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Miscellaneous operations on integers, ratios, floats

checkinteger, gcd_n, lcm_n

checkinteger(ITEM, LOW_INT, HI_INT)

Checks ITEM to be an integer within the range specified by lower bound LOW_INT and upper bound HI_INT (inclusive). Either or both bounds may be <false> to indicate no upper or lower limit. If all conditions are satisfied the procedure returns with no action, otherwise a mishap occurs.

gcd_n(INT1, INT2, ..., INT_N, N) -> GCD

Computes the greatest common divisor of the all the N integers INT1, INT2, ..., INT_N, where the number N itself (a simple integer >= 0) appears as the rightmost argument. If N = 0, then GCD = 0; if N = 1, then GCD = INT1.

lcm_n(INT1, INT2, ..., INT_N, N) -> LCM

Computes the least common multiple of the all the N integers INT1, INT2, ..., INT_N, where the number N itself (a simple integer >= 0) appears as the rightmost argument. If N = 0, then LCM = 1; if N = 1, then LCM = INT1.

destratio, numerator, denominator

numerator(RAT)   -> NUMERATOR
denominator(RAT) -> DENOMINATOR
    These procedures return (on the stack) the numerator and denominator
    parts of a rational number, either together (-destratio-), or
    separately (-numerator- and -denominator-). When RAT is an integer
    or biginteger, then NUMERATOR = RAT, and DENOMINATOR = 1.

Operations on floats (decimals and ddecimals)

intof, fracof, float_digits, float_precision

fracof(x)   fractional part of a decimal number
intof(x)    integer part of a decimal number, positive or negative

    intof(-123.456), fracof(-123.456) =>
    ** -123 -0.456

float_digits(FLOAT) -> DIGITS
    Returns an integer, the number of digits represented in the internal
    (usually binary) floating-point format of the argument. (I.e. DIGITS
    has only two possible values, one for decimals and one for
    ddecimals. In all current Poplog implementations, b = 2 and DIGITS
    is around 22 for decimals, 53-56 for ddecimals.) On a sparcstation:

    float_digits(1.0e0), float_digits(1.0s0) =>
    ** 53 22

float_precision(FLOAT) -> SIGDIGITS
    Same as -float_digits-, except that the number of significant bits
    in the argument is returned. This will in fact be identical to
    float_digits(FLOAT), except that float_precision(0.0) = 0

float_decode, float_scale, float_sign

    This procedure takes a floating-point number and splits it into its
    component parts, i.e. mantissa, exponent and sign. For full (gory)
    details see REF NUMBERS

float_scale(FLOAT1, INT_EXPO) -> FLOAT2
    This is equivalent to
        FLOAT1 * 2**INT_EXPO
    but is more efficient and avoids any intermediate overflow or
    underflow. If the final result overflows or underflows (i.e. the
    absolute value of the exponent is too large for the representation),
    then <false> is returned. This procedure can be used in conjunction
    with -float_sign- to put back together a floating-point number
    decomposed with -float_decode-. That is, after

float_sign(FLOAT_SIGN, FLOAT1) -> FLOAT2
    Returns a floating-point number FLOAT2 of the same type and absolute
    value as FLOAT1, but which has the sign of the float FLOAT_SIGN. If
    FLOAT1 is false> then FLOAT2 is returned as a 1.0 or -1.0 of the
    same type and sign as FLOAT_SIGN.
For more details see REF NUMBERS

Aaron Sloman
Fri Jan 2 03:17:44 GMT 1998