4.1 Implementing the define special form 4.2 Making it easy to add new special forms 4.3 Implementing the begin special form. 4.4 Testing out the "banking" example.
There are two problems with using the substitution model for implementing Scheme.
[1] It is inefficient. The bodies of lambda-expressions have to be repeatedly copied during the substitution process. It would be much better if they could be compiled into machine-code which is executed by the machine in the normal way.
[2] It does not support the mutation of variables achieved by the set! special form.
Consider for example:
(define (make_account balance) (lambda (amount) (if (>= balance amount) (begin (set! balance (- balance amount)) (list 'balance balance) ) "Insufficient funds" ) ) )
The substitution model would explain:
(make_account 34)
as evaluating to:
(lambda (amount) (if (>= 34 amount) (begin (set! 34 (- 34 amount)) (list '34 34) ) "Insufficient funds" ) )
Here we have introduced the statement (set! 34 .....), which is illegal.
Both of the objections to the substitution model can be surmounted by the environment model. The basic idea is that instead of actually making substitutions, we remember which substitutions would have been made in a structure called an environment. So, instead of substituting 9 for x in the body of the lambda-expression:
((lambda (x) (+ x 5)) 9)
obtaining the expression:
(+ 9 5)
which we evaluate to 14, with the environment model we remember that x = 9 in the environment and evaluate (+ x 5), using the value of 9 for x when it is required.
All aspects of evaluation need the environment, so we have to pass it as an extra parameter to most of our functions. Our basic function for evaluating expressions we will call eval_env!. We put an exclamation point in the name because we are going to mutate the environment when we implement set!.
An environment is simply a list of association lists, each association list holding the values of variables for one function call, except for the last, which is called the global environment, and which holds the values of system variables such as car, cons, cdr and of user-defined global variables.
This environment model meets the objections listed above:
[1] Because we remember the substitutions (in effect the values of variables) in the environment, we do not have to copy the bodies of lambda-abstractions making substitutions as we did in the substitution model, we only have to scan through these bodies, once per application of a lambda-abstraction to a given list of arguments. This saves a lot of time.
[2] The set! operation can be supported because we can change the environment. For example:
(set! x 34)
will change the appropriate entry in an environment, perhaps:
(... (...(x . 90)...)...)
(... (...(x . 34)...)...)
Let us now define our top-level function for evaluating expressions, eval_env!. This function now takes an extra parameter: (eval_env! expr env)
means "evaluate the expression expr in the environment env". So, we would wish to support a call such as
(eval_env! '(+ x (* 2 y)) '(((x . 3) (y . 5)) '()))
which would evaluate to 13.
Apart from the extra env argument, eval_env! differs from eval_eager in the fact that we need to look a symbol up in the environment to see if it "ought" to have been substituted for.
If the expression is a pair [1] it means that we have a function applied to arguments, or a special form. We call the function eval_compound! [2] to handle this case.
If the expression is a symbol [3] then we look up its value in the environment [4]. Otherwise it evaluates to itself [5]
(define (eval_env! expr env)
(if (pair? expr) ;[1]
(eval_compound! (car expr) (cdr expr) env) ;[2]
(if (symbol? expr) ;[3]
(lookup expr env) ;[4]
expr ) ;[5]
So, as before, merely having defined this function, we can evaluate a constant. We give the empty environment '() as second argument.
(example '(eval_env! 34 '()) 34)
We might choose to implement an environment as an association list - this would be the obvious choice. However we prefer to implement it as a sequence of association lists. Each association list is called a frame. The reason for making this choice is that it allows us to keep the variable-bindings associated with a given lambda expression together in a frame. At the end of any environment for actually executing a Scheme program there will be the global frame, which contains all the bindings of the built-in functions. The rules for evaluating standard Scheme treat this global frame somewhat differently, so it is helpful to be able to identify it easily.
We now write the function lookup which finds the value of a variable in an environment. It uses assoc to examine each frame until it finds the required one.
(define (lookup var env)
(if (null? env) var
(let ((pair (assoc var (car env)))) ; look it up in current frame
(if pair
(cdr pair) ; found a binding for var in frame
(lookup var (cdr env))) ; no binding in this frame
Having defined lookup it is now possible to apply eval_env! to evaluate a variable in an environment.
(example '(eval_env!
'x ; the variable x
((a . 16) (b . 7)) ; first frame of environment
((x . 44) (y . 2)) ; second frame
((pi . 3.141593)) ; global frame
)) 44)
Notice that we still evaluate an unbound variable x to itself:
(example '(eval_env! 'x '()) 'x)
We can keep our old definition of method, although the methods themselves will be different.
(define (method f)
(let ((pair (assoc f alist_method)))
(if pair (cdr pair) pair )
The function eval_compound remains much the same as before. We see if there is a method to handle a special form. If there is, it will take the environment as an extra argument. If there is not we evaluate the arguments and apply the function. This time we have to use a lambda expression in the map to ensure that eval_env! has its env argument.
(define (eval_compound! f args env)
(let ((m (method f))) ; get method if there is one
(if m
(m args env) ; use method if there is one
(apply_env! f
(map (lambda (e)
(eval_env! e env))
) ; otherwise evaluate the arguments
; and apply the function to them
) ; end if
) ; end let
(lambda (x) (+ x b))
evaluated with the environment '(((b . 2))). Since the environment holds a substitution that should have been made according to the substitution model, we must ensure that b has the value 2 whenever the body of of the lambda-expression is evaluated. However this evaluation will take place in the future, when the current binding of b may have been lost. For example, in Scheme we might have
(define inc_b (lambda (b) (lambda (x) (+ x b)))) (define add_2 (inc_b 2))
The substitution model takes care of this - add_2 is simply the expression (lambda (x) (+ x 2)) because in applying the outer lambda-expression to the argument 2 the substitution is made in the inner lambda-expression. But with the environment model we have to preserve the environment, or at least the part of it that says that b is 2, along with the inner lambda-expression. Such a pairing of a lambda-expression with an environment is called a closure. We will represent closures by the special form
(closure lambda-expr environment),
although it should be understood that in a standard Scheme implementation closures just appear to be ordinary functions once created.
According to the rules for interpreting Scheme, we have to separate the global frame from the others:
(define (method_lambda args_and_body env)
(list 'closure (cons 'lambda args_and_body) (remove_global env))
(define (remove_global env)
(if (or (null? env) (null? (cdr env))) '()
(cons (car env) (remove_global (cdr env))))
(example '(remove_global
((a . 16) (b . 7)) ; first frame of environment
((x . 44) (y . 2)) ; second frame
((pi . 3.141593)) ; global frame
((a . 16) (b . 7)) ; first frame of environment
((x . 44) (y . 2)) ; second frame
We can characterise a closure abstractly by the following function-calls
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | (closure? c) Returns #t if c is a closure | | (lambda_closure c) Extracts the lambda-expression of the closure c | | (env_closure c) Extracts the environment contained in the closure c | | (cons_closure l env) Makes a closure with given lambda-expr and environment| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The definitions of these are:
(define (closure? x)
(pair? x)
(eq? (car x) 'closure))
(define lambda_closure cadr)
(define env_closure caddr)
We need to define a method for evaluating closures - that is easy, since they are self-contained they just evaluate to themselves:
(define (method_closure args env)
(cons 'closure args)
Of course we are eventually going to have to look inside a closure - but this will happen when it is applied.
We are now ready to try out the creation of a closure as a result of evaluating a lambda-expression, provided we temporarily define alist_method to support it.
(define alist_method
(cons 'lambda method_lambda)
'(lambda (x) (+ x a))
((a . 34))
) )
'(closure (lambda (x) (+ x a)) (((a . 34))))
The method for if is implemented in a straightforward modification of what we did for the substitutional model - we just pass the environment around as required.
To evaluate a conditional expression of the form (if bool expr1 expr2) we first evaluate bool [1]. If it evaluates to #t then we evaluate expr1 [2]. If bool evaluates to #f then we evaluate expr2 [3]. Otherwise we arrange that the (if...) expression evaluates to itself. Note that here again we have a rule for evaluation that differs from standard Scheme.
(define (method_if args env)
(let ((bool (eval_env! (car args) env))) ;[1]
(cond ;
((eq? bool #t) (eval_env! (cadr args) env)) ;[2]
((eq? bool #f) (eval_env! (caddr args) env)) ;[3]
(else (cons 'if args)) ;[4]
It turns out that quotation is easier to handle in the environment model, largely because we do not have to manipulate program text as much as we did in the substitution model, and so there is less possiblity of confusion between an expression which is to be evaluated and one which is a value by virtue of the fact that it was quoted. So, our special form quote simply strips off the quotation.
(define (method_quote args env)
(car args)
The function-call (update! val var env)
(define (update! var val env)
(if (null? env)
(error "set! of undefined variable " var )
(let ((pair (assoc var (car env)))) ; look it up in current frame
(if pair
(set-cdr! pair val) ; found a binding for var in frame
(update! var val (cdr env))) ; no binding in this frame
(define (method_set! args env)
(update! (car args)
(eval_env! (cadr args) env) env
We can dispense with the Y-combinator because the environment model supports recursion directly using set!.
We need to create alist_method first, and then we are ready to try out simple examples of the use of eval_env!.
(define alist_method
(cons 'lambda method_lambda)
(cons 'closure method_closure)
(cons 'if method_if)
(cons 'quote method_quote)
(cons 'set! method_set!)
To test set!, let us set up an environment:
(define env_test '(((x . 2)) ()))
Evaluating x in this environment gives 2.
(example '(eval_env! 'x env_test) 2)
Now let us evaluate (set! x 44):
(eval_env! '(set! x 44) env_test)
And we find that the environment has changed...
(example 'env_test '(((x . 44)) ()))
As has the value of x.
(example '(eval_env! 'x env_test) 44)
Note that when we evaluate a quoted list we get no extra layer of quotation as we did with the substitution model.
(example '(eval_env! ''(3 4 5) env_test) '(3 4 5))
[Note: it is possible to avoid using the mutation operation set-cdr! in implementing set!. This requires however that all our functions return a pair
(value environment)
which is bothersome to write. A purely functional account of the non-functional aspects of Scheme can however be achieved, using this, and other, techniques].
(define the-global-environment
(cons '+ +)
(cons '- -)
(cons '* *)
(cons '/ /)
(cons '>= >=)
(cons '> >)
(cons '< <)
(cons '<= <=)
(cons 'null? null?)
(cons 'car car)
(cons 'cdr cdr)
(cons 'cons cons)
(cons 'list list )
In defining apply_env!, we use eval_env! to evaluate the function, to an entity p, which may be a Scheme procedure if f was a primitive, or it may be a closure, or it may be something else. If it is a primitive, they we just apply it using the standard Scheme apply function. If it is a closure then we call apply_closure to deal with it. If it is something else, we can't apply it except symbolically. Note in particular that we can never get a "raw" lambda expression - lambda expressions always evaluate to closures.
(define (apply_env! f args env)
(let ((p (eval_env! f env)))
((procedure? p) ; f names a primitive function like car
(apply p args)) ; use the standard Scheme apply function
((closure? p) ; Do we have a closure?
(lambda_closure p) ; lambda expr
(env_closure p) ; environment from closure
args ; original arguments
(else (cons f args)) ; Return a symbolic application.
We can now try applying a primitive function to arguments:
(example '(apply_env! '+ '(2 3) the-global-environment) 5)
Indeed, we can evaluate an expression involving primitives:
(example '(eval_env! '(+ (* 4 5) 3) the-global-environment) 23)
When we come to apply a closure to its arguments we have to construct an environment in which to evaluate the body of the lambda expression contained in the closure. This new environment consists of 3 parts:
Coming closer to our implementation, we can rephrase the above requirements by saying that applying a closure C to arguments v1,v2...vn requires us to evaluate the body of L = (lambda_closure C) in an environment which consists of E_c = (environment_closure C) modified as follows:
[1] We append the global environment to the end of the environment E_c, obtaining an environment E_cg. This allows for the fact that in Scheme, a redefinition of a global function affects previous calls of that function. For example:
(define (mary x)
(+ x 45)
(define (fred x)
(mary x)
(example '(fred 2) 47)
Now if we redefine mary this redefinition affects fred:
(define (mary x)
(* x 6)
(example '(fred 2) 12)
[Note that more modern functional languages like SML eschew this special behaviour of top-level functions. This is less convenient for debugging, but is almost necessitated by the fact that these languages are statically typed, so that if you redefined mary with a different type, fred would have a different type if it "saw" the change in mary. This kind of change could propagate throughout the program]
[2] We have to extend the environment to provide bindings for the variables of L (that is the formal parameters) to the actual parameters. If L has the form
(lambda (x1 x2 ... xn) body)
And the arguments evaluate to (v1 .... vn) then we make the frame
((x1 . v1) (x1 . v2) .... (xn . vn))
be the first frame of our new environment.
Thus, to sum up, to perform
(apply_env! '(closure L E_c) E)
we evaluate the lambda-expression L with the environment E_c extended by the global environment at the end and by the frame ((x1 . v1) ....) at the front.
(define (apply_closure L E_c args)
(let ((E_cg (append E_c the-global-environment)))
(body_lambda L)
(cons ; Extend E_cg with
(map cons (vars_lambda L) args) ; ((x1.v1) (xn.vn))
) ; end let
) ; end define
(define vars_lambda cadr)
(define body_lambda cddr)
Thus apply_closure replaces apply_lambda, and the substitution required in apply_closure is replaced by the extension of the environment.
In the definition of apply_closure we allowed for the fact that a body of a lambda-expression can be a sequence of expressions. So we have to define:
(define (eval_sequence seq env)
((null? seq) (error "cannot evaluate null seqence"))
((null? (cdr seq)) (eval_env! (car seq) env))
(eval_env! (car seq) env)
(eval_sequence (cdr seq) env)
(example '(eval_env! '((lambda (x y) (+ x (* 2 y))) 3 4)
In this section we will add enough capabilities to our interpreter to support a considerable measure of ordinary Scheme programming. We will then test out the resulting interpreter.
In Scheme we can define recursion at the top-level using the define construct. To do this we need to make define a special form which, if necessary, creates the variable being defined and then assigns a value to it. We will not implement the "shorthand" form exemplified by: (define (fred x) (+ x 1)).
Suppose we are executing:
(define VAR EXPR)
We must first make a null entry for VAR in the global environment, and then evaluate the expression EXPR in the modified global environment, and finally update that environment so that VAR has the value of EXPR.
In detail, we define the function method_define which [1] performs an initial check that the form of the define statement is valid. Next [2] it unpacks the variable var being defined and the value expr of that variable. Now follows [3] a check that the var is truly a variable [this is where we'd put in code for the "shorthand" construction, by replacing the error message [7]].
Having checked the legality of the construct, we proceed [4] to add var as a variable to the global environment if necessary, which leaves us free [5] to update the value of that variable with the value of the expression expr evaluated in the global environment.
All that is left to us [7-8] is to provide suitable error reports about malformed define statements.
(define (method_define args env)
(if (= (length args) 2) ; [1]
(let ((var (car args)) (expr (cadr args))) ; [2]
(if (symbol? var) ; [3]
(set! the-global-environment ; [4]
(add_variable var the-global-environment))
(update! ; [5]
(eval_env! expr the-global-environment) ; [6]
(error "variable needed in define statement" ; [7]
(cons 'define args))
) ; end let
(error "wrong form for define statement" (cons 'define args)) ;[8]
) ; end if
The function add_variable makes the new entry for a variable in an environment if one is required.
(define (add_variable var env)
(if (eq? (lookup var env) var)
; extend the first frame
(cons var "undefined") (car env))
(cdr env))
For convenience, let us define a mutating procedure to add a method so that we can extend our repetoire of special forms on the fly.
(define (add_method! name m)
(set! alist_method (cons (cons name m) alist_method))
We can now incorporate the define special form into our
(add_method! 'define method_define)
We also need to provide a method for begin. We simply use eval_sequence to evaluate the sequence of expressions forming the body of a begin expression.
(add_method! 'begin
(lambda (seq env)
(eval_sequence seq env)
For convenience, let us define a function evalg which evaluates an expression in the global environment. This will allow us to implement the equivalent of the "read-eval" loop of the Scheme system, whereby it continually reads an expression, evaluates it, and writes out the value. Without learning more about the input-output aspects of the Scheme language we can't make our interpreter behave exactly like the built-in system, but we can make it tolerably convenient to use.
(define (evalg expr)
(writeln "=:> " (eval_env! expr the-global-environment))
Note that we have only treated the most basic kind of definition - we have to have an explicit lambda if we are going to define functions. To define a function fred to our interpreter, we need to do:
'(define fred (lambda (x) (+ x 2)))
Now, we can check whether this definition has "taken", by looking fred up in the global environment.
(example '(lookup 'fred the-global-environment)
'(closure (lambda (x) (+ x 2)) ())
For convenience, let us define evals which allows us to evaluate a sequence of expressions in the global environment.
(define (evals seq) (for-each evalg seq))
We can now do our banking example and see what happens in the environment model when we have a set!. Let us use evals to define the make_account function, and to make an account for Jane.
(define make_account
(lambda (balance)
(lambda (amount)
(if (>= balance amount)
(begin (set! balance (- balance amount))
(list 'balance balance)
"Insufficient funds"
(define jane (make_account 100))
The jane account is simply the closure [1]:
'(lookup 'jane the-global-environment)
'(closure ; [1]
(lambda (amount)
(>= balance amount)
(begin (set! balance (- balance amount))
(list 'balance balance))
"Insufficient funds"
) (((balance . 100))))
Now let us make an account for Fred, and debit Jane's account.
(define fred (make_account 75))
(jane 34)
(example '(lookup 'jane the-global-environment)
(lambda (amount)
(>= balance amount)
(set! balance (- balance amount))
(list 'balance balance))
"Insufficient funds"
) (((balance . 66))))
Note that when we make closures, we do not copy the lambda expressions, but share them, so that in making each closure, although it looks big, we only have to allocate enough memory to hold the association list.
The substitution model serves as a basis for the concept of macro expansion as found for example in the pre-processor for the C language. Unfortunately, as we have seen, the substitution model does not support the imperative paradigm well. So, while in a purely functional context the choice of the substitution model versus the environment model is an efficiency issue, if you "bolt on" a macro-facility to an imperative language, you end up with a system in which behaviour depends on whether you are using a macro or a regular function definition. For example, you can write a C macro swap for which the call swap(x,y) will swap the values of the variables x and y. But you cannot achieve the same result if swap is an ordinary C function - you would have to write swap(&x,&y).
More recent languages than C have attempted to preserve transparency as between the substitution model and the environment model (from which the compilation model is derived). For example C++ has the concept of inline functions which the compiler will treat as macro definitions only if the meaning of the program is unchanged by so doing.
It should be noted that while in general the substitution model is an inefficient way to implement a language, it can be a very efficient way of implementing small functions. For example the swap macro might generate the code:
{int tmp = x; x = y; y = tmp}
which is significantly faster than the function call reqired if is a function.