2.1 Matching constant parameters 2.2 Procedure Activations Persist after Procedure returns result 2.3 Procedure Definitions may be Distributed over Clauses 2.4 Unit Clauses Record Basic Facts3 Arithmetic and other operations can be built in
So far we have considered resolution in the full first order predicate calculus. However in the logic paradigm it is customary to restrict the kind of clauses we are allowed to write in exchange for the possibility of efficient implementation of the logic on a computer. The most serious restriction is that we allow only one positive literal per clause. Such clauses are called "Horn clauses". In terms of implication, a Horn clause
~a 1 \/ ~a 2 \/ ... ~a n \/ b
can be regarded as a implication:
(a1 & a2 & ...... an) -> bMoreover this is commonly given an operational interpretation in which b is regarded as a kind of procedure.
In the Prolog language, for example, a Horn clause is written
consequence :- premises
where the
where X, Y and Z are variables, according to the
Prolog convention of capitalising variables.
Let us write Horn clauses as, for example:
Such a clause can be regarded as a kind of a definition of a
procedure grandparent. From this operational viewpoint,
(? x) and (? y) are formal parameters of the procedure,
while (? z) is a local variable. Whereas in Scheme all parameters
are called by value, in the operational interpretation of the
logic paradigm we regard all parameters as being called by
reference. So if we regard the clause above as a kind of procedure
definition we see the following correspondence:
So, the negated form of our theorem, for example
can be regarded as a call of our procedure
Notice that one difference between this and Pascal is that if you pass a
constant as actual parameter, instead of getting an error report if you try to
bind it inside the procedure, a logic language will try to match the constant.
Here you could think of the (? p) in the call as a kind of
(although the logic paradigm extends this concept rather far).
Another important difference is that the grandparent
procedure activation does
not cease to exist when it returns a result. Rather it is kept around to be
re-activated if the result is not satisfactory. This corresponds to the fact
that a clause can be resolved with several other clauses.
[Some implementations of Scheme allow you to write Scheme functions that have
the same property - they provide a function named call/cc
(call with current
continuation) which preserves the state of a computation to be re-activated at
a later time.]
Finally, let us notice that the definition of a predicate-procedure can be
spread over more than one case. For example, suppose we had expressed our
family relations in terms of mother and father
then we might have
We shall see this kind of distribution of a definition among several
statements that may be widely separated in the program text in the Object
Oriented Paradigm.
Now let us consider unit clauses. Operationally two clauses such
can be regarded as defining a single procedure parent. We could
think of this as a succinct way of defining a conditional.
So let us consider the query
this "calls the procedure" grandparent,
requiring us to perform the calls
performing the first call of parent
we bind (? z) to Charley. Performing the
second call, we bind the variable (? p) to the value
Computers have a lot of built-in arithmetic capability. We could construct our
arithmetic from logical first principles, for example by translating the Peano
postulates into predicate calculus. However it would be much more efficient to
make use of built-in arithmetic capabilities.
Consider the "less-than" relationship of arithmetic. A good implementation of
the logic paradigm should behave exactly as if there were an infinite number
of unit clauses such as
It should be noted that the best-known implementation of the Logic Paradigm,
namely the Prolog language, has a half-baked implementation of arithmetic
comparison - both arguments of < and other arithmetic operators have to be
instantiated to numbers if an error message is to be avoided.
Arithmetic functions can also be built in. Given that logic programs behave as
procedural rather than functional languages, the most consistent way of
implementing such functions would be to represent them as predicates. For
example one might write (add 2 3 (? x))
and expect (? x) to be bound
to 5.
However this is a very tedious way of specifying arithmetic, so the convention
is to introduce an evaluation
predicate which evaluates an expression. In our
Scheme-based formalism one would write:
Again, the logic-languages behave to some extent as if there were an infinite
number of unit clauses which said, for example
however they do not behave consistently.
So far we have confined ourselves in our examples to what is often called
the "datalog" paradigm, that is to say the arguments of the predicates have
been simple variables, numbers or other constants. At this level, the
capabilities of languages of the logic paradigm such as Prolog, and the
capabilities of relational databases are very similar. In a sense,
logic languages tend to work more lazily - they "think" of a way of
satisfying a predicate and postpone thinking of any other way until the
first way is proved wrong. Relational databases work more eagerly. In the
grandparent case, a relational database would think of all the possible
pairs of people who had that relationship and then might allow the user to
choose the particular one she wanted.
However our version of the predicate calculus allows us to have function
symbols. These allow us in effect to build data-structures.
Now consider the "goal":
This generates the sub-goal, with the substitution ((? y) . 1)
And now with the substitution ((?
x) . 2), we get the empty clause by
resolution with (1). So the original goal is satisfied.
Now consider:
This resolves with (1) to give the binding ((? p) . 1)
and the new goal
However this goal cannot be satisfied by resolution against anything in the
(implicit) database of numeric facts since the (false) fact (or
(> 1 1)) does
not occur in there. So our first result from the member
procedure is no good.
However we can resuscitate it, by using clause (2)! From (4) and (2) we obtain
The first clause now resolves against (1) giving ((?
x) . 2) , leaving us with
which resolves against the implicit clause (or
(> 2 1)) in the database,
leaving us the empty clause.
Now let us consider a more complicated example. We might define
append as:
Now consider the goal:
This resolves with [2] with the unification
giving the new goal
we can now use clause [1] to obtain the unification
satisfying the goal, since [1] is a unit clause. We can get the actual
value of (? listout) by using the two unifying substitutions [U1]
and [U2]. From U1 we obtain
as the value for (? listout), and from [U2] this is seen to be
grandparent(X,Y) :- parent(X,Z), parent(Z,Y).
(or (grandparent (? x) (? y))
(not (parent (? x) (? z)))
(not (parent (? z) (? y))))
2 Viewing Clauses as Procedures
(not (grandparent Liz (? p)))
2.1 Matching constant parameters
2.2 Procedure Activations Persist after Procedure returns result
2.3 Procedure Definitions may be Distributed over Clauses
(or (grandmother (? x) (? y))
(not (mother (? x) (? z))) (not (mother (? z) (? y))))
(or (grandmother (? x) (? y))
(not (mother (? x) (? z))) (not (father (? z) (? y))))
2.4 Unit Clauses Record Basic Facts
(parent Liz Charley)
(parent Charley Will)
(not (grandparent Liz (? p)))
(not (parent Liz (? z))) (not (parent (? z) (? p)))
3 Arithmetic and other operations can be built in
3.1 Building in arithmetic predicates like <
(or (< 1 2))
(or (< 1 3))
(or (< 1 4))
(or (< 2 3))
3.2 Building in arithmetic functions like +
(is (? x) (+ 2 3))
(is 5 (+ 2 3))
Would the Peano postulates translate into first-order predicate
4 Function symbols provide the ability to create data-structures.
4.1 Determining if a given element is a member of a list
(or (member (? x) (cons (? x) (? y)))) ;(1)
(or (member (? x) (cons (? y) (? z))) (not (member (? x) (? z)))) ;(2)
(not (member 2 (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil))))) ;(3)
(not (member 2 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil))))
(or (not (member (? p) (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil)))))
(not (> (? p) 1))) ;(4)
(not (> 1 1))
(not (member (? x) (cons 2 (cons 3 nil))))
(not (> (? p) 1)))
(not (> 2 1))
4.2 Building a new list with concatenation
(or (append nil (? list) (? list))) ;[1]
(or ;[2]
(cons (? x) (? list1))
(? list2)
(cons (? x) (? list3)))
(append (? list1) (? list2) (? list3))))
(not (append (cons 1 nil) (cons 2 nil) (? listout))) ;[3]
( ;[U1]
((? x) . 1)
((? list1) . nil)
((? list2) (cons 2 nil))
((? listout) (cons 1 (? list3)))
(not (append nil (cons 2 nil) (? list3))) ;[4]
(((? list3) (cons 2 nil))) ;[U2]
(cons 1 (? list3))
(cons 1 (cons 2 nil))