$usepop/INSTALL/INSTALL.txt Aaron Sloman http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~axs/ 17 Jan 2005 Instructions for installing Linux Poplog V15.6 after the tar file has been unpacked into the intended directory $usepop, e.g. /usr/local/poplog/v15.6 Run this script ./CHECK_LINUX_FACILITIES An executable shell script that can tell whether you can link poplog on your system and whether the required X window system libraries are present. In some cases it can fix things, provided it is run as super-user (root). Problems it can report include gcc not available (prevents re-linking poplog) motif not available (requires linking non-motif poplog) motif and other X11 library files available but only with numerical suffixes, e.g. libXm.so.3, not libXm.so (if run as root it can install links without the suffixes) If you don't have gcc that will interfere with many other things so you could find out how to get it from your linux installation cd or your linux provider. If you don't have gcc a default version of poplog provided will work, which does not provide access to motif facilities. If you need a pre-linked version of poplog which does use motif, ask for help via pop-forum AT cs.bham.ac.uk or the comp.lang.pop news group. Users should not attempt to run the scripts whose names start with 'LINK_', i.e. LINK_LIKE_BHAM LINK_LIKE_CORE LINK_MOTIF_POPLOG LINK_NOMOTIF_POPLOG LINK_USING_NEWPOP These are subsidiary scripts used by the scripts described below. After checking that you have appropriate facilities on your linux machine, select ONE of the 'USERLINK' scripts to run, as follows, redirecting output to link.log so that standard information printed out is available later for diagnostic purposes. ./USERLINK_BHAM_MOTIF_POPLOG > link.log link and set up poplog with motif and Birmingham defaults (This should be the default for most people who have motif) ./USERLINK_BHAM_NOMOTIF_POPLOG > link.log link and set up poplog without motif and Birmingham defaults (This should be the default for most people who do not have motif) ./USERLINK_ORIGINAL_MOTIF_POPLOG > link.log link and set up poplog with motif and Sussex/ISL defaults ./USERLINK_ORIGINAL_NOMOTIF_POPLOG > link.log link and set up poplog without motif and Sussex/ISL defaults The 'BHAM' versions of the script use this file to create saved images $popcom/mkstartup.bham The 'ORIGINAL' versions of the script use this file $popcom/mkstartup.core In both cases the selected file is copied to $popcom/mkstartup before the 'newpop' command is run. If you wish to create your own default startup saved image (invoked by running pop11), make a copy of $popcom/mkstartup e.g. $popcom/mkstartup.mine then edit it, and run it. Then run your chosen selection of scripts to create additional saved images, e.g. $popcom/mkxved create image to run xved based on the startup image $popcom/mkclisp make common lisp saved image based on the startup image $popcom/mkplog make prolog saved image based on the startup image $popcom/mkpml make pml (ML) saved image based on the startup image $popcom/mkxvedpro version of xved with prolog loaded $popcom/mkxvedlisp version of xved with lisp loaded Other sample scripts are available in the same directory. Example: $popcom/mkgblocks Creates $popsavelib/gblocks.psv It uses the rc_blocks library that is part of the RCLIB package to produce a simplified version of a famous AI program of around 1972, namely Winograd's SHRDLU The saved image can be run as pop11 +gblocks (To be continued)