Course CMPSCI 287

Due 11:59 PM, 23 SEP 99 as hwk1.scm

Write a Scheme Function cosrule which uses the cosine rule to work out the length of one side c of a triangle given the lengths a,b of the other two sides and the included angle t between them. The function call should be
    (cosrule a b t)
and it should return the length of the side as a result. So the function-call
    (cosrule 10 10 0)
should evaluate to 0.0, and if we do
    (define pi 3.141593)
and evaluate
    (cosrule 3 4 (/ pi 2))
we should get 5.0. as the result.

Likewise (cosrule 3 4 0) evaluates to 1.0, while (cosrule 3 4 pi) evaluates to 7.0.