3.1 Abstract Characterisation of Queues 3.2 Implementation of Queues
One of the snags about the functional paradigm is that we often have to "massage" a nice clear functional program into a less clear form in order to obtain efficiency. Memoisation is a technique of saving particular values of a function for future use, and provides a nearly automatic way of improving the speed of a function at some cost in space. As such, it can save a lot of work in designing datastructures. Indeed, we can think of the design of datastructures as the determination of which functions in a computation are to be performed in constant (or near constant) time.
Memoisation is implemented by a higher-order function which we shall call memoise. This, in our version, takes one argument, a function, and returns one result, a function which does the same computation as the original function, but which, for any given argument, looks to see if it has already encountered that argument, and if so, trots out the previously computed value. So, given a Fibonnaci function, one might define a memoised version of it thus:
(define mfib (memoise fib))
However, fib itself is defined recursively, and so it is better to ensure that, in evaluating the recursive calls, the memoised version is called. This is possible in Scheme because of the rules applying to global variables - in effect a define is an assignment.
(define fib (memoise fib))
Note that any function that is memoised must be a pure function, without side-effects!
Now let us define memoise. Every time we memoise a new function f we will create a table [1] to hold argument-value pairs. The result of the memoisation is a function [2] which [3] looks up its argument x in the table. If an argument-value pair is found [4], then the cdr of the pair is the value. Otherwise, [5] we use the original function f to compute the value (f x) and store this value in the table [6] , returning it as the result of the function [7]
(define (memoise f)
(let ((table '())) ; [1]
(lambda (x) ; [2]
(let ((pair (assoc x table))) ; [3]
(if pair (cdr pair) ; [4]
(let ((result (f x))) ; [5]
(set! table ; [6]
(cons (cons x result) table))
result) ; end let ; [7]
) ; end if
) ; end let
) ; end lambda
) ; end let
) ; end define
Recall the definition of fib from lecture 8:
(define (fib n)
(if (< n 2)
(+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))
When we considered the evaluation of fib in lecture 10 we wrote it out something like this:
(fib 5)
==> (+ (fib 4) (fib 3))
==> (+ (+ (fib 3) (fib 2)) (+ (fib 2) (fib 1)))
==> (+ (+ (+ (fib 2) (fib 1)) (+ (fib 1) (fib 0)))
(+ (+ (fib 1) (fib 0)) 1))
==> (+ (+ (+ (+ (fib 1) (fib 0)) 1) (+ 1 0))
(+ (+ 1 0) 1))
==> (+ (+ (+ (+ 1 0) 1) (+ 1 0))
(+ (+ 1 0) 1))
==> 5
It is manifest from this example that the evaluation of fib as defined above is of exponential complexity because it is called twice in each recursion with an argument only one or two less. We can see this pattern in the execution of fib by UMASS Scheme:
(trace fib)
(fib 5)
(fib 5 ) |(fib 4 ) | (fib 3 ) | |(fib 2 ) | | (fib 1 ) | | fib = 1 | | (fib 0 ) | | fib = 0 | |fib = 1 | |(fib 1 ) ; reevaluation | |fib = 1 | fib = 2 | (fib 2 ) ; reevaluation | |(fib 1 ) ; reevaluation | |fib = 1 | |(fib 0 ) ; reevaluation | |fib = 0 | fib = 1 |fib = 3 |(fib 3 ) ; reevaluation | (fib 2 ) | |(fib 1 ) | |fib = 1 | |(fib 0 ) | |fib = 0 | fib = 1 | (fib 1 ) | fib = 1 |fib = 2 fib = 5
Now let us memoise fib and see what we get:
(define fib (memoise fib))
(trace fib)
(fib 5)
In this trace, we are seeing both the original fib function being called, and its memoised version. They are both called "fib".
(fib 5 ) memoised |(fib 5 ) non-memoised | (fib 4 ) | |(fib 4 ) | | (fib 3 ) | | |(fib 3 ) | | | (fib 2 ) | | | |(fib 2 ) | | | | (fib 1 ) | | | | |(fib 1 ) | | | | |fib = 1 | | | | fib = 1 | | | | (fib 0 ) | | | | |(fib 0 ) | | | | |fib = 0 | | | | fib = 0 | | | |fib = 1 | | | fib = 1 | | | (fib 1 ) re-evaluation - answer from table | | | fib = 1 | | |fib = 2 | | fib = 2 | | (fib 2 ) re-evaluation - answer from table | | fib = 1 | |fib = 3 | fib = 3 | (fib 3 ) re-evaluation - answer from table | fib = 2 |fib = 5 fib = 5
The gain from memoisation does not appear significant here, but consider (fib 20) - the non-memoised version will need a million calls, whereas the memoised version will need 20 each of the memoised and non-memoised versions.
There is a O(n) time cost of looking up the table in this implementation of memoisation. Given a uniform way of ordering Scheme entities we could define a O(log n) time function for doing the look-up using the ordered-trees we talked about in our lectures on the representation of sets. Or the ordering function could be made an argument to the memoise function.
Now, when we previously considered the Fibonnaci function it turned out to be quite easy to reformulate as a recursive function with linear complexity simply by using an iterative form in which we passed in accumulated previous values. It is not necessarily easy or convenient to do the same thing for every function we write. Memoisation is particularly useful in tuning functional parsers of the kind we have written earlier in the course.
One potential problem with memoisation is that the store used for the table is going to be tied up beyond its useful life. Of course if the user loses access to the memoised function, the table will be garbage-collected. However a memoised function might be kept with a table which will never in fact be accessed again.
Some systems (e.g. Poplog, Java) provide a facility for deleting information in these circumstances.
We can memoise a function that takes an unknown number of arguments by using the (lambda x ...) form. Recall that in this form, the variable x is bound to a list of the actual parameters. Apart from this change to the lambda-expression, the only change that needs to be made is to replace (f x), which applies f to one argument x, by (apply f x) which applies f to the list of arguments.
(define (memoise f)
(let ((table '()))
(lambda x
(let ((pair (assoc x table)))
(if pair (cdr pair)
(let ((result (apply f x)))
(set! table (cons (cons x result) table))
result) ; end let
) ; end if
) ; end let
) ; end lambda
) ; end let
) ; end define
Reloading the definition of fib given above, let us try this new definition of memoise.
(define fib (memoise fib))
(trace fib)
(fib 5)
Now, with only the memoised version of fib being traced, we obtain:
(fib 5 )
|(fib 4 ) | (fib 3 ) | |(fib 2 ) | | (fib 1 ) | | fib = 1 | | (fib 0 ) | | fib = 0 | |fib = 1 | |(fib 1 ) | |fib = 1 | fib = 2 | (fib 2 ) | fib = 1 |fib = 3 |(fib 3 ) |fib = 2 fib = 5
We can see the table being formed if we reload fib and trace assoc:
(trace assoc)
(define fib (memoise fib))
(trace fib)
(fib 5)
(fib 5 ) |(assoc (5) () ) |assoc = <false> |(fib 4 ) | (assoc (4) () ) | assoc = <false> | (fib 3 ) | |(assoc (3) () ) | |assoc = <false> | |(fib 2 ) | | (assoc (2) () ) | | assoc = <false> | | (fib 1 ) | | |(assoc (1) () ) | | |assoc = <false> | | fib = 1 | | (fib 0 ) | | |(assoc (0) (((1) . 1)) ) | | | (assoc (0) () ) | | | assoc = <false> | | |assoc = <false> | | fib = 0 | |fib = 1 | |(fib 1 ) | | (assoc (1) (((2) . 1) ((0) . 0) ((1) . 1)) ) | | |(assoc (1) (((0) . 0) ((1) . 1)) ) | | | (assoc (1) (((1) . 1)) ) | | | assoc = ((1) . 1) | | |assoc = ((1) . 1) | | assoc = ((1) . 1) | |fib = 1 | fib = 2 | (fib 2 ) | |(assoc (2) (((3) . 2) ((2) . 1) ((0) . 0) ((1) . 1)) ) | | (assoc (2) (((2) . 1) ((0) . 0) ((1) . 1)) ) | | assoc = ((2) . 1) | |assoc = ((2) . 1) | fib = 1 |fib = 3 |(fib 3 ) | (assoc (3) (((4) . 3) ((3) . 2) ((2) . 1) ((0) . 0) ((1) . 1)) ) | |(assoc (3) (((3) . 2) ((2) . 1) ((0) . 0) ((1) . 1)) ) | |assoc = ((3) . 2) | assoc = ((3) . 2) |fib = 2 fib = 5
As an example of a problem that is more easily treated in the imperative paradigm than in the functional paradigm, let us consider queues. A queue is a entity into which other entities are inserted one at a time, and from which they are removed one at a time, with the requirement that the order in which entities come out of the queue is the same as that which they were put in. Thus it implements what Americans call a "line".
3.1 Abstract Characterisation of Queues
A queue is defined abstractly by the following operations
(make_queue) Make a new, empty, queue. (empty_queue? Q) Are there any elements in the queue? (front Q) Get the first entry in the queue. (rear Q) Get the last entry in the queue. (insert_queue! Q item) Put a new item in the queue. (delete_queue Q) Take the first item off the queue.3.2 Implementation of Queues
If we realise these operations using a standard functional list representation we get inefficiencies - insert_queue! is O(n) using the simplest approach. Instead, we can use a representation of a queue as a pair whose car points to the front of the list of items in the queue, and whose cdr points to the end of the queue. Thus a queue containing the numbers 1,2,3 would be represented like this:
Let us define some abstract operators to use internally in our queue-manipulation package:
(define front-ptr car)
(define rear-ptr cdr)
(define set-front-ptr! set-car!)
(define set-rear-ptr! set-cdr!)
We can now define our higher-level abstractions:
(define (empty_queue? Q)
(null? (front-ptr Q)))
(define (make_queue)
(cons '() '() ))
(define (front Q)
(if (empty_queue? Q)
(error "front called with empty queue")
(car (front-ptr Q))))
(example '(empty_queue? (make_queue)) #t)
Now let us consider how to write insert_queue!. We will perform the insertion in 3 stages. Suppose we want to add the integer 4 to the queue. First (1) we make a pair to hold the new element:
What happens after this depends on whether or not the queue is empty. If it is non-empty then (4) we link this pair into the list of queue elements:
Finally (5) we make the rear pointer of the queue point to the new last element
In the case of the empty queue:
we make the new pair as before:
Then (2) we make the front pointer of the queue point to the new pair:
Finally (3) we make the rear pointer of the queue also point to the new pair
(define (insert_queue! Q item)
(let ((pair (cons item '()))) ; (1) Make pair to hold new item
((empty_queue? Q)
(set-front-ptr! Q pair) ; (2)
(set-rear-ptr! Q pair) ; (3)
(set-cdr! (rear-ptr Q) pair) ; (4)
(set-rear-ptr! Q pair) ; (5)
(define (make_queue_list list)
(let ((Q (make_queue)))
(for-each (lambda (x) (insert_queue! Q x)) list)
(example '(make_queue_list '(1 2 3)) '((1 2 3) 3))
Warning this example runs, but the list structure made by '((1 2 3) 3) is not a queue since it does not exhibit the requisite sharing. It has the structure:
This example reminds us that the equal? predicate does not test whether two list-structures are structurally equivalent - that is to say it does not test that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the pairs of one list-structure and the other.
To delete an element from a queue we simply adjust the front-pointer to point to the cdr of the list of members of the queue:
(define (delete_queue! Q)
((empty_queue? Q)
(error "deleting element from empty queue"))
(set-front-ptr! Q (cdr (front-ptr Q)))