This file is to be kept in $poplocal/local/help/www.html

This file provides a list of WWW information sources that you may find interesting as a way of getting started. At present each active field is indicated only by an asterisk. Following the asterisk is a description of what you will get if you click on the asterisk.

Each URL (address) is followed by a brief explanation.

  • *
    Examine the University of Birmingham School of Computer Science World Wide Web overview file (much more impressive with Mosaic than with lynx!)
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    Go to the Birmingham Academic Computing Service overview file. It has links to other information available over the net.
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    School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences, Univ. of Sussex
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    Computer Science Department, University College London.
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    "Entering the World-Wide Web: A Guide to Cyberspace" A beginner's guide, by Kevin Huges
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    Cognitive Science at Georgia Tech
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    The MIT AI Lab.
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    A collection of information about data-mining software by Andy Pryke, Research Student, Computer Science.
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    Get a currency converter file. Use down arrow to select "Britain", then right arrow to activate it. It will get you a file of multipliers for other currencies to UK pounds. (Warning it is not updated daily, only weekly.)
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    Information about the World Wide Web. Gives access to other documents about other WWW servers, tools available etc.
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    List of types of WWW tools and their status
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    Overview of WWW and tools available, including converters from e.g. Framemaker to source for WWW files.
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    An excellent meta-index of info about WWW
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    (A LONG file, slow to fetch.) Answers some basic questions about the WWW.
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    Discussion of "robot" software crawling round the web.
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    Awards in "Best of WWW" contest.
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    Imperial College Web Server
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    Access the Birkbeck College web entry.
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    CSC is the Finnish national supercomputer center located in Espoo, Finland. Their WWW page has lots of useful cross references.
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    Computer Science dept at Stanford University
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    Dept. of Information and Computer Science at University of California at Irvine (UCI)
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    Six page list of of frequently asked questions about Mosaic and WWW from UCI
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    Information about NCSA, where Mosaic was developed
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    Information from Russian research center "Kurchatov Institute" about the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant("Polyn").
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    A file maintained by Matthew K. Gray at MIT containing more than 3000 www-sites. Parts 2 and 3 list all US addresses.
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    Natural language software registry in Germany
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    The Santa Cruz Operation, Santa Cruz, California, suppliers of a PC unix system and other things.
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    Yet another entry into WEB pages about intelligent agents, provided by Ralph Becket.
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    Material on KQML which is a language and protocol that has been used to support inter-agent communication for heterogeneous agent communities.
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    The Internet "town hall" (broadcasting)
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    Information about Sun Microsystems and their producs
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    SunSITE North Europe at Imperial College - London
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    Hewlett Packard - Main Welcome Screen
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    Geographic Information and Analysis Laboratory at the University at Buffalo, a multi-purpose resource centre <\ol>

    This is not a list of strongly recommended sites, merely a list illustrating what's available. BEWARE: you could spend all you life browsing, and not learn as much as you could do through other activities.

    Later you may wish to build up your own list of frequently accessed sources. In fact, if you wish you can put them in a file using HTML and then read that file into lynx or mosaic and treat it as a menu of links.

    --- $poplocal/local/help/www.html

    --- The University of Birmingham 1994. --------------------------------