FTP Poplog teach file http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/research/projects/poplog/teach/README http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/research/projects/poplog/teachpop/AREADTHIS.txt Aaron Sloman 4 July 1995 Updated: 31 May 2009 The files in this directory are for use in connection with the programming language Pop-11, which is the core of the Poplog system, and the Poplog editor, Ved (or its multi-window version XVed). The files have been used to introduce both AI programming techniques and more general programming, including a wide range of programming constructs, list processing, use of pattern matching, object-oriented programming (with multiple inheritance and generic functions) and more. This teaching was begun in the later 1970s at sussex university, using an early version of Pop-11 running under Unix on a DEC PDP11/40 computer with shared between several simultaneous users, initially using paper teletypes, then later video displays. It was continued at the University of Birmingham after I moved there in 1991, for teaching introductory AI programming courses for AI students and Cognitive Science students at the University of Birmingham. For this purpose we use the Poplog development environment, originally produced by Sussex University then marketed world wide for a while by Integral Solutions Limited (ISL), until they were taken over by SPSS. Since then Poplog has become a free and open source multi-language toolkit for teaching and research in AI, and related fields. For more details see http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/research/projects/poplog/poplog.info.html Information about Poplog, Pop-11 and the other languages. http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/research/projects/poplog/freepoplog.html What is in the available packages and where to find them. Many of the teach files included here are versions of Poplog teach files, originally produced at Sussex university, then modified at Birmingham (where the Pattern matcher was extended to use lexically scoped pattern variables in connection with the use of "!" as pattern prefix. The Pop-11 code associated with these files, and versions of these files though without the '.txt' suffix is included in the Poplog system, e.g. in the subdirectory $usepop/pop/packages/teaching/ http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/research/projects/poplog/copyright.html Aaron Sloman, ( http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~axs ) 4th July 1995 Updated: 31 May 2009 School of Computer Science, The University of Birmingham, B15 2TT, England EMAIL A.Sloman@cs.bham.ac.uk Phone: +44-121-414-4775 Fax: +44-121-414-4281