TEACH VEDNOTES Aaron Sloman 30 Sep 1998 This is a set of notes on the most frequently required VED commands. See HELP LOGICAL_KEYS, for information on VED function names. The file TEACH USEFULKEYS gives a more elementary introduction, and is not as comprehensive as this file. CONTENTS - (Use g to access required sections) -- There are several ways of controlling VED -- ENTER COMMANDS AND KEYBOARD COMMANDS -- File and window management -- Search and substitute -- -- Caseless search -- -- Searching for a named procedure -- Move the ved cursor -- -- Going to a specified line: -- -- Keyboard move sequences -- Stacked positions -- Marked range facilities -- Common Key Sequences -- Deleting text -- -- ^K (Control-K) delete sequences -- -- ^W, ^U shortcuts -- Help facilities -- Miscellaneous utilities -- Reading or sending mail -- Local to Birmingham -- There are several ways of controlling VED -------------------------- 1. Via ENTER commands: press the ENTER key (or Control G) then type the command, then press RETURN. Warning: on some terminals (HP and PC) the RETURN key (part of the main keyboard) is labelled ENTER. This is not the real ENTER key, which is on the RIGHT hand edge, except on a Sun3, when it is L10. There are very many ENTER commands available. Some are shown below, many others in REF VEDCOMMS, HELP VEDSEARCH and a lot more in other files. You can define your own ENTER commands when fluent in Pop-11. 2. Using Function keys: We have produced a graphical keymap which should work with most terminals running the X window system, as currently set up at Birmingham for Poplog users. (If these facilities don't work you may need to have your .Xdefaults file or your vedinit.p file fixed.) See HELP XTERMKEYS Should work on PCs, Suns, DEC Alphas. 3. Using keyboard short cuts based on Control keys and Escape sequences as described below. A complete overview of the basic functions can be found in HELP VEDKEYS You can define your own keyboard short cuts, when fluent in Pop-11, by editing your vedinit.p file. See HELP VEDSET, HELP VEDSETKEY 4. Using VED menus (invoked via the "ENTER menu" command). 5. Using XVed. This takes longer to start up than "plain" VED, but provides a separate window for each file, and has other facilities based on the mouse. To run XVed you can type "xved" "xved " or "pop11 %x" to Unix. You can limit the number of wnidows XVed creates by putting something like this in your .Xdefaults file XVed*MaxWindows: 6 (This will not limit the number of files you can have in the editor.) See TEACH XVED, HELP XVED, REF XVED -- ENTER COMMANDS AND KEYBOARD COMMANDS Note concerning instructions of the form: "^A" This means HOLD "CTRL" or "Control" button down WHILE pressing key A Note concerning instructions of the form: "ESC a" This means press AND RELEASE ESC key BEFORE pressing A key -- File and window management ----------------------------------------- ENTER ved ENTER name Get the file into VED Change current file to new name ENTER r ENTER rb Merge contents from disk "Rotate" buffers - if done into current file. repeatedly you see all buffers ENTER q ENTER bye or ENTER xx Quit current file. (Also ESC q) Exit VED and Poplog If file changed, asks for confirmation ENTER wq ENTER wqved Write, then quit current file Write and quit then VED ENTER deletefile ENTER cleanup Delete the file from VED and Delete VED's "backup" versions from the disk of the current file. ENTER w ENTER w1 Writes (saves) all current Saves only the current file files on the disk ENTER wr ENTER autosave 5 Writes the marked range to Change autosave interval to 5 the disk, in new minutes ENTER dired ENTER purgefiles Can be used to browse sets of ENTER purgefiles files. See HELP DIRED delete files matching pattern but show them first. ^L refresh window ESC w set window size ESC x Switch to previous window (not used in XVED) ESC V Scroll other file up ESC ^V Scroll other file down (Also ENTER xup) (Also ENTER xdn) ESC e (get menu of current files) ESC q Quit this file ESC F filecomplete (complete name of file left of cursor) (Also ESC 3 in some installations.) ENTER pwd ENTER files Print Working Directory List files currently in VED -- Search and substitute ---------------------------------------------- In the examples the string can be any sequence of characters. To end with a space, repeat the "delimiter" after the space. See HELP VEDSEARCH ENTER /string ENTER "string ENTER \string ENTER `string Search forward or backward Search forward or backward for for the string the string, non-embedded ENTER / ENTER \ ESC / ESC \ Redo last search, forward Redo last search, backward Search patterns can include @a (start of line), @z (end of line) @? any character. See HELP VEDSEARCH and TEACH REGEXP for more on patterns. ENTER s/string1/string2/ ENTER gs/string1/string2/ ENTER s"string1"string2" ENTER gs"string1"string2" Interactive search and replace. Global search and replace in Using " ignores embedded strings. file. " means non-embedded ENTER gsr/string1/string2 ENTER gsl/string1/string2 ENTER gsr"string1"string2 ENTER gsl"string1"string2 Global search and replace in Global search and replace in marked range current line Add "s" in front of global commands to make them "silent" or "swift", e.g. ENTER sgs, ENTER sgsr, -- -- Caseless search ENTER ss string ENTER bss string Search forward for string Search backward for string ignoring case ignoring case ENTER ww string ENTER bww string Search for non-embedded string Search back for non-embedded i.e. "word" string -- -- Searching for a named procedure ENTER f name Search for procedure called name defined in the current file -- Move the ved cursor ------------------------------------------------ -- -- Going to a specified line: ENTER 23 ENTER @a ENTER 2 ENTER @z Go to line 23, or line 2 Go to beginning or end of file ENTER @+5 ENTER @m ENTER @-5 ENTER @e Go forward, backward 5 lines Go to start or end of range -- -- Keyboard move sequences ^P charuP (Move up) ESC ^P charuPlots ^N chardowN ESC ^N chardowNlots ^B charleft (Backwards) ESC ^B charleftlots ^F charright ESC ^F charrightlots ^H (BackSpace) charleft or delete current character. ^A screenleft ^E textright ESC b wordleft ESC < topfile ESC f wordright ESC > endfile ESC v screenup ESC g markfind Goto range start ^V screendown ESC G endrange Goto range end ^A screenleft ^E textright ESC ^E screenright ESC ^A textleft LF (^J) Next line then left -- Stacked positions -------------------------------------------------- ESC p ESC P Save current position (pushkey) Restore stacked position ESC s Swap current and stacked position See also ved_cut, and HELP VEDBLOCKS (manipulation of text blocks) -- Marked range facilities -------------------------------------------- F1 (or ESC m) F2 (or ESC M) Mark start of range Mark end of range (Also use CTRL and middle mouse button in XVED) ENTER d ENTER t Delete marked range Transcribe (copy) marked range ENTER y ENTER m Yank back last deleted range. Move marked range ENTER mi ENTER ti Move range In - from other file Transcribe/copy range In ENTER mo ENTER to Move range Out - to other file Transcribe/copy range Out ENTER smr ENTER crm Sort range in alphabetical order Clear range mark ENTER mbe ENTER mbf Mark this file Beginning to End. Mark from beginning of file. ENTER mcp ENTER mcm Mark whole of current procedure. Mark Current Message ENTER tidy ENTER jcp Tidy marked range in program file Justify Current Procedure ENTER j ENTER jj Justify range-program or text file Right aline marked range ESC j ESC J Justify current para/procedure Right aline current para ENTER imr ENTER wrapmr Indent marked range Break long lines in range ENTER lmr (or ^D) ENTER lcp (or ESC c) Load compile a marked range Load Current Procedure ENTER ltl ESC d Load this line (loadline) See also HELP MARK, HELP VED_BC, VED_BR, VED_BL, -- Common Key Sequences ----------------------------------------------- (See keyboard maps for function keys) ^C interrupt processing ^G - the same as ENTER ESC RETURN Re-do last command ESC ^G switch status/buffer ESC o lineabove ESC O linebelow (Only on some terminals) ^T ESC l Transpose chars left of cursor ESC u Change word to lower/upper case ESC . Change case of char under cursor -- Deleting text ------------------------------------------------------ DEL or Delete Key delets char on left ^R dotdelete (del cuRrent char) (Sometimes Backspace is also set to delete on left) -- -- ^K (Control-K) delete sequences (Undo by preceding ^ sequence with ESC) ^K ^B wordleftdelete ^K ^F wordrightdelete ^K ^A clearhead ^K ^E cleartail ^K ^K linedelete ^K ^D delete marked range ^K ^P ESC ^K ^P ENTER cut: delete between stacked ENTER splice: re-insert positions (See HELP ved_cut) after cut -- -- ^W, ^U shortcuts ^W wordleftdelete ^U clearhead -- Help facilities ---------------------------------------------------- ESC h ESC n Get help on word to right ESC N Find next or previous asterisk ESC k ESC K Show function of next key Show map for keyboard (Not reliable) -- Miscellaneous utilities -------------------------------------------- ENTER cal, ENTER cal 95, ENTER dounix ENTER cal oct, ENTER cal jan 98 Do the unix shell command on Get a calendar current line in VED buffer ENTER unix ENTER vman Run the unix command, and get Browser for Unix "man" files output into a temp file in VED (Often quicker than "man") For manipulating arbitrary blocks of text see HELP VEDBLOCKS -- Reading or sending mail -------------------------------------------- (see HELP ved_getmail, HELP send -- Birmingham only) ENTER getmail ENTER tmh (See HELP VED_TMH) Get your latest mail file Tidy mail header (With an index to it) ENTER nm ENTER tah ENTER lm Tidy all mail headers Go to Next or Last (previous) in current mail file message in this file ENTER mergemail ENTER nextmail Merge current mail file with ENTER prevmail previous one Get next or prev. mail file ENTER mergemail N Merge N files with previous one ENTER sendmr ENTER send Send marked range (must include Send WHOLE file. Beware To: line.) ENTER reply ENTER respond ENTER Reply ENTER Respond Prepare reply to sender only Prepare reply quoting original or to everyone message (to one, or to all0 ENTER mcm ENTER mdir ENTER ccm ENTER gm Mark or clear (delete) current Create index to current mail message file. Goto Message. ENTER purgemail ENTER spell Deletes backup mail messages Check spelling of current file -- Local to Birmingham ------------------------------------------------ Use SHOWLIB VED_ or HELP VED_ to get more information ENTER calc ENTER alias Compute value of expression ENTER aliases to right of cursor and insert Find email aliases ENTER checkmail 120 ENTER names Check every 120 secs for new mail Find password file entries containing