VAX/VMS Poplog

These files were kindly provided by Michael Worsley to help with the task of porting/updating VAX/VMS poplog.

To save the following files, right click on the link and select "Save Target As..." (Internut Exploiter) or "Save link document as.." (Opera)

poplog.bck.gz 12,489,870 bytes (35,965,440 bytes unzipped)

poplog.fdl 412 bytes

Check after download

Please check the size of the downloaded save-set!

To summarize: download both files. Use WinZip or gunzip to expand poplog.bck.gz and check its expanded filesize. Transfer both files to your VAX (if using ftp, poplog.bck must be transferred in BIN mode, poplog.fdl must be transferred in ASCII).

Use the EXCHANGE and BACKUP commands to install the save-set.

Installing these files

Unfortunately, transfering the .bck file via http will lose vital VMS record attributes. Use the command:
to restore this information and the command:
to install the save-set to the praxis_pop directory.