INSTALL-INFO.txt 9 Mar 2003 Aaron Sloman ------------------------------ This file is based on: Instructions for using the files available on the web at CONTENTS -- Step 1 Do some preliminary checks -- STEP 2: Create directory in which to install files -- STEP 3. Relink Poplog and build saved images -- Testing step 1: setup environment -- Testing step 2: run pop11 and Eliza -- Testing step 3: learn to use the editor -- Using Emacs and getting additional libraries and packages -- Asking for help -- Step 1 Do some preliminary checks Look at the file AREADME.txt and go through preliminary steps 1, 2, 3, 4 specified in there. (Some of that file is not relevant if you are installing a minimal linux poplog system). This involves reading these two files which you should have in this directory: AREADME.motifcheck.txt Suse-Readme.txt (If you are using Suse Linux or any other that does not include termcap). -- STEP 2: Create directory in which to install files Recommended location: /usr/local/poplog/v15.53a If you are reading this you have already untarred it somewhere. You can either make a symbolic link from where you untarred it to /usr/local/poplog/v15.53a mkdir /usr/local/poplog ln -s /usr/local/poplog/v15.53a or move the files you have untarred into /usr/local/poplog mkdir -p /usr/local/poplog/V15.53a Untar the tar ball in there. Create a directory for local extensions to poplog (packages you can download and install, or your own extensions) mkdir /usr/local/poplog/local -- STEP 3. Relink Poplog and build saved images If you want to use poplog with motif (recommended) then run this script ./LINK_MOTIF_POPLOG If you want to use it without motif, then run this: ./LINK_NOMOTIF_POPLOG Both of those will rebuild binaries and some system saved images in /usr/local/poplog/v15.53a/pop/pop and create saved images for pop11 (startup.psv), lisp, prolog ML and Xved in /usr/local/poplog/v15.53a/pop/lib/psv/ For more information see /usr/local/poplog/v15.53a/userguide.html You can check out that pop11 works by giving the following commands: -- Testing step 1: setup environment ---------------------------------- First make sure that you have set up environment variables, with these commands, which can put in your .login or .bashrc file (a) If your shell is tcsh or csh do setenv usepop /usr/local/poplog/v15.53a source $usepop/pop/com/poplog rehash (b) If your shell bash, or ksh, or sh do this instead: usepop=/usr/local/poplog/v15.53a export usepop # note the dot in the next line: . $usepop/pop/com/ -- Testing step 2: run pop11 and Eliza -------------------------------- This command will work after the above: pop11 then when you get the colon prompt ":" : eliza(); Read the instructions printed out and treat yourself to a free psychotherapy session. -- Testing step 3: learn to use the editor ---------------------------- To run the poplog editor ved, do poplog ved To run the multi-window version (recommended) do poplog xved When ved is running, type ^G (the ENTER command) then teach quickved Then press the RETURN key (below backspace). This will give you a tutorial on using Ved. If you master Ved or XVed, that will make everything else easier. -- Using Emacs and getting additional libraries and packages ---------- For people who prefer to use Emacs, fetch and untar: There are additional utilities and packages described here -- Asking for help ---------------------------------------------------- You can ask for help via the comp.lang.pop newsgroup or the pop-forum email list (they are linked). It is best to join the list, at least for a while. See Aaron Sloman 9 Mar 2003 [end]