prnum(NUM, INT_PLACES, FRAC_PLACES) This takes any non-complex number NUM and prints it in the form <pre>.<post> INT_PLACES is an integer specifying the number of character positions that <pre> should occupy, including leading spaces, and minus sign, if NUM is negative. FRAC_PLACES specifies the number of positions the <post> part should occupy, excluding the ".", and including trailing zeros if necessary. E.g. pr("|"); prnum(-3.52, 4, 5);pr("|"); | -3.5200| radix_apply(ITEM_1, ITEM_2..., ITEM_N, P, RADIX) Runs the procedure P, which should take N arguments, ITEM_1 to ITEM_N, in an environment in which pop_pr_radix has the integer value RADIX. So any printing done by P uses that value of pop_pr_radix. E.g. radix_apply(45,5,5,prnum,16); 2D.0000More sophisticated general purpose printing procedures are defined in REF PRINT, including:
printf, nprintf, pr_field, format_print