HOW THE POPLOG V15.61 INSTALLATION PROCESS WORKS: A HIGH LEVEL OVERVIEW Aaron Sloman 11 Sep 2007 Updated: 4 Dec 2008 (This file may not be kepd fully up to date.) The latest version of this file should be available here This is a high level overview of what happens when you run the shell script INSTALL_BHAM_LINUX_POPLOG (or some version of it with a different name). If you run it without arguments it merely prints out instructions. If you run it with arguments, e.g. ./INSTALL_BHAM_LINUX_POPLOG motif bham /usr/local/poplog links > install.log 2>&1 the install script sets various environment variables on the basis of the arguments provided, and creates the $rootdir directory to install to in this case /usr/local/poplog [Or possibly /usr/local/poplog64 for 64-bit poplog.] which is also the default, and subdirectory /usr/local/poplog/local for site-specific local additions. Internally it sets popversion (e.g. to v15.61) and creates /usr/local/poplog/$popversion (e.g. /usr/local/poplog/v15.61 ) and assigns that to $usepop It then goes to the root directory, e.g. /usr/local/poplog and creates a symbolic link called current-poplog to the popversion directory, e.g. ln -s $popversion current-poplog So whatever the version of poplog the directory current-poplog can be used, e.g. /usr/local/poplog/current-poplog/ It then untars the tarball, e.g. bham-linux-poplog-v15.61.tar.gz into the that directory. One of the subdirectories created is called INSTALL, i.e. $usepop/INSTALL To continue the installation it then goes to that directory and runs various scripts located there. It runs the script CHECK_LINUX_FACILITIES and on the basis of its status at exit determines whether the facilities for using the X window system, or motif are present and reports the results. It then runs $usepop/INSTALL/CREATE_SCRIPTS with $rootdir as argument. That creates two scripts in $usepop/bin, namely poplog which have the root directory hard coded in them and can be used to set environment variables to run poplog. The bash script will be linked to /usr/local/bin/poplog so that the command poplog can be used to run ved, pop11, etc, e.g. poplog ved poplog pop11 poplog clisp ======================== CREATING POPLOG SYSTEM IMAGES The installation continues by sourcing the file $usepop/com/ which sets many environment variables used in the rest of the process (they are all set relative to $usepop). Depending on whether the X window facilities and motif are available it copiews one of these two scripts $usepop/pop/com/mkstartup.core $usepop/pop/com/mkstartup.bham to this script $usepop/pop/com/mkstartup which is used in building or rebuilding the poplog user saved images (at a later stage). Depending on what is available, or requested, it then runs one of these commands in the INSTALL directory: ./LINK_USING_NEWPOP motif ./LINK_USING_NEWPOP nomotif ./LINK_USING_NEWPOP nox Those commands attempt to link a 'core' version of poplog in $usepop/pop/pop, and then attempt to use it to create the system-building saved images that are run relative to that core. $usepop/pop/pop/popc.psv Used for compiling the poplog sources $usepop/pop/pop/poplibr.psv Used for archiving the poplog compiled sources $usepop/pop/pop/poplink.psv Used for linking a new version from the compiled sources $usepop/pop/pop/newpop.psv Used for relinking and creating new saved images, and updating indexes (See HELP NEWPOP) If the newpop command works, there should be a newly linked command $usepop/pop/pop/basepop11 (or possibly the old one supplied in the tar ball will have been used if a new one was not able to be linked) and a collection of new saved images made relative to that in $usepop/pop/lib/psv e.g. startup.psv for running pop11 clisp.psv for running common lisp pml.psv for running standard ML prolog.psv for running prolog xved.psv for running the editor XVed (Other saved images can be created by users, e.g. using scripts in $usepop/pop/com starting 'mk' ) If the saved images have not been created, failure is reported, and the output of the installation process should be sent to a maintainer for advice on what to do. NOTE: In the installation process the script $usepop/INSTALL/LINK_USING_NEWPOP does most of the work. It tries to recreate the 'system-building' saved images so that poplog can recompile and relink itself. It tries various ways of relinking basepop11 to suit the environment, and as a last resort leaves the original basepop11 binary that is included in the tar ball, which sometimes works even though relinking to produce a new version fails! There are other files provided for users which run LINK_USING_NEWPOP i.e. /LINK_MOTIF_POPLOG /LINK_NOBHAM_POPLOG /LINK_NOMOTIF_POPLOG These can be used for rebuilding the system without having to reinstall everything from the tar ball. Please report problems to