We have characterised computation as "applying reduction rules" to an
expression of the
-calculus. But a given expression may present several opportunities for applying reduction rules in
different places. To find out how to ensure that the result of a computation is
uniquely defined, we study normal forms and normal-order
we have considered can, in general, be applied in various places in an
expression. Consider, for example: (
x.(+ 1
x.x)2). This can be reduced using
- reduction to (
x.(+ 1 x))2 or
to + 1 ((
x.x)2). Another stage of
- reduction arrives at + 1 2 in both cases. In this
section we ask `does it matter where we chose to do the reduction'.
If E is an expression of
-calculus then a
redex is a
sub-expression of E which can be reduced by one of our rules.
Choice of Redex is vital for Y
A close look at our definition of the Y-combinator indicates that its very
mode of letting the recursion genie out of the bottle makes the choice of
redex important. A simplified version of Y illustrates our difficulty:
x. x x)(
x.x x)

x. x x)(
x.x x)
Thus, this
expression can be rewritten forever to itself using
-reduction. Worse, consider:
x. x x x)(
x.x x x)

x. x x x)(
x.x x x)(
x.x x x)
here we have a
expression that gets bigger and bigger every time
it is rewritten. It should not surprise us that we might have difficulty in
telling whether a sequence of reductions in the
-calculus will terminate. If the
-calculus is powerful enough to be a general purpose programming language, then
it is powerful enough
is a relation, then we say that
is the
transitive and reflexive closure of
The * is often called
the Kleene Star operation, after the mathematician Kleene.
and if x
y and y
then x
* z.
Our reduction rules can be turned into conversion rules by taking the
symmetric closure.
Now we have shown that
is an infinite relation, since
we have exhibited a series of `reductions' a each step of which we obtain
a bigger expression \ref{blowup}. In navigating this infinite maze of
reduction, is there any guiding light, and can we recover if we take a
wrong turn? The answers are ``Yes! and Yes!'', as is shown by the
Normal Forms
An expression E of the
-calculus is said to be in
normal form if there is no expression E' for which E
Choices for where to apply reduction rules
For example
might be reduced to
or to
Church Rosser Theorem I
If E1
E2 then there exists an expression E such that
E and E2
Corollary: A normal form for an expression is unique.
The strategy of always choosing to reduce the leftmost outermost redex
first always produces a normal form if one exists. This is called normal
order reduction.
Church Rosser Theorem II
If E1
E2 and E2 is a normal form, then normal order
reduction will always result in reduction to E2.
This result is of great importance to the design of programming languages
because it implies that the vast majority of programming languages
(including Scheme and ML) are wrong!, because they do not use a
normal order reduction. A small set of languages, of which Haskell is the
most important, do use normal order reduction, or reductions that are
provably equivalent to it.
Equality of Expressions in the Lambda Calculus
When mathematicians are faced with a collection X of things that
"ought" to be the same but are different on the surface, they have a standard
approach to creating the system that they really want - essentially they
partition X into equivalence classes, putting all things that
ought to be the same as each other in the same equivalence class.
For example the fraction-forms 3/4 and 6/8 ought to be the same but are
constructed differently. So when we build the rational numbers we
require each rational number to be a class of fraction-forms equivalent under
the relation p/q == r/s iff ps=qr.
For this to work correctly, the relation which formally encodes "ought to
be the same" must be an equivalence relation, that is to say it must be
reflexive, symetric and transitive.
There is an additional requirement that applies to any operations that we
want to define on the rationals, such as addition or multiplication. If these
are to be functions, then we have to show that
6/8 + 2/14 == 3/4 + 1/7