POPLOG FOR AMD 64-BIT CPU RUNNING LINUX THIS FILE IS OUT OF DATE YOU CAN LEARN ABOUT THE LATEST VERSION OF 64-BIT LINUX POPLOG IN http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/research/projects/poplog/freepoplog.html =================================================================== OUT OF DATE: SEE ABOVE Instructions for installing and testing AMD64 poplog version 15.6 Aaron Sloman http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~axs/ Updated: 6 Jan 2007 NB For the time being this site provides a port of Poplog version 15.6 to Linux on AMD64 (It is not yet packaged in the same way as the 32 bit version of Poplog for linux + PC). This version has been tested both on AMD 64-bit and on Linux on Intel EM64T processors (Intel Pentium D processor). Many thanks to Waldek Hebisch for doing the 64-bit Linux port. ================================== Please read this file in the same directory: http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/research/projects/poplog/v15.6-amd64/AAAREADME.txt If you wish to test this on a suitable 64-bit platform (64-bit CPU + 64-bit vesion of linux) fetch the 64 bit Poplog tar file: http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/research/projects/poplog/v15.6-amd64/bham-linux-poplog-v15.6-amd64.tar.gz (About 22 Mbytes) Untar it where you wish to have poplog installed e.g. /usr/local/poplog This will create a directory v15.6-amd64 Then do this (changing the path name for usepop as appropriate): - if using bash usepop=/usr/local/poplog/v15.6-amd64 export usepop . $usepop/pop/com/poplog.sh - if using tcsh setenv usepop /usr/local/poplog/v15.6-amd64 source $usepop/pop/com/poplog You will then be able to run pop11 ved xved If you wish to run poplog prolog, common, lisp, ml do $usepop/pop/com/mkplog $usepop/pop/com/mkclisp $usepop/pop/com/mkpml other files of this form are available $usepop/pop/com/mk* E.g. you can create a saved image with a mini-SHRDLU demo by doing $usepop/pop/com/mkgblocks then run it by doing pop11 +gblocks %x (Omitting %x will start it up using Ved not XVed). Things not working: Clicking 'close' window button on graphical windows created by pop11 (e.g. rc_graphic or rclib windows) aborts poplog instead of just killing the window -- poplog is linked with motif (64 bit). If not linked with motif this does not happen. For now the 64-bit version of poplog is provided not linked with motif. See the userguide and man files in $usepop/man/man1/userguide.html $usepop/man/man1/poplog.1 This provides more information on running poplog prolog, poplog common lisp, poplog ML, ved and xved. You may also find useful scripts here $usepop/bin $usepop/setup But you may have to edit the path names in the poplog and poplog.sh files See also AAAREADME.txt in this directory. Later on, Poplog for AMD64 will be merged with 32-bit linux poplog with a common installation script. For now this one is packaged separately. Many thanks to Waldek Hebisch for making this possible. Aaron Sloman 17 Apr 2006 http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~axs/ [end]