Theoretical Foundations of Programming Languages
and their Practical Realisation.- CMPSCI 591i
This material is best viewed using Netscape
In particular, Internet Explorer doesn't currently support subscripting.
Status of POP2000 24MAR98
To use POP2000, run the .cshrc script for the class
Examples of the language are to be found in $pop2000/*.lam (*=wildcard).
In particular $pop2000/compiler.lam contains the code for transforming
into Java. Read permission has been given.
To run POP2000, having loaded the class .cshrc file, type
POP2000 %x #for use under X-windows
POP2000 #otherwise
Introduction: Lambda-calculus, Mapping to Java,
Substitution, its formal properties
Normal Forms for Expressions
The Church-Rosser Theorems
The Church-Rosser Theorems Continued
Even more about Church-Rosser Theorems
Models and Evaluation
Lambda Theories and Environment Models
Environment Models & Combinatory Models
Hindley-Milner Types
A Combinatory Algebra in Java
Inference Rules
Introduction to Using the POP2000 Language
POP2000: conditionals, recursion, lists
Type Inference