We've shown that it's natural to think of mapping the -calculus
onto a combinatory algebra. Before we can go much further in obtaining a
rigorous specification of such a map into what logicians would call a
model it's worth stepping back to build some more descriptive
apparatus around the
-calculus itself.
So far, we've seen that
(C) is a set of terms created from variables,
constants in C, application and abstraction. We've seen that there
are at least two equivalences over
-equivalence and
under which terms of
(C) are regarded as
being in some way the "same". We might also expect that terms should be
considered as being the "same" under
However, there might also be laws which hold between the constants in C. For example, if C contains an addition operator, "+", then we'd expect that (+ x 0) is equal to x.
If we want to support the notion of proof over (C) then we clearly will have to incorporate laws
which express the behaviour of elements of C.
To this end, we now introduce the idea of a rule of inference. In
our case, these have the form
x . E) = (
y E[x:=y]) for
y not free in E.
x . E)F) = E[x:=F]
F = E
TRANS E = F, F = G
E = G
CONG E = E', F = F'
(E F) = (E' F')
E = F
x.E) = (
Where the meaning is clear, we shall abbreviate
E = F by
E = F.
In a given theory
, the formal equalities of the theory define an
equivalence relation on terms of
(C). The
equivalence class of a term E is denoted by
. Thus:
that a normal form of (C) is
a term that contains no redux. Recall also that if
(C) has a normal form
E', say, then we can find it by normal order reduction. So
[[E]] = [[E']], and we can regard E' as the canonical
member of [[E]] (up to alpha-equivalence).
If a term has no normal form, we can regard it as corresponding to a non-terminating computation.
x. E x) = E
We now introduce the notation E [x1:=E1. . .xn:=En] to denote the simultaneous substitution of terms Ei for variables xi (where the variables xi are distinct and we follow the standard rules to avoid free variable capture.
The following text is inserted from the CS287 class notes. I'll try to massage it into a more suitable form for our class. . .[RJP].
However it is not necessary to do this! Instead we introduce the Y-combinator, with the property that, for any function e:
We say that Y is a fixed point operator, that is (Y e) has the property that when we apply e to it, it remains unchanged. The concept of a fixed point is an important one in mathematics and physics. Consider for example, a rotating body. The rotation can be considered as a mapping from where the body was originally to where it is now. The fixed point of this mapping is the axis of rotation. More generally, in Linear Algebra, we have the concept of an eigenvector.
In engineering generally, the design of a process for making an artefact very often consists of finding an operation whose fixed point is the artefact, or at least a feature of it. Thus the fixed point of the operation of planing is a planed surface. So, if we need a plane surface we think of planing as a way of achieving it. Likewise the fixed point of the operation of screw-cutting is a threaded surface.
So, it is not surprising in Computer Science that a fixed-point operator is important in constructing the artefacts that we produce - computer programs.
You might also say that e is a symmetry of (Y e), and this is a clue to why it works. Observe that the data-structures we construct in Scheme are self similar, or in a sense, symmetric. [Note however that in Mathematics it is usual to regard symmetry operators as being invertible - if you rotate a body you can rotate it back. Computation generally throws away information, so is not invertible]. When, for example, you take the cdr of a list, you still have a list. Recursion works by exploiting this symmetry.
Now, in introducing Y we are not introducing a new construct. Here is Turing's Y. [There's also one due to Curry].
(h . ( (
x . (h (x x))) (
x . (h (x x))) ) )
Let's see how this works - suppose we have some arbitrary expression e. Applying Y to e
(Y e)[use value for Y given above] ( (
h . ( (
x . (h (x x))) (
x . (h (x x))) ) ) e)
[substitute e for h in the body of the (
h . ..) function, strip off
h . ] ( [1] (
x . (e (x x))) (
x . (e (x x))) )
[substitute the second (
x . . . .) expression for x in the body of the first (
x . . . .) expression, strip off
. (e ( [2] (
x . (e (x x))) (
x . (e (x x)))) )
But what we have here is two expressions, [1] and [2] for (Y e), but the second is of the form (e (Y e)).
The Y combinator is used in theory to create recursive functions by providing a binding for the unbound recursive call that plagued us above.
(in:sum . (
l . (if (null? l) 0 (+ (car l) (sum (cdr l)))) ) )
(Y (sum . (
l . (if (null? l) 0 (+ (car l) (sum (cdr l)))) ) ) )
This expression is the sum function that we are trying to define recursively.
So, if we wanted to calculate (sum '(1 2)), we would simply apply our expression thus:
( (Y (sum . (
l . (if (null? l) 0 (+ (car l) (sum (cdr l)))) ) ) ; end of E ) ; end of (Y E), that is the sum function. '(1 2)) ; the argument of (Y E)
The way that this works as a recursive definition is by making use of the identity (Y E) = (E (Y E)). Applying the identity we obtain:
( ( ; start of (E (Y E)) (sum . ; start of E (
l . (if (null? l) 0 (+ (car l) (sum (cdr l)))) ) ) ; end of E (Y ; start of (Y E) (
sum . (
l . (if (null? l) 0 (+ (car l) (sum (cdr l)))) ) ) ; end of E ) ; end of (Y E) ) ; end of (E (Y E)) '(1 2)) ; the argument of (E (Y E))
We can now use the fact that E, that is the ( sum . . . .
) expression, is applied to the (Y (
sum . . ..)) expression; using the rule about a
expression being applied to an argument, we substitute (Y E) for
sum in the body of E [remember that the (Y E) is the sum
function (we hope!)]. That is, wherever we have the "recursive" call of
sum, we may replace sum by the (Y (
sum . . ..)) expression. The fact that we can do this, and do it as
often as we need to, is the secret of how Y works.
( (
l . (if (null? l) 0 (+ (car l) ( ; (Y E) replaces sum (Y ; start of (Y E) (
sum . (
l . (if (null? l) 0 (+ (car l) (sum (cdr l)))) ) ) ; end of E ) ; end of (Y E) (cdr l))) ; ) ; end if ) ; end (
l . . .) '(1 2)) ; the argument of (
l . . ..)
You can see what has happened - the expression (Y e) has been pulled inside
the -expression that we created for sum, indeed substituting for the
recursive call of sum. That is if (Y e) is indeed the desired sum function, it
is behaving in the right way!. We can now reduce the outer
(if (null? '(1 2)) 0 (+ (car '(1 2)) ( (Y (sum . ; start of (Y E) (
l . (if (null? l) 0 (+ (car l) (sum (cdr l)))) ) ) (cdr '(1 2))))) ) )
We can now do some straightforward computation. The expression (null? '(1 2)) evaluates to #f, and (cdr '(1 2)) evaluates to '(2) so applying the rules for if we obtain:
(+ 1 ( (Y (
sum . (
l . (if (null? l) 0 (+ (car l) (sum (cdr l)))) ) ) '( 2)))) )
We can now use (Y E) = (E (Y E)) all over again, obtaining:
(+ 1 (if (null? '( 2)) 0 (+ (car '( 2)) ( (Y (sum . (
l . (if (null? l) 0 (+ (car l) (sum (cdr l)))) ) ) (cdr '( 2))))) ) ) )
One further use of (Y E) = (E (Y E)) gives us:
(+ 1 (+ 2 (if (null? '()) 0 (+ (car '()) ( (Y (sum . (
l . (if (null? l) 0 (+ (car l) (sum (cdr l)))) ) ) (cdr '())))) ) ) )
Now, because (null? '()) evaluates to #t, the (if..) expression evaluates to 0. So the whole expression evaluates to the simple form:
(+ 1 (+ 2 0))3
Note that, while the definition of the Y combinator can be written in Scheme, we cannot get it to work correctly in Scheme itself, since Scheme uses eager evaluation and will give rise to recursive run-away We treat the application of Y to its argument in a lazy way to obtain a correct reduction.
Suppose we define Y as:
(define Y
h .
x . (h (x x)))
x . (h (x x)))
Let's consider what would happen if we tried to construct a lambda-theory which allowed us to do logical inference. One approach would be to make the propositional connectives &, \/, ~, T and F be constants in C, subject to appropriate laws. Such a theory would necessarily contain the tautologies of Boolean Algebra, expressed as equations, of which the following tautological gems will be adequate to make our point.
T & T = T
x & (x
y) = y
= T
Now consider any term
Let X = Y( z
where z
FV(Z). Since we know that
(Y E) = E (Y E) for any term E, we can
And now, by ordinary beta-reduction we get:
However, since
= T
it follows by LT2 that
= T
and hence, from [2], that
T & T = T
But from [1..4] and the TRANS and we know that
so, another application of modus ponens gives us
Thus we have shown, to our chagrin, that for any Z
Z . Or, in other words, if we
try to use the lambda-calculus as a logic in this way, every statement is a
theorem. This is obviously a useless kind of logic, since a logic
is supposed distinguish between truth and falsehood.
Other approaches, using proof-rules, also lead to this kind of contradiction in circumstances in which their is unconstrained operation of the lambda-calculus over sentences containing propositional connectives. Since such higher-order use of the calculus is one of the attractions of being interested in its logical use, we appear to be doomed to disappointment.
However, we can mend the situation if we observe that the use of Y in the above argument is somehow inappropriate. For Y is applied to what should be a boolean value; but we really want Y to act on functions. The remedy is to develop some kind of type theory that will disallow the inappropriate use of Y.
It's going to be desirable to be closer to the Meyer paper, so we'll redefine our notion of evaluation a little.
[X] for all
[X] for all
if E,F
[X] then
A valuation mapping defines for each E in
an applicative term-algebra [X] a function
from environments to
. Let D
|. Then
A constant is evaluated to itself
A variable is given its value in the environment .
And an application in the term algebra [X] maps
to an application in
Thus we have defined a valuation map over an applicative term-algebra.
Now, if we want to regard -applications as functions
defined over the domain we are in trouble, since then we require the
valuation-mapping to have as its range all functions from D to
D as well as D itself. Even more perplexing is the
problem of defining a valuation of self-application.
We can solve this conundrum in way that makes quite good computational
sense if we decide that our valuation mapping, extended to
abstractions, maps such abstractions, along with
all other terms of the
-calculus to
some set D. A function is then associated with a
abstraction by way of a map
D onto a set of functions from D to D
which we shall denote by D
Now considerations of cardinality make it clear that
D D cannot be
the set of all functions from D to D,
since the map
is an onto mapping. Instead we
require that it should be a subset of the set of all functions from the
domain to itself which is adequate for our purpose; by this we
really mean that it contains all functions that can be specified as
computations over D. [Remark: Actually we may wish to have
a wider class of functions than those which are usually regarded as
computable - implementation of the HOL system for example, requires the
existence of a functional-equality oracle in D to D.
A possible computational interpretation of is clear
enough. A given d
D could be a code-block, such
as is created by the Poplog Virtual Machine. The function
(d) corresponds to the action of calling that
code-block to effect a transformation of one element c in
D into another,
(d)(c). It is thus
similar to the apply function of Lisp or Scheme or POP-11.
Now we are actually going to specify the value of a
-abstraction by specifying the corresponding
member of D
D - that is we
specify an abstraction by specifying a corresponding function, but require
its value to be a member of D
For this to work we require a converse mapping
which maps D
D into D, since having specified that an abstraction
corresponds to a function in D
D, we need to be able to map this function back to the actual
member of D which is the value of the abstraction.
This leads us to the following definition in which the basic requirements are bundled into a structure:
The fact that is a partial (left) inverse
provides a necessary link between the definition
of a
-abstraction and its subsequent
application. In effect, the behaviour of an abstraction is
specified as an f in the above definition, and subsequently used
basic strategy for treating -abstractions in this
context is to use the environment as a means of implementing the
binding of variables. Thus, to evaluate a
applied to an argument we must evaluate the body of the abstraction in an
environment in which the formal parameter is mapped to the actual
parameter. To accomplish this, we will need the following operation,
which we define for a general function, though as the notation suggests, we
will use it for environments.
g(a) = b
g(x) = (x), x
That is to say, [a:=b] agrees with
everywhere except at a.
[Note: Though as the notation suggests, any functional characterisation of the updating of data-structures will probably make use of this construct. For any given machine-state, we can regard an array A as a mapping from indices to values. So the interpretation of an array-update
A[i] := A[i] + xwill be something like
However, revenons à nos moutons fonctionelles.
We are now ready to define a valuation mapping over a functional
domain, using the map to translate from the application
of member of D to the corresponding function.
A valuation mapping defines for each E in
an applicative term-algebra [X] (defined
over a functional domain
) a function
from environments to
. Let D
= |
|. Then
A constant is evaluated to itself
[d] (
) = d, for
A variable is given its value in the environment .
[x] (
) =
And an application (F G) in the term algebra [X] is evaluated using the function
to map
the value of F to the corresponding function in
[(F G)] (
) =
[G] (
Finally, an abstraction is specified by defining a function.
x . E] (
) =
where the function f is defined by
f(d) = [E](
obvious snag with the above definition is that, since not all functions
from D to D are in
D D,
the particular f specified in VFD4 in the previous definition
might fail to be a member of D
Since our system would be, in an important way, too weak if
this happens, it seems natural to require that D
D contain the necessary functions. With this we
obtain the following concept.
Likewise the function can be considered as akin to the
apply function, for it can be used to map an object and its
argument into a value. The major difference between what we are doing and
languages of the LISP tradition is that our functions take one
Which leaves us with the function - it's not too
obviously constructive. However we can make it so if we regard it as
creating a closure, that is to say an opaque data-object which
encapsulates the
-abstraction being evaluated together
with the environment
in which the evaluation takes place.
We then impose a requirement on the
function that it apply a closure to an argument by
evaluating the body of the abstraction contained in the closure in the
environment contained in the closure updated as specified in rule VFD4.
Thus, we could make a more constructive version of an environment model by taking an applicative algebra and extending it to contain closures.
The essential notion of soundness of a set of proof-rules is that any
formula arrived at by application of the rules ought to be valid in
a model of the logical system. That is to say,
we could require that if, for some theory :
Now we certainly can't require that all equations in every
lambda-theory are valid in all environment models because we can thow
in equations into the theory, for example (+ x y) = (+ y x) that
may fail to be valid in many models (we've said nothing about the
commutativity, or even existence, of addition in our specification of an
evironment model). We can turn this discussion on its head, by saying that
if an environment model really is a model of the
lambda-calculus, then the set of equations that are valid in
ought to form a lambda-theory, precisely because the
equations that the definition of a lambda-theory requires to be present in
any model ought all to be valid in
The key to demonstrating soundness has to be to relate the basic
apparatus of and
conversion, namely
substitution to the valuation mapping that defines the
environment model. It's clear that we're in for more of those proofs by
induction. . .
The first of these says that the value of a given term depends only on the variables that are free in that term. But first let's state a result whose proof is left to the reader.
[x:=c][x:=d] =
Base Case n=0
since y x
Inductive Step
Suppose for a given n we have for any term E for which
height(E) n
[G] (
by the inductive hypothesis. Applying VFD3 again we have
x . F] (
) =
where the function f is defined by
Now consider
x . F] (
where the function g is defined by
So, by Lemma EM1
by the inductive hypothesis. So f = g and hence
(f) =
(g). Thus the result
holds in this case.
On the other hand
= [F](
On the other hand
= ( [x:=
On the other hand
Suppose for a given n we have for any term E for which
height(E) n
[(G[x:=F] H[x:=F])](
) =
[(G[x:=F] H[x:=F])](
) =
)) =
[x :=
By the inductive hypothesis.
On the other hand
[G H](
= (
[x :=
using VFD4 we have
= [
x . G] (
) =
where the function f is defined by
On the other hand
= [
x . G](
and using VFD4 we have
= (g)
where the function g is defined by
and using Lemma EM1 we have:
Thus f = g, so the result holds in this case.
y . G[x:=F])](
where the function f is defined by
by the inductive hypothesis.
On the other hand
y . G](
where the function g is defined by
by Lemma EM1.
To show f(d) = g(d) for all d we have to consider two sub-cases.
)]) = g(d)
by Lemma EM2.
by Lemma EM2, which lemma also leads us to conclude
Thus f(d) = g(d) for all d
D. Hence f = g, and the result follows in this case.
y . G[x:=F])](
w . G[y:=w][x:=F])]
Where w FV(F) .
where the function f is defined by
by two applications of the inductive hypothesis, where
Substituting d for d' we get
But w FV(G)
FV(F) ,
so by Lemma EM2
On the other hand
y . G](
where g is defined by
Hence we may conclude in this case also that f = g, and so the result holds in this case.
Which concludes the proof of Lemma EM3
By VFD3 and VFD4 the valuations of (E F) and of
( x . E) are determined solely by the
valuation of E and of F. So CONG and
preserve validity.
To verify that holds, let
as in VFD4, where the function f is defined by
Now consider a variable y distinct from x and not occurring free in E.
where the function g is defined by
So we have to show that f = g. Now we can trundle out the substitution lemma (EM3).
But y is not free in E, so, by the free variable lemma (EM2)
Thus showing that f = g, and hence that if E converts to F then E and F
receive the same value in every environment model.
x . E)])(
)) _______________[1]
as in VFD4, where the function f is defined by
So, [1] is
= [E](
= [E[x:=F]](
by Lemma EM3.