TEACH PROGLECT6 Aaron Sloman 22 Oct 1996 Updated Nov 2000 Previous lectures are summarised as teach files, with examples which you can run. TEACH PROGLECT1 TEACH PROGLECT2 TEACH PROGLECT3 TEACH PROGLECT4 TEACH PROGLECT5 This file is about searching and some of the properties of searching problems. See TEACH * TOWER, TEACH * SEARCHING, TEACH * PRBRIVER CONTENTS -- Towards understanding search. -- Different kinds of search -- a. Linear search through a pre-exsiting ordered set -- b. Linear search through an ordered set created on demand. -- c. Searching a branching network -- The "tower" problem -- The tower search space -- Getting Pop-11 to solve the problem -- -- sumlist -- -- random_subset(inlist) -- -- random_solve_tower -- -- nextstates -- -- solve_tower -- Problems in searching -- Using factorial to illstrate the effect of permutations -- An example of searching in a learning system: TEACH FINGER -- Towards understanding search. -------------------------------------- A great deal of AI is about search. Some involves searching using symbol manipulating programs. Some involves searching with neural nets. Some involves searching using genetic or evolutionary algorithms. But searching is everywhere, and unavoidable. The most you can do is try to contain or control it. For an introduction to some basic ideas about search Start work on TEACH TOWER If you are very short of time, skip the random problem solver If you have extra time, then go on to TEACH SEARCHING, which generalises the techniques in TEACH TOWER -- Different kinds of search ------------------------------------------ -- a. Linear search through a pre-exsiting ordered set Searching a list for item in list do if ... then ... item .... quitloop() endif endfor Searching a database foreach pattern do if ... then ... item .... quitloop() endif endfor -- b. Linear search through an ordered set created on demand. E.g. finding pairs of numbers satisfying a test vars x,y; for x from 0 by 3 to 100 do for y from 0 by 5 to 100 do if .... .[^x ^y] then ..... quitloop(2) endfor endfor 0 3 6 9 12 .... 0 [0 0] [3 0] [6 0] [9 0] 5 [0 5] 10 15 etc. -- c. Searching a branching network c.1 pre-existing (e.g. a list of lists of lists) c.2 constructed as required (e.g. solutions to the tower problem) (e.g. finding a parse tree. See TEACH GRAMMAR) -- The "tower" problem ------------------------------------------------ Find a combination of blocks from a collection of different sizes, in order to form a tower of exactly a specified height. PROBLEM NUMBER BLOCK SIZES HEIGHT 1 [1 1 2 3 4] 8 2 [1 4 7 9 11 23] 6 3 [7 15 11 3 9 22] 47 4 [3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3] 13 -- The tower search space --------------------------------------------- Extract from TEACH TOWER A picture of the "solve_tower" search tree for inlist [6 5 7 4] Here is a part of the search tree. Try to complete it. Some of the node numbers have been left out, and replaced by "?". Try inserting all node numbers in a sequence corresponding to a depth first search as described above. (start node) {0} [] [6 5 7 4] = 0 | | *------------------*------------------*------------------* {1} {?} {?} {?} [6] [5 7 4] [5][6 7 4] [7][6 5 4] [4][6 5 7] = 6 = 5 = 7 = 4 | | | | | *----*----* *----*----* *----*----* | {?} {?} {?} {?} {?} {?} {?} {?} {?} | <..........missing subtrees............> *------------*------------* {2} {7} {?} [6 5] [7 4] [6 7][5 4] [6 4][5 7] = 11 = 13 = 10 | | *-------------* {3} {5} [6 5 7][4] [6 5 4][7] = 18 = 15 | | {4} {6} [6 5 7 4][] [6 5 4 7][] = 22 = 22 -- Getting Pop-11 to solve the problem -------------------------------- -- -- sumlist For the computer to solve this we require some procedures to perform subtasks. define sumlist(numlist) -> total; ;;; Given a list of numbers return a number which is the sum ;;; of all the numbers in the list. ;;; Initialise the output local to 0 lvars total = 0; ;;; Repeatedly add the next number from the list to total. ;;; Iterate over the list, using "number" as the "loop variable" lvars number; for number in numlist do ;;; use number and the previous value of total to get a new ;;; number to assign to total number + total -> total endfor; enddefine; /* sumlist([]) => sumlist([2 3 4]) => sumlist([ 2 4 7 8]) => */ -- -- random_subset(inlist) ;;; We can start by trying a random searching method define random_subset(inlist) -> sublist; ;;; Build a list of things randomly chosen to be left on the stack lvars item; [% for item in inlist do if random(100) > 50 then item endif endfor %] -> sublist enddefine; /* random_subset([1 2 3 3 4 2 5 ]) => */ -- -- random_solve_tower define random_solve_tower(inlist, target) -> outlist; ;;; This local variable will be needed below: lvars testlist; repeat ;;; generate a random subset random_subset(inlist) -> testlist; ;;; Do a little "trace" printing to show what's happening [Testing the list ^testlist] => ;;; Check if the solution has been found. if sumlist(testlist) = target then [Eureka : found the solution ^testlist] => ;;; Assign the answer to the output local variable. testlist -> outlist; ;;; Exit this procedure, and "return" to the previous program. return() endif; endrepeat; enddefine; /* ;;; Try each several times random_solve_tower([3 5 7], 12) => random_solve_tower([2 2 2 2 2 2 2], 8) => random_solve_tower([2 2 2 2 2 2 2], 11) => */ -- -- nextstates define nextstates(this_state) -> newalternatives; ;;; Given a state, produce a list of successor states. ;;; Each state is a list containing a sofar list and an available list. ;;; Each successor state adds one item from the available list to ;;; the original sofar list to give a the new sofar list. ;;; The rest go into a new available list. ;;; Five pattern variables are needed, for use with --> lvars sofar, available, number, lefts, rights; ;;; Dig out the sofar and available lists from the current state this_state --> ! [?sofar ?available]; ;;; Declare a variable index to range from 0 to ;;; (length(available) - 1), ;;; and repeatedly get a new item for sofar, and a combined set of ;;; lefts and rights for the new available. ;;; start building a list to be assigned to newalternatives [% lvars index; ;;; loop counter for index from 0 to length(available) - 1 do ;;; split the list before and after the indexed item available --> ! [??lefts: ^index ?number ??rights]; ;;; Now build a new state. lvars nextstate; ;;; the new sofar, is the old one, with number added. ;;; The new available is made from lefts and rights [[^^sofar ^number] [^^lefts ^^rights]] -> nextstate; ;;; Add some trace printing to help you during development [nextstate ^nextstate] => ;;; leave nextstate on the stack, to go into the list ;;; made by the list brackets. nextstate; endfor %] -> newalternatives; enddefine; /* ;;; Some test examples for nextstates nextstates([[] [5 6 7]]) => nextstates([[4] [5 6 7]]) => nextstates([[4 5] [6 7]]) => */ -- -- solve_tower define solve_tower(inlist, target) -> outlist; ;;; Given a list of numbers, inlist, and a target number target, ;;; create a list of elements of inlist that add up to target, ;;; and assign that list to outlist, to be the result of this ;;; procedure ;;; local lexical variables, not for use in patterns lvars , alternatives, newalternatives; ;;; pattern variables lvars state, remainder, sofar, available; ;;; add some "trace printing" which can later be removed [Starting with inlist ^inlist and target ^target] => ;;; create a list of alternatives containing one state, the ;;; initial state, with empty sofar list. Derived states will be ;;; added to the list after ;;; this state has been checked [ [ [] ^inlist ] ] -> alternatives; repeat if alternatives = [] then ;;; Case 1: failed -- no more alternatives to consider ;;; so make outlist false, and return from this procedure false -> outlist; return(); else ;;; Explore remaining alternatives ;;; get next state and remainder of alternatives ;;; Case 2 alternatives --> ! [?state ??remainder]; ;;; get the elements of the state state --> ! [?sofar ?available]; ;;; Some temporary trace printing during development and ;;; testing [Trying to extend state with ^sofar sofar and ^available left] => ;;; First check this state against the goal if sumlist(sofar) = target then ;;; Case 2.a: problem solved. Insert some trace printing [Solution found: choose ^sofar] => sofar -> outlist; return() elseif available = [] then ;;; Case 2.b: no successors for this state ;;; so continue with remainder, from alternatives remainder -> alternatives; [No successors for ^state, so backtrack] => else ;;; Case 2.c: Generate successors to this state nextstates(state) -> newalternatives; ;;; add them to the front of remaining alternatives [^^newalternatives ^^remainder] -> alternatives endif endif; endrepeat; enddefine; /* solve_tower([3 5 7], 12) => solve_tower([2 2 2 2 2 ], 11) => solve_tower([2 2 2 ], 11) => solve_tower([2 2 2 2 2 2 2], 8) => */ -- Problems in searching ---------------------------------------------- 1. Making sure that you cover all the cases. Requires a memory of what you have not yet tried. Usually requires some sort of stack. 2. Making sure that you don't go round in circles Requires a memory of what you have already tried 3. Making sure you don't waste time on sub-trees or sub-nets where there is no chance of finding a solution (e.g. if the total is already above the limit, don't try adding more). 4. Making sure you follow the most likely paths first Heuristic search -- impossible to generalise? 5. The combinatorics: If you have to make N choices with only 2 options at each choice point the total number of combinations is N 2 Some numbers N 1 2 3 5 10 20 50 100 N 2 2 4 8 32 1024 1048576 1125899906842624 1267650600228229401496703205376 EXPONENTIAL FUNCTIONS SHOULD BE AVOIDED AT ALL COSTS FACTORIAL GROWS EVEN FASTER -- Using factorial to illstrate the effect of permutations ------------ How many ways are there of (re-)ordering list of different lengths? I.e. how many permuations of a list of length N N 1 [a] 1 2 [a b] 2 3 [a b c] 6 4 [a b c d] 24 etc. define fact(x) -> out; if x == 0 then 1 else x * fact(x-1) endif -> out enddefine; 2**2, fact(2)=> ** 4 2 2**3, fact(3)=> ** 8 6 2**4, fact(4)=> ** 16 24 2**5, fact(5)=> 2**10, fact(10)=> ** 1024 3628800 2**20, fact(20)=> ** 1048576 2432902008176640000 2**30, fact(30)=> ** 1073741824 265252859812191058636308480000000 2**40, fact(40)=> ** 1099511627776 815915283247897734345611269596115894272000000000 2**50, fact(50)=> ** 1125899906842624 30414093201713378043612608166064768844377641568960512000000000000 2**1000=> fact(1000) => -- An example of searching in a learning system: TEACH FINGER --------- Look at TEACH * FINGER and see if you can teach the program to count. Many teachers do not appreciate the searching problem that their pupils are faced with. See also TEACH * PRBRIVER TEACH * NEWSOLVER TEACH * WALTZ --- $poplocal/local/teach/proglect6 --- Copyright University of Birmingham 2000. 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