$usepop/pop/packages/teaching/AREADME.txt Aaron Sloman 3 Jul 2009 When poplog was reorgahised to include a tree of packages to replace the local directories (version 15.6 in 2005) one of the packages created was this one $usepop/pop/packages/teaching/ The idea was to separate from the main pop-11 program and documentation files those that were not concerned with general purpose programming or AI techniques, but introduced tutorials (with accompanying sofware) on particular AI topics or possible introductory programming projects or exercises. At the same time new teaching materials that had been developed at Birmingham that were not in the version of Poplog sold by ISL were added either here or in the central files. There are still things left in the main/central pop-11 files $usepop/pop/lib/lib $usepop/pop/lib/auto $usepop/pop/lib/ved $usepop/pop/teach $usepop/pop/help that arguably should be moved to the 'teaching' package. However, that can be left as a non-urgent task. Please feel free to report problems, or propose additions to the teaching directory.