GOSPL: Quick Installation Instructions For Experienced Poplog Users -- Personal Installation ---------------------------------------------- 1. download the gospl.tar.gz tarball 2. unpack it into a convenient directory, we recommend $poplib 3. edit your $poplib/init.p and add these lines load $poplib/gospl/project-collection/init.p uses_project pop11 ;;; optional uses_project ved ;;; optional 4. browse $poplib/gospl/project-collection/ with your web browser to get an overview of the contents of these projects. 5. enjoy! -- Shared Installation ------------------------------------------------ 1. download the gospl.tar.gz tarball 2. unpack it into a convenient directory, we recommend $poplocal 3. link to the popgospl.p and popgospl files % cd $poplocal/local/lib % ln -s ../../gospl/install/lib/popgospl.p . % cd $poplocal/local/help % ln -s ../../gospl/install/help/popgospl . 4. browse $poplocal/gospl/project-collection/ with your web browser to get an overview of the contents of these projects. 5. in order to make GOSPL available : uses popgospl 6. the standard "pop11" and "ved" projects are loaded this way : uses_project pop11 : uses_project ved 7. enjoy! -----------------------------------------------------------------------