AI Programming A

HOWTO install Poplog on Windows (Vista)

This webpage explains how to install Poplog on a Windows Vista machine in a step-by-step manner.

I am a linux user - where I say "directory", you may care to read "Folder". ;-)
  1. Go to: Free Poplog site
  2. Download the file to your home directory (C:\Users\djb for me)
  3. unzip (Right-click > "Extract All...")
  4. You should now see a directory called "pcwin15.5". Open it, and open the subdirectory "pcwin15.5.dir" (there aren't any others).
  5. You should now see a bunch of directories (DISK1 - DISK10) and some files, including the README.txt file I used while installing - it may be useful if you get stuck.
  6. Make a new directory called "poplog", into which we can copy files.
  7. Open each of the "DISK..." subdirectories, and copy the files therein into "poplog".
    For advanced/impatient people:
    1. Open a command prompt (Start Menu > Run > cmd)
    2. Go to the above directory ("cd pcwin15.5\pcwin15.5.dir\")
    3. Run the following command: "copy DISK1\* C:\Users\djb\poplog", (copies the files from DISK1 -- change to YOUR username!)
    4. Press "UP ARROW" to retrieve last command, and change "1" to "2" (copy DISK2 contents).
    5. Repeated for "3" to "10".
  8. Go to the "poplog" folder, and run the "SETUP.exe" file. (Click "Run" when prompted; then "Allow" to enable the program to install)
  9. You should now see a graphical installer, explaining that you are about to install Poplog. Click "Next".
  10. You should now see a "Destination Directory". Mine shows "C:\WIN32APP\Poplog\15.5", which is an invalid directory (in Vista). Click "Browse".
  11. This will show a directory chooser, rooted at "C:\"/ Pick the directory "Program Files" (double-click, so you see "c:\program files" in the "Path" textfield).
  12. Got to the "Path" textfield, and type "\poplog", so that the "Path" field now contains the text: "c:\program files\poplog". Click "Ok", and if prompted to "Create a new directory", click "Yes" again.
  13. You should now see the "Destination Directory" as "c:\program files\poplog". Click "Next".
  14. You will be asked where in the menu you wish icons to be installed. Click "Next" to accept the proposal ("Poplog 15.5").
  15. The installation process should now whirr away for a couple of minutes. When finished you should see a folder with "Pop-11" and "Poplog" inside it. If you do not, open "Start Menu > All Programs > Poplog 15.5", and select "Poplog".
  16. You should now see a Poplog window. On my system this is white and has some default text, but otherwise looks a little bit like XVed.
  17. You can write your code in this window and when you press enter it will execute it. Obviously this is no use if you want to define procedures, so...
  18. If you press "CTRL+g" (that's "CONTROL" and "g" at the same time) you should notice that you transfer to the prompt at the top (a bit like pressing ENTER in Xved).
  19. Now you can open Ved: type "ved newfile.p" to create a file called "newfile.p" (surpirse!). You should see this in the same window, but split by an ASCII line. Below the line is your new file, open in Ved. Ved is similar to XVed except it doesn't have the "fancy" graphics.
  20. Inside this window, you can write code or text. It will be saved in the "newfile.p" file.

Useful keys

  • "ESC-m" is mark-range-start
  • "ESC-M" (CAPITAL, so use "SHIFT") is mark-range-end
  • "CTRL+d" compiles the marked range
  • "CTRL+g" is the equivalent of "ENTER"
  • "ESC-x" will switch between Ved and your output window
  • "ESC-q" quits, offering the option to save your file.
  • More useful keys can be found by using "CTRL+g" and typing "help vedkeys".