Here are some puzzles to test your understanding. If we assign [a b] to x, thus:
[a b] -> x;then the list [
x c] is [a b c] and the list [^
x c] is [[a b] c].
What values would have to be assigned to x, y etc so that the following were true (some are impossible - which ones?):
[^^x ^^x] = [a b a b] ;;; answer is [a b] -> x; [^x ^^y] = [[a b] b c] ;;; answer is [a b] -> x; [b c] -> y; [^^x mother ^^y] = [i love my mother] [the height of steve is ^^x] = [the height of steve is 70 inches] [every ^^x is a ^^y] = [every fire man is a civil servant] [every ^x is a ^y] = [every fire man is a civil servant] [^^x i ^^y you] = [sometimes i hate people like you] [[^x ^^y] ^^z] = [[a b c d]] [^x [^^y] ^z] = [[a b] [c d] [e f]] [i saw ^^n ships] = [i saw 3 ships] [i saw ^n ships] = [i saw 3 ships] [i ^x you] = [i hate computers] [^x ^y ^z] = [i hate computers]Use the computer to check your answers. For example, if you think the answer to the fourth one is:
[6 feet] -> x;then try printing the list:
[the height of steve is ^^x] =>Later you will see that the procedure MATCHES could be used to find the answers.