Course 287 - Lecture 11a
Implementing Java-style Object Orientation in Scheme

Implementing Java-style Object Orientation in Scheme

We now have to hand enough tools to start to build an implementation of object-orientation in Scheme, along the same lines as Java. We will base this on the record-class capability of UMASS Scheme.

Representing a class of objects

Firstly, we need a data-structure to represent a class of objects. The record-class facility supports aspects of object-classes (for example their opacity), but it does not directly support other aspects such as inheritance. To get round this problem we'll use record-class to create a class of records, class_class, each instance of which holds the information necessary to support those aspects of Object Orientation that we will implement including method-call with inheritance.

For those familiar with Java, our class_class record will hold information such as is present in "*.class" files. Note that we shall not be constructing a statically-typed object-oriented system, so that the type information present in "*.class" files will not be present in our representation. [Note also that the "*.class" files are a linearised form suitable for transmission across the net].

In Java methods can be static methods or instance-methods. A static method is one whose meaning does not require knowing about which instance of a class we are dealing with, but just the class itself. We shall implement static methods as functions which do not take a class-instance as a specific argument. For example, if class_point is the class-record for points, then we might have a static-method which returns a count of how many point-objects have been created.

    (send class_point 'how_many)
This is contrasted with an instance-method
    (send p1 'x)
Here the 'x method for point is going to be a lambda-expression which is passed the actual point-instance as a parameter. The attributes to be held with a class are: We can provide for all these capabilities by defining the class of classes as follows.

(define class_class (record-class 'class
    '(object         ; the class name
      object         ; its super-class
      object         ; its interfaces
      object         ; an association list for finding static methods.
      object         ; an association list for non-static methods.
      object         ; the static fields of the class
      object         ; the non-static fields of the class
Consider for example how a class to represent a Student object might be defined in Java
    class Student extends Person implements Examinable, Feedable
        {int attendances = 0;              // a field
         void attend_class()              // a method
            {attendances = attendances+1}


Here Student is the name of the class, Person is the super-class, Examinable and Feedable are interfaces which the class implements. The class-record for Student will have
(list 'attend_class
    (lambda (this)
        (set! (send this 'attendances) (+ (send this 'attendances) 1))))

Note that in a language like Java, the class-record is not explicitly available to the user of the language [see The Java Virtual Machine Specification]. Now we shall need to unpack the constructors and selectors of the class of classes.

(define cons_class              (car class_class))
(define sel_class               (caddr class_class))
(define name_class              (car sel_class))
(define super_class             (cadr sel_class))
(define interfaces_class        (caddr sel_class))
(define static_methods_class    (cadddr sel_class))
(define methods_class           (caddddr sel_class))
(define static_fields_class     (cadddddr sel_class))
(define non_static_fields_class (caddddddr sel_class))
(define is_class              (cadddr class_class))

Here the name of the class just serves the purpose of labelling members of the class for our own purposes. The super_class field serves to implement the idea of a class-hierarchy - we'll adopt the convention that every class extends a top-level class, the object class.

The object class

It's useful to have a class which is the ancestor of all other classes in the class-hierarchy. Following Java, we'll call it the "object" class. It needs to have rather few properties.

(define class_object
        'object                          ; The class is called "object"
        #f                               ; it has no super-class
        '()                              ; it has no interfaces
        '()                              ; no static methods
        (list                            ; it has a "->string" method
            (list '->string ->string     ; which is the ->string
                ))                       ; function
        '()                              ; no static fields.
        '()                              ; no non-static fields

Defining Our Own Classes

We agreed above that we will use the record-class capability of UMASS Scheme to create the instances of an object-oriented class of objects. Let's consider how we would implement a "person" class. Suppose we want a person object to have name, age and sex as fields. With the older concept of a data-structure, we would use a call like:
(define info_person (record-class 'person '(object object object)))
to create a class. However the info_person variable now holds a list-structure which has useful goodies for getting at the fields of a person, but offers no support for modern O-O features like inheritance.

We also agreed that we would use a class-record to hold information about the O-O features. How are we to combine these requirements, namely to have opaque records for instances of classes, but to have effective access to the class-record that defines the place of the class in the hierarchy? Well... we can use the fact that the first argument of record-class does not have to be a symbol. Instead we can make it be a class-record. So, let's try making a class-record for a person:

(define class_person
        'person         ; the class is called "person"
        class_object    ; its super-class is the object class
        #f              ; it implements no interfaces
       '()              ; it has (initially) no static methods
       '()              ; it has (initially) no non-static methods
       '()              ; it has (initially) no static fields
       '(name age sex)  ; the non-static fields
We can use the imperative paradigm later to add in methods to the class.

Now let's get the capability for making class-instances. (define person_info (record-class 'person '(object object object))) This gives us a bundle of capabilities for creating person records and accessing their fields. However, in the Object-Oriented paradigm, we would like these capabilities to be available in the class-record. Since they are all functions, they should appear as methods. Let's consider the constructor:

(define cons_person (car info_person))
This should appear as a method in the class_person record. Let us call it the "new" method. And we can achieve this thus: (set! (static_methods_class class_person) (list (list 'new cons_person)))

Let's just discuss the difference between static and non-static methods. Essentially, a non-static method needs to have available an instance of the class of which it is a member, while a static method does not. In Java, the class-instance available to a non-static method is called this. In our case we will, by convention, call it this, but it will be passed explicitly as the first argument of a non-static method. Our constructor function is a static method, because it is creating an instance of the class which instance does not yet exist [in this we differ from Java "constructors" which are really non-static methods acting as construction-helpers, typically filling in the values of fields of a class-instance already allocated as part of the new mechanism of Java]

By contrast, the selector functions are non-static methods.

(define sel_person             (caddr info_person))
(define name_person            (car sel_person))
(define age_person             (cadr sel_person))
(define sex_person             (caddr sel_person))
(set!  (methods_class class_person)
                    (list 'name name_person)
                    (list 'age  age_person)
                    (list 'sex  sex_person)
So, we have now created a representation of our class of persons. Later, we might like to add a ->string method.

It's all very well having our methods in place in the class-record. How are we to use them? Recall that we discussed a formalism like

    (send p 'age)
as a means of getting hold of the value of the age-field of a person-record p. How would we implement this? To do this we need one more facility of UMASS Scheme, namely the capability of accessing, from a record, the object that was passed in as first argument of record-class. If r is a record then
    (props_record r)
is that object.

How will we invoke methods?

We are now ready to write the function send. First let's note that we don't know how many arguments send will have. For example, to create a new person record we do:
    (send class_person 'new "Jeremiah Jolt" 101 "male")
so that send takes extra arguments sufficient to construct the class-instance required. Thus (1) we use the (lambda msg..) form which allows us to handle a variable number of arguments. Given the message, we next find (2-3) what object is the recipient of the message, and (4) the name of the method to be invoked.

There are (5) two possible kinds of recipient. If the recipient is a class-record, then the method-name must be the name of a static-method, So (6) we search for it. If (7) we find it, we apply it to the remaining arguments, and we're done. Otherwise (8) our method-call fails, and we have an error.

For any other kind of recipient (9) we try to find an instance-method. If (10) we are successful, then we apply the instance-method to a list of arguments which begins with the recipient.

(define send
    (lambda msg                                      ;(1) variadic
        (let                                         ;(2) get
            ((recipient    (car msg))                ;(3) who should do it
             (command  (cadr msg))                   ;(4) what to do
             (args     (cddr msg))
            (if (is_class recipient)                 ;(5) if its a class
                (let                                 ;
                    ((m (find_static_method          ;(6) must be static
                    (if m (apply m args)             ;(7) use method
                        (error "no static method"    ;(8) if it exists
                            command "for" recipient)
                        ))                           ; end if, let

                (let ((m (find_instance_method       ;(9) try non-static
                    (if m (apply m                   ;(10) use method
                            (cons recipient args))
                        (error "no instance method"  ;(11) if it exists
                            command "for" recipient)
                        ))                           ; end if, let
                )                                    ; end if
    )                                                ; end let,lambda,def

Finding a static method is not too difficult:

(define (find_static_method command recipient)
    (let* (
         (alist (static_methods_class recipient) )
         (pair  (assoc command alist))
        (if pair
            (cadr pair)

[But we have some more work to do to handle inheritance]

Finding an instance method requires us to use the props_record capability. In this case the recipient is a class-instance, so we have to use props_record to access the class-record.

(define (find_instance_method command recipient)
    (let* (
         (class-record (props_record recipient))
         (alist (methods_class class-record))
         (pair (assoc command alist))
        (if pair (cadr pair) #f)

Automatically Building Our Classes

We saw above how to create an object-oriented class using the record-class capability of UMASS Scheme. However there were several steps that we had to do manually, such as taking the selector functions returned by record-class and converting them into a methods in the class-record. It would be nice to be able to do something like:
    (define class_person
            (make_class 'person class_object '()  '(name age sex))

The definition of make_class is shown below. We begin (1) by making a class record, which has the basic information about the name of the class (1.2), the super-class (1.3) and the interfaces (1.4) put into it. The slots for the method-lookup alists and the static members are left unfilled, but we put the names of instance-variables in the slot allocated for their description (1.6).

Next (2) we call record-class to build us the capabilities to make instances of our O-O class. The class record (2.1) is passed into record-class as its "name" - in effect this will give us access to the class-description. Each field is given one slot (2.2).

Finally (3) we fill in those method definitions that we can deduce from the description. At (3.1) the new method is put in as a static method. At (3.2) the field-selectors are put in as instance-methods, each with its name. And, at (3.3) the instanceof method (which recognises an instance of this class, is put in.

(define (make_class name super interfaces fields)
    (let* (
         (class                                   ; (1) make class record
             (cons_class                          ; (1.1)
                 name                             ; (1.2)
                 super                            ; (1.3)
                 interfaces                       ; (1.4)
                 '() '() '()                      ; (1.5)
                 fields))                         ; (1.6)
             (record-class                        ; (2)
                 class                            ; (2.1)
                 (map                             ; (2.2)
                     (lambda (f) 'object)
             ))                                           ; end let binding
        (begin                                                    ; (3)
            (insert_static_method  class 'new (car info))         ; (3.1)
            (insert_instance_methods class fields (caddr  info))  ; (3.2)
            (insert_instance_method  class                        ; (3.3)
                'instanceof (cadddr info))

The code to put in the methods makes use of the following definition of the insert_any_method function. Here where is a selector-function for the class-record, so it can be either methods_class or static_methods_class.

At (1) we use where to extract the appropriate association list of methods, and at (2) we look up the name of the method in this list. We check, (3) if a method of that name is already defined. If it is, then (4) we warn the user and (5) update the entry in the alist.

If the method is not already defined, we make a new entry in the alist, and update the class-definition to contain the new alist.

(define (insert_any_method class name_method body_method where)
    (let* (
         (alist (where class))                      ; (1)
         (pair  (assoc name_method alist))          ; (2)
        (if pair                                         ; (3)
                (display "redefining method")            ; (4)
                (set! (car(cdr pair)) body_method))          ; (5)
            (set! (where class)                                  ;(6)
                (cons (list name_method body_method) alist))

With this under our belt, it's easy to define code to insert an instance method, and a static method.
(define (insert_instance_method class name_method body_method)
    (insert_any_method class name_method body_method methods_class)

(define (insert_static_method class name_method body_method)
        class name_method body_method static_methods_class)

We also need to define the function which inserts several instance methods. This is straightforward recursion.
(define (insert_instance_methods class names methods)
    (if (null? methods) '()
            (insert_instance_method class (car names) (car methods))
            (insert_instance_methods class (cdr names) (cdr methods))

Now, at last, we're ready to try it out.

(define class_person
    (make_class 'person class_object '()  '(name age sex))

We can make new person thus:
(define p1 (send class_person 'new "fred" 34 "male"))
Note that we have rolled the new construct of Java, and what Java would call a "constuctor" into one facility, which is a static method. Java's constructors are instance methods which are called to perform a user-defined initialisation on a newly-allocated instance.

And we can try out our person:

(example '(send p1 'age) 34)
(example '(send p1 'name) "fred")
However this won't work:
    (send p1 '->string)
will fail, because we haven't yet implemented inheritance, so that the ->string method of the Object class will not be found (more work for us to do!).

We can however define our own ->string method:

(insert_instance_method class_person '->string
    (lambda (self)
            " name:"  (send self 'name)
            " age:"   (send self 'age)
            " sex:"   (send self 'sex)
(send p1 '->string)
" name:fred age:34 sex:male"

Implementing Inheritance

So, how do we implement inheritance? This isn't too hard. What we've got to do is to extend our method-search. More about this later.