This file is
For information about downloading and prerequisites see
This is part of
The Free Poplog Web Site
Information on the contents of poplog and the teaching materials
included is here.
For information on other versions of poplog available see:
Further information on Poplog and its history is available:
Installation scripts simplified ('bham' parameter no longer needed) Error handling in Ved improved (thanks to help from Steve Isard) see CHANGES.txt
Removed special Ved characters from all the documentation files to make things easy for people who don't wish to learn to use Ved or XVed.
Two changes to the Sussex popvision library, described in $usepop/pop/packages/popvision/README.bham 1. popvision/lib/Xcolour_to_rgb.p added directory '/usr/share/X11/rgb.txt' to Xcolour_to_rgb_filelist 2. popvision/lib/sunrasterfile.p Installed fix by Jack Hollingworth (Reading University) for updater of sunrasterfile for use on little-endian machines.
This version makes it unnecessary to use 'setarch', thanks to code supported by Waldek Hebisch For more detailed changes see
A problem in the editor that made it produce multiple copies of the same file (especially output.p) has been identified and removed.
Expanded the instructions for Ubuntu users, which turned out to be incomplete. Also modified several of the Poplog scripts to invoke 'bash' instead of 'sh', as it turns out that these two are not equivalent on all systems. (Ubuntu Gutsy links 'sh' to 'dash', not 'bash')
Added simple pop-11 syntax highlighting command for VED, in $usepop/pop/lib/ved/ved_highlight.p The command ENTER highlight will underline all syntax words, apart from those included in the list assigned to global variable highlight_exceptions To see what the exceptions are do ENTER showlib highlight_exceptions If you don't want to fetch a complete poplog system, the file can be downloaded on its own from Simply install it in the directory $usepop/pop/lib/ved/ in your current poplog system. It will then be autoloadable. Undo highlighting with ENTER strip
The most important change is that the problem described in Bug 32 in here (originally reported by Steve Leach): -- 32. (18 Feb 2004) Bug in current_directory under Linux (and Unix?) has started causing serious problems with new releases of Linux installed with enhanced security settings. This was reported recently to the poplog-dev list by Stephen Isard. The problem was fixed by changing the pop-11 mechanism for getting at the current directory, provided by Waldek Hebisch and described in the BUGREPORTS file as item 66: -- 66. 29 Sep 2007 New version of unix_dir.p There are a few other minor improvements to the installation process. The easiest way to fetch and install 32 bit Linux Poplog remains the use of one of the get-and-install scripts described below.
New version of Poplog v15.61 available, with minor fixes and revamped scripts to overcome the problems caused by Linux security settings. Most easily installed by running one of the get-and-install scripts described below. There is a new file that gives an overview of what happens when the poplog installation script is run. It is available as
This file maintained by:
Aaron Sloman
Last Updated: 5 Aug 2009;22 Jan 2010;12 Aug 2010; 27 Dec 2011; 8 Jan 2020