Comments on this file, and further thoughts, are added
(when permission is given).
See also my
Here are some thoughts arising out of the fact that the
University of Birmingham
has recently gone through
a re-branding exercise
led by its administrators responsible for marketing, who failed
miserably in marketing the exercise to staff and students within the
University, as a result of which there is
an online
'Save the Crest' petition that has attracted so many supporters that
made the national news
some people
are pleased to see
the currently used crest
abandoned, staff and students in
my school
have mostly been very critical of the changes and especially of the move
new format for business cards -- apparently designed on the
assumption that what your job is is more important than who you are
and therefore should be listed first. This is typical of decision
making by people who have very little understanding of the diversity
of functions and interactions of a university and its members.
There have been many critical comments in the school on the whole
exercise. One PhD student wrote:
It's interesting to see the vehemence of many of the comments
in the petition
and also the speed at which the list is growing even in the middle of
the night. I started writing this after midnight (early Saturday
when the number was
below 3,900 and an hour later it had reached 3,903. By midday it was
(Some of the
comments in the petition are unfortunately rather snobbish -- not to be
confused with being elitist, which can be
a good
This University is extraordinarily good at shooting itself in the foot
(e.g. one of several examples was
rushing ahead of itself a few years ago trying to force new
academic staff to waste time on a 'Post Graduate certificate in
Education', as part of the process of probation), but it is also capable
of realising its mistakes and undoing them, as happened in that case,
perhaps as a result of the arrival of
our present Vice
We are not alone in wasting money and effort on futile attempts at
re-branding. I remember when my previous university, as a result of
wasting money on marketing consultants, was persuaded to call itself
'The University of Sussex at Brighton' instead of 'The University of
Sussex' (to which it seems to have reverted).
But not only universities are badly advised by marketing
'professionals'. Some of you will remember that for a time
Sun Microsystems
adopted the slogan
'We're the dot in dot
which is one
the most stupid
marketing slogans ever.
I wonder how many people
wrote to Sun as I did (as
a long time admirer and user of their machines and
pointing out that they were claiming to be
They too had to admit stupidity and backtrack, wasting heaven knows how
much money in the process. In comparison, their original slogan, 'The
network is the computer'. dating back to the early 80s, and I expect
dreamed up by the scientists involved, not marketing people, was
absolutely brilliant --
pointing the way to the future
which was to a
large extent brought about by Sun's innovations, even if the slogan can
But the real point is that even if catchy slogans, jingles, labels,
colouring and the like are relevant to selling a relatively cheap new
drink or junk-food item on supermarket shelves, or some other commodity
that people can afford to buy as a result of attention-grabbing and
quick decision-making, such devices are inappropriate to the process of
persuading extremely intelligent people to take a very expensive
decision on a deep and important multi-faceted life-altering choice,
that requires finding out in depth about the options, analysing the
trade-offs, including consulting friends, teachers, parents, etc., and
then committing several years of their lives. Unfortunately marketing
experts don't seem to know about such things however good they may be at
increasing sales of junk food.
Perhaps there really are lots of potential students who will be
persuaded to come to this University by the re-branding.
But are those the students we want to attract?
I think this is one of the points being made, albeit implicitly,
by many of the comments in
the petition.
It's like so much of the intrusive and irrelevant background noise and
imaging gimmickry that badly trained TV producers who understand more
about style than about substance now use to spoil otherwise excellent
documentaries (as recently lamented by Jonathan Miller -- so it's not
just me!).
What are we now supposed to be telling the world? This is a university
where people cannot control a pen as they write? This is a university
that mixes up substantial content with irrelevant flourishes? This is a
university that (at least among its administrators) is
more concerned about style than about substance?
Perhaps what we are telling the world via such gimmicks is actually
true? Look at the justification given for the changes on this web site
It states
'Birmingham was viewed as being complacent, too backward looking and too
So what did they do? Did they try to find areas in which we are too
complacent -- e.g.
Buzz frequently trumpeting that we are the best in the
midlands or the bham website trumpeting that we are in the top 100
universities in the world (on which more below), or academics merely
listing their areas of research or listing their publications, without
putting papers online so that
interested enquirers can find out more, or prospectus writers failing
to write inspiring reasons for studying what we teach?
Did they investigate whether the
university is largely in thrall to a single software supplier instead of
supporting and encouraging change and adventure in exploring and
developing alternatives? Did they examine the contents of our degree
courses and our means of teaching, and how we teach, and make proposals
for change?
No, they decided that
'Birmingham was losing high achieving applicants to institutions
perceived as being better quality universities; Nottingham, Warwick and,
increasingly, Manchester' and that
'In order to maintain our competitive position against such
universities we needed to communicate much more clearly the University's
key values, values which differentiate Birmingham from all of its
competitors. The new brand allows us to do this.'
What a parochial view of what it means to be a world
class university!
(Also manifested in all the UoB web pages and printed documents
that fail to use
the international telephone number format, e.g.
What utter rubbish it is to claim that we have 'key values' that differ
from those of other excellent universities both in this country and
abroad. Even worse is the assumption that we can express those key
values through changes of lettering, colouring and use of a crest!
If I had children of school leaving age I would now be telling them
to ignore universities that waste money on that kind of marketing
instead of telling us what they teach, how they teach it, why they
teach it, and above all what opportunities they provide for students
both to learn and to develop as people.
I am embarrassed that my university claims to have different key high
level values from universities where many of my colleagues, friends and
collaborators work, instead of pointing out that while we have the same
values, and share many ideas, goals and even
many of the things we teach
we also differ in some of the things we know and can do, and some of the
things we are currently investigating, and some of the things we teach
and ways we teach. We are also
in a different city,
that may suit some people better than other cities.
Were the Vice Chancellor and his senior academic colleagues asleep while
all this was being done by 'marketing experts' ? Or were the academics
too modest, thinking: 'they are the professionals, so they must be
right, even if we disagree'? Or have they had their brains damaged by
too much involvement in management, administration and attempts to
communicate with a government obsessed with
shallow ideas
modernisation and competition?
E.g. I discovered about 20 years ago that if you want to enter into a
business relationship with another organisation you should never
allow lawyers and contracts people to draw up the contract. Instead the
people from both sides who are going to do the work and who understand
the benefits and risks should work out together, in as much detail as
possible, what the terms of the contract should be. THEN that can be
handed to the legal officers with a request to check it out and turn it
into proper legalese (though you have to make sure that they don't
mangle things they don't understand, as
publishers' copy editors
so often do, and administrators more concerned to cover their backs than
to achieve organisational goals sometimes do).
Academics, either out of modesty, or because they feel they really only
want to get on with teaching and research too often leave things to
non-academics, e.g. deciding policy, selecting non-academic staff,
drawing up rules, selecting major infrastructure (e.g. that dreadful
banner code system), and marketing. Leaving important decisions to
people whose understanding and knowledge is inherently limited by their
training, experience, and job-motivation and who will not have to live
with the results for much of the rest of their careers is far too risky.
(I am not blaming them: they often do the best they can -- given what
they know.)
So I strongly recommend colleagues to take opportunities to get onto
university committees and panels and to press for academic involvement
in all important levels of decision making (as we did, for example, in
the planning of this building, which prevented many serious mistakes).
That's an important way of learning how things work, and gaining the
expertise and experience that will help you later, as Head of School, or
Dean, or pro Vice chancellor, or member of a high level committee to
make wise decisions. maybe even as vice chancellor of some university
some day.
If you don't gain that experience you too will make serious mistakes.
You'll make some anyway. But be prepared to learn from them.
Unfortunately the opportunities for academics to gain such experience
and influence decision-making in universities like this have been
seriously reduced in the name of 'efficiency' in the last 15 years.
Of course there are non-academic support staff and administrative staff
who either through natural talent, or learning from years of service, or
highly creative imaginations, manage to understand the important issues
and provide wonderful service in supporting teaching and research -- and
we all know examples close to home (I won't embarrass them by naming
But you can't assume that all, or even the majority, will be like that,
especially if their selection has been left to non-academics (who, with
the best will in the world, will not necessarily appreciate some of the
relevant differences between candidates whose work will engage closely
with academic activities) and their day to day management and
professional loyalties and ambitions are not concerned with the
requirements of excellent teaching and research.
If you leave things to others because you are too busy or don't believe
you have the right expertise, then you can be sure you will regret it
later: not because the others are wicked or stupid, but because it is
just not possible for them to understand 'from outside' in the required
depth, what teaching and research are really all about and what the
prospects and dangers are. You have to work closely with them to
inculcate that understanding and help to nourish loyalty to academic
objectives and standards rather than other loyalties that will pull
non-academic colleagues in other directions.
E.g. the methods of marketing research are inherently aimed at
selling things, not at achieving outstanding teaching,
learning and research via means that include selling things. And if
you simply try to maximise selling, you can easily undermine what you
are trying to sell.
In any case, the methods of market research are very unreliable as many
companies and political parties have learnt. The results should never be
allowed to outweigh academic judgement.
The people concerned with marketing the university probably don't
understand how much of our marketing has to be aimed not just at
potential UK undergraduates available to fill in questionnaires or join
focus groups etc. but also at potential lecturers, research fellows, PhD
students, collaborators, funders, and students,
all round the world.
Just because 'experts' can use jargon like 'we consulted with a
wide variety of stakeholders' it does not follow that they have a deep
understanding of who those 'stakeholders' are, how diverse they are,
what their motivations are. For something as complex as a university,
including teaching and research in topics as diverse as music, theology,
astrophysics, medicine, law, politics, philosophy, .... needing to
attract undergraduates, MSc students, PhD students, academic staff,
research staff, technicians, clerical staff, administrative, staff, the
notion that a typical piece of market research can justify a shallow
re-branding exercise relating to all 'stakeholders' is very naive.
they do world-wide investigations across all the categories of important
people (including academic staff already here)? Not on the basis
evidence available now, e.g. the total cost of the exercise and the fact
that this school was merely informed,
not consulted. Were any of you
interviewed, eg. about what made you want to come and work here, and
The shallowness and incompetence of the research is shown by
its main conclusion:
Moreover, if we really are failing to convince potential students (and
other 'stakeholders') that those are our key values shouldn't we be
investigating and changing the details of what we actually do (deep
marketing) instead of making largely irrelevant superficial changes like
altering letterheads, and re-painting signs (shallow marketing)?
The conduct of the rebranding process sheds doubt on some of the very
claims being made about the values of the university. E.g. it is claimed
that one of our key values is 'Shaping thoughts and opinions through
debate' yet this university consistently fails to make public
the views of dissenters regarding its high level decision making.
E.g. when the 'benefits' of top-up fees were announced in 'Buzz'
there was no indication that many serious academics
When the university was in dispute with the AUT about salaries and
conditions of service, an issue of deep concern to the University,
and its present and future students, you could not have learnt about the
different viewpoints from the main university web and paper
publications. And now that there is strong dissent about the re-branding
exercise you will not discover that from
the university's web site
which does not even mention the petition, let alone provide a link to it
so that readers can see some of the names and comments.
Perhaps one of our problems is that in this university 'Shaping
thoughts and opinions through debate' often means taking decisions
then announcing them and the reasons for them? I have seen attempts at
consultation, but the submissions go to the centre to people who may or
may not read them, and who then takes decisions. There are no attempts
to expose the different considerations and to allow interested people to
comment and criticise one another's submissions, so that out of a
process of mutual criticism and mutual education really good decisions
can emerge, as I believe
this Birmingham project
has demonstrated in connection with local government decisions, though
unfortunately the reports are not online.
So perhaps the fault in our image found by our market researchers is not
a fault in the image after all, but a fault in the reality, which needs
more than re-branding to address it.
Just imagine how any of you would have felt when you were considering
coming here if you had been told that we are only in the first
hundred! Is that what you thought when you applied, or accepted our
That may be true as some sort of average (using mainly meaningless
measures), but think of the harm done by such an announcement to the
departments and research groups that are recognised world leaders. It
doesn't even say top 100 out of how many, though if you follow the link
you could be led to believe we are in the top 100 out of only 500, which
makes things even worse.
I am sure that whoever put that on the web site
was well-meaning.
But whoever it was also does not understand what sort of university we
are, and are trying to be.
Another example is deciding to use low contrast between text and
background in Buzz (orange on white or vice versa) to fit some branding
criterion instead of aiming to make text readable without straining or
looking for a magnifying glass and bright light. I gave up trying and
binned it.
So remember: if academics try to focus entirely on teaching and research
and delegate too much to 'professionals' who are not academics and do
not have a sufficiently deep understanding of what universities are
doing and what the problems are, then things will go badly wrong, and
the academics will ultimately be the ones to blame, not their
hard-working, well-meaning, but ill-informed colleagues.
What we should be teaching prospective students to do is examine what is
on offer, evaluate it according to multiple criteria that are relevant
to them (in the light of their abilities, interests, prior education and
ambitions) and then decide. But that presupposes that the universities
themselves concentrate on honestly describing what sorts of
courses they offer, how they are taught, what facilities they have, what
kinds of careers their degrees are good for, etc. That's deep
marketing, which all universities should be doing, instead of competing
with one another in shallow marketing exercises, which nobody can
win in the long run because, as should have been evident when the
fashion for shallow marketing of universities started around 1990,
everyone will do it, hiring similarly trained shallow marketing experts,
and thereby harming the system for everyone.
Shallow re-branding will either mislead applicants (possibly causing
trouble for us later when we find we have too high a proportion of
students who are incapable of coping with academically demanding
degrees) or, more likely, have no effect.
Well not quite: one effect the appearance of
the new school note paper
had on me was to make me determined never to use it. I don't want what I
write to be juxtaposed with the gimmick of a couple of totally spurious
large and intrusive letters, whatever they are. Fortunately, with the
technology available to us, it is easy and far more efficient to design
and use our own formats generated by software without the hassle of
handling pre-printed paper. I wonder if the marketing people understand
which century we are in?
Dear academic colleagues, please remember the
main message: if you leave things to 'them' you'll regret it --
producing all the problems of an 'us vs them' culture. Use
opportunities to get involved in all sorts of decision making that
affect the university and do not assume that so-called 'experts' can be
trusted to get things right.
Build a culture in which the close interaction at all levels between
academics and non-academics leads to deep mutual understanding, shared
goals and teamwork based on that. E.g. if much of your teaching and
research involves use of complex machines in laboratories introduce even
your clerical staff to what is going on there, so that they understand
what kind of department they are joining and what its concerns are.
Likewise encourage them to share their concerns and aspirations with the
Only then can you avoid the kinds of
mistakes we are now seeing.
If you send me comments or criticisms relating to this document please
let me know if you would like me to add them
anonymously or
The original version of this document referred to a web site at which
the people responsible for the re-branding exercise attempted to explain
why they had done what they had done. That web site used to be here:
but no longer seems to be accessible. It made totally untrue, and highly
embarrassing, claims about how this university was 'unique'. I don't
know whether its removal was a response to criticism or an unintended
side-effect of reorganisation of the web site: the sort of thing that
far too often breaks links and bookmarks when done by people who don't
understand what the internet is about and don't realise that their web
site has become a highly distributed entity, whether they intended it or
> All that was planned by the decisions makers.
> When you cannot find a good logo, just come up with the worst one and
> everyone will talk about it. That's very clever marketing.
> By complaining about it, students are making this logo the new
> fashionable thing in the neighborhood. It will become fun to wear it
> to show that you don't like it.
(The author of that Jan 2000 link notes:
'But it's the advertising world that will have the last laugh,
remembering this as a time when it got paid vast sums to create funny
ads that tried to make boxy servers and business software seem
I wonder how many days or hours of deep creative decision making went
into the move from this excellent design which is very easily reproduced
with sufficient accuracy in almost any means we have of producing text
(even plain text email announcements)
to something that cannot easily be expressed in the vast majority of
means of producing text that we have access to, namely this
NOTE (added 26 May 2007):
The old images have been withdrawn since this file was created.
Roughly the old 'Word marque' looked like this (though a different
font was used):
Whatever its flaws, the old version was very easy to present in
various documents without the use of a previously created image file
of the right size. This is the sort of requirement that is important
in a university where many different sorts of documents are produced
in many different ways by many different sorts of people who prefer
different sorts of tools: unlike a bank or supermarket organisation
that requires corporate control for the benefit of shareholders.
The old word marque was even totally recognisable in plain old
'typewriter' fonts.
(Some people here will remember a similar money-wasting exercise in this
university around 15 years ago, just before I came here, as a result of
which it was deemed that all University documents must use the Bodoni
font, completely failing to take account of the variety of means by
which academics and the people they relate to produce, transmit, and
read text. The internet was just taking off, at the time. The Vice
Chancellor who promoted this was a physicist. The new decision proved
unimplementable, and faded into the dust of history.)
I think we are seeing an example of something I've noticed several
times. If academics leave important decisions entirely to people who are
not themselves immersed in the realities of research and teaching and
who are not mainly motivated by the goals of producing outstanding
research and teaching, things can go badly wrong.
Out of these discussions emerged the four key values of the University,
which form the basis of the brand:
As one of my colleagues pointed out when this conclusion was
announced a few months ago: the claim that these are somehow unique to
the University of Birmingham will make us the laughing stock of the
academic world.
* Encouraging enquiry
* Shaping thoughts and opinions through debate
* Challenging convention
* Creating impact
(Incidentally, is the university going to address the lack of maps
around the campus which visitors and others have
been complaining about since I came here? The Director of Estate
Management wrote to me that this would be done as part of a more
general redesign of campus signing, after I wrote to him as Head of
School about this -- in 1991).
I don't know who decided several weeks ago to have the
university web site pronounce to all and sundry that the university of
Birmingham is 'One of the World's top 100 universities', but nobody with
a deep understanding of what we are about could have made such a
disastrous mistake.
But even academics are guilty of silly behaviour when they come near the
top of a league table. Instead of pointing out how meaningless the
rankings are they start boasting about their own position, thereby
implicitly endorsing stupid ranking procedures and harming the academic
system and all who are involved in it. Of course, governments are to
blame for making money follow league-table ranking instead of aiming for
and funding excellence in all educational institutions (and other public
service organisations). How to manage that process is a topic for
another day.
Apologies for rambling.