This system has a strong, and non-accidental resemblance to the system for mechanising proofs in Higher Order Logic, HOL. But whereas HOL is a system for proving mathematical theorems, whose domain of interpretation is a universe of infinite sets, and, which, in particular, treats each lambda-expression as denoting a mathematical function, our system deals with the result of evaluating expressions in SML restricted to the functional subset of ML.
As compared with the work of Boyer and Moore, we are providing a proof-checker, not a proof-finder. However, we would anticipate that it would be possible to incorporate HOL-style conversions, tactics and tacticals to ease the process of generating proofs.
As a consequence of our domain being SML, our proof rules are weaker than those of HOL. For example, HOL contains a proof rule that allows the user unconditionally to create the theorem |- t = t for any well-typed term t. Our system puts the interpretation on t=t that, as a conclusion of a theorem, it is a type-correct SML expression that will run to completion yielding the result true under conditions determined by the hypotheses of the theorem in which it occurs. There are two restrictions inherent in this requirement. Firstly if t is a function, then t = t is not well-typed, and so is not a valid inference. Secondly the code must run to completion, so that t=t is only valid if t engenders a computation that terminates normally for all type-correct values of its free variables.
So, for example, if fact is the factorial function as usually defined, fact = fact is not well-typed, and so |- fact=fact is not admissable as a theorem of our system; neither is fact n = fact n unconditionally valid in our system, for it is not the case that the evaluation of fact n will terminate normally for a negative integer argument. In fact, the appropriate theorem is 0<=n |- fact n = fact n
The prover is implemented in MetaSML [Sheard...] which is derived from SML by providing a quasi-quotation mechanism. If e is an SML expression of type t, then <e> is a MetaSML expression of type <t>. Thus the angle brackets <...> act to support a form of quotation, which resembles quasi-quotation in Scheme in that there is a local escape mechanism, using the tilde operator.
Note that MetaSML's handling of variables that are free in an expression but bound in the environment in which the expression was created avoids a variable capture problem arising from a sequence like the following:
fun twice x = 2*x; (* code to create a theorem about twice *) fun twice f = f(f x) (* code which uses the earlier theorems about twice in the context of the new definition. *)We need to say something about e.g. the status of + in <3 + 4> I've used the term "name" - the "+" is the name of the addition function.
Given this repetoire of proof-rules, and given that a user has the ability to discover (but not change) the fine structure of theorems by using selector functions and patterns of MetaSML, it is possible to build systems which can partially automate the process of proof.
The logically significant components of the theorem data-type are a list of hypotheses and a conclusion. The data-type theorem might thus concretely be declared as
datatype theorem = Thm of <bool> list * <bool> list;Thus each hypothesis is a MetaSML term of type <bool>, that is to say it is a quoted SML expression, which when evaluated, will yield a truth-value. Likewise a conclusion is also a MetaSML list term of type <bool>.
H |- tfor the theorem Theorem(G,t). When writing theorems we will drop the angle-brackets around the hypotheses and conclusions. Incidentally, the hypotheses of a theorem are conceptually a sequence, rather than a set. Certain proof rules operate on the first hypothesis of that sequence.
By a consonantly-typed environment for an expression is meant a mapping from variables to values whose domain includes the free variables of the expression and in which the image of each variable under the map belongs to the type ascribed to that variable by the SML type inference system.
Our proof rules will be sound if they can only generate theorems that satisfy the following data-invariant
We use the notation t1 ==> t2 as an abbreviation for if t1 then t2 else true, so that t2 is only evaluated if t1 evaluates to true. Thus ==> is not defined as an infix operator in ML, since that would imply a different evaluation rule.
We adopt the HOL convention of capitalising the names of the MetaSML functions which implement proof rules.
For exposition it is convenient to adopt the usual notation for proof rules
thm1, thm2 ... thmn ______________________ thmwhich expresses the fact that thm is a sound deduction from thm1,thm2...thmn. This captures the basic pattern of deduction, which may be qualified by additional conditions expressed in the text. Further explanation is needed as to how the corresponding MetaSML function is used.
It is a consequence of our concept of soundness that we need more proof rules than HOL. This arises from the fact that the DISCH rule in HOL
g, H |- t ______________ H |- g ==> tis not sound in our system, for g might not halt unconditionally. HOL makes great use of this rule to move terms from the hypotheses to the conclusion, wherein they are transformed and then moved back by the UNDISCH rule. We, by contrast, need rules that will allow us to operate directly on the hypotheses of a theorem.
In addition to the proof-rules there is a set of axioms which are pre-created theorems expressing basic facts about SML, for example that addition over the int type is commutative.
fun halts t = true;Clearly, if we have a theorem |- halts e, for some expression e, then under the interpretation rules given above, the eager evaluation of the expression e must always terminate without exception. [In a lazy language, this would not be the case.]
However, this treatment means that we may not apply the usual rules of instantiation. For example, while for any variable x there is a theorem |- halts x , it is not permissable to substitute an arbitrary expression for x. Otherwise, for example, we could "prove"
|- halts(fact n)Thus, in particular, many of our proof-rules will require extra termination conditions as compared with HOL.
The following basic rules are sound for halts:
_____________ |- halts tprovided that t is a term with no free variables which evaluates without exception.
Justification Having no free variables, t evaluates without exception in every consonantly typed environment. From the definition of halts, halts t evaluates to true. Hence halts t is universally valid, and so the rule is sound.
For example
HALTS_EVAL <2+3> = |- halts 2+3
_______________ |- halts vprovided that v is a variable.
Justification Any environment whose domain includes v is consonantly typed, and is an environment in which the evaluation of v terminates without exception. From the definition of halts, halts t evaluates to true. Hence halts t is universally valid and so the rule is sound.
We use t1[x:=t2] to denote the term t1 with every free occurrence of the variable x replaced by t2, with suitable alpha-renaming to avoid free variable capture. Likewise, we use
t[x1..xn :=]to denote the term t1 with every free occurrence of the variables xi replaced by ai, with suitable alpha-renaming to avoid free variable capture.
We use the concept of a path to identify a particular sub-expression of an expression.
type path = int list
We write t[p] to mean the sub-term of t addressed by the path p. We write t[p:=t'] to mean the result of replacing the sub-term of t addressed by the path p by t'.
We write p[x1..xn] to denote a pattern whose free variables are x1..xn.
Deduction in of our system could be treated by eliminating patterns from the discourse, translating everything into he lambda calculus. While this approach has the virtue of simplicity, it is achieved at the cost of moving the discourse significantly away form the source language, making it harder for the user to follow what is happening, and also making proofs longer.
There are three possible cases which arise if we try to match a pattern p against an expression t.
The idea of a match can then be expressed as
datatype match = Match of (< var > * < val > list) * <bool> listOur approach is thus to define a function
match :-> -> match option
fun BETA (x as <(fn #p => ~(f #p) | ~y) ~a>) = (case match p a of SOME sub => Thm([], < ~x = ~(f a) >) | NONE => BETA <~y ~a>) | BETA _ = error p : ('a,X) pattern f : X substitution -> <'b> match : ('a,'b) pattern -> <'a> -> 'b substitution y : <'a -> 'b>
This requires some care, since it is a consequence of our concept of validity that a definition such as
fun double x = x*2;cannot in general be made into the theorem
|- double x = x*2since in general a function won't terminate. Instead, we introduce rules that allow a definition to be used directly in a proof. For the purposes of explication of the definitional rules, we write a definition
val v = tas
|-DEF v = tSince MetaSML keeps a firm hold on the scope of definitions, the following definitional-substitution rule preserves validity.
No problem is raised by recursive definitions. For example
fact 0 = 1 | fact n = n*fact(n-1)is converted into the definition
|-DEF fact = fn 0 => 1 | n => n*fact(n-1)Here the occurrence of fact in the
fn...expression is not a free variable but is instead the name of the factorial function.
|-DEF v = t , H |- t1 ___________________________________ H |- t1[p:=t]provided t1[p] = v
As a MetaSML function, we provide DEF_RIGHT with a path to the occurrence of a name that is to be replaced by its definition, and a theorem in whose conclusion the replacement is to be done.
In effect, DEF is unfolding the definition of v.
|-DEF v = t , g,G |- t1 ___________________________________ g[p:=t], H |- t1provided g[p] = v.
As a MetaSML function we provide DEF_LEFT with a path to the occurrence of a name that is to be replaced by its definition, and a theorem in whose first hypothesis the replacement is to be done.
In particular, we lose the reflexive rule of equality ( |- t = t ). Instead, this has to be proved in every case. It is (perhaps conditionally) true for combinations of the language primitives, but must be proved for user-defined functions.
Moreover, the classical reductio ad absurdam rule does not hold. From
not t |- falsewe cannot conclude |- t . The first theorem says "whenever t terminates normally, it must evaluate to true", whereas the second says "t always evaluates to true".
Thus we are much more constrained in moving terms from the hypotheses to the conclusions of theorems than we are in HOL. As a consequence, our proof-rules require us to operate on hypotheses as well as conclusions.
The following are our basic rules. |- t __________________________ gi, |- tJustification Clearly changing the order of the hypotheses of a theorem does not violate its data-invariant.
________ t |- tJustification In any environment in which the hypothesis evaluates to true, the conclusion also evaluates to true
The soundness of this rule depends upon the fact that our terms are restricted to the functional subset of SML, in which the value of an expression is determined solely by the constant objects (including function closures) embodied in it and by the values that its free variables have in the environment in which it is evaluated.
H1 |- t1 = t1' H |- t _________________________________________ H1 union H |- t[p:=t1']provided the structural identity t[p] = t1 holds.
The first theorem expresses the fact in any environment in which each expression in H1 evaluates to true, then t1 and t1' evaluate to equal values in the same environment. The second theorem expresses the fact that in any environment in which each expression in H evaluates to true, t also evaluates to true. The rule states that in any environment in which all the hypotheses in H1 and H evaluate to true, the term t with an occurrence of t1 replaced by t1' will also evaluate to true
This rule expresses the fact that objects which SML judges to be equal are indistinguishable by any SML program. It would not apply to a language such as Scheme, where it is possible to distinguish between objects that are structurally equivalent (using equal?) and those which are identical (using eq?).
H1 |- t1 = t1' t2,G |- t3 _________________________________________ t2[p:=t1], H1 union H |- t3provided t2[p] = t1.
Justification Similar to that for SUBST.
H |- t H' |- t' ___________________________ (H - t') union H' |- t
Justification Suppose all the terms of
(H - t') union H'evaluate to true. Then t' evaluates to true, by the second input theorem. Therefore all the terms of H evaluate to true. Thus t evaluates to true.
H |- t2 _________________________________________ halts t1, (H - {t1}) |- t1 ==> t2
Justification The theorem G |- t2 requires that in any environment in which all the expressions of H evaluate to true, then t2 also evaluates to true.
Now suppose we have an environment in which all the expressions of
halts t1 ( H - {t1} )evaluate to true. In these circumstances we know that t1 halts. There are thus two cases to consider:
H1 |- t1 ==> t2, H2 |- t1 __________________________________ H1 union H2 |- t2
In an environment in which all the expressions of H1 union H2 evaluate to true, t1 will evaluate to true. In such an environment,
t1 ==> t2has the same value as t2. But, since all the hypotheses in H1 also evaluate to true, it follows that t1 ==> t2 also evaluates to true, so t2 evaluates to true.
____________________________________________________________ halts t2 |- (fn p[x1..xn] => t1|f) t2 = t1[x1..xn :=]provided
match p t2 = SOME(Match([(x1,a1)..(xn,an)],[]))(that is the match is unconditionally successful)
____________________________________________________________ halts t2 |- (fn p[x1..xn] => t1|f) t2 = f t2provided
match p t2 = NONE(that is the match is unsuccessful)
____________________________________________________________ halts t2, e1...em |- (fn p[x1..xn] => t1|f) t2 = t1[x1..xn :=], halts t2, not(e1)...not(em) |- (fn p[x1..xn] => t1|f) t2 = f t2when
match p t2 = SOME(Match([(x1,a1)..(xn,an)],[ e1...em]))
H |- t ___________________________ halts e, H[v:=e] |- t[v:=e]INSTANTIATE allows us to replace a free variable in a theorem by an expression. However we have to add the additional hypothesis that the evaluation of the expression halts.
The input theorem says that for any type-correct mapping from its free variables to values under which all expressions of H evaluate to true, the expression t also evaluates to true. Now suppose we have an environment rho under which the expression e terminates normally, so that eval rho e is defined and
eval rho g[v:=e] = trueThen
eval rho g[v:=e] = eval rho[v:=eval e rho] g = truefor g in G. Hence
eval rho t[v:=e] = eval rho[v:=eval e rho] t = true
We will use axioms subject to the instantiate rule, which, as you will recall, introduces a halting requirement when an expression is substituted for a variable.
members of int form an abelian group
I1 |- x+y = y+x I2 |- x+(y+z) = (x+y)+z I3 |- x+0 = x I4 |- x+ (~x) = 0 I5 |- x-y = x+(~y)
members of int form an abelian semi-group
I6 |- x*y = y*x I7 |- x*(y*z) = (x*y)*z I8 |- x*1 = x
to complete the ring axioms we have
I9 |- x*(y+z) = x*y + x*z I10 |- x*0 = 0Note that I10 follows from the other axioms.
Note also that these ring axioms are not satisfied by any implementation of SML, for each axiom states that a particular computation will terminate normally. However, many implementations of SML will raise an overflow exception when asked, for example, to multiply a million by a million using integer arithmetic. Even implementations of SML such as POPLOG SML will run out of heap in attempting to perform computations on big enough integers.
Our system is complementary to the type-theory of SML. That is sound, but weak. Our system is, in the last analysis, only sound for a mathematically-ideal model of the language, but is logically much more powerful.
I11 x*y = 0 |- x=0 orelse y=0
I12 x<=y, y<=x |- x=y I13 |- x<=x I14 |- x<=y, y<=z |- x<=zAnd to obtain total order, we add:
I15 |- x<=y orelse y<=x I16 |- x<=x+1
However, working with user-defined natural numbers would be clumsy notationally, so we prefer to treat them as a subset of int. With this approach, the axiom of induction becomes:
INDUCTION_int : (<'a> -> bool) -> theorem -> theorem -> theorem;
H |- p 0 G, p(n) |- p(n+1) ________________________________________________ 0<=n, H |- p(n)It should be noted that this form admits non-standard models of the integers.
The list axioms are
|- halts(x::l) |- [] <> x::l WRONG!!! |- l = [] orelse l = hd(l)::tl(l) |- hd(x::l) = x |- tl(x::l) = l x1::l1 = x2::l2 |- x1=x2 x1::l1 = x2::l2 |- l1=l2
H |- p [] H', p l |- p x::l ______________________________________ H union H' |- p lWhere x and l are not free in G.
Ring(int)Neither can say, for example, that addition is commutative
commutative(op +)We could get round this problem by introducing the notion of a generator. A generator g for a type T is a function g:int -> T which always returns an unspecified member of T (though of course, being a function, it always returns the same result for a given argument). With a generator, we could say:
fun commutative f g f(g 1, g 2) = f(g 2, g 1);
H |- t1 = t2 _____________________ H |- halts t1
For f in { +,-,*,'<', '<=', '>', '>=',min,max,sign,sameSign,<> }
H1 |- halts(t1) H2 halts(t2) ______________________________________ H1 union H2 |- halts f(t1,t2)
H |- t2<>0 H1 |- halts(t1) H2 |- halts(t2) _______________________________________________________ H union H1 union H2 |- halts t1 rem t2
fun length [] = 0 | length(x::l) = 1 + length l;
halts length [] |- halts length [] ASSUME halts (fn [] => 0 | x::l => 1+length l) [] |- halts length [] LEFTDEF |- halts [] EVAL halts [] |- (fn [] => 0 | x::l => 1+length l) [] = 0 BETA |- (fn [] => 0 | x::l => 1+length l) [] = 0 MP halts 0 |- halts length [] SUBST_LEFT |- halts 0 EVAL |- halts length [] MPConcluding the base case.
halts(length(x::l)) |- halts(length(x::l)) ASSUME |- halts (x::l) AXIOM halts(x::l) |- (fn [] = 0 | x::l => 1+length l) (x::l) = 1+length l BETA |- (fn x::l => 1+length l) (x::l) = 1+length l MP halts (fn [] => 0 | (fn x::l => 1+length l) (x::l)) |- halts(length (x::l)) LEFTDEF halts(1 + length l) |- halts(length(x::l)) SUBST_LEFT |- halts 1 EVAL |- halts (1+y) SUBST halts length l |- halts length l ASSUME halts length l |- halts(1 + length l) SUBST halts l |- halts(length(x::l)) MP |- halts l INDUCE_LISTQuid Erat Demonstrandum
Proof: Base Case. We must try and show that halts([]@b). So let's assume it, and see if we can rid ourselves of the hypothesis.
halts([]@b) |- halts([]@b) ASSUME (1)If we unfold the halts on the left, we may be able to massage the resulting expression out of existence.
halts(fn ([],b) => b | (a::l,b) => a::(l@b) ([],b) |- halts([]@b) DEF_LEFT (2) halts ([],b) |- fn ([],b) => b | (a::l,b) => a::(l@b) ([],b) = b BETA (3)So now we have to show that the expression ([],b) halts for every variable b.
|- halts [] EVAL_HALTS (4) |- halts b HALTS_VAR (5) |- halts ([],b) HALTS_PAIR (6)We can now get rid of our halting condition by resolution with (3)
|- (fn ([],b) => b | (a::l,b) => a::(l@b)) ([],b) = b RESOLVE (7)So let's use this equation to simplify the hypothesis of (2).
halts b |- halts([]@b) SUBST_LEFT (8)And now we can trundle (5) into use, to obtain
|- halts([]@b) RESOLVE (9)Which concludes our base case.
Inductive Step
We proceed in much the same way, assume what we want to prove, and try to massage the hypothesis, by unfolding it.halts(x::l@b) |- halts(x::l@b) ASSUME (10) halts( (fn ([],b) => b | (a::l,b) => a::(l@b))(x::l,b)) |- halts(x::l@b) DEF_LEFT (11)And, as before, we'll apply BETA and get rid of the halting condition.
halts(x::l,b) |- (fn ([],b) => b | (a::l,b) => a::(l@b)) (x::l,b) = x::(l@b) BETA (12)But it's a rather more complicated halting condition. No matter, we can use the halting rules for cons and pair-creation.
|- halts x HALTS_VAR (13) |- halts l HALTS_VAR (14) |- halts (x::l) HALTS_CONS (15) |- halts b HALTS_VAR (16) |- halts (x::l,b) HALTS_PAIR (17)Whence, resolution with (12) gets us:
|- (fn ([],b) => b | (a::l,b) => a::(l@b)) (x::l,b) = x::(l@b) RESOLVE (18)We can now substitute back in (11), obtaining
halts(x::(l@b)) |- halts(x::l@b) SUBST_LEFT (19)And use the fact that list-construction halts
halts(l@b) |- halts(l@b) ASSUME (20) |- halts x HALTS_VAR (21) halts(l@b) |- halts(x::(l@b)) HALTS_CONS (22)Resolution now gains us what we need for structural induction:
halts(l@b) |- halts((x::l)@b) RESOLVE (23)So, finally, from induction on (9) and (23) we conclude:
|- halts(l@b) INDUCE_LIST (24)
halts([]@b) |- length([]@b) = length([]@b) SYMMETRIC (26)By resolution with (9) above
|- length([]@b) = length([]@b) REDUCE (27)Unfolding the right-hand call of @
|- length([]@b) = length(fn ([],b) => b | (a::l,b) => a::(l@b)) ([],b)).... Theorem length l = 0 ==> l = [] Proof Base Case [] = [] length [] = 0 sorted a, sorted b |- sorted(merge a b) length(a) + length(b) = 0 |- a = [] |- length(a)>=0 length(a) + length(b) = 0 |- length a + length b = 0 a>c, b>=d |- a+b>c+d x+y = 0, x>=0, y>=0 |- x=0 x>=0 |- x=0 orelse x>0
Note that the Abstraction rule of HOL is not present in our system, because it introduces equality between functions, and this is not well typed in SML. We could introduce function-equality as a meta-construct like halts, but since we can always express f=g by saying that f x1...xn = g x1...xn we see no need to introduce this particular meta-construct.
The status of the INST_TYPE rule is not clear.
Using patterns would make life a lot easier.
bnd = matches patt arg, halts arg |- (fn patt => e | rest)arg = e[bnd]matches p1 e1 [] = b1, matches p2 e2 b1 = b2 |- matches p1::p2 e1::e2 b2 NOTE The HOL manual has simultaneous substitution, of multiple variables, and I need to check the Meyer paper re. models of the lambda calculus on this matter.