HELP SHELL-COMMANDS Jonathan Laventhol, 5 October 1983 Modified by Tom Khabaza Revised A. Sloman 8 Dec 2000 16 Oct 2011 Please send suggestions for extending or improving this file to A.Sloman. It was written primarily for users of Poplog, but may be useful for others also. An older version of this file is included with the poplog system as HELP SHELL Readers who are completely new to Unix may find it helpful to start with this file. A more detailed (though incomplete) overview of information about unix (and now linux) was created by Edinburgh University over 10 years ago. It is available here, though I shall try to find a more up to date version: NOTE: When this file was originally written the most commonly used shell was csh (now tcsh). However at present the most commonly used shell is bash. Some of the contents of this file may need to be modified for bash users. (On a linux system the command 'man bash' will provide more information than you could possibly want!). CONTENTS -- INTRODUCTION -- Man files -- RECOGNISING THE SHELL -- ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES -- -- Setting up environment variables -- -- Poplog-related environment variables -- INITIALISATION OF POPLOG -- -- More information on environment variables and initialisation -- LISTING AND REMOVING YOUR FILES -- GETTING A LONG DIRECTORY LISTING -- DELETING FILES -- INCOMPLETE FILENAMES -- MOVING AND COPYING FILES -- DIRECTORIES -- -- The current directory -- -- The Unix root directory and its sub-directories -- A SHORTHAND NAME FOR YOUR OWN DIRECTORY -- A SHORTHAND NAME FOR SOMEONE ELSE'S DIRECTORY -- CREATING A SUBDIRECTORY -- -- Putting your Pop-11 and VED startup files in a subdirectory -- MOVING BETWEEN DIRECTORIES -- -- Use of ".." -- --Getting back to your login directory -- -- WARNING about the cd command -- FINDING OUT ABOUT YOUR PROCESSES -- KILLING OLD PROCESSES -- GETTING TO THE SHELL TEMPORARILY -- FOR THOSE WITH CONFIDENCE -- USE OF '!' -- TEMPORARILY RETURNING TO ORIGINAL SHELL (CTRL Z) -- SENDING AND READING MESSAGES (Electronic mail) -- PRINTING FILES -- PASSWORDS -- SUMMARY OF SHELL COMMANDS -- ONLINE UNIX TUTOR -- ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION -- INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------- When you log in to a computer you have to interact with a 'SHELL' program which interprets your commands, including possibly commands to run another program which can then take over interpreting your commands. For example if you run VED that takes over interpreting your commands. Different operating systems use different sorts of initial shell programs. On UNIX operating systems (of which there are several different kinds) two main kinds of 'SHELL' program can be found, one simply called 'SH' the other 'CSH' and known as the 'CSHELL', as found on the sea shore. Both types of shell enable you to give a range of commands, e.g. to read mail, copy files, list the files in your directory, and run any programs available on the machine. However, the CSHELL is a bigger more powerful program, and is not available on all UNIX systems, whereas there is always a version of 'SH'. Besides SH and CSH there are now many other Unix shells, including KSH, BASH (which are extensions of SH) and TCSH (which is an extension of CSH), all with slightly different features and disadvantages. NOTE: upper case has been used here for clarity, though all these programs have names that are lower case only. Each user has a default shell which is started up when that user logs in. It may be possible to change the shell, depending on which system you are using. The shell will normally allow you to specify a 'login command file' in your home directory, to enable you to control terminal settings and other things. For 'csh' and 'tcsh' the main startup file is called '.login', and for 'sh', and related shells, e.g. 'ksh' and 'bash' the main startup file is '.profile'. For details consult your local UNIX expert, or manuals. If you don't have one of these set up suitably you will have difficulty running Pop-11 and other systems on our network. For csh and tcsh there is usually another subsidiary startup file called '.cshrc' which is run each time a new shell program starts running, e.g. in a new window, which is not necessarily a 'login shell' because you have already logged in. Your login shell will run both .cshrc and .login usually. You can sometimes tell which sort of shell you are interacting with when you log in by the 'prompt' printed out to invite you to type a command. By default, SH prints '$' and CSH prints '%', though it is usually possible to change the prompt, e.g. to remind you which machine you are using, and which directory you are in. For many people the command to change the prompt to something more informative is already included in their .login or .cshrc or .profile file, provided by the system managers. In all the following it is assumed that you are using CSH (or TCSH, which is very similar), and therefore our examples all use '%'. If you wish to run SH (or KSH or BASH) instead, some of the facilities will work differently, and the prompt may look different. (See also USE OF '!' below.) The remainder of this file describes how to deal with the shell, in order to delete files, find out what files you have, send mail, etc. This is solely an introductory guide, and doesn't give you full information. -- Man files ---------------------------------------------------------- To find out full details regarding Unix facilities, you will have to read UNIX online manuals, or "man" files. These are accessible from VED as described in HELP * MAN. However many of them are very terse and hard for beginners to understand. To see an example of a relatively simple man file, type this shell command: % man who You will then have to use the space bar to read the next page, press the "b" key to go back a page, and press "q" to stop. or in the poplog editor Ved, which provides more options while reading the file: ENTER man who you can quit the file after scanning it briefly. -- RECOGNISING THE SHELL ---------------------------------------------- You will know that you are in the shell by the prompt that the computer prints at you -- it is normally a percent sign (%) for the CSH, and a dollar ($) for SH or BASH, and may have other information showing which computer you are using, and how many commands you have typed, e.g. dipsy50 % However, it is possible to set up your login files to change the default prompt. In some cases it also shows which directory (folder) is your current directory. In what follows we leave out all the details of the shell prompt apart from the percent symbol: "%" When you log in, or start up a new xterm window, you will get the shell prompt. You can then type a command to start up a program. E.g. to run POP11 or Prolog. Just type the name of the language you want: % poplog pop11 or % poplog prolog or % poplog clisp or % poplog xved (the last one starts the editor in multi-window mode). You can also set up your environment so that you don't need the poplog prefix. E.g. if you are bash user do source /usr/local/bin/poplog after which these commands should work: % pop11 or % prolog or % clisp or % xved (Don't type the '%' - that's to indicate a prompt printed out by the shell.) The source command will have to be given each time you log in to your linux system, but that can be fixed by editing one of your login files called '.bashrc' as will be explained elsewhere. Some programs start up their own windows for you to interact with, so they need not use the xterm window in which you normally give commands. You can run such programs with an ampersand to tell the shell to run them in the background, e.g. to run XVED % xved & or to start a new xterm window: % xterm & Many interactive programs allow you to terminate the interaction by pressing the end-of-file key (which is usually CTRL d, in Unix/Linux). After that you will be back talking to the shell. The end-of-file key is generally used to indicate that you have finished with some process, and want to get back to where you were before you started it. In particular, if you type it to the shell, the shell will stop, and if that is the shell process which ran when you logged in, stopping it will have the effect of logging you out. If you type that command (or "exit") in an xterm window which is simply running your shell, then the window will be closed. If you are using the editor VED or XVED, you need a more complex command to leave it, e.g. ENTER bye Some versions of shell allow you to put something into your login start up command file to prevent accidental logouts caused by pressing the end-of-file key. You can normally then log out by typing, to CSH % logout or, to SHELL $ exit PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO LOG OUT WHEN YOU FINISH IF YOU ARE USING A SHARED MACHINE -- ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES ---------------------------------------------- When programs run they need to find information about how you want them to behave. There are several ways they can do this. 1. They can prompt you with requests for decisions. This can be very tedious and slow. 2. You can specify how to run them by giving a command which has lots of extra information saying how to start up. E.g. you can give font, size and location information in extra parameters when you run xterm to start an xterm window on your terminal xterm -fn 10x20 -geometry 80x30+10+10 & Giving the extra "flags" can be tedious for commands that you start up frequently. However, you can define an "alias" for such a command in your .cshrc file, so that you just type the alias each time, instead of the full command. See 'MAN tcsh' OR 'MAN bash' and search for 'Aliases' 3. You can create an initialisation file. Many programs use these. E.g. your files called .login .cshrc .Xdefaults .xclients .mailrc are all examples of files that are read by specific programs when they start up. Some programs also look at "system-wide" initialisation files, which are maintained by our system managers. 4. You can use "environment variables". These are identifiers that are usually defined when you log in or possibly just before you start running a program, which are associated with strings of information specifying what sort of behaviour you want. Unix environment variables are normally referred to in Unix commands by putting a "$" before the name of the variable. Examples of commonly used environment variables are $PRINTER This tells many printing programs which printer you wish to use if you don't specify a printer. See TEACH PRINTING, HELP PRINTERS $VISUAL $EDITOR These tell many programs which editor to use if they need you to type in some text. For example some mail programs may run your favourite editor every time you wish to compose a message or reply to a message. $PATH This has as its value a set of directory names, telling the the Unix shell where to look for programs when you give a command. E.g. if you type "who" to the shell it will probably find the program code for the "who" command in a directory called /bin. Other commands may be in other directories. (For CSHELL users the variable $path can be used instead of $PATH, but with a different syntax.) $MANPATH This tells the "man" command where to look for the online manual files. $DISPLAY This tells X "client" programs, like xterm, netscape and others where to find the screen you are using. For example you could be logged in to a remote computer connected to many terminals with screens. It has to know which one to use for your programs. Note other operating systems use different a name for environment variables. For example, in VMS they are called "logical names" -- -- Setting up environment variables How you define environment variables depends on which kind of shell you are using. 1. If it is csh or tcsh you use the format setenv Example: if you wish to put your poplog startup files in a subdirectory of your main directory called pop, you can do setenv poplib ~/pop Such commands are normally given in your .login file, or possibly your .cshrc file (though using the latter can be wasteful as it is read every time a shell sub-process starts). 2. If your shell is sh, or ksh or bash, you use a different format, which may vary slightly from one case to another. The main format is = or possibly export = Such commands are normally given in a start-up file called .profile Example command: export poplib='~/Poplib' that makes the environment variable $poplog refer to your file ~/Poplib The .profile file is run when you log in. To repeat the commands each time you run bash (e.g. in a separate command window) you can put the commands instead in a file called ~/.bashrc -- -- Poplog-related environment variables Before you can start up Poplog it must know where all the poplog files are kept on our system. Several environment variables provide this information, including $usepop $popsys $popautolib $poplocal $popsavelib $poplocalbin $popcom and several more. Using the prefix 'poplog' to run poplog commands ensures that they run with all their environment variables set up. E.g. poplog help strings poplog pop11 poplog xved In addition you yourself may wish to specify a location where your private poplog startup files are to be found, e.g. init.p vedinit.p. For that you need to set the value of the environment variable $poplib to be the name of the directory where you keep the files. If you don't set it explicitly poplog will assume it is your login directory. It is probably more sensible to use a special directory, e.g. called Poplib or poplib. (Note for experts: Poplog programs can access environment variables via the procedure called systranslate.) -- INITIALISATION OF POPLOG ------------------------------------------- Before you start up any of the Poplog programs (pop11, prolog, lisp, pml or ved) you need to make sure that all the environment variables required have been set up. For regular poplog users this is normally done by a command in your .login file or .profile file, depending on which sort of shell you normally use. For example users of tcsh may have in their .login file a command something like source /usr/local/poplog/current-poplog/bin/poplog This "source" command tells the login tcsh process to treat that named file as if all of its contents were in your .login file. For users of bash your .profile file or .bashrc file may have a command line something like source /usr/local/poplog/current-poplog/bin/ The poplog or file will itself run several other files setting up new environment variables and extending your $PATH environment variable so that Poplog programs can be found when you try to run them. -- -- More information on environment variables and initialisation The following POPLOG help files contain information on the process of starting up POPLOG (pop11, prolog, lisp, ml, and VED) including; Environment variables Setting up the environment Search paths used when POPLOG starts up Directories Running POPLOG Using initialisation files to tailor the system Initialisation files for POP-11 Prolog Lisp and VED Changing $poplib Tailoring POP-11 Tailoring Prolog Tailoring Common Lisp Initialising VED VED Search lists Tailoring VED for Individual files Examples of tailoring and initialisation files Running saved images Layered saved images Running POPLOG with parameters Running UNIX saved images with no abbreviation facility *INITIAL - initialisation and tailoring of POPLOG *INITIAL.EX - examples of initialisation procedures *PARAMETERS - passing command line parameters to POP-11 -- LISTING AND REMOVING YOUR FILES ------------------------------------ You may often wish to find out which files you have. You can use the Unix 'ls' command to do this. % ls will print out names of all the files you have in the current 'directory' (see below for directories). The files will be arranged in columns. -- GETTING A LONG DIRECTORY LISTING ----------------------------------- To get more information use the command: % ls -l In VED you can give such a Unix command thus: ENTER unix ls -l This has the benefit that if the command prints out lots of information you can read it easily in a VED window by moving up and down in the normal way. The "ls -l" command will give a 'long' listing, indicating the protection, the number of 'links' to the file, the owner of the file, the size (number of characters in the file), the creation date and time, and finally the name of the file. For example, it might look like this, if your login name is 'pqr' and you are in a group called 'ug': drwx------ 17 pqr ug 8192 Nov 6 12:16 Mail -rw-r--r-- 1 pqr ug 285 Oct 12 1994 addup.p drwxr-xr-x 6 pqr ug 6144 Nov 5 18:47 adm -rw-r--r-- 1 pqr ug 729 Oct 7 16:32 init.p -rw-r--r-- 1 pqr ug 2589 Jul 23 1992 initfiles -rw-r--r-- 1 pqr ug 8538 Nov 1 08:10 vedinit.p A B C D E G H I There are letters under each column which would not be printed out. The column labelled A gives information about the properties of the file. If there is a "d" at the beginning then it is a directory. The other letters and hyphens in column A tell you whether the file is readable, writeable, or executable by you, the rest of your group, or the rest of the world. Column B tells you how many links the file has. Normally there should be only 1, though a directory which contains other directories may have several. Column C tells you who owns the file. It should show your login name. Coumn D (which may not be present on some systems) indicates which "user group" the files belong to. Column E tells you the size of the file in characters (including spaces and newlines). Columns G and H tell you the date and time at which the file was created or last modified. Column I tells you the name of the file. Some file names have a suffix which is used by convention to indicate what their function is. E.g. the suffix '.p' is normally used for Pop-11 program files, though sometimes it is used for Pascal programs. The suffice '.c' is normally used for C program files. The suffix '.pl' is often used for Prolog files. You will normally be provided with a directory called Mail which is readable and writeable by you and nobody else. For a directory to be readable it needs the 'x' even though it is not an executable program. See also *CD - changing directory in POP-11 or VED *LS - listing files -- DELETING FILES ----------------------------------------------------- How do I get rid of files? You can use the Unix command "rm". The command % rm filename will remove the file called "filename". For some users, the "rm" command is defined so as to be "interactive", namely it asks you for each file to confirm whether you want it removed, and you have to type "y" and press RETURN if you want it removed. If you merely press RETURN it will not be removed. You can bypass the interactive removal by using the command "/bin/rm" instead: % /bin/rm filename However, the file may have been protected against deletion, or it may not belong to you, in which case an error message will be printed out, and the file will not be removed. It is also possible to delete file from inside the editor VED. For details see these VED information files. HELP * PURGE This tells you how to give a VED command to list all the files in the current directry, then mark with an asterisk those you want deleted, then delete them with the ENTER del command. HELP * VED_PURGEFILES This shows you how to give a command in VED to remove all your VED backup files (whose names end in "-"). You have the option to type "s" to have them all shown to you before you confirm that they should be deleted. HELP * VED_CLEANUP This shows how to get rid of all the backup versions of the file you are currently editing. -- INCOMPLETE FILENAMES ----------------------------------------------- When you give filenames to the shell, you can leave parts out, by putting "wildcards" in the name. There are two main wildcards in the shell, the asterisk (*), and the question mark (?). You can use the question mark to stand for any single character. The asterisk will stand for any number of characters. So if you wanted to get rid of all the files in your area which end with 'tmp', you could do % rm *tmp WARNING % rm * will delete all your files. So will % rm * tmp so will % rm tmp * so be careful about typing asterisks in an 'rm' command. Or to find out which files end with 'tmp', you can try % ls *tmp (This is especially useful to find out what %rm *tmp would remove.) -- MOVING AND COPYING FILES ------------------------------------------- If you want to move a file from one place to another, use the "mv" command, like this: % mv oldname newname (This is how you change the name of a file -- by moving it to a different name.) If you want to create a copy of a file, you can use the "cp" command for example % cp old new will make a copy of the file "old", and call it "new". If you previously had a file called 'new' it will be deleted!! -- DIRECTORIES -------------------------------------------------------- All your files are stored on a magnetic disk, and when you access them in VED they are read in from the disk. When you change a file and then leave VED the new version is written out and saved on the disk so that you can find it later. The disk is organised into directories. A directory is a region of the disk that has files in it, which may be a set of files belonging to a particular individual, or a set of files associated with a particular program or collection of programs. For example, there will be a directory containing the main poplog system, and it will have different sub-directories for its help files, teach files, library files, files related to Pop-11, files related to Prolog, etc. -- -- The current directory At any time your process will have a "current" directory, and if you give the "ls" command or any other command that accesses a file by its name, e.g. "cp" or "mv", the command will operate on files in your directory. You can make it operate on files in other directories (if you have the access rights) by using the full path name for those files, explained below. When you are given an "account" on the system you will automatically be given a directory, known as your "login" directory, and when you log in that is made your current directory. If you give the unix "pwd" command (i.e. Print Working Directory) it will tell you wish is your current directory, and if you have done nothing to change to a different directory it will tell you your login directory. Try % pwd or ENTER unix pwd For a user called pqr, whose login directory is called "pqr" in a directory called "csai94" which is in a directory called "students", which is in a directory called "home", which is immediately below the top level of the directory hierarchy, this would print something like: /home/students/csai94/pqr This is the full path name of the login directory. If there is a file called 'vedinit.p' in that directory, the path name of the file would then be /home/students/csai94/pqr/vedinit.p However, when the current directory is the one indicated, the name 'vedinit.p' is enough to refer to that file, even though lots of other users also have files called vedinit.p. -- -- The Unix root directory and its sub-directories At the top of the Unix directory hierarchy there is always a "root" directory whose name is "/", i.e. just the slash. You can look at its contents if you give the command % ls / or % ls -l / It may contain a directory called kernel. You can see the contents of kernel by doing % ls -l /kernel Similarly you can look at the contents of the directory called home in the root directory with % ls -l /home One of those may be a directory called students, in which case you can look at its contents by doing % ls -l /home/students and so on. As the directories and files get deeper into the directory hierarchy the path names get longer and longer. -- A SHORTHAND NAME FOR YOUR OWN DIRECTORY ---------------------------- If you are using the CSH shell, or TCSH, KSH, BASH, and probably others, though not SH, then you can use a single character '~' as a name for your login directory. Thus, for the mythical student user mentioned above, these two commands will be identical: % ls ~ and % ls /home/students/csai94/pqr and the name ~/vedinit.p will be equivalent to the full path name: /home/students/csai94/pqr/vedinit.p Note that the ~ abbreviation works also in VED. It may not work for all programs that accept file names. However be warned that you must never use "~" as the abbreviation for your login directory when you are communicating with other people, or in project reports, or in program files that refer to other files. That is because "~" always refers to the login directory of the *current* user, and that may not be you, if someone else is running your program, or reading your files. Even if they know you mean to refer to your login directory they may not know your login name. So if your login name is pqr always use "~pqr" and not just "~" in anything that you write down referring to your directory or files therein. -- A SHORTHAND NAME FOR SOMEONE ELSE'S DIRECTORY ---------------------- You may sometimes need to look at a file in someone else's directory. If you know that person's login name (not the email name) you can refer to the login directory by attaching "~" to the login name. Thus other users can refer to pqr's login directory using the name ~pqr So to refer to the vedinit.p file, I could use ~pqr/vedinit.p You can use the ~/ format to access the files of other people, both in VED or when using other Unix commands. Note: this is why you should protect files that are not meant to be read by other users. You should NOT protect your top level directory, because then you will not be able to share any files with other people and you will not be able to make your project files accessible by examiners, which is a requirement for some courses. -- CREATING A SUBDIRECTORY -------------------------------------------- If you wish to create a sub-directory called pop in which to put your Pop-11 programs you can use the unix "mkdir" command. % mkdir pop Later if you have files in there, e.g. files called project.p and report, then you can refer to them as pop/project.p pop/report If you wish to move a file called myfile.p into your pop subdirectory you can give the unix command % mv myfile.p pop If you wish to move all your pop11 files there you can do % mv *.p pop (Don't leave a space after the asterisk, or all your files will be moved.) -- -- Putting your Pop-11 and VED startup files in a subdirectory If you wish to move your Poplog startup files, such as init.p vedinit.p vedfiletypes.p vedkeys.p into a subdirectory called "pop" or "poplib" you can do so, but then you must change the value of the Unix environment variable $usepop, in your .login file, for otherwise when Pop-11 starts up it will not be able to find the files. For example, if you wish to put those files in a subdirectory called "pop" then you should put the following command near the end of your .login file: setenv poplib ~/pop You will then also have to put your and init.pml and init.lsp files there if you have them (for Poplog prolog, ML, and Lisp). Immediately after doing that you will either have to log out and log in again, or else type the above command into every xterm window in which you are going to use Pop-11, before you start up Pop-11 or Ved. It is probably a good idea to create a different subdirectory for each course you take, and to keep files related to each course in its subdirectory. Some directories may be relevant to several different courses, e.g. a directory containing references to literature. You might call that directory something like 'bib', for example. NOTE: since 1996, the default setup for new Poplog users puts their startup files in a directory called Poplib. -- MOVING BETWEEN DIRECTORIES ----------------------------------------- If you wish to make your new pop directory your current directory you can do % cd pop after that the command % pwd will show a new current working directory, i.e. something like /home/students/csai94/pqr/pop Having done that you can then refer to files in the pop subdirectory without using the prefix: "pop/". Similarly the "ls" and "ls -l" commands will refer only to the files in that directory, instead of the files in your login directory. -- -- Use of ".." When you are in any directory except the "root" directory you can use the special file name ".." to refer to the directory immediately above your current directory. Thus if you have moved to your pop subdirectory, and you wish to refer to a file called fred in your superdirectory, you can refer to it as ../fred This will also work in VED, e.g. ENTER ../fred Similarly if you are in the pop subdirectory and you wish to refer to the Mail subdirectory of your super directory you can refer to it as ../Mail, e.g. this will print out the files in your Mail subdirectory, if you are in another subdirectory: % ls ../Mail If you wish to refer to a file in that directory, e.g. the file mail31 you can use the path name ../Mail/mail31 You can use ".." repeatedly to refer to more than one directory level above your current level. E.g. % ls -l ../.. will list the files in the super directory of the super directory of the current directory. -- --Getting back to your login directory When you have gone to a subdirectory, the directory immediately above it in the hierarchy is always referred to by the name "..". (The name "." always refers to the current directory). So you can list the files in the directory above your current directory by doing % ls -l .. Similarly you can change to the directory above by doing % cd .. Thus the commands % cd pop % cd .. have the net effect of leaving you where you were originally. Because your login directory is called "~" you can always change to that by the command % cd ~ In fact things are usually set up so that the "cd" command on its own will take you to your login directory. I.e. % cd -- -- WARNING about the cd command The "cd" command changes only the current shell process and any processes that you create subsequently in that shell. Thus if you suspend Poplog and give a cd command and then go back to Poplog, the poplog process will be in the same directory as before. Fortunately you can change the directory inside Poplog with the VED command ENTER cd or to Pop-11 cd However, this will not affect the current directory in the shell process that invoked Poplog. See HELP * CD for more information. -- FINDING OUT ABOUT YOUR PROCESSES ----------------------------------- When you use Unix you may create many processes without realising it. E.g. for each xterm window on your screen there will be a separate xterm process, and one for the window manager, and if you have a clock showing, or run netscape, or have a "message" window showing you the "Message Of The Day" (motd) each of those will have a process. Similarly for each shell in each window there is a process. Thus even before you have started doing any real work you will have created a lot of processes. When you run VED, or Pop-11 or Emacs, or a mail program, that's yet another process. You can find out which processes belong to you when they started, and how big they are (in kilobytes) by using the command "ps". Unfortunately there are different versions of this, and they are not all equally helpful. The one that is probably most useful is this: % /usr/bin/ps ux % ps ux or on a DEC Alpha simply leave out the "-", i.e. % ps ux You can do it in VED, e.g. ENTER unix /usr/bin/ps ux This prints out information in something like this format USER PID %CPU %MEM SZ RSS TT S START TIME COMMAND pqr 4814 0.3 1.1 2976 1368 ? S Nov 02 2:50 xterm -ls -geometr pqr 20298 0.2 0.7 900 812 pts/8 O 17:23:21 0:00 /usr/bin/ps -ux pqr 20297 0.2 0.5 720 556 pts/8 S 17:23:20 0:00 /bin/sh -ce /usr/u pqr 19262 0.1 5.4 9456 6772 pts/8 S 14:05:43 0:40 ved fooo pqr 4775 0.0 0.2 1076 180 ? S Nov 02 0:00 tcsh -c sh -c 'HOM and so on. The column headed USER tells you what you already know, that the processes all belong to you. The column headed PID tells you the Process IDentifier of each process. This is important if you need to kill a "runaway" or "leftover" process. The next two columns specify percentage of time and memory (RAM) space in use. The SZ column is very important. It tells you the total size of each process, including the amount in the main memory of the machine and any that is temporarily `swapped out'. The TT column specifies the terminal or pseudo terminal, if appropriate. S gives the status (which you can ignore). START tells you when the process started (which may have been some days ago). TIME tells you how much processor time the process has used, and the final column tells you the command with which it was invoked. If you can't see the whole command name, you can ask for the display to be in "wide" format, by adding a "w", e.g. ENTER /usr/bin/ps wux Some of the lines may then be too long for you to read but you can put the VED cursor on them and move right, and the VED window will scroll right to make the long line visible. You can make it go left again by moving the cursor left. -- KILLING OLD PROCESSES ---------------------------------------------- Sometimes you will find processes that were left running because you did not quit a process before you last logged out. E.g. if you don't quit netscape and possibly even if you don't quit VED, or Emacs, or a Mail reader it may sometimes go on running when you log out, causing a nuisance for other users by taking up memory space, and possibly also taking up processor time. If you have identified such processes you can kill them by using the PID number, with the command % kill -9 .... Just using "kill" may not get rid of some processes as that sends them a signal politely asking them to stop, and they may not be in a state in which they can respond. So use "kill -9" which is the strongest kind of kill command, to make sure they really die. E.g. to kill processes with PIDs 1537 1598 2673 do, in VED, ENTER unix kill -9 1537 1598 2673 The other options for kill may be found in MAN * kill . There is more information on killing processes in HELP * RUN.BACKGROUND -- GETTING TO THE SHELL TEMPORARILY ----------------------------------- In the middle of working with POP11 (or Prolog), if you are not using VED, you can give a single command to the shell just by prefacing the command with a percent sign: : % ls will print out your files, but leave you inside POP11. If you are using VED you can give the same command with the ENTER unix option: ENTER unix ls This reads all the output of the "ls" command into a VED buffer for you to inspect in VED. If you wish to run an interactive program (e.g. Mail, or more), this will not work and you will have to do use the "ENTER %" format: ENTER % ls This temporarily suspends your Poplog process (including VED) and runs the command following "%". Then when it has finished you'll get a prompt asking you to press a key to return to VED. That is so that you can examine any printout on the screen before the editor takes over the space. Of course, if you want to get back to the shell permanently, you can leave POPLOG, e.g. using ENTER bye in VED. See also the following help files: *STOP - suspending a poplog process The following help files show you how to create a VED window in which you can give interactive commands. *IMCSH - CSH in VED (immediate mode) *IMSH - SH in VED (immediate mode) -- FOR THOSE WITH CONFIDENCE ------------------------------------------ This section explains how to suspend POPLOG, and invoke the shell in such a way that you can type a sequence of commands to it, without repeatedly coming back to POPLOG. (Nowadays it will usually be more useful to open a new xterm window and type the commands in there.) If you want to give a sequence of commands to the shell, you can take an excursion from POP-11 when you get its prompt (or the Prolog or lisp propt) by just typing a percent sign like this: : % (Here the ':' is the POP-11 prompt - you don't type it. Just type '%' - or '$' if appropriate - then press the RETURN key.) This suspends your POPLOG process and starts a new shell process ('Cshell' if you type '%', shell if you type '$'). You will get the appropriate prompt, and can give a sequence of shell commands. Your POPLOG process will wait for you to finish with the shell by pressing the END-OF-FILE KEY. At that point, the suspended POPLOG process will 'wake up' and you can continue where you were with it. N.B. When you've finished giving shell commands, and want to go back PRESS THE END-OF-FILE KEY ONCE. This will take you back to POPLOG (i.e. POP-11, Prolog, Lisp or VED). If you press it twice, you will leave the invocation of the shell, go into POP11, then leave POPLOG and go into the shell you first started with. The invocations of POPLOG and the shell are said to "nest". It is important that you keep track of how nested you are.) If you invoke a nested shell, DO NOT type 'pop11' or 'ved' or 'prolog' to it to get back to where you were in POPLOG. Doing this will start up a NEW POPLOG process, and you will probably lose the edits you have been doing when you finally get out of all the nested processes. Instead of invoking a new process by giving a command, simply press the end-of-file key to get back to where you were. If it doesn't work, try typing 'exit' to the shell. If this sounds too confusing, just play safe and use the percent sign in front of every shell command to POPLOG. Use '$' if you only have SH available. (If you don't know which to use , you can use '!' and let POPLOG decide what to do!) -- USE OF '!' --------------------------------------------------------- In some cases, you can use '!' instead of either '%' or '$' in POPLOG. This tells POPLOG to decide for itself which shell to invoke. It does this by looking at the 'environment variable' called 'SHELL', set up when you log in, and choosing the shell program denoted by that. The pop11 command systranslate('SHELL') => ;;; note upper case will print out the name of the relevant program file, preceded by the directory in which it is stored. e.g. ** /bin/bash or ** /bin/tcsh See also HELP * INITIAL - initialisation and tailoring of POPLOG HELP * INITIAL.EX - examples of initialisation procedures -- TEMPORARILY RETURNING TO ORIGINAL SHELL (CTRL Z) ------ A more convenient and economical mechanism is also available for temporarily going back to the SHELL from which you ran POP-11. This is only available on Berkeley Unix systems with the C-SHELL. If you type : CTRL Z to top level pop11, then the POP-11 process will be suspended and you will go back to your SHELL (e.g. BASH or TCSH). You can then give as many shell commands as you wish. When you wish to return to POP-11 you will need to type a '%' (i.e. percent sign) to the shell. In fact the shell allows you to start a number of processes and switch between them by suspending them and then re-connecting. You can find out at any time how many such processes you have by typing % jobs to the shell. The processes will be printed out with numbers. If you have more than one, you can attach to number 3 by typing the job number with prefix '%', e.g. %3 See also *IMCSH - CSH in VED (immediate mode) *IMSH - SH in VED (immediate mode) *VED_CSHFILE - running a csh in VED *CSH_COMPILE - a csh compiler -- SENDING AND READING MESSAGES (Electronic mail) --------------------- On Unix systems there are usually many different ways of reading and sending email. There is an old and simple email program called "mail" on some systems and "Mail" on others, which is purely text based. There are other programs that use the X window system and present a graphical interface, including "xmailtool", "xmail", "pine", and others. Some users prefer to read and send mail from inside their normal text editor, e.g. Emacs or Ved. The are also POPLOG HELP files on accessing mail from Ved. See *VED_GETMAIL - reading and replying to mail *SEND - sending mail from VED -- PRINTING FILES ----------------------------------------------------- On Unix systems the basic printing command is usually "lpr". On some systems this is replaced by "lp". See the MAN files. NB whether a particular file can be printed directly using that command or not will depend on what sort of file it is and what sort of printer is available. VED users at Birmingham see TEACH * PRINTING for more information. -- PASSWORDS ---------------------------------------------------------- When logging in you will need to use a password. Using passwords is required so that nobody can log in as you (and e.g. delete all your files or read your mail) unless they know the (secret) password. Never tell anyone else your password, especially your best friends. If anyone ever finds out your password you should change it. You change your password by typing % passwd Depending on the system. It will ask you for your old password , and the new password twice, just to make sure. Sometimes it won't like the new password because it's too short or something. Just think up a longer one, and make sure it does not contain only letters or any word of the language, or anything obviously associated with you. See also this VED help file *SYSGETPASSWDENTRY Pop11 facilities for getting information on users -- SUMMARY OF SHELL COMMANDS ------------------------------------------ A summary of some common "shell" commands can be found in HELP * UNIX.COMMANDS This file will grow. Suggestions for inclusion welcome. An older summary is in HELP *SHELLSUMM -- ONLINE UNIX TUTOR -------------------------------------------------- The file HELP * UNIX.COMMANDS describes how to access an online Unix tutor located in /bham/doc/unixhelp (on the Computer Science network). -- ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------------------- The following files accessible in VED give further relevant information. HELP *CD - changing directory in POP-11 or VED *LS - listing files *PURGE - deleting files *DEL - deleting files *POP_FILE_MODE - variable controlling file default protection *VED_UNIX - Running a Unix command in VED *VED_BG - Starting a background process in VED The next two help files show how to start up a VED window in which you can give Unix commands. The output will be displayed in the window. *IMCSH - CSH in VED (immediate mode) *IMSH - SH in VED (immediate mode) Utilities used for the above: *VED_CSHFILE - running a csh in VED *CSH_COMPILE - a csh compiler *KILLCSH - killing CSH processes created by IMCSH Poplog initialisation *INITIAL - introduction to initialisation and tailoring POPLOG *PARAMETERS - initialising POPLOG with parameters *INITIAL.EX - examples of initialisation procedures (Some of them are probably out of date) Mail interface in VED or XVED (only works on some linux systems) *VED_GETMAIL - reading mail in VED *VED_MDIR - Make a `directory' of messages in the current mail file *VED_REPLY - Prepare a reply to the current message (in VED) *SEND - sending mail in VED *VED_MAIL - An older VED-based mail reader Reading and Posting Net News (Now defunct, alas) *VED_GN - Get News *VED_POSTNEWS - Posting news articles *POPENVLIST - list of environment variables current in Pop process *SERR - information on a system error message *STOP - suspending processes Procedures for interacting with the Operating system *PIPEUTILS - passing output of POPLOG to UNIX through a pipe *SYSEXECUTE - POP-11 procedure which does a UNIX "execve" *SYSFILEMODE - accessing and changing protection on files *SYSFORK - forking POPLOG processes *SYSGETPASSWDENTRY - getting information on users *SYSOBEYLIST - executing UNIX commands in POP-11 *SYSOBEY *SYSPIPE - creating UNIX pipes *RUN_UNIX_PROGRAM *SYSTRANSLATE - getting the values of environment variables *SYSUTIL - general facilities for interfacing POPLOG and UNIX *SYS_IO_CONTROL - system io control *SYSIO - IO behaviour of POPLOG *IO - overview of IO facilities in POPLOG *TTY - key functions /bham/doc/tips/ At Birmingham this directory has a number of files contributed by users, some of which have tips regarding Unix commands and "shell" scripts. On the CS Unix network only. If you have problems about unix commands email "advice" for help. Do not email "support" simply to ask for advice. --- C.unix/help/shell -------------------------------------------------- --- Copyright University of Sussex 1988. All rights reserved. ---------- --- $poplocal/local/help/shell --- Copyright University of Birmingham 2011. All rights reserved. ------