This file is

This is part of The Free Poplog Web Site
Information on the contents of poplog and the teaching materials included is here.

Instructions for DOWNLOADING follow the News items below.

For information on other versions of poplog available see:

Further information on Poplog is available:

Superseded December 2011 by Version 15.65.
This file is also accessible as:
However, that link should always get the latest version of 32 bit linux poplog.

Minor updates may be included without altering this file.

For information about recent changes, see 'News' items below and:

(Eliza can now speak her answers)

Instructions for DOWNLOADING follow the News items below.

NEWS 12 Aug 2010: Version 15.6.4 now available. Installation procedure unchanged.
Replaced some Poplog common lisp files with new files, provided by Waldek Hebisch, as described in

NEWS 5 Aug 2009: Version 15.6301 (pop_internal_version 156301)

    Installation scripts simplified ('bham' parameter no longer needed)
    Error handling in Ved improved (thanks to help from Steve Isard)

NEWS 29 Jun 2009: Version 15.63 (pop_internal_version 156300)

    Removed special Ved characters from all the documentation files
    to make things easy for people who don't wish to learn to use
    Ved or XVed.
The main difference between this version (v15.63) and the previous version v15.62 is that in this version all the Poplog documentation files have been converted so that they can be read in any text editor or web browser. Previously the files included special graphical characters for use with the Poplog editor Ved/XVed. This was a disadvantage for users who did not wish to switch to a new editor, even though the poplog editor has many convenient built in links with the rest of poplog, including the compilers, the documentation directories and the library directories.

For other (possibly more recent) changes see the

    CHANGES.txt file

    CHANGES-PACKAGES.txt file.

NEWS 20 Feb 2009:
    Two changes to popvision, described in
            added directory '/usr/share/X11/rgb.txt'
            to  Xcolour_to_rgb_filelist

            Installed Jack Hollingworth's fix for updater
            of sunrasterfile for use on little-endian machines.
NEWS 4 Dec 2008: Version 15.62
    This version makes it unnecessary to use 'setarch', thanks to
    code suppoed by Waldek Hebisch
    For more detailed changes see
NEWS: 31st March 2008
    A problem in the editor that made it produce multiple copies of
    the same file (especially output.p) has been identified and removed.
NEWS 25 Dec 2007
    Expanded the instructions for Ubuntu users, which turned out to
    be incomplete.

    Also modified several of the Poplog scripts to invoke 'bash'
    instead of 'sh', as it turns out that these two are not
    equivalent on all systems.
    (Ubuntu Gutsy links 'sh' to 'dash', not 'bash')

NEWS 23 Nov 2007

    Added simple pop-11 syntax highlighting command for VED, in
    The command
        ENTER highlight
    will underline all syntax words, apart from those included in
    the list assigned to global variable
    To see what the exceptions are do
        ENTER showlib highlight_exceptions

    If you don't want to fetch a complete poplog system, the file
    can be downloaded on its own from
    Simply install it in the directory $usepop/pop/lib/ved/ in your
    current poplog system. It will then be autoloadable.
    Undo highlighting with ENTER strip
NEWS 5 Oct 2007
    New version of Poplog v15.61 available, with pop_internal_version
    set to: 156101

    The most important change is that the problem described in Bug 32
    in here (originally reported by Steve Leach):

     -- 32. (18 Feb 2004) Bug in current_directory under Linux (and Unix?)

    has started causing serious problems with new releases of Linux
    installed with enhanced security settings. This was reported
    recently to the poplog-dev list by Stephen Isard.

    The problem was fixed by changing the pop-11 mechanism for
    getting at the current directory, provided by Waldek Hebisch
    and described in the BUGREPORTS file as item 66:

     -- 66. 29 Sep 2007 New version of unix_dir.p

    There are a few other minor improvements to the installation
    process. The easiest way to fetch and install 32 bit Linux
    Poplog remains the use of one of
    the get-and-install scripts described below.

NEWS 11 Sep 2007:
    New version of Poplog v15.61 available, with minor fixes and
    revamped scripts to overcome the problems caused by Linux
    security settings. Most easily installed by running one of
    the get-and-install scripts described below.

    There is a new file that gives an overview of what happens when
    the poplog installation script is run. It is available as



NOTE: this is a 32 bit version of Poplog
If you are using a 64 bit version of linux you will need to have a full complement of 32-bit development libraries in order to install poplog v15.63. Failing that there is a 64 bit version of poplog here (temporarily linked to the v15.62 version).

Ubuntu users (and other Debian users e.g. Xandros(Not yet tested)) should make sure that they have these packages installed before installing poplog:

        libmotif3  (or possibly later version)
The last two (motif or lesstif) are desirable but optional, as explained below.

You can install those packages either using the synaptic package manager, or more simply by using 'apt-get' with this command in an xterm or console window (if you don't wish to type everything in one line you can use the backslash character "\" to indicate that lines must be joined in a single command, as illustrated here):

    sudo apt-get install gcc build-essential tcsh  \
         libxext6 libxext-dev libx11-6 libx11-dev libxt-6 libxt-dev \
            libmotif3 libmotif-dev

(or replace the last two items with 'lesstif lesstif-dev')
The instructions for setting up the extra package repositories and for selecting packages to download are illustrated graphically in David Brooks' web site for Poplog users (though some of the required packages need to be added to his list.) See his web page here:

Make sure that you install everything listed above.

After installing those 'X' libraries the following should exist as symbolic links:

    /usr/lib/      (if you installed motif or lesstif)

NOTE: Other versions of linux (e.g. RHEL, CentOS, Fedora Core, ...)
People using other versions of linux should check that they have the gcc libraries, csh/tcsh and both of


E.g. you should be able to install one of those pairs using 'yum' in RedHat/Fedora systems:
    yum install motif motif-devel

    yum install lesstif lesstif-devel
Make sure that you have the 'devel' packages for the X11 libraries installed. Otherwise the link commands in the poplog installation scripts will fail. E.g. you could use the following, in addition to the commands for installing motif (or lesstif):
    yum install libX11 libX11-devel libXt libXt-devel libXext libXext-devel

Script for checking pre-requisites on your linux system
(Automatically done if you use one of the "get-and-install" scripts described below.)

Download, make executable, and run this file to check that you have an installation on which poplog can be installed:
After downloading it do this to make it executable, then run it:

NOTE: The following is no longer true, as making symbolic links is not an adequate substitute for installing the 'devel' or 'dev' packages:
If you run it as super user (using sudo on Ubuntu) it may also create directories and links that you will need. Otherwise, it merely reports what it finds.

NOTE: use of 'csh'

Many linux systems now do not provide /bin/csh. Some older poplog scripts may still use that, although an attempt is being made to remove dependency on 'csh', so that everything will work with 'bash', which should be available on all linux systems.

If /bin/csh does not exist on your system, but /bin/tcsh does exist, you can simply, as super-user, create a symbolic link, thus:

    cd /bin
    ln -s tcsh csh
Otherwise try to find and install csh for your system (or tcsh, which is a later, but wholly compatible, version of csh). Ubuntu users, please see instructions above.

NOTE: use of motif/lesstif

The graphical facilities in Poplog are all based on the X window system (sometimes also called X11), described here

This has the great advantage of supporting remote use of graphical tools: the tools can run on a machine in one location while users are using a machine connected to it by a network. This is now commonplace using web browsers, but the X window system, based on Unix, had the idea long before there were web browsers. Poplog provides a wide range of 2-D graphical facilities based on X. There are some library packages that extend the X facilities and one of those is the 'motif' widget toolkit, which is used by many tools that run on linux and unix. It is described here.
A royalty free version is OpenMotif described here. Some unix distributors object to licence conditions of both Motif and OpenMotif and have switched to using an open source non-proprietary replacement called Lesstif, described here. Lesstif is almost fully compatible with Motif, but not quite, and this has caused minor problems for poplog, now fixed.

You don't need any of Motif, OpenMotif or Lesstif to use Poplog graphical facilities, though it can be useful to have one of them, and this is assumed to be the default when you install Poplog.

The RCLIB graphical extension to Poplog, described here, was designed to work without Motif.

However there are some advantages in the use of Poplog with motif, insofar as the graphical version of the editor, XVed, has menu buttons and a scrollbar if Motif or Lesstif is available.
There is a Poplog_ui toolkit based on Motif, which some users find helpful. So if you can get hold of Motif or Lesstif, that is recommended. You will also need the 'devel' versions (motif-devel or lesstif-devel), as described below in order to be able to run Poplog with Motif extensions.

When you have a choice you should install Motif rather than Lesstif as the former is less likely to cause problems. (This may no longer be true.)

If you cannot or do not wish to install Motif or Lesstif, you can run the poplog install script with the 'nomotif' option. However, the simplified get-and-install scripts described below use 'motif'. It is trivial to edit them to replace that with 'nomotif' before running them.

'Single Script' get and install files for downloading 32-Bit Linux Poplog

There are two small shell scripts available. Choose one of them, after reading about what they do, save it to a directory where you have space to copy at least 20MB files required to install poplog (or 17MB after July 17th 2009). Make it executable, as described below, then run it. You can decide whether you want poplog installed in the default location /usr/local/poplog, or somewhere else. It will need to go into a partition where there is about 80MB of free space. (You may not need all of it: some of the installation can be deleted if you don't need it, e.g. the portions for prolog, common lisp, ML, vision libraries, etc.) Decide which of those two you wish to use, then download it and put it in a directory on a file partition where you have enough file space. You will need about 17MB for the downloaded shell scripts and the Poplog tar file. In addition you will need about 80MB either in the /usr/local partition or in the partition where you run the 'get-and-install-here' script.

Make the chosen script executable after downloading it. e.g. using one of these two 'chmod' commands:

    chmod ugo+rx get-and-install

    chmod ugo+rx get-and-install-here
You may wish to read the script first, and, if you are a linux expert, change something before running it.

It uses the 'wget' command to fetch the files. If you are using it behind a web proxy server, you will have to set the appropriate environment variable ($http_proxy) to allow 'wget' to get through the server, e.g. something like this (for bash users):

    export http_proxy

Run the script in an xterm window or other console window.

The time it takes will depend largely on how long it takes you to download the main tar file (less than 19MB) and how long your PC takes to run the installation script. On fairly new PCs the installation could take less than a minute. On older PCs at most a few minutes.

Both scripts produce a log file called v15.6.4/install.log which can be used to provide information if you have problems.

If the installation triggers linker or other errors they will not go into the log file, but will be displayed on the screen. You'll have to select and paste the messages to include in any report.

For more information on what those scripts do, please see the message posted to pop-forum and comp.lang.pop now available here.

For information about getting help from users see

Additional information about the installation can be found in

NB: If you use Ubuntu or Debian please see instructions on packages you may need to install before you can use poplog here.

Older information

This file supersedes installation instructions for Linux Poplog in the file

If you have an Athlon64 or Opteron machine running 64-bit Linux, you may wish to fetch the AMD64 version of Linux Poplog, mentioned above.

The main poplog tar bundle for 32 bit linux poplog (about 18 Mbytes) is here:
It is automatically fetched by the get-and-install scripts.

The script that unpacks and installs that file is
If the get-and-install scripts do not work, fetch this 5KByte file and install it in the same directory as the tar bundle above, then make it executable and run it twice, the first time to discover the options, the second time with the options you want specified.

This file maintained by:
Aaron Sloman
Last Updated: 5 Aug 2009;22 Jan 2010;12 Aug 2010