HELP POPVISION David Young July 1994 Last updated December 2003 [ Note added by A.Sloman (11 Dec 2004) this file is accessible at It is a plain text version of the HELP POPVISION file that forms part of the Popvision library, available here as part of the Poplog system: The original version had special characters for viewing in Ved, the Poplog editor. The latest non-stripped version of this file will normally be available here ] POPVISION comprises a set of teach files, help files and libraries to provide support for: 1. teaching an introductory course in computer vision, 2. writing programs for research in computer vision. CONTENTS - (Use g to access required sections) 1 Accessing POPVISION 2 Directory structure and contents 3 Teach files 4 POP-11 libraries 4.1 Display 4.2 Input-output 4.3 Array region manipulation 4.4 Geometrical transformations 4.5 Pixel-by-pixel operations 4.6 Linear algebra 4.7 Convolution 4.8 Integral transforms 4.9 Image structure 4.10 Motion 4.11 Neural nets 4.12 Miscellaneous ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Accessing POPVISION ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If POPVISION is installed correctly, executing the following line (for instance by marking it in VED and pressing , or by putting it in your init.p file) should make POPVISION available to you: uses popvision If this fails (with a 'LIBRARY FILE NOT FOUND' mishap) then it means that your system manager has not installed the necessary file in your local POPLOG library. In this case, you need to know the name of the directory where POPVISION is installed. A good guess might be $poplocal/local/popvision. Alternatively, if you have a personal copy of POPVISION rather than a publically installed one, the directory might be $poplib/popvision. In any case, if the directory is called pv_dir, the file you are now reading is pv_dir/help/popvision, so having found this file you can work out what pv_dir is. Having established pv_dir, you should execute load pv_dir/lib/popvision.p (Putting a file called popvision.p containing this line into your $poplib or into your local POPLOG library, usually $poplocal/local/lib, will allow the simpler command above to be used.) Once you have loaded popvision using one of these methods, you can get information about POPVISION using the VED commands help xxx teach xxx showlib xxx showinclude xxx where xxx is one of the POPVISION names listed below. In addition, you can follow cross-references to POPVISION teach and help files using and as usual. You should load POPVISION libraries in programs using uses xxx as for other system libraries. The POPVISION libraries are not made autoloadable; you have to have a uses command for each library you use. The variable popvision_data contains a string describing the directory for example data; see the teach files for how it is used. For an introduction to some of the POPVISION facilities, you could now try looking at TEACH * VISION1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Directory structure and contents ----------------------------------------------------------------------- POPVISION contains POP-11 libraries, C source files, externally-loadable object files, include files, help files, teach files, binary object files, shell scripts and example data. As an ordinary user, you do not need to know about the directory structure - just access the package using the methods described in the last section. In case you want to know, it is as follows. If pv_dir is the library where POPVISION is installed (e.g. $poplocal/local/popvision), and xxx is the name of a library, help, teach or data file, then the files are stored as follows: POP-11 libraries: pv_dir/lib/xxx.p C sources: pv_dir/lib/xxx.c C headers: pv_dir/lib/xxx.h include files: pv_dir/include/ help files: pv_dir/help/xxx teach files: pv_dir/teach/xxx data files: pv_dir/data/xxx object files: pv_dir/lib/bin/arch/xxx.ext shell scripts: pv_dir/com/xxx For object files, arch is machine-dependent, and ext is "o" for statically linked systems and "so" for dynamically linked systems. The current values of xxx are in the following table. The columns indicate whether xxx refers to a POP-11 library (P), an include file (I), a help file (H), a teach file (T), an ancillary C source and object file (C, or CH if there is also a C header file), or to several of these. To get information about any name marked with H or T, put the cursor at the start of the line and press . For a more structured description of the contents, see later in this file. Xcolour_to_rgb P H appblobs P H appblobs_stats_defs P appellipse P H appline P H apppolygon P H array_adjoin P H array_equalise P H array_halfsize P H array_hist P H C array_mxmn P H C array_peaks P H C array_random P H C array_reflect P H array_rotate P H array_transpose P H C array_wrap P H arraylookup P H C arraysample P H C arrayset P H C arrayshift P H arrscan CH arrpack P H CH bitmapfile P H boundslist_utils P H canny P H T C convolve_1d P H C convolve_2d P H C convolve_gauss_2d P H convolve_index P H C convolve_nd P H convolve_nx1d P H corners_hs P H display_flow P H display_correspondences P H erandom P H excall P H ext2d_args P H fft P H C filesequence P H first_order_flow P H float_arrayprocs P H C float_byte P H C gabormask P H gaussmask P H horn_schunck P H lapack P H lapop P H logsample P H C mlp P I H T C mlp_data P newbytearray P H newintarray P H newsfloatarray P H newdfloatarray P H newrfloatarray P H newcfloatarray P H newzfloatarray P H objectfile P H oldarray P H pop_radians P H popvision P H random_order P H rawarrayfile P H rc_array P H T rc_filledcircle P H rc_image P H T rci_show P H rgb_arrays P H C snakes P H solve_dilation P H straight_hough P H T C sunrasterfile P H vision T vision1 T vision2 T vision3 T vision4 T vision5 T vision6 T vision7 T warp_2d P H C In addition, shell scripts compile_popvision and mkpopvision are provided for recompiling the C routines and making a saved image. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Teach files ----------------------------------------------------------------------- POPVISION provides teach files which are intended to be suitable for use with an introductory computer vision course. TEACH * VISION provides a bibliography for such a course. This is biased towards the interests of the author and should probably be modified locally. The main sequence of teach files is: VISION1 - image representation and display VISION2 - introduction to convolution VISION3 - further convolution, Gaussian masks and edge detection VISION4 - the Hough transform VISION5 - perspective projection and stereoscopic vision VISION6 - visual motion VISION7 - active contours TEACH * VISION1 should be done first. The files should be read online, using an X display. They can be used in two ways: 1. Read the text, and execute the code examples without studying them in detail. This requires the use of VED, but does not require knowledge of POP-11. This will give an introduction to some basic ideas in computer vision and image analysis. 2. In addition, examine the POP-11 code, and wherever possible modify or extend it in some way. This requires some prior knowledge of POP-11, and as well as teaching computer vision, gives an introduction to facilities in the POPVISION package and provides practice in POP-11 programming. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 POP-11 libraries ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The libraries provide a variety of functions. In general, the low-level functions which use external code to provide efficient numerical computations are likely to be the most generally useful. On a suitable terminal, the display libraries are helpful for inspecting images. For more information, move the cursor to the library name and use . 4.1 Display ------------ The display routines assume the use of the * RC_GRAPHIC library to provide basic facilities under X. * rci_show provides simple display of images, one to a window. The window is destroyed by clicking on the image. * rc_array provides image display integrated with the * RC_GRAPHIC library. This means that the size and position of an image are determined by the user's coordinate system, making it simple to correctly integrate image display with other graphics. * rc_image is obsolete and will be withdrawn. * rc_filledcircle is a simple addition to the * RC_GRAPHIC facilities. * Xcolour_to_rgb is a utility for getting numerical colour values from colour names under X. * display_flow is used by TEACH * VISION6. * display_correspondences is useful for displaying the results of stereo matching. * RGB_ARRAYS converts between different formats for storing colour images. 4.2 Input-output ----------------- * sunrasterfile reads and writes arrays, using Sun rasterfile format for the disc file. (See also * arrayfile, in the main POPLOG distribution.) * filesequence facilitates reading and writing sequences of images to disc files, incrementing a numerical field in the file name to indicate sequence number. * bitmapfile reads and writes arrays, using the ASCII version of the X bitmap format for the disc file. * rawarrayfile reads and writes arrays in a primitive form. 4.3 Array region manipulation ------------------------------ * BOUNDSLIST_UTILS provides a set of routines to aid manipulations of N-dimensional array regions expressed as * boundslist -type lists. 4.4 Geometrical transformations -------------------------------- * arraysample allows resizing an N-dimensional array or array region by stretching or compressing along the axes. If is also useful (and efficient) for simple copying of subregions of arrays. * arrayshift linearly shifts the data in an array, in fact by creating an array which shares the original arrayvector but which has new bounds. * array_halfsize reduces an array to half its size along each dimension. * warp_2d applies an affine transformation to a region of a 2-D array. * array_adjoin adjoins two 2-D arrays (i.e. it puts them next to each other in a single array). * array_wrap fills a region of an array by tiling with translations of the original region. * array_reflect extends a region of an array by tiling, with reflection at the region boundaries. * array_rotate circularly shifts the data in an array. * array_transpose transposes a region of an array. * logsample resamples an array uniformly in log-polar coordinates. 4.5 Pixel-by-pixel operations ------------------------------ * arraylookup applies a function expressed as a lookup table to each value in a region of an array. A variety of formats for the table are offered, and quantisation of floating-point arrays is efficiently supported. * ARRPACK provides procedures for arithmetic and logical operations on arrays, using external procedures for efficiency. * FLOAT_ARRAYPROCS provides a variety of simple arithmetical operations on array elements, including adding and subtracting arrays, multiplying by a constant, and so on. Arrays have to be in packed floating-point form and the whole of the array is processed. It is now largely superseded by * ARRPACK. * float_byte converts a packed byte array to packed floating point, and vice versa. * array_equalise carries out histogram equalisation on an array (but note that rc_array can do this itself for display purposes). * array_hist returns a histogram of the values in an array region. * array_mxmn returns the maximum and minimum values in an array region. * array_random sets a region of an array to random values. * arrayset sets a region of an array to a constant value. 4.6 Linear algebra ------------------- * lapack gives a direct interface to the Lapack linear algebra package, which has very wide scope. * lapop gives a simpler, higher-level interface to some common linear algebra functions, including matrix multiplication, linear equations, least-squares problems, eigenvalue and singular value decompositions. 4.7 Convolution ---------------- The convolution routines do not wrap around, and are implemented directly, not via the FFT. Results are only produced where they are strictly valid - i.e. for output pixels where the mask lies wholly within the input region. If extrapolation is needed to make the output region the same size as the input region, this can conveniently be done using * array_reflect or * array_wrap applied to the input region. The routines region_conv_output and region_conv_input in * BOUNDSLIST_UTILS are useful here. * convolve_1d convolves a 1-D array with a 1-D mask. * convolve_2d convolves a 2-D array with a 2-D mask. * convolve_nd convolves an N-D array with an N-D mask. * convolve_nx1d convolves an N-D array with a 1-D mask, the mask being oriented parallel to a specified axis. * convolve_index convolves an N-D array with an N-D sparse mask; that is, the mask is specified by explicitly giving the offset vector for each weight rather than by storing the weights in an array. * gaussmask returns an array of weights suitable for Gaussian smoothing and smoothing-with-differencing masks. * GABORMASK provides routines that return 1-D and 2-D Gabor masks. * convolve_gauss_2d convolves a 2-D array with Gaussian smoothing, smoothing-with-differencing, and Difference of Gaussians masks. * FLOAT_ARRAYPROCS provides some basic procedures for erosion and dilation of binary images. 4.8 Integral transforms ------------------------ * FFT carries out 1-D and 2-D Fast Fourier Transforms. 4.9 Image structure -------------------- * appblobs carries out a connected region analysis of binary images. * array_peaks finds local maxima in an array. * canny carries out Canny-type edge detection. * corners_hs implements the Harris-Stephens corner detector. * snakes implements very simple adaptive contours. * straight_hough finds straight lines using a Hough transform. 4.10 Motion ------------ * first_order_flow synthesises flow vectors for specified first-order flow parameters. * horn_schunck estimates flow vectors from an image pair using an implementation of the algorithm of Horn and Schunck. * solve_dilation finds the focus of expansion and rate of dilation for a flow field which is assumed to contain not rotatory component. 4.11 Neural nets ----------------- * MLP implements multi-layer perceptrons trained using the back propagation algorithm, with special facilities for handling image data. 4.12 Miscellaneous ------------------- * appellipse applies a procedure to the coordinates of every pixel lying in or on a specified ellipse. * appline applies a procedure to the coordinates of every pixel lying on a straight line between two specified points. * apppolygon applies a procedure to the coordinates of every pixel lying in a polygonal region, specified by its vertices. * erandom provides an alternative to the Pop-11 random number generator, using externally-loaded code. * excall allows external functions to be passed the addresses of arbitrary elements of vectors. * ext2d_args is used internally to facilitate passing array region arguments to external routines. * newbytearray creates packed byte arrays. * newintarray creates packed integer arrays. * newsfloatarray creates single-precision packed floating-point arrays. * newdfloatarray creates double-precision packed floating-point arrays. * newrfloatarray creates packed floating-point arrays with precision depending on popdprecision. * newcfloatarray creates complex single-precision packed floating-point arrays with alternating real and imaginary parts. * newzfloatarray creates complex double-precision packed floating-point arrays with alternating real and imaginary parts. * objectfile is used internally to provide a convention for finding binary object files for external loading. * oldarray allows array storage to be easily and safely recycled without invoking the garbage collector. * popvision extends POPLOG search lists to make the package available. * pop_radians defines angular quantities in radians and degrees. * random_order randomly orders sequences. --- $poplocal/local/help/popvision.txt --- Copyright University of Sussex 1998. All rights reserved.