INSTALL_PACKAGE $local/ftp/tools/install_package/install_package.txt Aaron Sloman 3 Jan 2005 The shell script install_package that is included with the bham linux poplog package has been changed a. to use bash not csh b. to allow arguments in either the form 'foo' or 'foo.tar.gz' c. to allow more than one argument The new version is available here It assumes the following conventions for extensions to poplog. These have been discussed previously. Not everyone likes them, but I have not yet seen a workable and preferable alternative. 1. A poplog local directory is $poplocal/local (abbreviated to $local) 2. This should normally be outside the $usepop tree so that one can remove an old $usepop tree and install a new one (e.g. newer version of poplog), without losing local extensions. 3. The directory $local may contain the following general-purpose subdirectories replicating a subset of the directories in $usepop/pop/ (only those marked with an asterisk are currently installed by default in $local in the bham linux poplog package): auto * com * data doc * help * include lib * lisp plog pml ref * setup * teach * Notes: The $local/com directory contains shell scripts for building bham saved images, making indexes, etc. The $local/setup directory includes a default Poplib directory, man directories, a userguide.html file, and a bin directory with shell scripts for running poplog or setting up environment variables. (The shell scripts are now created by the installation scripts, so that $usepop is defined correctly for the installation.) 4. In addition, 'package' directories may be installed in $local. Packages with collections of auto, lib, help, etc. files should not scatter their files around the general purpose directories listed above (as used to be done at Sussex) since files from one package can clobber others, and this makes it hard to remove a package or to have an old and new version available simultaneously. (Compare the corresponding flaws in the rpm system.) If the package is called 'foo' it may have sub-directories such as foo/auto foo/lib foo/help foo/ref foo/teach foo/com foo/src etc. There should be a foo/AREADME file explaining what the package is and how to use it or where to look for information. A news file of some sort should record changes in reverse chronological order. This could be in the foo/ directory or in something like foo/help/foo_news If the package is to be made available by means of the pop11 command uses foo there should be a pop11 file foo/foo.p which extends search lists (e.g. popuseslist, popautolist, vedhelplist, vedteachlist, etc.), using the pop11 procedure extend_searchlist and the fact that the variable popfilename can be used to determine the location of the file being compiled. For an example see When the package is installed a new symbolic link will be created from $local/lib/foo.p to ../foo/foo.p That will enable the 'uses foo' command to work, because by default 'uses' searches in $local/lib. The foo/foo.p file should normally NOT compile the whole package, as people may wish only to browse the code and documentation after the 'uses foo' command, without the overhead (and possible confusion) caused by compiling code that is not to be run. So some additional 'uses' command will normally be needed to compile the package (or sub-package) code, E.g. 'uses popvision' makes available a lot of documentation and many sub-packages, which require their own 'uses' commands, e.g. 'uses rc_array' 'uses canny' 'uses lapop' etc.