and try variations, especially in the increment, turn angle and number of lines to draw.
Examples using the RC_POLYPANEL library This shows off many more of the facilities in the RCLIB package including sliders, active buttons, radio buttons, etc. (These are all implemented in Pop-11, using the Objectclass feature and the RCLIB package.) Rc_polypanel allows pictures "polyspiral" pictures to be drawn with different colour foregrounds and backgrounds, and at different speeds -- slowing down drawing is often essential for understanding what's going on. This example uses a blue background, ivory foreground, initial length 400, a decrement of 1, a turn angle of 89 degrees, and draws 800 lines.The user can choose a speed and then click on the "Draw" button. Drawing more slowly can make it easier to understand what is going on. It is also possible to create two or more instances of the panel (currently that would have to be done in different pop11 processes because this demo uses global variables), and use them with similar but partly different settings in order to work out how changing the parameters affects what happens by comparing the results side by side (screen resolution permitting!). Clicking on the "Suggestions" button at the bottom brings up a text panel suggesting some settings to try. This tool can be used by a teacher with a group of students, discussing which changes to make to the current settings on the panel in order to produce a desired effect. Asking learners to make suggestions and to explain why they think they will work is a way of helping them to understand as well as exposing gaps or errors in understanding of the ideas regarding arithmetic and geometry used in these demonstrations. E.g. when asked how to make a triangle, many beginners will suggest a turn angle of 60 degrees. This error can lead to a discussion of the difference between the the angle between two headings (or vectors), and what is normally thought of as the angle between two lines. Likewise discussion of negative increments can help to enrich understanding about numbers. Further insights come from discussion of what happens when the decreasing length of lines passes through 0 and becomes negative. How should a line of lenth -10 be drawin in a certain direction? The instructions for building the panel on the right can be seen in this Pop-11 file.
Maintained by Aaron Sloman