There are recognizer procedures which can be applied to any object and will always return a boolean (true or false) result.
isinteger(ITEM) Returns <true> if ITEM is a simple integer, <false> otherwise. isbiginteger(ITEM) Returns <true> if ITEM is a biginteger, <false> otherwise. isintegral(ITEM) Returns <true> if ITEM is a simple integer or a biginteger, <false> otherwise. isratio(ITEM) Returns <true> if ITEM is a ratio, <false> otherwise. isrational(ITEM) Returns <true> if ITEM is a simple integer, a biginteger or a ratio, and <false> otherwise. isdecimal(ITEM) Returns <true> if ITEM is a decimal or a ddecimal, <false> otherwise. issdecimal(ITEM) Returns <true> if ITEM is a single length decimal, <false> otherwise. isddecimal(ITEM) Returns <true> if ITEM is a ddecimal, <false> otherwise. isreal(ITEM) Returns <true> if ITEM is any number except a complex, <false> otherwise. iscomplex(ITEM) Returns <true> if ITEM is a complex number, <false> otherwise. isnumber(ITEM) Returns <true> if ITEM is any kind of number, <false> otherwise.