Computer Science 591i
A Tree-Surgeon's Approach to the Church-Rosser Theorems


Subsequently I have had cause to repent of my laxity in the definition of addressing exhibited in PH2,PH3 below.

Now let us turn our attention to one of the most important classes of theorem of the -calculus - the Church-Rosser theorems. We have seen that we can think of computation as being characterised in the -calculus by the application of -reduction rules, which nessarily, by S7, require certain -conversions. However, in general, a term of the -calculus will contain several -redexes, and on the face of it there is no particular reason to choose to reduce one rather than another.

We could, of course, make an arbitrary choice, which, if we are implementing our reduction computationally, will amount to doing a reduction that some kind of reduction-algorithm selects. A better approach is to study the consequences of making choices. The result of this is that we can prove theorems, the Church Rosser theorems, which show that

Let's consider how we might choose a redex. For example, let

where there are redexes in F. To be more specific, we might have:

We could choose to reduce F before the top-level redux in G, or after. Now most programming languages in effect in most cases choose to reduce F before doing the top-level redux. The "call-by-value" rule of Scheme, say, says "evaluate the arguments, and then apply the function to the evaluated arguments". However this can't be the universal rule, for consider any recursive definition such as the SML:

    fun fact(n) = if n=0 then 1 else n*fact(n-1)
or, in Scheme:
    (define fact (lambda(n) (if (= n 0) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1))))))
Now if we are evaluating the if expression, we must not evaluate all its arguments, or the recursion will not terminate - think, for example if we replaced if in the above definition of the factorial function by my_if defined by
    (define my_if (lambda (a b c) (if a b c)))

The recursion surely wouldn't terminate.

Scheme gets round this problem by making an if-expression be a special form, which is evaluated according to its own rules, which in effect reduce the first argument of if and see what the result is before deciding whether to reduce the second or third argument of the if-expression.

Now mathematicians don't like special cases. You can see why if you reflect on our proofs relating to substitution. Almost every proof had seven cases, arising from clauses S1-S7 of the definition of substitution. And some of the cases had sub-cases. For example in the free-variable lemma, Sub.1, some of the cases had sub-cases, arising in effect from the sub-cases of the definition of set-union, x S T if [case 1] x S OR [case 2] x T.

In general, if we have a definition of a concept C1 that has n1 cases and a definition of a concept C2 that has n2 cases then a theorem involving both concepts might have as many as n1n2 cases. Clearly this can get out of hand.

So, wouldn't it be nice if we could define a concept of how to evaluate an expression that didn't require any special rules for particular kinds of expression (except of course -abstractions and we can even get rid of these).

The Figures

Case 1

Case 2

Case 3

Case 4

We can begin see how to attack this problem if we consider the diagram (Church-Rosser Theorem Case 1). The convention used in this and subsequent diagrams is that a bold triangle stands for a term of the -calculus. If one triangle Fis contained in another triangle E then this means that F is a sub-term of E. Triangles with a small triangle at the top, containing a letter, stand for -abstractions, while occurrences of a letter along the base of the triangle stand for occurrences of a variable in an term (usually the bound variable of a lambda-abstraction). The light lines are intended to indicate how a sub-term relates to its super-term.

The Case 1 diagram illustrates the simplest circumstances for the Church-Rosser theorem. The term E has two sub-terms, F and G each of which has the form of an application of a -abstraction applied to an argument. F is indicated by an @-node with a -abstraction immediately below it to the left, while its argument is indicated by the shaded triangle to the right. G is indicated similarly. Since both F and G are redexes, we can choose to reduce either. If we beta-reduce F, as indicated by the dotted arrow going to the left we obtain a new term E1. Likewise if we beta-reduce G, as indicated by the dotted arrow going to the right we obtain a new term E2.

However, whether we choose to reduce F or G it is clear enough, at least at this diagramatic level, that we can reduce both E1 and E2 to a common form E12.

Case 1 is of course the simplest case, in which the two reduxes are disjoint - they have nothing in common. Other cases, as you will see by perusing this document, are somewhat more complex.

Confluence, local and global

Moreover, the diagrams show only what happens if we take just one step of reduction. The full Church-Rosser theorem requires that no matter how many steps of reduction we have taken, we can always get back to a common term. We can, however, by relatively easy steps, build up the full theorem.


A relation is said to be (globally) confluent if, given E,F,G which are terms of the -calculus, there exists H, a term of the -calculus, for which Proving global confluence is a bit much to bite off in one proof. Actually, in terms of the nitty-gritty of our theory it is enough to prove local confluence.


A relation is said to be locally confluent if, given E,F,G which are terms of the -calculus, there exists H, a term of the -calculus, for which
Notice that, with local confluence, we may have to take several steps to reach the common term H. It's a bit like a railway system - get on the wrong train and you can still reach your destination, but it may take several steps to get there.

Planning our proof

Now a set of diagrams like the Case 1-4 diagrams do not constitute a proof of any part of the Church-Rosser theorem. But they do provide a good basis on which to plan a proof.

So, let's adopt a strategy of specifying algorithmically how we can implement this local confluence property. Informally we may say "if we transform E to E1 by reduction of the redex F to F1, and we transform E to E2 by reduction of the redex G to G2 then we can transform E1 to E12 by reduction of the redex G to G2, and we can also transform E2 to E12 by reduction of the redex F to F1".

However this leaves us with the problem of "what do we mean by 'the redex G' when we are speaking of E1. For E1 is a different term from E. It's not enough to say "the sub-term that's congruent to G in the original term", because G might occur more than once. The hacker's solution to this kind of problem would be to specify how to find a sub-term in a tree by following a path in that tree. We can think of a path as a sequence of the digits "0" and "1", with the idea that "0" means "go left" and "1" means "go right". Thus a path acts as a kind of address for sub-terms of the tree (actually, if you think about it, an address in hardware also corresponds to a path through a tree).

More precisely we may say:


Let p be a non-empty path. Then the head of p, written hd(p), is the first element of p, and the tail of p, written tl(p) is the sequence consisting of all elements of p bar the first.

The attentive reader who has encountered LISP may think of hd and tl as CAR and CDR respectively; we use the POP-2 names as being a little more mnemonic.

Following the POP-2 convention, we will also write s::p for the path whose head is s and whose tail is p.

We are now ready to define our sub-tree addressing operation. We will write this as E[p] - it can be thought of as a kind of generalisation of array-access.


Let E be a term of the -calculus. Let p be a path. Then the subterm of E addressed by p is defined to be
As well as the addressing operation, we need to define our constructive update.


We can now define as a function. However, we need to be sure to distinguish between the substitution E[u:=F] where u is a variable of the -calculus, and the path-update E[p:=F] in which p is a path. So, we'll use p,q,r for paths, and restrict ourselves to u,v,w,x,y,z for variables of the -calculus.


It may be objected that in cases PH2 and PH3 we have not required that the path be empty, despite the fact that it is meaningless to have a non-empty path here. The convention adopted has the advantage that we don't have to worry about defining a mathematical equivalent of throwing an exception. We'll try to ensure that the paths we actually specify will not "run out of tree".

With this idea of a path, we can see how to write a program for local confluence.

We are just about ready to state a proposition which covers one case of local confluence. It is in fact a special case of that shown in the Case-1 diagram, in which the paths to the sub-terms F and G diverge. We'll prove a number of these propositions, and then "glue" them together to show local confluence in the case when two paths have a common initial section.

Proposition LC.1

If E is a term of the -calculus and p and q are paths for which hd(p) hd(q) then


This is certainly the easiest case to handle, because we don't have to consider the mechanism of -reduction at all. Essentially, all we have to show is that if you have a tree and replace distinct parts of it, it doesn't matter in which order you do the replacements. Let us abuse (or at least overload) our notation somewhat by writing E[p:=F] for that expression which is obtained from E by replacing the subterm addressed by p by F. This allows us to specify the replacement of one branch of a tree by another.

We defer the proof of LC.1

We saw in our preliminary discussion on the Church-Rosser Theorem that the subterm relationship between two candidate redexes G and H, say, of a given term E crucially determined the various cases of the Theorem. In turn G and H can be classified by the paths that address them. Two paths p,q can be classified as We can define the following function PC, which classifies the relationship between two paths.


Proofs involving paths will be by mathematical induction, for which we'll need a numeric measure of various aspects of paths. The following function computes the length of the common part, CP, of two paths.


Lemma PT1

If p, q are binary paths for which PC(p,q) = 'I', and E,F,G are terms of the -calculus, then E[p:=F][q:=G] = E[q:=G][p:=F]


By induction on CP(p,q)

Base Case

Suppose CP(p,q) = 0. If PC(p,q) = 'I' then we must have We can assume W.L.O.G. that s=0,t=1.

Inductive Step

Suppose for some natural number n that CP(p,q) n implies that Consider paths p,q for which CP(p,q) = n+1 We must therefore be confronting case CP5 in which p = s::p', q = s::q'. Moreover CP(p',q') = n

Lemma PT2

If p, q are binary paths for which PC(p,q) = 'I', and E,F are terms of the -calculus, then E[p:=F][q] = E[q]


By induction on CP(p,q)

Base Case

Suppose CP(p,q) = 0. If PC(p,q) = 'I' then we must have

Inductive Step

Suppose for some natural number n that CP(p,q) n implies that Consider paths p,q for which CP(p,q) = n+1 We must therefore be confronting case CP5 in which p = s::p', q = s::q'. Moreover CP(p',q') = n

Proof of Proposition LC.1

We have to show that Let us recall the definition of the -function. The interesting case is:

Case 1

Here since, by Lemma PT2, E[p:=D[u:=G]][q] = E[q]


But, by Lemma PT1 [1] and [2] are equal.

Case 2

Here since, by Lemma PT2, E[p:=D[u:=G]][q] = E[q]

On the other hand

But, since [1] and [2] are equal, the result holds in this case.

Case 3

This case is the dual of case 2.

Case 4

In this case
This concludes the proof of Proposition LC.1

As we have already remarked, Proposition LC1 addresses the simplest case of proving local-confluence, that in which the redexes are independent, as characterised by having PC(p,q) = 'I'. The other cases are harder (apart from the trivial p=q case).

Proposition LC1 did not depend on any properties of the substitution operation, only assuming it is a function. [Note - we'd better make sure it is by being more precise about our specification of w in S6].

The case in which PC(p,q) = '>' is symmetric with that in which PC(p,q) = '<', so we need only consider one of them.

Essentially, if PC(p,q) = '<', then the redex addressed by p(if any) contains that addressed by q(if any). However we need to worry about where E[q] is to be found in E[p] = (( u. D) G) - it could be in either D or in G.


Shonfinkel Combinators

It is possible to translate from the -calculus to Shonfinkel combinators, S,K,I More on these later.