Listing of package pop11

&_until.p  help18
&_while.p  help17
*_n.pmultiplies top N items on stack help14
+_n.padds top N items on stack help14
-&-.p  1
<##.pcompile-time statement bracket (get-many) help2
<#.pcompile-time expr bracket (get-one) help2
<#|.pcompile-time count bracket help2
<<|.pprocedure variable composition brackets help19
<|.pshorthand for anonymous functions (lambdas) help29
@.pinvaluable infix call syntax - write f(x,y) as x @f y help49
SPACE.pmeasure heap space consumed -- used at PLUG92 help47
TIME.pfacility for timing commands -- used at PLUG92 help129
allfirst.p  help25
alllast.p  help38
app_n.piterate over a counted group help12
apprepeater.piterate over a repeater help22
ceiling.p  help14
chain_repeaters.pcompose a list of repeaters into a single repeater help32
cons_last.padds an item onto the end of a list help11
consrepeater.p  help6
const.puseful combinator, const( x )( y ) => x help13
datainout.pmore sophisticated version of datafile help1592
daytimediff.pdifferences in time in friendly format help40
def_typespec_predicate.p  27
dest_last.p  help16
destrepeater.pexplodes elements of repeater with a count help18
discinline.plike discin <> incharline but more efficient help41
discoutline.plike discout but works on whole strings help19
exact_dl.pdl (list explode) with a count check help13
exact_explode.pexplode with a count check help13
fetch_optarg.p  1
filecomplete.pcompletes filenames (used by lib vedfnc) help30
files_in_directory.pgets all files in a directory 26
files_matching.pall files matching wildcard specification help21
first.pfind the first element (uses class_apply) 11
floor.pfinds the nearest integer to -infinity help16
forall_match.pall matches help216
gensymbefore.pcomparison predicate for gensym'd words help57
in_directory.pfor-extension for iterating over directories help68
in_items.pfor-extension for iterating over the stack help59
incharline.pcharacter repeater to line repeater help43
is_white_space.p  help9
isnull.pan is-empty predicate that works on many datatypes help20
isrecordclasskey.p  10
isvectorclasskey.p  help11
itemtopd.pconverts any item into a procedure via its own class_apply. help15
length_>=.pefficient version of length( X ) >= N help39
lfor.p  help842 simple module control facility for code development 148
libsrc.plike -lib- but uses -vedsrclist- help25
lif.p  53
listreadline.plike readline, but gets nested lists help52
listtopd.pconverts a list to an item repeater help37
lrepeat.p  78
lunless.p  53
luntil.p  28
lvars_optargs.p  1
lwhile.p  28
maprepeater.plike maplist but for repeaters help25
module.penhanced syntax for section/endsection help26
new_char_accumulator.p  help63
new_item_accumulator.p  help69
new_property.psimpler property constructor help52
newpushable.pwraps a repeater so it is updateable (can push items back on) help36
oneof_n.pRandomly chooses one of N items on the stack and erases the rest. 13
plant_in_line.ppermits a crude but effective form of in-lining. help82
pop11_comp_section.pservice function for module/endmodule syntax 160
pr_num_bin.pprint numbers as binary, hex, octal, and decimal help55
print_file.pprint a file to cucharout help18
printi.p  help70
property_keys_list.preturns a list of all the keys of a property. help12
property_keys_n.pReturns a counted group of all the keys in a property. 12
psprint.p  ref9
read_variables.p  help29
restack.psyntax word for manipulating top items of stack help274
rev_n.preverses order of top N items of the stack help26
revdl.p  help13
second.p  9
section_publish.p  help140
section_subscribe.p  help1
slice.p  30
split.p  help9
split_fields.p  help19
split_with.p  help23
sys_grbg_destlist.p  help11
sys_grbg_dl.p  help9
sysplant.pplants code from list of tokens help11
syssort_by.p  help13
syssort_n.p  help13
third.p  9
usessrc.plike -uses- but uses -vedsrclist- help24
alxample.pexample for use with lib eprospect 71
atndict.p  104
atndraw.p  452
atnends.p  84
atngramm.p  90
atnparse.p  help321
buffers.pan implementation of extensible vectors help531
chart.p  453
cliques.p  help291
context.psave/restore collections of globals help160
ctbrackets.pcompile-time brackets <# #>, <## ##>, <#| |#> help54
data_io.p  209
dollar_dollar.psyntax for quasi-quoting prolog terms elegantly help84
epson_fx_1000.plibrary supporting the EPSON FX 1000 printer help168
extend_section.p  help17
for_lvars.p  help36
modtransfms.paffine transformations in any whole-numbered dimension ref823
named_args.pNamed (or optional) arguments library. help732 simple object-oriented programming library 911
newtokeniser.p  help432
profiler.pJon Meyer's alpha release of a code profiler ref612
server.pA simple server shell. ref435
sublists.preturns the list of all sublists of a list 56
universal_time.plibrary for working with universal time. help263