University of Birmingham
CogX project nick arrows parrot yog cpl Picture of a ghost

Programme for AI-Inspired Biology (AIIB) Symposium
31st March to 1st April 2010

Part of The AISB2010 Convention, Leicester, 29th March -- 1st April.
Printable PDF version of this file (as on 25th March)


Bold titles: Invited talks: 45 minute slots. (Titles are links to details).
Italic titles: Submitted papers: 30 minute slots. ([*]=link to details).
Poster presesntations: Listed at end. ([*]=link to details).
Boards for posters were in the 'common area' used for refreshment breaks.
Further Details

AIIB Symposium
Located in Hugh Aston Building
De Montfort University, Leicester, UK
Approximate Location on Google Maps
Building 19 on this Campus Map

Post-Conference Note:
The times listed below and in the main Conference Programme, proved unworkable because
the Conference lunches and keynote talks were held too far from the Conference Building,
requiring larger lunch breaks. But we managed to fit everything in by running late each day.

0845-0900  General Introduction and Welcome

           Jackie Chappell (Chair)
           See the proceedings preface

0900-0945  The Design-Based Approach to the Study of Mind
           Aaron Sloman (with help from the other organisers)

0945-1030  AI-Inspired Biology: Does AI Have Something to Contribute to Biology?
           Jackie Chappell and Susannah Thorpe

1030-1100  Coffee Break

1100-1145  Why Can't We Build Robots that are as Clever as Crows?
           Murray Shanahan

1145-1215  [*]The Logic of Robotics Inspired Biology
           Martin Huelse and Mark Lee
           [2-minute poster 'adverts' NOW POSTPONED See Below]

1215-1415  Lunch and Keynote (at Phoenix Square)
           Giorgio Metta's talk is 1300-1400

1415-1500  The Role of Vision and Attention in Language Processing
           Antje Meyer

1500-1530  [*]Constructing Emotions: Epistemological Groundings and Robotics' Applications
           for a Synthetic Approach to Emotions
           Luisa Damiano and Lola Caqamero

1530-1600  Coffee Break

1600-1645  Biological and Cultural Foundations of Human Language:
           Insights From Computer Simulations
           NICK Chater

1645-1715  [*]AI, Attachment Theory and Simulating Secure Base Behaviour: Dr. Bowlby meet
           the Reverend Bayes
           Dean Petters and Everett Waters

1715-1735  Short 'adverts' for AIIB Posters
           (Provisional time, pending final information about Convention
           poster sessions.)

1735-1805 (or later)  Discussion Session



 0900-0945   Social Cognition: Views From Developmental and Comparative Psychology, and
             Robotics on the Role of Emotion in Joint Attention
             Kim A. Bard

 0945-1015   [*]Advancing Knowledge of Cognitive Development Sequences in Infancy
             Frank Guerin

 1015-1030   Discussion Session

 1030-1100   Coffee Break

 1100-1130   [*]Modeling Visual Affordances: The Selective Attention for Action Model (SAAM)
             Christoph Boehme and Dietmar Heinke

 1130-1200   [*]Route Learning Through Classification
             Bart Baddeley, Paul Graham, Andrew Philippides and Philip Husbands

 1200-1230   Demonstrations
             Nick Hawes: presentation of video sequence from the CogX project
             Susannah Thorpe: cognitive problems in primate behaviours.

 1230-1400   Lunch (AISB AGM -- No keynote talk. at Phoenix Square)

 1400-1445   Forward and Inverse Models in Motor Control and Cognitive Control
             Richard P. Cooper

 1445-1530   The Adaptive Nature of Reward: A Computational Framework for Understanding
             Intrinsic Motivation
             Richard L. Lewis

 1530-1600   Coffee Break

 1600-1645   Causal Networks in Neural Systems: from Brain-Based Devices to Consciousness
             Anil Seth

 1650-1800   Concluding Discussion Session
             Introduced by Margaret Boden

Poster abstracts (click on links):

Installed: 15 Mar 2010
Last updated: 17 Mar 2010; 23 Mar 2010; 25 Mar 2010; 28 Mar 2010; 5 Apr 2010
Maintained by: Aaron Sloman.