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Summary of match notations

Basic format:

    list MATCHES pattern
Pattern specification can contain the following:

    1) [cat mouse x 99 'string']
        literal words numbers, strings, and other items to be
        checked in the target list

    2) =
        The 'Gobble-one' spacer

    3) ==
        The 'Gobble-any' spacer

    4) ^A
        Put into the pattern an object which is the value of the
        variable A. That object will then be compared with the
        corresponding object in the target list.
        Put into the pattern whatever results from evaluation of
        the expressin.

    5) ^^A
        The variable A MUST have a list as value. Put into the pattern
        all the elements of the list, for comparison with elements of
        the target list.

    6) ?A
        Set the value of the variable A to be a single element in the
        matching target list.

    7) ??A
        Set the value of the variable A to be a list containing a
        sequence of elements in the target list.

    8)  ?A:TEST
        Only allow the variable A to match an element such that TEST(A)
        is not FALSE.

    9) ??A:TEST
        Like (8), but the TEST is applied to a LIST of successive elements
        from the target list to be matched against the variable A.
(Future versions of Pop-11 with a more sophisticated matcher will use additional pattern element formats.)

NOTE: If the predicate TEST in the last two cases returns not TRUE but some other non-FALSE result, then the result will be assigned to the variable A instead of the item or list of items from the target list. For example, define a procedure to recognize a list of colours, and return a list of their initials:

First a procedure to produce a one character word from a word:

    define initial(word);
Use that to define a procedure that returns a list of initials if given a list of colour words:

    define all_colours(list) -> result;
        ;;; given a list of colour words return a list of single
        ;;;  character words, using the first character of each word.
        lvars item;
        for item in list do
            unless member(item, [red green blue indigo violet orange])
                false -> result;
        ;;; create list of initials
        maplist(list, initial) -> result;

    all_colours([red square]) =>
    ** <false>
    all_colours([green red orange]) =>
    ** [g r o]
This can be used to transform the output of the matcher, because it returns the transformed list rather than simply true. E.g.

    vars colours;
    [the big green blue red orange thing on the wall]
        matches [== ??colours:all_colours thing ==] =>
    ** <true>

    colours =>
    ** [g b r o]

Aaron Sloman
Fri Jan 2 03:17:44 GMT 1998