School of Computer Science THE UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM CoSy project

NOTE: 3 Mar 2013
This web site is now out of date. Please use these instead (under construction).

I found it took too much time to keep this up to date, and the initial motivation, to
collect evidence for research evaluation, is now no longer relevant as I am retired and
not included in the research assessment processes.

Latest First
Aaron Sloman

NOTE: 17 Jun 2012
This is a list of (mostly) invited talks/presentations/discussions between 2001 and 2009, originally prepared in order to support our departmental submission on research performance. I stopped updating this document when it seemed no longer to be relevant. The up to date list of presentations is available in
Most of the item listed below are research presentations in academe or industry.
A few are public presentations of a different kind, e.g. Cafe Scientifique presentations.

For each presentation a link is given to more detailed information about its contents, and a downloadable (PDF) version of the presentation. The more detailed information is collected in two places

To be added

31st March - 1st April 2010: AIIB Symposium on AI-inspired Biology, at AISB10 conference.

2nd Feb 2010: "If learning mathematics requires a teacher, where did the teachers come from?"
Nottingham University, LSRI

Talks already given


  1. Fri 6th Nov 2009: Presentation to Language and Cognition Seminar, School of Psychology
    Why the ``hard'' problem of consciousness is easy and the ``easy'' problem hard.
    (And how to make progress)

    Also on

  2. Mon 19th October, 2009: Talk at Dagstuhl Seminar: From Form to Function
    Possibilities between form and function
    Or between shape and affordances.

    (Draft incomplete version. To be extended)

  3. Sat 12 Sept, 2009: Talk At Metaphysics of Science Conference, Nottingham
    Virtual Machines and the Metaphysics of Science

  4. Fri 31st Jul 2009: CogSci'09 Amsterdam
    What cognitive scientists need to know about virtual machines

  5. Mon 20th July: Talk at Open Source Schools "Unconference"
    Slides (PDF)
    Some thoughts and demos, on ways of using computing for deep education on many topics.
    As a change from teaching:
    • ``useful'' skills (of various kinds),
    • uses of computing,
    • computer science
    • computer/software engineering.

  6. Thu 11th June 2009: Talk to MIT - workshop on AI Heritage and Future
    (Slides to be added later)

  7. Wed 10th June 2009: Brown University, Providence, RI
    Ontologies for vision in Baby Animals and Robots.

  8. Mon 1st June 2009: Talk to Mathematics Graduate Open Meeting.
    Why (and how) did biological evolution produce mathematicians?

  9. Friday 22nd May: Symposium on Margaret Boden's work, Philosophy Department, Sussex University
    What Has Life Got To Do With Mind? Or vice versa?
    (Thoughts inspired by discussions with Margaret Boden.)
    Presented at seminar on Margaret Boden's work.

  10. 6th May, 2009
    Departmental Seminar, Computer Science, University of York.
    Grand Challenge 5 - Architecture of Brain and Mind: How to evolve, and grow, young mathematicians.
    A New Approach to Philosophy of Mathematics:
    Design a young explorer, able to discover "toddler theorems"
    Including an introduction to Grand Challenge 5: Architecture of Brain and Mind

  11. 5th May 2009
    Requirements for a toolkit for intelligent Robotic Design
    Talk to IRLab meeting School of Computer science

  12. 23rd April 2009
    Ontologies for baby animals and robots: From "baby stuff" to the world of adult science.
    Developmental AI from a Kantian
    Spring 2009 Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision Colloquium
    Czech Technical University, Center for Machine Perception

  13. 22nd April 2009
    Future Human-Like Robots: Requirements vs. Designs
    Understand problems before you try to solve them
    (Using iterated implementation if necessary)

    Invited talk at: Session on 'The Ultimate Robot'
    part of FET'09 in Prague, April 2009.

  14. 9th April 2009
    Ontologies for baby animals and robots From "baby stuff" to the world of adult science: Developmental AI from a Kantian viewpoint.
    Invited talk at Workshop on Matching and Meaning, at AISB'09 Edinburgh 9th April 2009.

  15. 8th April 2009
    CISA seminar, Informatics, Edinburgh
    Why (and how) did biological evolution produce mathematicians?
    A New Approach to Philosophy of Mathematics:

  16. 19th Jan 2009
    Talk on Framework theories (slides to be made available) School of Computer Science, Birmingham


  17. 9th and 11th Dec 2008
    Talk at Sussex COGS 9th December 2008 and in Birmingham psychology 12th December 2009.
    Nick Hockings has kindly made a video of the Sussex talk available here (in three resolutions):
    Original title
    A new approach to philosophy of mathematics: design a young mathematically disposed explorer.
    Revised title
    A New Approach to Philosophy of Mathematics:
    Design a young explorer, able to discover ``toddler theorems''

  18. 11th November 2008
    Virtual Machines in Philosophy, Engineering & Biology
    Presented at Workshop on Philosophy and Engineering
    Royal Academy of Engineering, London 10-12 November 2008
    Extended abstract (PDF).

  19. 1st-2nd November 2008 - two Talks at Mind as Machine
    (Weekend Extra-mural Philosophy Course, Rewley House, Oxford University 1st-2nd Nov 2008)

  20. 16th Oct and 21st October, 2008
    Why virtual machines really matter -- for several disciplines
    (Or, Why philosophers need to be robot designers)

  21. Thursday 2nd October 2008 Presentation at EU CogX robotics project kickoff workshop in Portoroz Slovenia.
    (Main slides to be added.)
    Supplementary slides prepared after the event Assembling bits of stuff and bits of process, in a baby robot's world (A Kantian approach to robotics)

  22. Sept 24th, London. Brief presentation on:
    Understanding Brains and Minds: A Truly Grand Challenge for Information Science
    Panel session at BCS Visions of Computer Science conference.

  23. 28-30 Jul 2008
    Kantian Philosophy of Mathematics and Young Robots
    Talk at 7th International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management
    (PDF paper for proceedings)

  24. 13-14 July 2008
    Varieties of Meta-cognition in Natural and Artificial Systems
    (Some pressures on design-space from niche-space.)

    Invited talk at Workshop on Meta-Reasoning: Thinking about Thinking at AAAI'08,
    Washington, 13-14 July 2008.
    The paper for the proceedings is available at

  25. 24th June 2008
    Evolution, development and modelling of architectures for intelligent organisms and robots.
    (For Graduate School Seminar series, Biosciences, on 24th June 2008).

  26. 9th June 2008
    Talk on Requirements for a Human-like Information Processing Architecture that Builds Itself by Interacting with a Rich Environment
    given at Birmingham Informatics CRN Workshop on Complexity and Critical Infrastructures - Environment focus.
    Modified version of talk given in May, below.

  27. 13th May 2008
    Requirements for a Human-like Information Processing Architecture
    that Builds Itself by Interacting with a Rich Environment
    EXTENDED ABSTRACT for invited talk at Complexity Conference (UIUC, 12-15 May 2008) Understanding Complex Systems

  28. 4th April 2008
    What designers of artificial companions need to understand about biological ones.
    Invited talk for 'public' session at: AISB'08 Convention

  29. 25th February 2008:
    Understanding the functions of animal vision --- What Are We Trying To Do:
    How Do Logic And Probability Fit Into The Bigger Picture?
    Presentation at Dagstuhl Vision workshop on Logic and Probability for Scene Interpretation

  30. 1 February 2008:
    Talk to the Birmingham Vision Club:
    A Generalised Gibsonian View of vision (GGV)
    which gives a central role to perception of processes and possible processes in the environment, and how they relate to both

    • Action affordances, and
    • Epistemic affordances
    Slides will be added after I have had time to polish them up a bit.

    Part of the talk can be found in this experiment on speed of visual perception:

    Many of the ideas were in this talk given in May 2007.

  31. 21 January 2008:
    Could a child robot grow up to be a mathematician and philosopher?
    Talk at Thinking about Mathematics and Science seminar
    University of Liverpool
    Abstract circulated in advance


  32. 27 Nov 2007: Talk at Sussex University.
    Also 29 Nov 2007: Talk in Birmingham University.

    Both talks were on Why symbol-grounding is both impossible and unnecessary, and why theory-tethering is more powerful anyway. (Introduction to key ideas of semantic models, implicit definitions and symbol tethering through theory tethering.)

  33. 10th November 2007 (PDF)
    Why Some Machines May Need Qualia and How They Can Have Them: Including a Demanding New Turing Test for Robot Philosophers
    Invited talk at

    Symposium on AI and Consciousness: Theoretical Foundations and Current Approaches
    at AAAI Fall Symposium, Washington, 9-11 November 2007

    Abstract and workshop paper also available

  34. 9th November 2007 (PDF)
    Diversity of Developmental Trajectories in Natural and Artificial Intelligence
    Invited talk at

    Symposium on Computational Approaches to Representation Change During Learning and Development
    at AAAI Fall Symposium, Washington, 9-11 November 2007

    Abstract and printed symposium paper also available.

  35. 25-26th October 2007
    Requirements and Their Implications: It's harder than you think (PDF presentation) (Position paper HTML/PDF)
    Invited contribution to meeting on "Artificial Companions in Society: Perspectives on the Present and Future Perspectives"
    Organised by The Companions Project, at the Oxford Internet Institute, Oxford University.

  36. 19th October 2007 (and 11 Dec 2007)
    What evolved first: Languages for communicating, or languages for thinking (Generalised Languages: GLs)
    Talk at Language and cognition seminar, School of Psychology, University of Birmingham. A slightly simplified version prepared for first year AI undergraduates was added on 11 Dec 2007.

  37. 10th October 2007
    Why robot designers need to be philosophers and (and vice versa)
    Invited talk at Inauguration ceremony of the "Research Institute for Cognition and Robotics - CoR-Lab", at Bielefeld University.

  38. September 2007
    Understanding causation in robots, animals and children: Hume's way and Kant's way.
    Contribution to 3-day workshop Meeting of Minds, bringing together psychologists, biologists and robotics researchers,
    organised by The CoSy project
    University of Paris, Sept 16-18, 2007

  39. July 2007
    Machines in the ghost
    Invited talk at ENF'2007, Emulating the Mind
    1st international Engineering and Neuro-Psychoanalysis Forum
    Vienna 22-23 July 2007
    The full paper is available

  40. June 2007
    Causal competences in animals and machines
    One of a linked pair of invited talks (the other by Jackie Chappell) at
    NSF/EU-funded International Workshop on Natural and Artificial Cognition
    Pembroke College, Oxford, 24th-26th June 2007

  41. June 2007
    Some requirements for human-like visual systems, including seeing processes,
    structures, possibilities, affordances, causation and impossible objects.
    Invited talk at COSPAL Workshop Aalborg, 14th June 2007 on Cognitive Systems: Perception, Action, Learning.

  42. May-June 2007
    Architectural and representational requirements for seeing processes and affordances.
    Invited talk at BBSRC funded Workshop on Closing the gap between neurophysiology and behaviour:
    A computational modelling approach
    May 31st-June 2nd 2007

  43. May 2007
    Research Goals and Problems viewed after 37 years combining AI and
    Philosophy in the context of psychology and biology and 10 years of
    philosophy of mind and mathematics, before that.
    Invited talk at ERCIM Interlink Workshop 10-12 May 2007
    For Workgroup 3: Intelligent and Cognitive Systems
    Interlink is part of ERCIM: the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics

  44. Feb 2007
    Invited discussant at Symposium on "Creating Brain-like Intelligence"
    at The Honda Research Institute Europe,
    Frankfurt. 1-4 Feb 2007,

  45. Jan 2007
    What's a Research Roadmap For? Why do we need one? How can we produce one?
    Invited presentation at the euCognition Research Roadmap discussion
    at the Second Six-Monthly Meeting of the euCognition network 11-12 January 2007 Munich Airport Conference Centre
    For more on the Research Roadmap project see:


  46. December 2006
    'Ontology extension' in evolution and in development, in animals and machines.
    Invited talk at AI seminar, Informatics, University of Edinburgh 7th Dec 2006
    In the 'Computational Thinking' Seminar series.
    (Previously presented in School of Biosciences, University of Birmingham.)

  47. July 2006
    Expanded version of acceptance speech at award of Honorary DSc degree, University of Sussex, 21st July 2006.
    Picture taken before the ceremony.
    Picture taken during presentation by Ron Chrisley.

  48. July 2006
    Do we need a common framework for investigating architectures?
    Presentation at AAAI Fellows Symposium, Cambridge, Mass
    Picture taken at the event.
    Reporting back on 'birds of a feather' discussion on: July 15-16, 2006, at the Norton's Woods Conference Center, The American Academy of Arts and Sciences,in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

    Two position-papers included in the Fellows Symposium proceedings were
    o COSY-TR-0605: Polyflaps as a domain for perceiving, acting and learning in a 3-D world
    o COSY-TR-0607: GRAND CHALLENGE 5: The Architecture of Brain and Mind: Integrating Low-Level Neuronal Brain Processes with High-Level Cognitive Behaviours in a Functioning Robot

    A members poster and poster summary were included at the main conference
    o COSY-PR-0603: How to Put the Pieces of AI Together Again (20 slide Poster)
    o COSY-TR-0608: How to Put the Pieces of AI Together Again (2 page paper)

  49. June 2006
    Fundamental Questions - The Second Decade Of AI
    (Towards Architectures for Human-like Machines)
    Invited presentation at Symposium on 50 years of AI, at the KI2006 Conference Bremen, June 17th 2006

  50. April 2006
    Co-Organiser of Symposium on Grand Challenge 5: Architecture of Brain and Mind
    at AISB 2006 3-4 April 2007, Bristol UK.

  51. April 2006
    How to experience the world: some not so simple ways
    Invited talk at symposium on Machine Consciousness, at AISB 2006 5-6 April 2007, Bristol UK.

  52. March 2006
    When is seeing (possibly in your mind's eye) better than deducing, for reasoning?
    Invited talk to Combined SSAISB and BCS SGAI meeting at City University, March 8th 2006

  53. February 2006
    Orthogonal competences in humans, robots and other animals
    (Or: What did Max mean by 'Controlled Hallucination'?)
    Invited talk at Cognitive Science Research Centre, University of Sussex. 7th Feb 2006.


  54. October 2005
    Two views of child as scientist: Humean and Kantian
    Presentation to Language and Cognition Seminar, School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, October 14th 2005

  55. October -- November 2005
    A (Possibly) New Theory of Vision
    Invited talks at:
    Imperial College London on 25th October 2005,
    Aston University on 28th October 2005,
    University of Osnabrück 16th November 2005.

  56. October 2005
    Grand Challenge: Architecture of Brain and Mind
    Invited speaker, Cognitive Systems Colloquium, Euroforum, European Commission, Luxembourg, 4th 4th October 2005.
    Unit DG INFSO/E5 "Cognition"

  57. August 2005
    Invited talk at Artificial Intelligence: In your Life Today an event hosted by the Royal Society of Edinburgh co-organised by the SSAISB and the British Computer Society Specialist Group on AI (SGAI) 5th August 2005.
    Poster for the event.

  58. July 2005
    IJCAI-05 Tutorial: Representation and Learning in Robots and Animals
    Co-Organised a two day tutorial with Bernt Schiele, funded by BT, IBM, InferMed and SSAISB, at 19th International Joint Conference on AI, Edinburgh, July 30-31 2005.

  59. June 2005
    Do Machines, Natural or Artificial, Really Need Emotions?
    Talk originally given to Cafe Scientifique & Culturel Birmingham, 7th May 2004
    Announced at

    Revised version presented on 24th June 2005 in Utrecht at
    The 3rd multi-disciplinary symposium organized by the NWO Cognition Programme: How rational are we?

    Also presented several other times/places.

  60. May 2005
    'Putting the pieces of a mind together'.
    Invited talk at School of Systems Engineering, University of Reading, 19th May, 2005.

  61. April 2005
    'Putting the pieces of a mind together'.
    (Same talk as given at Reading in May (above).
    Invited talk at Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, 20th April, 2005.

  62. April 2005
    Altricial self-organising information-processing systems
    With Jackie Chappell.
    Invited paper for GC7 Workshop, on The Grand Challenge in Non-Classical Computation, York, 17-19 April 2005
    List of papers.

  63. March 2005
    How to make machines with souls
    Invited talk to Cambridge University Atheist and Agnostic Society 10th March 2005
    CUAAS events list.

  64. February 2005
    Towards human-like architectures:
    Invited talk at Cogniron Workshop on "Cognitive Robots and Systems, held at the Euron Conference Warsaw, 17th Feb 2005.

  65. January 2005
    Architectures for human-like machines
    Invited talk at Goldsmiths College London, 19th Jan 2005.


  66. November 2004
    Seminar presentation on Grand Challenge 5: Architecture of Brain and Mind.
    Invited talk at School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, 18th November 2004.

  67. November 2004
    Contribution to Hot Seat Debate: Can Computers Have Emotions?
    Panel debate at School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, 17 November 2004

  68. November 2004
    Invited discussant, FP7 Robotics Planning Workshop, European Commission, 8-9th November 2004.

  69. October 2004
    Tutorial on Integration, For Cognitive Systems Conference.
    Presentation at Cognitive Systems Kickoff Conference, Bled, Slovenia, 28-30 October 2004.
    COSY-PR-0402:"> Movie of Tutorial presentation on Integration
    WARNING 398MBytes (.mp3.avi file)

  70. September 2004
    Architectures for intelligent systems.
    Presentation in Zoology Department, University of Oxford, 30th Sept 2004.
    Talked informally about the CogAff project and the H-CogAff architecture

  71. Sept 2004
    How to make machines with souls
    Invited speaker at informal debate at Institute of Contemporary Arts on: The search for a soul.
    A few slides prepared for the debate:

  72. May 2004
    Do machines, natural or artificial, really need emotions?
    Invited presentation at Cafe Scientifique, Birmingham, 7th May 2004.

  73. April 2004 Statement on Self-Aware systems
    Invited discussant, DARPA funded Workshop on Self-aware systems Washington DC, USA, 27-28th April 2004.

  74. March 2004
    Grand Challenge 5: Architecture of Brain and Mind
    Invited presentation at CPHC/BCS Grand Challenges conference, Newcastle, March 29-31 2004

  75. March 2004
    Slides for talk (PDF)
    What are emotion theories about?
    Invited speaker at workshop on Architectures for Modeling Emotion: Cross-Disciplinary Foundations,
    AAAI Spring symposium, Stanford March 22-24 2004.

  76. February 2004
    Language, Architecture & Integration
    Beyond old dichotomies: Empiricist/Nativist Empiricist/Rationalist, and others
    Invited speaker at symposium on Language: cognitive, neuroscientific and dynamical systems perspectives,
    University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, February 20-22, 2004.

  77. February 2004
    What are Information-Processing Machines?
    What Are Information-Processing Virtual Machines?
    Notes from a ESF-funded workshop on models of consciousness, Sept 2003, and an invited presentation at University of York, 11th Feb 2004.

  78. February 2004
    Simagent: Tools for Designing Minds -- A toolkit for philosophers and engineers
    Invited presentation at University of York, 11th Feb 2004.


  79. November 2003
    Recorded interview included in BT Schools Lecture on 'Digital Tears'.
    Also provided interactive demo based on the SimAgent Toolkit

  80. October 2003
    Why should robots, or animals, have emotions?
    Talk to Cafe Scientifique, Nottingham, 27th October, 2003.

  81. September 2003
    Presentation on Grand Challenge 5: Architecture of Brain and Mind
    At press conference arranged by British Computer Society, London.

  82. September 2003
    Presentation on Models of Consciousness
    At ESF-funded Workshop on Models of Consciousness, Birmingham, 1-3 September 2003.

  83. June 2003
    Invited to discussion at European Commission, Brussels,
    planning new Cognitive Systems initiative for EU Framework 6 projects,
    5th June 2003.

  84. June 2003
    What kind of virtual machine is capable of human consciousness?
    Invited plenary talk at ASSC7: Models and Mechanisms of Consciousness
    The seventh meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness,
    May 30th to June 2nd, 2003, at the University of Memphis in Memphis, Tennessee.

  85. May 2003
    Presentation on Grand Challenge 5: Architecture of Brain and Mind
    Invited talk at planning meeting of the UK DTI Foresight Cognitive Systems Project. London, May 14th-15th 2003.

  86. March 2003
    Architecture-Based Philosophy of Mind (ECAP-03)
    What kind of virtual machine is capable of human consciousness?
    The Thomas Reid Lecture in Computing and Philosophy
    Invited keynote talk at The First European Conference on Computing and Philosophy, University of Glasgow, March 27-29, 2003.

  87. February 2003
    When Will Real Robots Be As Clever As The Ones In The Movies?
    Invited talk at DAMTP: Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics,
    Cambridge University, 21st February 2003

  88. February 2003
    How to design a functioning mind
    Invited talk at Computing Laboratory at the University of Kent at Canterbury.
    18th February, 2003.

  89. January 2003
    Human vision --- a multi-layered multi-functional system
    Presentation at British Machine Vision symposium, London 29th Jan 2003.
    Reverse Engineering: the Human Vision System. Biologically inspired Computer Vision Approaches

  90. January 2003
    When Will Real Robots Be As Clever As The Ones In The Movies?
    Talk at Association for Scientific Education
    Also presented at DAMT (above)


  91. November 2002
    How to Think About Cognitive Systems: Requirements and Designs
    White paper and slides prepared for DARPA Workshop on Cognitive Systems,
    Airlie House, Warrenton, Virginia, USA, 3-6 Nov 2002.
    For some reason the papers, presentations, and organisational information about that workshop are no longer available on the web.
    I have copies of most of them.

    I was the only person invited from outside the USA to the workshop.
    My recommendation, not to focus on how to design an intelligent office assistant with the capabilities of a highly competent adult (e.g. Radar O'Reilly in MASH), but instead to focus research resources on trying to replicate as much as possible of the intelligence of a young child (not a new-born infant) including, above all trying to understand the requirements, for such a system, before rushing into designs, was not accepted.

  92. October 2002
    What is Science?
    Invited presentation at launch of Birmingham Cafe Scientifique, 25th October 2002, at Midlands Art Centre.

  93. October 2002
    AI and The Study of Mind
    Invited talk at Artificial Intelligence: Recollections of the pioneers.
    A meeting of the Computer Conservation Society on the early days of AI in the UK, British Museum, London, 11 October 2002.

  94. August 2002
    More Things Than Are Dreamt Of In Your Biology:
    Information processing in biologically-inspired robots. By Aaron Sloman and Ron Chrisley
    Talk (with Ron Chrisley), presented at EPSRC/BBSRC International Workshop on Biologically-Inspired Robotics:
    The Legacy of W. Grey Walter 14-16 August 2002, HP Bristol Labs, UK

  95. July 2002
    Can we design a mind?
    Invited keynote talk at Artificial Intelligence in Design conference
    The University of Cambridge, 15-17 July

  96. June 2002
    Varieties of affect and the CogAff architecture schema
    Invited talk on emotions and architectures at the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, 19th June 2002.

  97. April 2002
    Architectures for common sense thinking
    Invited speaker at workshop held on St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, in April 14-16 2002, and hosted by the Jeffrey Epstein Virgin Islands Foundation.
    This meeting led to a paper by Singh, Minsky and Sloman in the AI Magazine:
    The St. Thomas common sense symposium: designing architectures for human-level intelligence.

  98. March 2002
    Getting Meaning off the Ground: Symbol Grounding vs Symbol Attachment/Tethering
    Invited seminar presentation at MIT Media Lab, 15th March 2002.
    Short, updated, tutorial summary added, September 2007
    Introduction to key ideas of semantic models, implicit definitions and symbol tethering

  99. March 2002
    Architectures and the spaces they inhabit
    Invited talks at workshop and conference at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, New York.
    March 15-16 2002: A small workshop at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, on architectures for common sense reasoning, was followed by a conference on the same topic at which the invited speakers were John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky and Aaron Sloman.

    Some aspects of the workshop were reported in

    'An architecture of diversity for commonsense reasoning'
    J. McCarthy, M. Minsky, A. Sloman, L. Gong, T. Lau, L. Morgenstern, E. T. Mueller, D. Riecken, M. Singh, and P. Singh,
    in IBM Systems Journal Vol 41, no 3, 2002 pages 530--539

  100. March 2002
    BBC2/Open University TV programme on "Machines with Minds"
    "Discussion chaired by Colin Blakemore (Oxford University), the panel consists of
    Professor Aaron Sloman (University of Birmingham), Dr Amanda Sharkey (University of Sheffield), and Professor Igor Aleksander (Imperial College)."
    First broadcast March 2002
    Open University links:

  101. March 2002
    KI3: Architectures for Emotional Animals and Machines
    Invited tutorial presentation at IK2002: Interdisciplinary College 2002
    March 1 - 8, 2002 Günne at Lake Möhne, Germany
    Focus Theme: Autonomie und Emotion
    Four lectures presented:
    • 1: Virtual machine architectures and their relations so physical machines. Minds and their relations to brains. Muddled ideas about emotions (and freedom).
    • 2: Reactive, deliberative and meta-management layers in the human architecture, and how they might have evolved.
    • 3: How the layers relate to different sorts of architectures. The COGAFF architecture-schema and the H-Cogaff proposed schematic architecture.
    • 4: What are your objections? How does this relate to alternative theories? Have we accounted for everything (including qualia?). Unsolved problems: where next?
    Slides available here.


  102. October 2001
    Varieties of Consciousness
    Invited talk to Oxford Consciousness Society 24th October, 2001

  103. October 2001
    Beyond shallow models of emotion
    Invited talk Philosophy Department, Kings College London, 10th October, 2001

  104. September 2001
    Evolvable, Biologically Plausible Visual Architectures
    Talk presented at BMVC01: British Machine Vision Conference, Sept 10-13 2001.

  105. August 2001
    TUTORIAL SP3 Philosophical Foundations: Some Key Questions
    Tutorial on Philosophical Foundations of AI, presented with Matthias Scheutz at
    17th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
    As part of the Tutorial programme.
    Sunday 5th August 2001, Seattle, Washington, USA

  106. June 2001
    Architectures for human-like agents,
    Invited talk, presented to Conference at Nokia Research Centre, Helsinki, on 8th June 2001

  107. April 2001
    Debate: This house believes that robots will have free will
    An International AI Symposium in memory of Sidney Michaelson
    British Computer Society, Edinburgh Branch
    Reviewed here (with pictures)
    7th April 2001

  108. March 2001
    How To Understand Natural Minds of Many Kinds
    Invited talk at BBSRC/EPSRC meeting to discuss a proposed new joint initiative:
    Adaptive and Interactive Behaviour of Animals and Computational Systems (AIBACS),
    28-29th March 2001, Abingdon

  109. March 2001
    Varieties of Affect and the COGAFF Architecture Schema
    Presented at the symposium on Emotion, cognition, and affective computing,
    at the AISB 2001 Convention held at the University of York, 23--24 March 2001.

  110. February 2001
    What sort of information processing architecture suffices for human-like minds?
    Invited talk at 'Consultation' of Society of Ordained Scientists, Windsor Castle, 14-16th February, 2001.

  111. February 2001
    Varieties of evolvable minds
    Invited talk, Department of Computing, University of Surrey. 7th February, 2001

  112. January 2001
    Invited talk at Oxford University Computing Laboratory, 30th January 2001.
    Also presented in May 2000 at IRST in Trento.

  113. January 2001
    Varieties of Evolvable Minds
    Invited talk at the McDonnell Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience Oxford University, 22nd Jan 2001.

Maintained by Aaron Sloman
School of Computer Science
The University of Birmingham