TEACH TEACH Last revised, A.Sloman 22 Jan 1997 (WARNING: Modified 22 Jan 1997) This is a modified version of the standard Poplog introductory "TEACH" file. This version is designed to go with the Poplog Menu mechanism. If you do not have a "toplevel" Poplog menu visible when you start up (a vertical panel of mouse-selectable buttons, with "Toplevel" in the title bar) then do the following 1. Press the ENTER key (usually on the extreme right) The text cursor should jump up to the `status' line. Alternatively, you can use CTRL G for ENTER. 2. Type: menu 3. Press the RETURN key (usually to the right of the alphabetic keys) If you have no RETURN key, or it does not work you can use CTRL M This should bring up the Pop-11 control panel. Its location may not be ideal, so you can move it if necessary, using the middle mouse key with the mouse pointer on the horizontal "title" bar at the top of the panel. Now read on. -- HOW TO READ POPLOG TEACH FILES ------------------------------------- Before reading on, experiment with the PageUP and PageDown buttons on the Toplevel menu to get a feel for how to look at different parts of this document. Also try the arrow keys at the right of the keyboard. Then come back and read on. Also use the "mouse" pointer to point at different bits of text, click with the left mouse pointer, and see how the "VED cursor" moves to the new location. Notice how the line number changes when you do that. -- WARNING: LABELS ON KEYS MAY BE MISLEADING IN VED ------------------- In this editor, the PageUP and PageDown keys on the right hand keypad (also labelled 9 and 3) are used for small diagonal moves (UP Right and Down Left) in this editor. If you have two "function key" panels to the right of the main keyboard, the smaller one including INSERT HOME PAGEUP at the top, then you can use the PAGEUP and PAGEDOWN keys on that panel to move up and down the file you are reading. If you are using a Sun SLC workstation (marked Sparc station SLC on the base, under the monitor), you will not have that extra panel. Instead you can use the keys on the top marked R2 and R5 (also marked PrSc and /) for the SCREENUP and SCREENDOWN functions. They are slightly different from PAGEUP and PAGEDOWN, but you can ignore the difference. The arrow keys on the right are used for small moves Up Down Left Right, and the keys on the bottom right marked 0 and DEL are used to move a word at a time, left or right. Experiment with all of those. Later you will also learn to use the function keys on the top, marked F1 to F10 (or F12) for things like marking a range of text, deleting part or all of a line, moving or copying a marked range, and so on. -- THE STRUCTURE OF THIS FILE ----------------------------------------- Most Poplog documentation files include an index, or table of contents. The index is built from the section headers in the file. There are various slightly different formats for section headers and file indexes. The header at the top of this section, using rows of hyphens, is an example. Sometimes the index is at the top of the file. Sometimes it is elsewhere. You can go to the index from the text in the file, or from the index to the text using the "GoSection" button on the toplevel menu. Try clicking on the GoSection button with the left mouse button. That will take you to the index for this file. Then choose a selection by clicking on it, then click on GoSection again to go to that section. Then come back to the first section to read on from here. An alternative to clicking on the GoSection button is to give the "ENTER g" command. Press the "ENTER" key on the right, to make the VED cursor (not the mouse cursor) move to the "status line" (or "command line"). Then type "g" then press the "RETURN" key. We summarise that by referring to the "ENTER g" command. If that command is still visible on the status line, you can just press the REDO key (usually the "-" key on the right hand numeric key pad). That key always repeats the last ENTER command. -- LEAVING POPLOG ----------------------------------------------------- If you are using the VED menu system, the "ExitAll" option, on the Toplevel menu will terminate your session with VED and Poplog. You can also exit by pressing the ENTER key (on the right usually) then typing "bye" then pressing RETURN (i.e. give the "ENTER bye" command). Warning on: HP Xterminals, and on some PCs the key marked ENTER to the left of the numeric keypad (is not treated as ENTER by VED: that's the RETURN key). The real ENTER key is normally on the extreme right, except on a Sun3, which treats L10 (on the left) as ENTER. When you leave VED, it may report that you have some "changed" files and ask if you want to "write" them to the disk. Type "y" to ensure that your work is saved "n" to quit without saving the file, and "c" to continue editing the file. If you are using XVED you will be given a control panel with three buttons, instead. -- RESTARTING VED AFTER LEAVING IT ------------------------------------ After you leave VED and Poplog by using the "ENTER bye" command, you can restart VED later on, by typing, in a Unix xterm window, xved to get the multi-window X window version of VED, or ved to get the "plain" single window version. Then when VED has started up give the ENTER teach teach command to re-select this file, or click on the TUTORIAL button on the Toplevel control panel. To get back to the last section you were reading, you can use the GoSection button on the Toplevel control panel to go to the section you wish to start from. Or use the "ENTER g" command. Alternatively you can get back to the required place by clicking on the PageDown option, or using the ScreenDown key or PageDown key (if your keyboard has one). (Later you will learn other ways of traversing files.) Try leaving VED with the "ENTER bye" command, then restart using the "ved" or "xved" command. Then get back to this point using the PageDown key on the keyboard or the PageDown mouse option on the control panel. If you wish to start off VED with one of your own files rather than a teach file, use the "ved" or "xved" command with your file's name. I.e. you can type this to unix: ved myfile or xved myfile The second one starts up multi-window Xved. You won't need to start one of your own files until you have learnt more from reading the teach files. -- WHAT IS THE POPLOG TEACH SYSTEM? ----------------------------------- The "TEACH" program uses an editor (word processor) called VED, which displays text in 'teach files', and can be used to read, create, or modify text files, like the one you are now reading. There are two versions: standard VED, which works on a wide range of terminals, and XVED which works only with the X window system, on workstations and X terminals. XVED allows each file to occur in a different window on the screen. Standard VED uses only one window (often the whole screen) which can then show one or two files at a time. From now on "VED" is used to refer to both systems. VED can be driven either by keyboard commands and function keys, or by menus. You should by now have a VED menu, called "Toplevel" on your screen. If not, press the ENTER key (usually at the extreme right of the keyboard), type "menu" and press the RETURN key (usually to the right of the main typing keys). I.e. give the ENTER menu command. VED files can be of varying length. Most are too long to be completely visible at once. So there is always only a subset shown, called the "viewing window". You can control which portion of the file is visible in the viewing window by using the PageUP and PageDown menu buttons, or by using the corresponding keys on your keyboard, usually marked with an arrow pointing up or down, except on SPARCStations, where the keys may be labelled R2 and R5 (on the right). [[[ NB. You will need to use the keyboard map for your terminal ]]] [[[ Ask for help if necessary ]]] [[[ NCD Xterminals and HP Xterminals are different from Sun keyboards ]]] [[[ Alphastation keyboards are similar to NCD Xterminals ]]] [[[ PC keyboards are different again ]]] Often instead of using a mouse it is convenient to use a function key on the keyboard to traverse a VED file. If you have a keyboard with a PageDown and PageUp keys you can use them to move up and down a screenful at a time. Try them. (Remember: never hold a function key down: press it and release it immediately. Repeat if necessary.) If you are using a Sun3 or Sun SLC keyboard there will NOT be a middle keypad with Page Down and Page Up. Instead you can use the keys marked R5 or / (Screendown) and R2 or PrSc (Screenup) to move down and up. Watch what happens to the VED cursor when you use these keys. Alternatively you can simply use the ordinary keyboard and the ESC key and CTRL key (usually both are on the left). ESC v = ScreenUP (press ESC then release it, then press "v"). CTRL-v - ScreenDOWN (hold the CTRL key, and while it's down press "v") You can decide whether you prefer to use the keyboard keys or the mouse menu to move the viewing window up or down the file. Different people have different preferences. Press PageUp or SCREENUP then PageDown or SCREENDOWN keys or key combinations, alternately, several times, until you feel sure you know how to control movement from one screenful of text to another. Then read on. -- SMALLER MOVES AND 'KEYPAD' KEYS ------------------------------------ Sometimes, it is inconvenient for the cursor to move a whole screenful if all you want to see is just one or two more lines. On the right hand side of many keyboards is a 'Keypad'. VED allows you to use the keys on the keypad for small moves up down, left, right, or diagonally. On your keyboard map look for keys marked CHARUP, CHARDOWN, CHARLEFT, CHARRIGHT, and perhaps CHARUPLEFT, CHARDOWNRIGHT, etc. On some keyboards these are the keys with "arrows" on them. On some they are the numbered keys on the keypad, often 8(charup), 2(chardown), 4(charleft) and 6(charright). Sometimes they are R8(Up), R14(Down), R10(Left), R12(right). These keys can be used to move the cursor in small steps. Find those CHARUP, CHARDOW, CHARLEFT and CHARRIGHT keys, and others that look as if they might be concerned with cursor movement, and try them out. If there is an "LF" key on your terminal you can try that too - it may have the effect of NEXTLINE, i.e. take the cursor to the beginning of the next line. (If not CTRL-j will have the same effect.) Warning: some inferior terminals have a numeric keypad but don't permit it to be switched to send the special characters: they just send numbers. If your keyboard's numeric keypad works with VED, it may function something like this (press CHARDOWN repeatedly till all 9 boxes are visible). ____________________________ Experiment by pressing the keys |7 UP |8 UP |9 UP | and see how the cursor can be made | LEFT | | RIGHT | Can you put to move in any of eight directions. |________|________|________| the cursor in |4 |5 |6 | box 5? | LEFT | | RIGHT | If you move far off to the right, |________|________|________| text 'scrolls' or jumps left. |1 DOWN |2 DOWN |3 DOWN | Move the cursor left again, to | LEFT | | RIGHT| bring it back. |________|________|________| On some SUN workstations, the 1 and 3 keys move a "word" at a time left or right, instead of a character at a time. On some Sun3 terminals you may have to use R4 and R6 for wordleft and wordright. If you press (and release) the ESC key immediately before pressing the CHARUP, CHARDOWN, CHARLEFT, CHARRIGHT keys, that will cause the VED cursor to make a bigger move, up, down, left or right. This should be shown on your keyboard map, if you have one, as "charuplots", "chardownlots", etc. Instead of using the ESC key, the 5 key on the numeric keypad can be pressed just before an arrow key to make the move bigger. E.g. try 5 and 2 twice, then 5 and 8 a few times. If you press the 5 key twice in a row it will make the current line the middle of the window. -- USING KEYPAD "MOVE" KEYS TO MOVE THE VISIBLE WINDOW ---------------- If you try to move the cursor up or down past the boundary of the current visible 'window', the file 'scrolls' down or up, as if you were pushing the window in the same direction as the cursor. Try pushing the visible window up by using the CHARUP key to get to the top of the window, then go on pressing it repeatedly. Then try with CHARDOWN. You'll find that if the cursor is at the left of the screen and you try to move it further left, (using THE CHARLEFT key) then it will jump back to the end of the previous line. Note that you can also move the VED cursor by using the mouse. Point at the desired location with the mouse pointer, then click on the left mouse button. Whether you prefer the mouse or the keypad is up to you. -- HOW TO PRESS KEYBOARD KEYS ----------------------------------------- Be careful when pressing keys NOT to HOLD them down: let go quickly. I.e. just tap the keys. If held down for more than about half a second many keys will behave as if they are being pressed repeatedly. Exceptions are the keys, marked "Control" (or "CTRL") and "Shift" which you have to HOLD down whil you tap on another key. These are called "modifier" keys, as they change the signals sent by other keys. Most keys are not modifier keys: they send their own signals. Read on, and make notes as you go, to help you remember what you read. Otherwise you are likely to forget. -- DELETING CHARACTERS -------------------------------------------------- Put the VED cursor in the space below this paragraph. Type in a few words. You can correct errors one character at a time by pressing the CHARDELETE key (often marked as "DEL", or "Delete"). Try it. On some keyboards the key marked as "BS" or "Backspace" will also delete. However, it may delete the character UNDER the cursor (sometimes referred to as "DOTDELETE", i.e. delete on the dot), whereas the DEL key deletes the character to the LEFT of the cursor. On some VED setups, the BACKSPACE key merely moves the VED cursor left, without deleting anything. Try typing in some text below this line. Here -> Then press the CHARDELETE and BACKSPACE key to see what happens. Try on the right of the text and in the middle of text. Try removing all your words then pressing the CHARDELETE key a few more times - some of the TEACH text will disappear. Dont't worry! It's only your own temporary copy of the TEACH file that's being deleted. The text you see on the screen is a copy of a file held on a magnetic disc attached to the computer. VED (the editor used by TEACH) treats all TEACH files as 'write protected' so you won't mess up the file by typing words (or deleting words) on the screen. Practice typing and deleting text with the CHARDELETE key. Then read on. -- DELETIONS USING MENU BUTTONS --------------------------------------- Make sure the "Toplevel" control panel is visible. If not, give the "ENTER menu" command to make it visible. Then use the left mouse button to click on the panel marked "Delete..." This will bring up a new control panel, or menu, which has several buttons relevant to deleting portions of text, including: DelLine DelLineLeft DelLineRight DelWordLeft etc. You can use these to delete larger chunks of text than one character at a time. E.g. you can delete a whole line or a whole word (to left or to right of the current VED cursor). Try using them on a portion of this file, higher up, which you have already read. (I.e. move the VED window up to experiment with them). Experiment with several buttons whose names start "Del", e.g. "DelLine", which deletes the whole line the VED cursor is on. "DelLineLeft" deletes text to the left of the VED cursor, "DelWordRight" deletes the word or part word, or space, to the right of the current VED cursor. (Ignore DelMarkedRange: you won't yet know how to create a "Marked Range". When you do, that button can be used to delete it.) There are also "function" keys on the top row of your keyboard (e.g. F3, to F7) that perform similar delete operations. Check using your VED keymap. On most terminals you will find the following: Key function alternative name F3 = DelLineLeft CLEARHEAD F4 = DelLine LINEDELETE F5 = DelLineRight CLEARTAIL F6 = DelWordLeft WORDLEFTDELETE F7 = DelWordRight WORDRIGHTDELETE Try those keys, on bits of text above. When you have deleted a line or portion of line you can "yank" it back, possibly in a different place if you have moved the VED cursor, by repeating the function key preceded by pressing the ESC key. Use F4 to: DELETE THIS LINE Then use ESC F4 to yank it back. The keys F6 and F7 normally delete individual words to the left and right of the current VED cursor location. Try them on a bit of this file that you have already read. (Don't worry: your deletions will not change the "master" version of this file stored on the disk as this is not "your" file: it is a "teach file".) -- UNDOING DELETIONS -------------------------------------------------- Note that some of the buttons on the "Delete..." menu have names that start with "Yank". They can be used to re-insert the last piece of text deleted. YankLine will re-insert the last complete line deleted using DelLine. YankPartLine will re-insert the last portion of a line deleted with one of: DelLineLeft (Or key F3) (CLEARHEAD) DelLineRight (Or key F5) (CLEARTAIL) DelWordLeft (Or key F6) DelWordRight (Or key F7) For now you can ignore the other menu buttons on the delete menu. You can also delete individual characters using the Menu Buttons on the Delete... menu. Try them on some text you have already read. Try out only the buttons labelled DelCharLeft DelCharHere JoinLine If you click on ClearBuffer it will empty the file you are currently reading, so don't! The DelThisFile menu button tries to remove the file from the disk also. It is useful for your own old files, but can't be used on a "teach" file, like this one. (You can also use "ENTER deletefile", which will delete the file without asking whether you really meant it.) -- THE COMMAND LINE ----------------------------------------------------- Above the text is a strange line containing, among other things, a number. The strange line is called the 'command line', as you can give commands using it. It is also sometimes referred to as the 'status line' because it displays information about the current status of VED. You have already met some ENTER commands above. You can now learn to give more commands on the command line/status line using the ENTER key. (Remember the real ENTER key is not the one marked "ENTER" to the right of centre of the HP Xterm keyboard. It is the one on the right of the keypad, or on a Sun3 it is key L10 on the Left. If you don't have a clearly identifiable ENTER key, you can instead type CTRL G, i.e. press down the "Control" key and whilst holding it down tap on the G key. The "Control" key is sometimes marked "CTRL".) The number shown on the status line is the line of the file on which the cursor currently is. If the cursor is on, say, the 71st line of the teach file, then the number will be 71. Try moving the VED cursor up and down using the keypad keys, or by pointing and clicking, and watch the number change. The command line also reminds you of the name of the file you are 'examining'. A few commands you can give with the command line will now be illustrated. -- JUMPING TO A LINE IN THE EDITOR ------------------------------------ Make a note of the line number the cursor is now at (i.e. the number on the command line), so that you can come back to it. You can use an ENTER command to tell VED to go to another line, as follows. E.g. line 1 is the beginning of the file. So you can go to the beginning of the file by jumping to line 1 as follows. Find where the ENTER key is on your keyboard, using the keyboard map if necessary. Press: ENTER (Cursor goes to command line) Type: 1 (using the 1 key at the top of the keyboard above the letters, not the 1 on the keypad on right.) Press: RETURN When you have done that, repeat with different numbers, ending with the number of the line you are on now, so that you can come back here, e.g. ENTER 430 RETURN Many commands that you give on the command line are referred to as "ENTER" commands. Sometimes the word is enclosed in angle brackets thus "" as a reminder that there is a special key with that name. Similarly with "". Sometimes the angle brackets are left out. Sometimes the "" is left out, as all the commands must end with as otherwise the computer will not know when you have finished typing the command. So the command to go to line 23 might be referred to in short form as "ENTER 23". That's an abbreviation for 23 Many more ENTER commands exist, and you will now learn about a few more of them. If you can't find the ENTER key, try Control-G, i.e. hold down the Control key, and tap on the G key. That should work as equivalent to ENTER, but that will depend on how your keyboard has been set up for VED. Another useful ENTER command, mentioned previously, is the ENTER g command, which gets you to the index (if the file has one). You can use it now, and then use it again to get back to the section that follows (GETTING THE TOPLEVEL MENU BACK). -- GETTING THE TOPLEVEL MENU BACK ------------------------------------- The toplevel menu should have a button marked "Dismiss". If you click on it, that menu will go away. You can bring back the top level menu by giving the "ENTER menu" command. Try the following. 1. Dismiss the top level menu 2. Press the ENTER key to get the VED cursor on the command line 3. Type: menu 4. Press the RETURN key to make VED obey the command. The Toplevel menu should reappear. You can also bring back the Toplevel menu if another Poplog menu is visible with the "MENUS..." button showing. Get the Toplevel menu visible, as above. Then click on the 'Mark...' button to bring up the Mark menu. Then dismiss the Toplevel menu, by clicking on its Dismiss button. You can then bring it back by clicking on the Mark menu: look for the 'Menus...' button. All menus should have a button that brings back the top level menu. -- LEAVING TEACH (AND POPLOG) ----------------------------------------- One of the important commands using the key is telling the system that you wish to leave the editor, and Poplog. If the Toplevel menu is available you can click on "ExitAll". But you can also leave Poplog by means of an ENTER command, as follows. Read on a bit first (up to the asterisks you'll find below). To leave the editor, and Poplog, you Press: ENTER (puts the cursor on the command line) Type: bye (the command you want to give) Press: RETURN (that says go ahead and do it) This will terminate the session using TEACH, and tell the operating system that you have (for now) finished with Poplog. If your Poplog process was running in a dedicated window, you will then lose the window. When you next log in the window will be recreated as normal. If you want to start up Poplog again without logging out and logging in again, it is easy if you have a unix "xterm" window available. Simply type the following command in it: ved startup or xved startup and that will start VED going with the file called 'startup' in your directory. If you do not have a unix window available your window manager menu may have been set up to give you the option to start a new xterm window. You can select that option as follows. Move the mouse pointer to the grey background on the screen. Press the left button and hold it down. A menu panel should appear. Slide the pointer down to the xterm option and then release it. A new xterm window will appear in which you can give xterm commands. You will then be talking to the operating system, which will give you its prompt, usually either '$' or '%', or possibly '>'. You can then give commands that the operating system understands. E.g. you can exit that window, by typing "exit" to it. See below for logging out completely. You may wish to practice leaving VED and starting up again. You can get back to reading the same teach file as before by giving the same commands (or menu options) as before. You can then jump to the required line number using the ENTER command shown you above, if you remember the line number first, e.g. ENTER 536 NB after logging out, on some machines you'll have to press the key once or twice to 'wake up' the computer, before you can log in again. Before you try all that, read on till the asterisks, below. When you restart VED after leaving Poplog, VED will not remember exactly what you had been doing before. So you should make a note of the line number you want to return to, so that when you log back in you can get back here. When you restart VED, if your VED initialisation file has been set up to start the menu system, you will automatically get the Toplevel menu when you start. If not, you will have to give the "ENTER menu" command to get the menus. You can then click on START to get this teach file back. Now try leaving Poplog using "ENTER bye" (as described above). Then come back to POP-11. If necessary, start a new xterm window as described above. (First use the PageUp key to go back and re-read the instructions so that you are sure you know what to do to get back here. Make notes to help you remember.) ******************************************************** -- LOGGING OUT COMPLETELY --------------------------------------------- Before you log out make sure that any files that you have created have been saved in the disk connected to the computer. You can easily do that by leaving Poplog via the ExitAll button or the "ENTER bye" command. After quitting all Poplog processes you may be able to log out by using the mouse and clicking with the left button on a small window on your screen labelled "Exit" or "Quit" or "Quit X". For example if you are using an X terminal it will probably have been set up like that. -- REFRESHING THE WINDOW --------------------------------------------- VED's "refresh" facility can be used to re-display the text that is in the VED buffer. Occasionally, the text will become jumbled on the screen. This could happen if the computer operators sent out a broadcast message. Your text in the VED buffer is then unchanged, but what is on the screen doesn't correspond to it. So you need to "refresh" the screen. To refresh the screen you can either use the menu facility or a keyboard key. 1. Using the menu: a. Select the Editor... button on the Toplevel menu, to get the editor menu. b. Select the "Refresh" key on the editor menu. If you try it, you may see this text on the screen being re-written. However, it may happen so fast that you don't see it! 2. Using a keyboard key. Use your keyboard map to find which is the REFRESH key. For instance on an NCD X terminal you should find that if you first press the F10 key in the top row of your keyboard it will refresh the screen. On the Sun3 Xterminal it may be L1. Another way to refresh, on most keyboards, is to use "Control-L". That is a. Hold down the Control (or CTRL) button (usually on left), and keep it down. b. Press the "L" key, but DON'T keep it down. (Just TAP it once.) c. Release the Control button. -- DIFFERENT SORTS OF KEYS -------------------------------------------- Several of the VED commands that you will learn require two or more keys to be pressed. However, there are different kinds of multi-key commands. Most keys send a signal to the computer when pressed. But some keys don't do anything on their own. Rather they are held down to change the effect of other keys: they are "modifier" keys. The Control key, previously mentioned, is one example. SHIFT is another example. If you hold it down (try it), nothing happens. But if you press some letter keys while you hold it down, capital letter appear on the screen instead of lower case letters. Sometimes you will accidentally press a key labelled "Caps Lock". That changes the keyboard so that all letters are typed as capitals. Press it again to undo the effect. Usually the keyboard has a light (perhaps top right) that goes on if the keyboard is in Caps mode. Another key that does nothing on its own is the Control or CTRL key. You use it to modify other keys. The effect varies according to how your computer has been set up. For example, on most systems that run Poplog, pressing the "C" key while CTRL is held down causes an "interrupt". You can try that now. Since nothing else is happening to be interrupted, you should not see any effect. On some keyboards there is also a key marked "FUNCTION" or "META" or "Convert Function", or a key with a diamond shape, usually next to the space bar. These keys, like SHIFT are used to alter the function performed by other keys. So pressing them alone will do nothing. They may not have been set up to do anything useful for you. (They can be useful with XVed.) You will learn about the effect of these keys later on. The main point for now is that these "modifier" keys (SHIFT, CTRL, FUNCTION) are the only ones that are held down for any length of time. The ENTER key, the ESC key (referred to later) the keys with arrows on, the 'key-pad' keys etc. are not modifier keys, but send their own signals, so you don't hold them down, but press them lightly once. A light "tap" will usually suffice. -- BIGGER JUMPS ------------------------------------------------------- On most keyboards set up for VED you can transform a small move up, down, left or right to a bigger move by pressing key and then the keypad key in order to get bigger jumps. E.g. try ESC followed by the CHARUP or CHARDOWN key a few times. (Usually keypad 8 or 2, on the right). Or use the "5" keypad key instead of ESC. The same effect can be achieved via menus. First select Move1... on the Toplevel menu. Then try the UpLots and DownLots buttons. See how the VED cursor moves. (The cursor may become hollow while the mouse pointer is out of the VED window.) --MOVING THE CURSOR A WORD AT A TIME ------------------------------------ Two of the keys are known as WORDLEFT and WORDRIGHT. Note how those two keys make the cursor move about. See what happens if you press WORDLEFT when the cursor is at the beginning of a line. Often these functions are mapped onto they keys labelled "0" and "." at the bottom of the right hand keypad, i.e. next to the ENTER key. On the Sun3 Xterminal they are R4 and R6. For now you can ignore the other keys on the Keypad, apart from ENTER, which you'll use for putting the cursor on the 'command line' to give special commands. -- READING OTHER TEACH FILES ------------------------------------------ There are many TEACH files on many different topics. You can temporarily transfer to another teach file and then come back to this one, as follows. There is a teach file called WINDOW, which will show you how to enlarge the visible 'window' so that you can see more of the file at once. (You may have been wondering about that.) To read it, do the following: Press: Type: teach window (If you make a mistake use the DEL key) Press: This will get you the TEACH WINDOW file. Try it, and obey the instructions. When you have finished you can "quit" the file by giving the command q -- RE-DOING THE LAST COMMAND --------------------------------------------- (N.B. read down to the next main heading before trying the instructions in this section.) Try the following: ENTER teach window that will get you a new window. Then Quit that window by putting the mouse in it and typing ESC q. When you get back to this window, the "teach window" command will still be on the command line. You can re-do that command by pressing the REDO button. Look at your keyboard map to see where it is. Usually the "-" on the right hand numeric keypad will have that function. If it doesn't work you can instead use the key sequence ESC RETURN as equivalent to REDO. Now try REDO, to re-do the "teach window" command. Then quit that window and come back here. The REDO button is also useful with the ENTER g command. Try ENTER g to go to the table of contents of this file. then select a section, and press REDO, then press REDO to get back to the table of contents, then come back to the next section, on "QUITTING SEVERAL FILES IN A ROW" -- QUITTING SEVERAL FILES IN A ROW ------------------------------------ There are many hundreds of help and teach files in Poplog. Sometimes after looking at three or four files you want to quit them all, and come back to the previous file you were working on. You can quit a file with the ENTER q, command, then press REDO until you get back here. E.g. give these four commands, to bring up four new teach files: ENTER teach ved ENTER teach mark ENTER teach vedpop ENTER teach respond This will get four new files. Quit the last one by means of the ENTER q command. Then press REDO three times to come back here. If you press it, the command 'q' will be obeyed again and so you will quit this file. You can come back here by typing 'teach' to POP-11 and then jumping to this line. Try it. As you have found, ENTER q only quits the current file. If you press it too many times it will quit all the files and take you out of VED or XVED. -- SOME REVISION QUESTIONS -------------------------------------------- You should make notes of all the important points concerning the use of TEACH and check with your course tutor about any confusions. Here's a brief list: Which keys are held down to modify others, and which send their own signals to the computer? How do you move the cursor up, down, left, right in the teach file? How do you go up a page, down a page? What is the difference between the mouse cursor and the VED cursor? What does the ENTER key do? Which control key is equivalent to the ENTER key? Which key sequence is equivalent to REDO ? What does pressing the ESC key then W do? What does ENTER q do? What does ENTER q do if there is only one file left in VED? How do you get back from Unix to reading a TEACH file? Which sequence using ESC quits the current file? How do you get the cursor onto line 73 of a file? How can you get the cursor to the top of the file? How do you change the size of the TEACH window? How do you 'refresh' your VED window? How do you leave TEACH (and VED) and Poplog? How do you LOG OUT? Which keys move the cursor a word left or right? Which key deletes The whole of the current line? The left part of the line? The right part of the line? What does CTRL L do? -- WHICH FILES TO LOOK AT NEXT ---------------------------------------- You should now go on to read TEACH VED to find out how to use the text editor to make your own files. But if you need a rest first (you probably will!) you can log out now, and come back later. Next time, log in as before, and start up VED When VED has started up, type ENTER teach ved then press RETURN. Other files you could now read are: TEACH * VED - more on VED - learning to create your own file TEACH * MARK - learning to mark a range in a file TEACH * RHYME - will give you a lot of practice, including reading and sending messages. TEACH * LMR - using "load marked range" in a program file TEACH * VEDPOP - using the editor to create POP-11 program files For more advanced users only: TEACH * TEACHFILES - overview of TEACH documentation in the Poplog system TEACH * LOCALINDEX - List of teach files available in this department. HELP * HELPFILES - overview of HELP documentation HELP * LOCALINDEX - List of help files available in this department. -- USING THE TABLE OF CONTENTS ---------------------------------------- CONTENTS of this file are listed below. You can go to any section by putting the cursor on one of the lines below then doing: g Alternatively, click on the GoSection menu button. Use the same action to get back to this index later. -- HOW TO READ POPLOG TEACH FILES -- WARNING: LABELS ON KEYS MAY BE MISLEADING IN VED -- THE STRUCTURE OF THIS FILE -- LEAVING POPLOG -- RESTARTING VED AFTER LEAVING IT -- WHAT IS THE POPLOG TEACH SYSTEM? -- SMALLER MOVES AND 'KEYPAD' KEYS -- USING KEYPAD "MOVE" KEYS TO MOVE THE VISIBLE WINDOW -- HOW TO PRESS KEYBOARD KEYS -- DELETING CHARACTERS -- DELETIONS USING MENU BUTTONS -- UNDOING DELETIONS -- THE COMMAND LINE -- JUMPING TO A LINE IN THE EDITOR -- GETTING THE TOPLEVEL MENU BACK -- LEAVING TEACH (AND POPLOG) -- LOGGING OUT COMPLETELY -- REFRESHING THE WINDOW -- DIFFERENT SORTS OF KEYS -- BIGGER JUMPS -- READING OTHER TEACH FILES -- RE-DOING THE LAST COMMAND -- QUITTING SEVERAL FILES IN A ROW -- SOME REVISION QUESTIONS -- WHICH FILES TO LOOK AT NEXT -- USING THE TABLE OF CONTENTS --- $poplocal/local/teach/teach --- The University of Birmingham 1996. --------------------------------