Important dates are here.
Including information about late submissions.
(Revised 24 Feb 2010)
Papers can be about problems in understanding natural cognition
that require contributions from AI/Robotics, or about
work in AI/Robotics that has relevance to problems in understanding
natural cognition.
The symposium
is about roles for AI in contributing to research
on natural cognition, as opposed to
research that attempts to imitate or apply aspects of
how organisms work (e.g. their morphology, their neural mechanisms,
their information processing architectures, their development, etc.)
to solve engineering problems.
I.e. it is not a symposium on "Biologically inspired AI".
The contributions can include identification of new biological/psychological research questions prompted by design considerations in AI, or new 'design' questions prompted by empirical research on humans or other animals.
Contributions can also include lessons to be learnt for artificial cognition from attempts to use AI in understanding natural cognition.
Please bear these points in mind in writing your final version.
Final versions required by Wed 3rd March.
Use email addressed to aiib10 [at] (using '@' of course).
Include your submission as a PDF attachment of the form described below.The email message should include:
- name(s) and addresses of author(s)
- type of contribution (full paper or poster abstract),
- title of paper or poster
- abstract
- an email address for correspondence.
Please make sure that your attached submission is a file whose name is of the form (depending whether it is a paper or poster submission):surname-initials-paper-aiib10.pdf surname-initials-poster-aiib10.pdfe.g.jones-pq-paper-aiib10.pdf fruggle-z-poster-aiib10.pdfPlease do not include spaces in any of the file names: use hypens.If you are submitting more than one paper or poster, add a numeral in the appropriate place, to distinguish them e.g.
jones-pq-paper1-aiib10.pdf jones-pq-paper2-aiib10.pdfEmail address for submissions and enquiries:
aiib10 [AT] (Use '@' of course.)
(a) 6 to 8 page submissions for symposium papers in PDF format (using AISB Convention style files).
(b) 2 page abstracts in PDF format for Poster presentations. (using AISB Convention style files).
(Two pages per poster will be allowed in the proceedings.)Electronic submission mechanism: email plus attachment to
aiib10 [AT] here.)
Use the AISB2010 style (below) for either 2 page poster summary or 6-8 page full paper submission. (PDF single spaced.)
AISB2010 Style files (Revised 13th December 2009)All submissions should be PDF files based on the AISB Convention style files (below).
Copied from Convention Web Site, and slightly edited, with additional instructions.
- PDF file illustrating format
- zip file with all latex style files, a 'template' latex input file, a 'template' bibtex input file, and instructions for using pdflatex.
- the Latex Class file (also in Zip file)
- Bibtex Style File (.bst) (also in Zip file)
- Style for OpenOffice/MSWord 'doc' file.
- Formats for posters to be displayed
If a poster submission is of exceptional quality the authors may be invited to expand it to a full paper, for presentation during the symposium.
High quality full papers for which there will not be presentation time during the symposium may be included in the proceedings, along with poster presentations, if the authors so desire.
Whether a book or special journal issue based on this symposium should be produced subsequently will be discussed in the final session of the symposium.
At least one author of every accepted paper will be expected to attend the symposium.
Reviewers will be asked to make use of the list of priorities here and the reviewing form here.
Authors should indicate which of the priorities they aim to address.
For more details see the main symposium web page.
Comments and enquiries, as well as submissions, to aiib10 [AT] (use '@' of course.)
Last updated: 2 Nov 2009; 9 Dec 2009; 11 Dec 2009; 13 Dec 2009; 8 Jan
2010; 25 Jan 2010
Installed: 5 Jul 2009
Maintained by
Aaron Sloman
School of Computer Science
The University of Birmingham